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Pygount is a command line tool to scan folders for source code files and count the number of source code lines in it. It is similar to tools like sloccount and cloc but uses the pygments package to analyze the source code and consequently can analyze any programming language supported by pygments.

The name is a combination of pygments and count.

Download and installation

Pygount is available from and can be installed running:

$ pip install pygount


Simply run and specify the folder to analyze recursively, for example:

$ pygount ~/development/sometool

If you omit the folder, the current folder of your shell is used as starting point. Apart from folders you can also specify single files and glob patterns (using ?, * and ranges like [a-z]).

Certain files and folders are automatically excluded from the analysis:

  • files starting with dot (.) or ending in tilda (~)
  • folders starting with dot (.) or named _svn.

To limit the analysis on certain files, you can specify a comma separated list of suffices to take into account, for example --suffix=py,sql,xml.

By default the result of the analysis are written to the standard output in a format similar to sloccount. To redirect the output to a file, use e.g. --out=counts.txt. To change the format to an XML file similar to cloc, use --format=cloc-xml.

When reading source code, pygount automatically detects the encoding. It uses a simple algorithm where it recognizes BOM, XML declaractions such as:

<?xml encoding='cp1252'?>

and "magic" comments such as:

# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-

If the file does not have an appropriate heading, pygount attempts to read it using UTF-8. If this fails, it reads the file using a fallback encoding (by default CP1252) and ignores any encoding errors.

You can change this behavior using the --encoding option:

  • To keep the automatic analysis and use a different fallback encoding specify for example --encoding=automatic;iso-8859-15
  • To use an automatic detection based on heuristic, use --encoding=chardet. For this to work, the chardet package must be installed,
  • To use a specific encoding (for all files analyzed), use for example --encoding=iso-8859-15.

To get a description of all the available command line options, run:

$ pygount --help


Pygount provides a simple API to integrate it in other tools. This however is currently still a work in progress and subject to change.

Here's an example on how to analyze one of pygount's own source codes:

>>> import pygount
>>> analysis = pygount.source_analysis('pygount/', 'pygount')
>>> analysis
SourceAnalysis(path='pygount/', language='Python', group='pygount', code=164, documentation=48, empty=27, string=0)

Continuous integration

Pygount can produce output that can be processed by the SLOCCount plug-in for the Jenkins continuous integration server.

For example:

pygount --format=cloc-xml --out cloc.xml --suffix=py --verbose

Then add a post-build action "Publish SLOCCount analysis results" and set "SLOCCount report" to "cloc.xml".

Version history

Version 0.3, 2016-08-20

  • Fixed @rem comments in DOS batch files (issue #3).
  • Cleaned up code.

Version 0.2, 2016-07-10

  • Fixed that files starting with underscore (e.g. were excluded from analysis.
  • Changed chardet package to be optional.
  • Added possibility to specify single files and glob patterns to analyze.
  • Added that lines containing only certain characters are treated as white space instead of code. Currently this concerns brackets (()[]{}) and semicolon (;).
  • Added that Python's pass statement is treated as white space instead of code.
  • Cleaned up and (slightly) optimized code.

Version 0.1, 2016-07-05

  • Initial public release.


count lines of code using pygments







No packages published


  • Python 99.1%
  • Shell 0.9%