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Morpho-Syntactic "MoSyn" API



This API has been created by the Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara(UAG) Big Data Research Group as a Natural Language Processing tool. It provides a python library with functions that help to perform morphological anaysis on texts written in Spanish.

Additional information about the creation of the morphological dictionary can be found in the following Article:

  • P.J. Castro Pérez, A.A. García Fuentes, M. E. Huerta Arreola, R. Dávila Pérez. (2016). Machine Readable Dictionary for Mexican Spanish. En Tecnologías Modernas para la Industria y la Educación. Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico: Institute Eng Electric Electronics Morelos Section, S.C. (607-95255).


The following packages are required to install mosyn

Once having installed the depenencies above then install mosyn:

# pip install mosyn

If at any point the following error appears:

Resource u'tokenizers/punkt/english.pickle' not found.  Please
use the NLTK Downloader to obtain the resource:


Searched in:
- '/home/ec2-user/nltk_data'
- '/usr/share/nltk_data'
- '/usr/local/share/nltk_data'
- '/usr/lib/nltk_data'
- '/usr/local/lib/nltk_data'
- u''

try the instructions in the following link:

Running examples

Examples may need to be downloaded from GitHub and locally copied. Examples should be copied to the same level where mosyn has been installed for they to work out of the box.

Use the command `pydoc mosyn´ to find out the directory where mosyn has been installed installed to:

$ pydoc mosyn

After hit enter a screen with a text similar to the following should appear:

Help on package mosyn:

    mosyn - # -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-


    util (package)


In that example mosyn is installed in /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/mosyn-1.0.5-py2.7.egg/mosyn. Download examples directory to that location:

-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel    413 Sep 20 23:18
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel    439 Sep 20 23:18 __init__.pyc
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel    265 Sep 20 23:18
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel    256 Sep 20 23:18 __main__.pyc
drwxr-xr-x   3 root  wheel    102 Sep 20 23:18 dict
drwxr-xr-x   8 root  wheel    272 Sep 20 23:37 examples    <<===
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel  12023 Sep 20 23:18
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel  12875 Sep 20 23:18 mosyn.pyc
drwxr-xr-x  12 root  wheel    408 Sep 20 23:18 util

Navigate to that directory and execute one of the examples; e.g.:

$ cd examples
python python2.x/
Processing: Poema20.txt.
" PUEDO " ( lema: poder )
	VMIP1S0 -> singular verb without gender 

" escribir " ( lema: escribir )
	V0N0000 -> undefined number verb without gender 

" los " ( lema: el )
	DA0MP0 -> plural male determinant 
	PP3MPA00 -> plural male pronoun 
	NCMS000 -> singular male name 
. . .


" escribo " ( lema: escribir )
	V0IP1S0 -> singular verb without gender 
	VMIP1S0 -> singular verb without gender 

" . " ( lema: . )
	FP -> undefined number punctuation without gender 


Please address questions to Report a bug by creating an issue in the following link: