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NSU Programming Course

This is just a wide branch of my programs which were created due my studying at NSU.

Folders (divided by courses)

  • first_year - C programs (10 labs and archivator project)
  • second_year - C++ programs (4 labs) and Java programs (3 labs)
  • oop - C++ programs (5 tasks), see also site with tasks, but there were some changes, maybe some tasks have different numbers.
  • graphics - the course of computer graphics, where custom engine was built on C++ with QtCreator and some basics functions of OpenGL lib. It can display a scene with 3D objects, allows to fly around the objects and play animations (key-frames used). Also custom shaders, materials, textures, meshes could be added here.


1st year at Computer Sciense Department (first_year dir)

It was a long time ago... All labs were written on C.

2nd year at Computer Sciense Department (second_year/oop dir)

  • lab 1 - it's missed T___T, but it was the first time I've touched the C++ and the simple realization of hash-table was there.
  • lab 2 - the life game with MVC pattern.
  • lab 3 - the prisoners game with strategy pattern.
  • lab 4 - the graph structure realization with C++ templates and 2 graph walkers realizations (DFS, BFS).

Object Oriented Paradigm course (oop dir)

  • task 1 - long string and record array on C
  • task 2 - object factory on C (object oriented C)
  • task 3 - calendar program
  • task 4 - graph tree building algorithm
  • task 5 - topology sort
  • task 6 - population game
  • task 7 - XMODEM
  • task 8 - image (with text) auto rotation algorithm
  • task 9 - heap sort algorithm updated with iterators
  • task 10 - custom filter iterator realization
  • task 11 - custom shared pointer realization
  • task 12 - object pool pattern
  • task 13 - big vector (with tmp file swapping)
  • task 14 - text editor (command pattern), it should be fixed, because history saves text state instead of updates (if it was image editor, my program would work very slow)
  • task 15 - decorator pattern for code highlighter (it adds html tags for C++ key words).
  • task 16 - wavelet algorithms for last tasks
  • tro-jpeg-project - last task which exports images into jpeg. The zip archivator was used to compress data.


2nd year at Computer Sciense Department (second_year/java dir)

All labs were written according to MVC pattern.

  • lab 1 - the simple text parser with words counting
  • lab 2 - the calculator with commands (+, -, *, /) and exceptions handling (command patternn used).
  • lab 3 - the tetris game with events handling, figures factory (prototypes used).

Graphics course on C++ (graphics dir)

I've tried to build my own engine with shadows and key-frame animations using object oriented paradigm. I succeded, but the architecture of the engine has some weak places, so DO NOT USE IT FOR PRODUCTION. It has only academic purposes to understand the principle how graphic engines work.


Optics coursework on 2nd course at Physics Department (sf56-coursework dir)

This project was created for simulation of light passing through plate with 2 films and computing the transmission, reflection and absorbtion ratios. Actually, the simulation doesn't work correctly (the simulated and the experiment results are different).

Optics coursework on 3rd course at Physics Department (ptycho-coursework dir)

This project has executable files for building the sequence of low-resolution images and for recovery the high-resolution image from sequence of low-res images (see Phourier-Ptychography microscopy). Also it contains some bash scripts to speed up the research of Ptychography methods.