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Reservation Management

A backend to manage reservations in django.

Running it locally

You can run this project locally as follows:

1- Start by making a virtual environment.

virtualenv venv

This creates a virtual environment in the folder venv. If you don't have virtualenv installed, please follow this link [link:]

2- Activate the virtual environment.

source venv/bin/activate

3- Clone this repo.

git clone

4- Now go into the cloned repo and install the required packages.

cd reservation_management
pip install -r requirements.txt

5- Once the packages finish installing, run the following commands in order to migrate the database. This needs to be done once per setup.

cd reservation_management
python migrate

6- Now to run the local server, try:

python runserver

Note: To run the server, you have to be in the directory with If you are in upper level reservation_management, then cd into the right dir.

7- You can view the data received in the browser. Going to the linke localhost:8000/reservations/, you will see a browseable api for you to test.

Note: The api can easily be switched to json by changing configuration of django. To allow ease of testing and demonstration, the browser displays the data.

API Routes

Reservation Model:
start_date -> BigInt
end_date -> BigInt
user -> Id of user who has this reserved
uuid -> UUID of the reservation

  • GET /reservations/
    Returns the list of reservations for the next 30 days. Response:[{"uuid":<uuid>, "start_date":<start>, "end_date":<end>, "check_in":<check_in>, "check_out":<check_out>},...]

  • GET /reservations/?start=&end=
    Retruns the list of reservations between the date range start to end. The start and end are integers and epoch time.
    Response:[{"uuid":<uuid>, "start_date":<start>, "end_date":<end>,"check_in":<check_in>, "check_out":<check_out>},...]

  • GET /reservations/
    Returns the data for the reservation with uuid if it exists. Returns 404 if no reservation was found.
    Response:{"uuid":<uuid>, "start_date":<start>, "end_date":<end>,"check_in":<check_in>, "check_out":<check_out>}

  • POST /reservations/ Reserves the reservation with UUID to the user with the fullname and email. Reserving is an exclusive operation for that date range, and to avoid race conditions, a distributed three lock scheme is used using memcache and sherlock python package. Returns the reservation if it was reserved otherwise returns an error.
    Request:{"uuid":<uuid>, "start_date":<start>, "end_date":<end>, "fullname":<fullname>, "email":<email>}
    Response:{"uuid":<uuid>, "start_date":<start>, "end_date":<end>,"check_in":<check_in>, "check_out":<check_out>}

  • PUT /reservations/uuid
    Modifies the reservation with the given uuid to the specified start and end. Returns 404 if reservation not found.
    Request:{"start_date":<start> (Optional), "end_date":<end> (Optional), "uuid":<uuid>}
    Response{"uuid":<uuid>, "start_date":<start>, "end_date":<end>,"check_in":<check_in>, "check_out":<check_out>}

Things to do

  • Implement validation for modification requests using put.
  • Implement configurable option for displaying date in human friendly format.


A backend to manage reservations.






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