Пример #1
 def generate_structure(self, structure, x):
     #TODO: add background blocks defined separately
     if structure["type"] == "column":
         height = random.randint(structure["minheight"], structure["maxheight"])
         for y in range(self.heights[x] - height, self.heights[x]):
             self.set_block_at(x, y, World.get_block(structure["block"]), False)
     elif structure["type"] == "json":
         structure_file = open(structure["location"])
         structure_json = json.load(structure_file)
         curr_y = self.heights[x] - len(structure_json["shape"])
         for line in structure_json["shape"]:
             curr_world_x = Convert.chunk_to_world(x, self)
             for char in line:
                 #find the right chunk
                 chunk = self #world.chunks[Convert.world_to_chunk(x)[1]]- can't really do this...
                 curr_chunk_x = Convert.world_to_chunk(curr_world_x)[0]
                 if curr_chunk_x < WIDTH:
                     if char == " ":
                         block_name = "water"
                         block_name = structure_json["blocks"][char]
                     block = World.get_block(block_name)
                     #TODO: add background
                     chunk.set_block_at(curr_chunk_x, curr_y, block, False)
                     if block["entity"] != "":
                         #generate the block entity
                         EntityClass = getattr(importlib.import_module("ent." + block["entity"]), block["entity"])
                         instance = EntityClass([curr_world_x, curr_y], self)
                 curr_world_x += 1
             curr_y += 1
     elif structure["type"] == "singleblock":
         self.set_block_at(x, self.heights[x] - 1, World.get_block(structure["block"]), False)
Пример #2
 def generate_structure(self, structure, x):
     if structure["type"] == "column":
         height = random.randint(structure["minheight"], structure["maxheight"])
         for y in range(self.heights[x] - height, self.heights[x]):
             self.blocks[y][x] = World.get_block(structure["block"])
     elif structure["type"] == "json":
         structure_file = open(structure["location"])
         structure_json = json.load(structure_file)
         curr_y = self.heights[x] - len(structure_json["shape"])
         for line in structure_json["shape"]:
             curr_world_x = Convert.chunk_to_world(x, self)
             for char in line:
                 #find the right chunk
                 chunk = self #world.chunks[Convert.world_to_chunk(x)[1]]- can't really do this...
                 curr_chunk_x = Convert.world_to_chunk(curr_world_x)[0]
                 if curr_chunk_x < WIDTH:
                     if char == " ":
                         block = "water"
                         block = structure_json["blocks"][char]
                     chunk.blocks[curr_y][curr_chunk_x] = World.get_block(block)
                 curr_world_x += 1
             curr_y += 1
     elif structure["type"] == "other":
         #why did I write this?
Пример #3
 def render_block(self, x, y, screen, viewport, background):
     #don't render air
     if background:
         block = World.get_block_from_id(self.background_blocks[y][x])
         block = World.get_block_from_id(self.foreground_blocks[y][x])
     if block["name"] != "air":
         Game.get_world().render_block(block["id"], [Convert.chunk_to_world(x, self), y], block["connectedTexture"], screen, viewport, background, self)
Пример #4
 def check_collision(self, chunk, left, right, top, bottom, old_pos, index):
     for block_x in range(left, right):
         for block_y in range(top, bottom):
             check_block = World.get_block(chunk.get_block_at(block_x, block_y, self.background))
             if check_block["solid"] and self.collides([Convert.chunk_to_world(block_x, chunk), block_y]):
                 #found a collision! 
                 self.pos[index] = old_pos[index]
                 return True
     return False
Пример #5
 def check_collision(self, chunk, left, right, top, bottom, old_pos, index):
     for block_x in range(left, right):
         for block_y in range(top, bottom):
             check_block = chunk.blocks[block_y][block_x]
             #if check_block.is_solid() and self.collides([Convert.chunk_to_world(block_x, chunk), block_y]):
             if check_block["solid"] and self.collides([Convert.chunk_to_world(block_x, chunk), block_y]):
                 #found a collision! 
                 self.pos[index] = old_pos[index]
                 return True
     return False
Пример #6
 def render_block(self, block, pos, screen, viewport):
     """#fast render water
     if block["name"] == "water":
                     Convert.world_to_viewport([Convert.chunk_to_world(pos[0], self), pos[1]], viewport))"""
     #don't render air
     if block["name"] != "air":
         #print(block["name"] + " " + str(block["id"]))
         Game.get_world().render_block(block["id"], [Convert.chunk_to_world(pos[0], self), pos[1]], block["connectedTexture"], screen, viewport)
     if Game.DEBUG:
         #draw bounding box
         pygame.draw.rect(screen, Game.BLACK, pygame.Rect(Convert.chunk_to_viewport(pos, self, viewport), (Game.BLOCK_SIZE * Game.SCALE, Game.BLOCK_SIZE * Game.SCALE)), 1)
Пример #7
 def populate(self):
     #Fill in blocks of this chunk
     for y in range(len(self.foreground_blocks)):
         for x in range(len(self.foreground_blocks[y])):
             #surface_depth = self.heights[x] + 2 + random.randrange(4)
             if y < World.SEA_LEVEL:
                 self.set_blocks_at(x, y, World.get_block("air"))
                 world_x = Convert.chunk_to_world(x, self)
                 noise = Generate.terrain((world_x, y), (self.biome["maxelevation"], self.biome["minelevation"]))
                 self.set_blocks_from_noise(x, y, noise[0], False)
                 self.set_blocks_from_noise(x, y, noise[1], True)
             """elif y < self.heights[x]:
                 self.set_blocks_at(x, y, World.get_block("water"))
             elif y < surface_depth:
                 self.set_blocks_at(x, y, World.get_block(self.biome["surface"]))
                 self.set_blocks_at(x, y, World.get_block(self.biome["base"]))"""