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USINT Related Scripts

When you use one of these scripts, you must comment out all but one of the following 
setting in the script:

$usint_on = 'yes';                     ##### USINT Version
						/data/mta4/www/CUS/Usint (user cus)
$usint_on = 'no';                      ##### USER Version
$usint_on = 'test_yes';                ##### Test Version USINT
$usint_on = 'test_no';                 ##### Test Version USER
#---- set a name and email address of a test person

$test_user  = 'isobe';
$test_email = '';

#$test_user  = 'mta';
#$test_email = '';

#$test_user  = 'brad';
#$test_email = '';

#$test_user  = 'swolk';
#$test_email = '';

#--- sot contact email address

$sot_contact = '';

#--- $mtaobs is a super observer and s/he can access to all GTO/GO observations as an observer
#--- (useful for testing none-usint user version of ocat data page)

$mtaobs     = 'mtadude';

#--- cus email address

$cus_email  = '';

#---- set directory pathes

$obs_ss   = '/proj/web-icxc/cgi-bin/obs_ss/';                   #--- none usint user site
$pass_dir = '/proj/web-icxc/cgi-bin/obs_ss/.Pass_dir/';         #--- a directory contatins user name file etc
$temp_dir = '/data/mta4/www/CUS/Usint/Temp/';                   #--- a temporary file is created in this directory
$data_dir = './';

#--- if this is a test case, use the first directory, otherwise use the real one

if($usint_on =~ /test/i){
        $ocat_dir = '/proj/web-cxc/cgi-gen/mta/Obscat/ocat/';
        $ocat_dir = '/data/udoc1/ocat/';

#--- set html pages

$usint_http   = '';      #--- web site for usint users
$obs_ss_http  = '';     #--- web site for none usint users (GO Expert etc)
$test_http    = '';   #--- web site for test

$mp_http      = '';                      #--- web site for mission planning related
$chandra_http = '';                      #--- chandra main web site
$cdo_http     = '';        #--- CDO web site


This script dynamically creates Ocat Data Page based on obsid.
There are two different versions:

ocatdata2html.cgi:		All none-essential parts are removed and run faster.
			    	In the test directory, it is kept as "ocatdata2html_lite.cgi

ocatdata2html_full.cgi:		This is the original version, and fully loaded. 

 sub list:
   password_check:     open a user - a password input page

   match_user:         check a user and a password matches

   special_user:       check whether the user is a special user

   pi_check:           check whether pi has an access to the datau

   pass_param:         passing cgi parameter values to the next window

   read_databases:      read out values from databases

   data_close_page:    display data for closed observation

   data_input_page:    create data input page--- Ocat Data Page

   pre_submit:         preparing the data for submission

   chk_entry:          calling entry_test to check input value range and restrictions

   entry_test:         check input value range and restrictions

    restriction_check: check special restrictions for input

   print_clone_page:   print comment entry for clone case

   read_range:         read conditions for values

   read_user_name:     reading authorized user names

   user_warning:       warning a user, a user name mistake

   submit_entry:       check and submitting the modified input values

   read_name:          read descriptive name of database name

   find_name:          match database name to descriptive name

   oredit:             update approved list, updates_list, updates data, and send out email

   mod_time_format:    convert and devide input data format

   lts_date_check:     check ltd_date is in 30 days or not

   series_rev: 	       getting mointoring observation things 

   series_fwd: 	       getting monitoring observation things

   find_planned_roll:  get planned roll from mp web page

   rm_from_approved_list:  remove entry from approved list

   send_mail_to_usint:     sending out full support request email to USINT

   mail_out_to_usint:      sending email to USINT 

   send_email_to_mp:       sending email to MP if the obs is in an active OR list

   keep_ccd_selection_record: keep ccd selectionin record. 

   find_usint:                find an appropriate usint email address for a given obs.


 data/files needed for this script

  /proj/web-icxc/cgi-bin/obs_ss/.Pass_dir/.htpasswd:           user/password list.

  /proj/web-icxc/cgi-bin/obs_ss/.Pass_dir/.htgroup:            read user names

  /proj/web-icxc/cgi-bin/obs_ss/.Pass_dir/cxc_user:            cxc user list

  /proj/web-icxc/cgi-bin/obs_ss/.Pass_dir/user_email_list:     list of user/usint list

  /proj/web-icxc/cgi-bin/obs_ss/.Pass_dir/usint_users:         list of usint persons

  /proj/web-icxc/cgi-bin/obs_ss/access_list:                   list of scheduled/unobserved list

  ./ocat_values:                       a file contains codtion/restriction for the param

  ./name_list:                         a file contains descritive names for params

  /data/udoc1/ocat/approved:           an approved obsid list

  /data/udoc1/ocat/updates_table.list  a file contains updated file list

  /data/udoc1/ocat/updates/$obsid.*    database to save updated information

  sql database


This script displays target paramter update status form page.

sub list

password_check: 	open a user - a password input page

match_user: 		check a user and a password matches

special_user: 		check whether the user is a special user

pi_check: 		check whether pi has an access to the data 

get_database_values: 	get a few database values for checking 

orupdate_main: 		printing a verification page

update_info: 		will perform updates to table

data/files needed for this script








a script to display past data, requested changes, and data in database.

sub list
check_update_database: 	find a newest entry for obsid

html_print: 		printing html page

match_param: 		comparing parameters to determine whether it is different from 
			that of database

chk_frac: 		check fraction so that you can round number

color_coding: 		html print with color code

mod_time_format: 	convert and devide input data format

read_databases: 	read out values from databases 

data/files needed for this script

/data/udoc1/ocat/updates/$dat		data file name, something like 5432.001


This script works similar to ocatdata2html.cgi, but only displaying information
without editting capablility.

Note: 	there are a few different version of target_param.cgi available because
	a few different groups independely modified the original target_param.cgi
	written by Roy Kilgard, April 2000.


This script removes an accidental submission from database.

sub list

password_check: 	open a user - a password input page

match_user: 		check a user and a password matches

special_user: 		check whether the user is a special user

pi_check: 		check whether pi has an access to the data

remve_submission: 	remove an submitted obsid from database 

update_info: 		will perform updates to table 

data/files needed for this script






Note: 	make sure that "/data/udoc1/ocat/updates_table.list" is accessible, not
	or other data file. the latter is for test and not affect the real data.


This script let a user to sign off multiple obsids at one process.

sub list

password_check: 	open a user - a password input page  

match_user: 		check a user and a password matches

input_obsid: 		a page to write in list of obsids

read_databases: 	read out values from databases

prep_submit: 		preparing the data for submission

read_user_name:	 	reading authorized user names

user_warning: 		warning a user, a user name mistake

submit_entry: 		check and submitting the modified input values

read_name: 		read descriptive name of database name

find_name: 		match database name to descriptive name

oredit: 		update approved list, updates_list, updates data, and send out email

mod_time_format: 	convert and devide input data format 

lts_date_check:   	check ltd_date is in 30 days or not 

series_rev: 		getting mointoring observation things 

series_fwd: 		getting monitoring observation things

find_planned_roll: 	get planned roll from mp web page

data/files needed for this script








The following directory is needed to process temporary files



This script generates a dynamic webpage for keeping track of updates to target parameters.

This one has not modifed from that of originally written by R. Kilgard, Jan 30/31 2000.


See /proj/web-cxc/cgi-gen/mta/Obscat/PSPC_page/README


This script makes a list of observations supplied with PI and Observer's names.

	sql database

	./access_list ($obsid\t$status\t$type\t$PI_name\t$Observer)

Note: this script is kept only in /proj/web-icxc/cgi-bin/obs_ss/.Pass_dir
      and "access_list" will be kept in /proj/web-icxc/cgi-bin/obs_ss/.


This script reads MP long term web page and extract obsid and planned roll angle.



Sub list


this script finds MP scheduled observations, and makes a list: output is scheduled_obs_list.
it also produce sign_off_request and send out eamil to USINT if there are obsid not signed off.

this script needs two other scripts to run 


these two set environment for find_scheduled_obs.perl so that all parameters needed can be read in

data/files needed for this script

/data/mpcrit1/mplogs/$uyear/$lmon*/input/*.or:	 active or data list files
$obs_ss/scheduled_obs_list:			 input/output--- a list of obsids in OR
$obs_ss/sign_off_request			 input/output--- a list of not signed off obsids

sub list

conv_month_num_to_chr: 	change month format to e.g. 1 to Jan
find_usint:	 	find an appropriate usint email address for a given obs.
cnv_time_to_t1998: 	change time format to sec from 1998.1.1


this script reads updates_tables.list and find which one is required to be signed off, 
and send out email to a user who is not a usint person.

sub list
update_info: 		will perform updates to table

data/files needed for this script





this script check any obsids in the arcops list are signed off, and if they are, add them into 
the approved list

this scripts needs two other environment setting scripts:


data/files needed for this script


sub list

send_mail:	 sending email to submitter about the approval of the obsid
find_usint:	 find an appropriate usint email address for a given obs.


This is a script to parse the updates log and nag (via email) people who haven't 
signed off changes they requested

sub list

nag_updaters: 	run the weekly nag script

conv_time: 	day from 2000.1.1 

data/files needed for this script




a html page giving  user help


a information about entries in ocatdata2html.cgi page.


This is a data file used by ocatdata2html.cgi, and lists what are the
parameters restrictions.

1. Value ranges are delimited by ",", if it is words or discrete values.
2. Value ranges are in "(xxx<>yyy)" format, if it is in a continuous range, 
   such as xxxx <= X <= yyyy
3. If there is no range for the entry, "OPEN" is given for the value range.
4. If there is no range for the entry, but there is restrictions, "REST" is given 
   for the value range.
5. If there is no restriction, "NONE" is given in the restriction condition.
6. If there are more than one possible restricitons, they are delimited by ";".
7. The condition of the restriction is given in "(<condition>)", following "=" 
   after a  related database name.
8. If the restriction value must be null, "NULL" is given for the restriction 
9. If the restriction value must have a value, "MUST" is given for the restriction 


This is a html page to input serarch criteria to sot_answer.cgi
Currently this page is pointing to /data/mta4/www/CUS/Usint/sot_answer.cgi

sot_answer.cgi		<---- 	THIS SCRIPT IS NOT LONGER UNDER MTA

This script get queries from search.html page and find data matched to the criteria.
This script is copied from /data/udoc2/targets/answer.cgi, but specifically modified for SOT/USINT use.

sub list

field_checker:  Counter to check # of fields entered 
field_checker_sciins: Counter to check # of fields entered for Sci Inst
field_checker_mode: Counter to check # of fields entered for ACIS Mode
field_checker_gratin: Counter to check # of fields entered for Grating
field_checker_type: Counter to check # of fields entered for Obs type
field_checker_status:  Counter to check # of fields entered for Obs status
field_checker_joint: Counter to check # of fields entered for Joint proposal
match_fields:  Finds matching fields and increments counters
match_fields_mode: Finds matching fields and increments counters
match_fields_cat:   Finds matching categories
match_fields_cycle: Finds matching observing cycle
match_fields_status: Finds matching fields and increments counters for status
match_fields_joint: Finds matching fields and increments counters for joint
match_fields_target: Finds matching targets and increments counters for status
match_fields_range: Finds matching fields and increments counters for range searches
ra2deci: Convert $ fields{ra} from hms to decimal
dec2deci:  Convert $ fields{dec} from dms to decimal 
coor_search: Searches on coordinates - both exact and radius searches    
deci2ra: Convert $ra from decimal to hms
deci2dec:  Convert $dec from decimal to dms
sim2coord: Gets the coordinates from Simbad

data/file needed for this script



This is a ksh script to run sot_data.sql.
Cron job on rhodes run this script once a day.

data/file needed for this script



This sql script obtains specified column values from database from all data
and put into two data files.
This is a slim-down version of /data/udoc2/targets/joh.sql, specifically made
for SOT/USINT use. Only columns needed for sot_answer.cgi are extracted.



This script compares files in updates and a entries in  update_table.list and if there are mismatch, notify
the problem to a test user. 


email notification

sendout_obs_info.perl  ----- THIS SCRIPT IS NO LONGER AVAIALBLE 

This script creates a list of database entries of the newly submitted observations.
The data are used by Ed Kellog's group. The list is emailed out to emk.

data/file needed for this script

sub list
read_databases: read the SQL database.


Saving all USINT related scripts






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