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Utility module for training lasagne models

This repository contains multiple tools to train Lasagne models for image classification. Included are some benchmark data sets, trainer classes, convenience functions for loading and saving model parameters and plotting.


This whole repository is designed to be installed via:

git submodule add <repo>/imgcls_utils utils

After that the repository is used as python module.

Data Sets

The data module contains several benchmark data sets for image classification. Currently included are:

  • CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100
  • The Street View House Numbers (SVHN)
  • An augmented version of CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100, where the training images where all zero-padded with 4 pixel at each side and the randomly cropped to the original size. Further are the training images horizontally flipped at random.
  • A distractor data set constructed from MNIST. All the images show two numbers beside each other. If one of the numbers on the image is a number from 0-4 the label will be 1, otherwise 0.
  • A version of SVHN with a conjoined training set (training data and extra data), where 6,000 images are randomly taken as hold out test set. This should follow common practice for SVHN.

All data set classes take care of the download and pre-processing of the data and cache the results in a given directory. The downloading is done via either wget or curl. By default all files, are stored in the directory ./_datasets. This can be changed by passing a new path via the root parameter.

from data.mnist import MNIST

dataset = MNIST(root='/tmp/data')


The training module contains two classes for training. One trains the network iteration based, the other one in epochs. Both trainer train a model for a set number of iterations or epochs with a given learning rate. They also feature methods to save the state of the trainer into a file, in order to halt and continue the training.

Example Code

from lasagne.layers import get_all_layers, get_all_params
from lasagne.regularization import l2, regularize_layer_params
from lasagne.updates import momentum

from utils import loss_acc, save_model
from import CIFAR10
from import IterationTrainer

class Trainer(IterationTrainer):

  def __init__(self, *args, batchsize=128, **kwargs):
      super(Trainer, self).__init__(*args, batchsize=batchsize, **kwargs)
      self.dataset = CIFAR10()

      input_var = tensor.tensor4('inputs')
      target_var = tensor.ivector('targets')

      loss, _ = loss_acc(self.model, input_var, target_var,
      layers = get_all_layers(self.model)
      decay = regularize_layer_params(layers, l2) * 0.0001
      loss = loss + decay

      params = get_all_params(self.model, trainable=True)
      updates = momentum(loss, params, momentum=0.9,

      self.set_training(input_var, target_var, loss, updates)

model = ...
trainer = Trainer(model)
trainer.train([{'iterations': 32000, 'learning rate': 0.1},
               {'iterations': 16000, 'learning rate': 0.01},
               {'iterations': 16000, 'learning rate': 0.001}])

_, acc = trainer.validate()
save_model(model, 'model_with_{:0.2f}_acc.npz'.format(acc * 100))


The states that can be used to save and load a data set or trainer are designed to ensure a certain level of reproducibility. Two identical trainer states, trained with the same parameters, should yield identical (very similar) models. This is done by saving random states for all data set iterations, noise layers and others things, along side the training, test and validation data.

To enable the reproducibility for the trainer's states you have to enable the deterministic algorithms for the forward and backward passes. This can be done by adding the following code to your theanorc file.


Network Visualization

The module visualize provides functions to render the network architecture as a graph. It includes the functions draw_to_file and draw_to_notebook that work similarly to nolearns implementation, but also allow to customize the creation of a Node in the graph for a given layer. The default mechanism creates graphs that look different from nolearn's, but to get nolearn's look one could use the following code:

from utils.visualize import draw_to_file, nolearn

model = ...
draw_to_file(model, 'network.png', nolearn)

The default mechanism uses a dict mapping the layer types to a format string templates and a Formmatter with some extra functionality. The colors for the layers are also taken from a type specific map.


  • Recurrent Layers are not (properly) supported
  • Find a better color map
  • not all layer type have (actual) templates

Additional Data Sets

If you want to add your own data set you have to implement a download method, that downloads all required files and a create method, that loads the data from the files and returns a dict with the fields 'training data', 'training labels', 'validation data' and 'validation labels'.

from os.path import join
import pickle

from data import DataSet, download

class MyDataSet(DataSet):

    def download(root='./_datasets', overwrite=False):
        download('', join(root, 'mydata.pkl'),

    def extract(self, root='./_datasets'):
        with open(join(root, 'mydata.pkl')) as fobj:
            return pickle.load(fobj)

Reproducibility and Image Augmentation

To ensure reproducibility when a image augmentation is used, add the data class wrapper to the data set class. Please see the augmented CIFAR or MNIST distractor for examples. The data wrapper that performs the image augmentation should also posses a from_state method, that loads the data (in a reproducible way).


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