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CSC289 Capstone Project

An application that allows users to view their stock portfolios

Development Setup

Local Development

  1. Clone the repository

     > git clone
  2. Change working directory

     > cd capstone-project
  3. Create or update your development branch

    Create a new branch:

     (master)> git checkout -b <your branch name\>

    Update your existing branch:

     (master)> git checkout <your branch name\>
     (dev-branch)> git merge master
  4. Install dependencies

     (dev-branch)> pip install .


     run pip3 install pipenv -> pipenv install -> pipenv shell (This will create a virtual environment 
     using pipenv and will install the required packages based on the pipfile)
  5. Create the databse by starting the app (for Windows. For Mac and Linux, use export instead of set):

     (dev-branch)> set FLASK_ENV=development
     (dev-branch)> flask run
  6. Ctrl-C out of the application so we can populate the database with users

    1. Create a free account on

    2. Within Mockaroo, setup an API endpoint at /users.json that serves the data we need. Duplicate or import the data from here-- The format is consistent with the form data we'll be getting so we can use the same function to insert the users into the database as we do to register users)

    3. Back in your capstone-project directory, create a .env file and add the line below (if you don't have it yet, pip install python-dotenv so this will work)

      API_KEY_MOCKAROO=<your Mockaroo api key>

    4. Navigate back to the command line and type the command below (This may take 30 seconds or so while it makes a request to your newly created endpoint).

       flask populate-db
  7. Start the app again with

     flask run
  8. Navigate to your application at

Deploying to Heroku

  1. Create a Heroku account

  2. On the dashboard, click New > Create new app

  3. Choose a name for the app

  4. On the Deploy tab, find Deployment method and choose GitHub

  5. Select the-final-countdown repository

  6. Search for capstone-project and then click Connect

  7. On the Resources tab, search and install Heroku Postgres

  8. Choose your branch and use one of the deployment methods to build your app

  9. After your app finishes building, populate the database

    1. On the Settings tab, add your API_KEY_MOCKAROO to the Config Vars

    2. On the Deploy tab, navigate to More > Run Console and type

       flask populate-db
  10. Open your Heroku app and click the admin tab to view your newly added users


/ (Homepage)

GET - While a user is logged in, displays a summary of their portfolios. From a dropdown, the user can also select individual portfolios to view individual stock performance within that portfolio.

If a user is not logged in, TBD


GET - Display a registration form

POST - Send registration form data to application


GET - Display a login form

POST - Send login form data to application


GET - View all user portfolios