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Bodhi is a web-system that facilitates the process of publishing updates for a Fedora-based software distribution.


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bodhi development environment

There are two ways to bootstrap a Bodhi development environment. You can use Vagrant, or you can use virtualenv on an existing host.


Vagrant allows contributors to get quickly up and running with a Bodhi development environment by automatically configuring a virtual machine. To get started, simply use these commands:

$ sudo dnf install ansible vagrant-libvirt vagrant-sshfs
$ cp Vagrantfile.example Vagrantfile
# Make sure your bodhi checkout is your shell's cwd
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh -c "cd /vagrant/; pserve development.ini --reload"

Quick tips about the Bodhi Vagrant environment

You can ssh into your running Vagrant box like this:

# Make sure your bodhi checkout is your shell's cwd
$ vagrant ssh

Keep in mind that all vagrant commands should be run with your current working directory set to your Bodhi checkout. The code from your development host will be mounted in /vagrant in the guest. You can edit this code on the host, and the vagrant-sshfs plugin will cause the changes to automatically be reflected in the guest's /vagrant folder.

You can run the unit tests within the guest with nosetests:

$ cd /vagrant
$ nosetests -v

You can run the development server from inside the Vagrant environment:

$ pserve /vagrant/development.ini --reload

When you are done with your Vagrant guest, you can destroy it permanently by running this command on the host:

$ vagrant destroy


Virtualenv is another option for building a development environment.


sudo dnf install libffi-devel postgresql-devel openssl-devel koji pcaro-hermit-fonts freetype-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel python-pillow zeromq-devel

Setup virtualenvwrapper

sudo dnf -y install python-virtualenvwrapper python-createrepo_c

Add the following to your `~/.bashrc`:

export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
source /usr/bin/


Add the following to your ~/.bashrc


Then on the terminal :

source ~/.bashrc

Clone the source

git clone
cd bodhi

Bootstrap the virtualenv

workon bodhi-python2.7

Setting up

python develop

pip install psycopg2

Create the development.ini file

Copy development.ini.example to development.ini: :

cp development.ini.example development.ini

Run the test suite

python test

Import the bodhi2 database

curl -O
sudo -u postgres createdb bodhi2
xzcat bodhi2.dump.xz | sudo -u postgres psql bodhi2


If you do not have a PostgreSQL server running, please see the instructions at the bottom of the file.

Adjust database configuration in development.ini file

Set the configuration key sqlalchemy.url to point to the postgresql database. Something like: :

sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://postgres:anypasswordworkslocally@localhost/bodhi2

Upgrade the database

alembic upgrade head

Run the web app

pserve development.ini --reload

Setup the postgresql server

1. Install postgresql

dnf install postgresql-server

2. Setup the Database

As a privileged user on a Fedora system run the following: :

sudo postgresql-setup initdb

3. Adjust Postgresql Connection Settings

As a privileged user on a Fedora system modify the pg_hba.conf file: :

vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf

Then adjust the content at the bottom of the file to match the following.

# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD

# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all             all                                     peer
# IPv4 local connections are *trusted*, any password will work.
host    all             all               trust
# IPv6 local connections are *trusted*, any password will work.
host    all             all             ::1/128                 trust

If you need to make other modifications to postgresql please make them now.

4. Start Postgresql

As a privileged user on a Fedora system run the following: :

sudo systemctl start postgresql.service


There is a meeting every four weeks between Bodhi developers and stakeholder, held on IRC. If you would like to attend, you can see details here:


Bodhi is a web-system that facilitates the process of publishing updates for a Fedora-based software distribution.







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  • Python 63.1%
  • JavaScript 22.3%
  • HTML 8.4%
  • CSS 6.1%
  • Ruby 0.1%
  • Shell 0.0%