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Integrate a Graph based SLAM and Occupancy Grid Mapping algorithm.

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Sobot Rimulator - A Robot Programming Tool

This project is an extension of the sobot rimulator developed by Nick McCrea which allows the simulation of a mobile robot in a map of obstacles that must be avoided. The extension developed by Michael Dobler includes the integration of the EKFSLAM and FastSLAM algorithms to perform an estimation of the current robot state and a map of its surrounding environment based on its previous motion commands and proximity sensor readings. While in my extension Graph-based SLAM algorithm was integrated to perform an estimation of the full traverse trajectory additionally. Moreover, Occupancy Grid Mapping algorithm and A* Path Planning algorithm were also integrated into the simulator. The path planning algorithm searches a path for the robot towards the goal based on the grid map created by the mapping algorithm.


It is recommended to run the simulator directly on your native machine. For this, the following must be installed

An additional dependency (see scikit-sparse) is required for the Graph-based SLAM algorithm (if sparse Cholesky decomposition is enabled):

sudo apt-get install libsuitesparse-dev
pip3 install --user scikit-sparse

Additional dependencies can then be installed using pip

pip3 install matplotlib numpy scipy pandas
pip3 install pyyaml

Here, numpy and scipy are required for scientific computing, pandas for analysing the experimental results, and matplotlib for visualizing the results.

The simulator is then started by


which uses the default config.yaml configuration file. A specific configuration file can be specified as an additional program parameter:

python original_config.yaml
python config01.yaml

Note that config.yaml is the configuration file especially for the Graph-based SLAM simulation. The environment is represented by the feature-based maps with large rectangular obstacles. In particular, there are point-like features on the boundary. For simulation of the following map, the user can start the simulator by


and then load the map graph_based_slam_example_1

Screenshot The configuration file config01.yaml is for the point-like feature-map without any obstacles where the EKFSLAM and FastSLAM are performed in particular: For simulation of the following map, the user can start the simulator by

python config01.yaml

and then load the map slam_example_1


Alternatively, the simulator can be run using docker, as described in documentation/

Graphical User Interface

The graphical user interface consists of the visualization of the current simulated world as well as a control panel of buttons, with which the user can interact. The robot is depicted in blue and aims to reach its goal depicted in green while avoiding collisions with the red objects. The buttons of the control panel are:

Control row

  • Play: Starts or continues the simulation
  • Stop: Stops the simulation
  • Step: Progresses the simulation by a single simulation cycle. If the simulation is running, it will first be stopped.
  • Reset Reset the robot to its initial position

Map row

  • Save map: Opens a directory window, in which filename and path can be specified in order to save the current map. The default directory is /maps, where multiple example maps are already stored.
  • Load map: Opens a directory window, where a saved map can be selected to be loaded into the simulator.
  • Random map: Generates a random map and resets the robot to the initial origin pose. Map generation parameters are specified in the configuration file.

Additional information row

  • Show/Hide invisibles: The button lets the user toggle whether additional information shall be visualized. These include
    • The true trajectory of the robot
    • The poximity sensors, where those detecting an obstacles are highlighted
    • The vector that the robot is currently headed towards
    • Additionally, the color of this vector displays the current control state of the robot
      • A green vector represents the go to goal state
      • An orange vector represents the follow wall state
      • A red vector represents the avoid obstacles state
    • The true obstacle positions for the SLAM frames
  • Plot covariance matrix: This plots a visualization of the current covariance matrix of the EKF SLAM algorithm. Only displayed if the EKF SLAM is enabled in the configuration.
  • Plot Slam Evaluation: Plots a graph for every enabled SLAM algorithm displaying the accuracy of its estimations over the course of the simulation. Only displayed if the SLAM evaluation is enabled in the configuration.
  • Plot Graph: Plots a graph estimated by Graph-based SLAM algorithm displaying the pose-vertices representing the robot poses and landmark-vertices representing the landmark positions.
  • Start/Reset Mapping: Starts the Occupancy Grid Mapping algorithm to evaluate a grid map, also a path is generated on the map by A* Path Planning algorithm.


The simulator can be configured by a variety of parameters. The default configuration file is config.yaml where all parameters are documented. This file includes the EKF Slam, FastSlam, Graph based Slam, Occupancy gird mapping and A* path planning that can be enabled or disabled. The configuration file config01.yaml includes an extension performing almost identical to the sobot rimulator by Michael Dobler while a frame of the Graph-based SLAM is appended on the right in addition. The configuration file original_config.yaml does not include any of the extensions made and performs completely identical to the original sobot rimulator.

The most important parameters in terms of the SLAM algorithms are:


  • motion_noise: Specifies the motion noise used by the algorithm, in Dobler's thesis denoted as R_t. The currently used motion noise is very low to reflect the very accurate motion of the simulated robot. Increasing the motion noise increases the region that the robot is estimated to be in.
  • sensor_noise: Specifies the motion noise used by the algorithm, in Dobler's thesis denoted as Q_t. The currently used sensor noise is relatively high, so the robot currently rarely makes large modifications of its pose estimate based on sensor readings.
  • distance_threshold: Specifies a threshold to be used for the data association. Decreasing this value will increase the frequency of the SLAM algorithm considering a landmark as "new" instead of associating it with an encountered landmark.

2. Graph-based SLAM

  • feature_detector: Determines whether SLAM algorithms should work with known data association. Note that the existing Graph-based SLAM algorithm only works with known data association, while EKF SLAM and FastSLAM are able to work with unknown data association.
  • frontend_interval: Specifies the time interval of adding a pose-vertex in simulation cycles. The lower the interval is, the faster the graph grows, and the better evaluation can be obtained by graph optimization. However, smaller interval may lead to performance problems during graph optimization.
  • frontend_pose_density: Specifies the minimum distance between two neighboring pose-vertices while adding a new one in the graph during the front-end process.
  • num_fixed_vertexes: Specifies the number of the fixed vertices during the optimization.
  • solver: Specifies the sparse solver during the optimization. We can use either spsolve or cholesky. Note that cholesky requires the scikit-sparse library.

3. Occupancy Gird Mapping and Path Planning:

  • resolution: Specifies the resolution of the grid map estimated by occupancy grid mapping algorithm. The mapping algorithm can handle high resolution maps efficiently, but high resolution may lead to performance problems.
  • heuristic_weight: Determines how important the heuristic term is when planning a path from the robot position to the goal. If the value is 0, meaning that the heuristic term is not considered.

4. SLAM Evaluation

The data during the simulation can be recorded and saved in the folder ./scripts. They are sobot_information1.csv and sobot_information2.csv which can be analysed through the jupyter notebook in the ipynb files.

  • interval: Specifies the interval of simulation cycles after which the SLAM accuracy shall be evaluated. Low intervals can lead to performance problems. The SLAM evaluation can also be disabled entirely to further improve performance.
  • associate_id: Determines whether landmarks should be associated with identifiers while calculating their distances between the estimated landmarks and those of the ground truth.
  • save_csv_data: Determines whether the data should be saved in csv files, while the user clicks the Plot Slam Evaluation button. The csv files are usually large, which can be found in the folder ./scripts.

5. Other interesting parameters:

  • the map configuration paramters, such as amount and shape of obstacles. It is however recommended to perform a SLAM simulation with small, circular obstacles, which can be better represented by point-like features.
  • the robots control parameters, particularly the caution_distance. This parameter controls the robots transition into the follow wall state and has been significantly decreased to avoid the problem of the robot looping around the small circular objects. Using large, rectangular objects allows the usage of a larger value.
  • motor: Specifies the noise parameters of the motors by configuring the noise.
  • sensor: Specifies the noise parameters of the sensors by configuring the noise.

The robot parameters are based on the Khepera III research robot and should only be modified if you know what you are doing, since some parameter values are not fully supported. Particularly the amount of sensors and their placements are currently partially hard-coded in the source code.


Integrate a Graph based SLAM and Occupancy Grid Mapping algorithm.



