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  • The neural network I built for numpy seems to perform slightly better than the tensorflow neural network.
  • For the tangent nonlinear function, I had to make some alterations. First, I had to shift the given input points by 0.001 because at pi/2 the tangent function is infinite and that was causing the gradient to explode. Second, I had to scale down the impact that the tangent function had on the loss function.

What I learned from simulated with different numbers of nodes

  • In order to test the accuracy of the neural network (MSE), I looked at a finer resolution 0.01 instead of 0.1 to avoid training error
  • The plots for all of these experiments are in the current folder
  • Both neural networks (numpy and tf) behaved the same way
  • For the input nodes, as long as there were more than 3 input nodes, the neural worked fine. There was no noticable improvement as I increased the number of input nodes from 5 to 100. In fact, as I increased the number of input nodes, the complexity of the model increased and with the same number of iterations, the algorithm actually performed worse.
  • For the hidden layer nodes, it seems that, so long as I increase the number of iterations and lower the learning rate, the more hidden nodes I add, the better the algorithm performed for all of the nonlinear functions.
  • The universal approximation theorem says that any continuous nonlinear function can be approximated using a single hidden layer with a nonlinearity that follows certain conditions. I think this experiment shows conceptually that the theorem is true, but it may require a large number of nodes in the hidden layer.

How did C contribute?

  • The larger the value of C, the higher the mse or cost functions were.

  • The value of C regulates the magnitude of the final network weights

  • Qualitatively, C = 1 gives you a very smooth, dampened result that is further from the expected values while C = 0 gives you a spikey result with a smaller error

  • I found the C = 0-0.1 to be optimal

  • You can see this for yourself in the images in this folder

  1. C0.png --> C = 0
  2. C1.png --> C = 1
  3. Csmall.png --> C = 0.01
  • Lower values of C also take longer to converge

How to test the program

  1. Use git to clone the repo
  2. Navigate to the directory in your file system
  3. Check to make sure your python is version 3
  4. run 'python' for the numpy code
  5. run 'python' for the tensorflow code

(These may take minute to load)


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