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Classify takes python object structures, such as dicts, lists, tuples etc. and validates them against given typed models (classes), returning the object structure as instances of the models they were validated against.

Classify considers all types based on a classes to be models, and expects the properties on the models to have types as values to validate against, such as:

class A:
	property = str

To classify data against this model you would have a dict:

data = {"property": "Hello world!"}

And then call classify:

obj = classify(A, data)

This would validate against the model A and return an instance of the model A with its "property" set to "Hello world!"


One may have a REST api which recieves JSON data, simply loading this data and assuming that it is correct may be dangerous and error prone. Writing explicit validators is tedious. With a library such as classify you simply write a model that the data should conform to.

class ResourceModel:
	name = str
	count = int
	value = float

Such as this ResourceModel, using it is as easy as:

raw_json_blob # A blob of json from an API request
	classify(ResourceModel, json.loads(raw_json_blob))
except TypeError as e:
	# Treat the validation error as you wish

Given this example the data given by json.loads must conform to the ResourceModel, that is, it must look something like:

	"name": "some name",
	"count": 2,
	"value": 7.45

Any other types of values, such as an int in the floats position or vice versa will cause a TypeError.

You may also nest models and Classify will follow the model hierarchy and classify the underlying data as well.

raw_json_blob # A blob of json

class ResourceModelB:
	a_value = str

class ResourceModelA:
	a_reference = B

	classify(ResourceModelA, json.loads(raw_json_blob))
except TypeError as e:
	# Treat the validation error as you wish

I which case the data provided in the JSON under the key a_reference must conform to the model of ResourceModelB.


As said before; classify sees all classes as models, so, while not really usefull, a model can be as simple as only a string, e.g.:

classify(str, "Hello world!")

Which in essence will only perform an instanceof check and return the string

So for more interesting types such as lists and enums the model must no be an instance of a class but the class itself, which works fine in the case of Enum:

classify(Enum('MyEnum', [('A', 1), ('B', 2)]), 'A')

Enum validates that the key given ('A') exists on the enum and returns MyEnum.A If using IntEnum you may also retrieve an Enum value based of the integer, e.g.:

classify(IntEnum('MyIntEnum', [('A', 1), ('B', 2)]), 1)

Which returns MyIntEnum.A

But for lists you have to use classify's supplied "typedlist" interface, which simply returns a class that contains type information that must be true for all elements of the list.

classify(typedlist(str), ["A", "B", "C"])

Above would validate that each element of the list is a string, but more interestingely you may supply any class (model) to the typedlist:

class MyComplex:
	a: str
	b: int
	c: float

classify(typedlist(MyComplex), [ ... ])

And classify will validate that all elements are valid against the MyComplex model.

Adding types

In classify you do no add new types, it can use "any class" as long as you have registered a classifier for that class, this is done either via the register function or the classifier decorator, as an example of registering ipaddress.IPv4Address:

# Using register

def classify_ipaddress(data, model):
		return model(data)
	except AddressValueError:
		raise TypeError('Given value {} is not a valid IPv¤ address'.format(data))
register(ipaddress.IPv4Address, classify_ipaddress)

# Using classifier

def classify_ipaddress(data, model):
		return model(data)
	except AddressValueError:
		raise TypeError('Given value {} is not a valid IPv¤ address'.format(data))


Going back to the REST API examples, there may be cases where your API should accept different values in different situations, such as different combinations of options, just because it was one of the reasons I started making this library I will show an example that accepts different permutations of SNMP options using Unions.

class SNMPv2:
		community = str

class SNMPv3:
		userName = str
		authKey = str
		authProtocol = Enum('AuthProtocol', ('DES'))
		privKey = str
		privProtocol = Enum('PrivProtocol', ('AES'))

class SNMPv3NoAuth:
		userName = str
		privKey = str
		privProtocol = Enum('PrivProtocol', ('AES'))

class SNMPv3NoAuthNoPriv:
		userName = str

class SNMPUsingResource
	snmp = union(SNMPv2, SNMPv3, SNMPv3NoAuth, SNMPv3NoAuthNoPriv)

Here the class SNMPUsingResource represents a resource we want to create from a POST request, it should contain SNMP options, but the backend supports all versions of SNMP so how do we validate the options when they depend on other options?

With classify you can solve this using Unions, if the request only contains a community property (with a string value) under its "snmp" key, the resource.snmp of the resource instance will be an instance of SNMPv2.

If all v3 options are supplied you will get an SNMPv3 instance and so on. Any non-matching combinations will result in a union error (i.e. data does not match any model in union)


Intersections allow you to combine models to create larger models, this allows you to abstract commonalities between such things as resources. Given a larger API where all resources may have uuid and name.

class IdentifiableResource:
	uuid = UUID
	name = str

class SpecificResource:
	bee = str
	bop = int
	bido = float

classify(intersection(SpecificResource, IdentifiableResource),

The data must now fullfill the interface of both the SpecificResource and IdentifiableResource, if it does then classify will return an instanceof with the type Intersection<SpecificResource & IdentifiableResource> which inherits from both of the classes.

It does this inheritance to that one may use isinstance for checking types since the Intersection type is dynamic and not accessable from call-site without retrieving it via the type() function.


Classifies stuff






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