def prepareFirstInput(coordinate, stepSize): #read the first file gmsFile = GMSFile(sys.argv[1]) # increase MAXIT gmsFile["CONTRL"]["MAXIT"]=200 if "MCSCF" in gmsFile: gmsFile["MCSCF"]["MAXIT"]=200 # add the freeze point gmsFile["STATPT"]["IFREEZ(1)"] = coordinate #increment the coordinate gmsFile["DATA"][coordinate-1] = float(gmsFile["DATA"][coordinate-1]) +stepSize # read the vec VEC=GAMESS.readVECGroupsFromFile(re.sub("\.inp",".dat",sys.argv[1]))[-1] # prepare GUESS group if "GUESS" not in gmsFile: gmsFile["GUESS"] = GMSFile.parse_group("$GUESS GUESS=MOREAD $END") else: gmsFile["GUESS"]["GUESS"]="MOREAD" gmsFile["GUESS"]["NORB"]= GAMESS.numberOfOrbitalsinVEC(VEC) # add VEC group try: del gmsFile["VEC"] except: pass gmsFile["VEC"]=VEC.strip() if gmsFile["CONTRL"]["SCFTYP"] == "UHF": del gmsFile["GUESS"] #add the 1 postfix before file type e.g. test.inp > test1.inp nextInFileName = re.sub("\.inp","1.inp",sys.argv[1]) #write the file nextInFile = open(nextInFileName, 'w') nextInFile.write(str(gmsFile)) nextInFile.close() return nextInFileName
def askForCoordinateStepAndStepCount(): #open the input file inFile = open(sys.argv[1], 'r') print("The Data section of the input file is listed below:") dataRow = 0 for line in inFile: #check for $DATA group datagroup = re.compile(r'\$DATA') dataMatch = #if line begins $DATA section if dataMatch: dataRow += 1 #check for $END token datagroup = re.compile(r'\$END') endMatch = #if the $END token is for the $DATA group then stop counting if dataRow and endMatch: sys.stdout.write(line) dataRow = 0 #if inside the data group if dataRow: sys.stdout.write(line) dataRow += 1 inFile.close() print("") coordinateIndex = int(input("which coordinate do you want to scan over? ")) #define coordinate type and number number = GAMESS.coordinateNumber(coordinateIndex) type = GAMESS.ZMATCoordinateType(coordinateIndex) print("") numberOfSteps = int(input("numberOfSteps? ")) print("") stepSize = float(input("stepSize? ")) print("") print("You have selected to scan " + type + " " + str(number) + " over " + str(numberOfSteps) + " steps in increments of " + str(stepSize)) abort = input("Do you wish to confirm or abort?(C/A) ") if abort.lower() == "a": sys.exit() else: return [coordinateIndex,numberOfSteps,stepSize]
def prepareNextFile(LastInputFileName, coordinate, stepSize): #read the first file gmsFile = GMSFile(LastInputFileName) # increase MAXIT gmsFile["CONTRL"]["MAXIT"]=200 if "MCSCF" in gmsFile: gmsFile["MCSCF"]["MAXIT"]=200 # add the freeze point gmsFile["STATPT"]["IFREEZ(1)"] = coordinate #read the optimized geometry gmsFile["DATA"] = GMSFile.parse_group(GMSFileReader.read_data_group(re.sub("\.inp",".log",LastInputFileName))) #increment the coordinate gmsFile["DATA"][coordinate-1] = float(gmsFile["DATA"][coordinate-1]) +stepSize # read the vec VEC=GAMESS.readVECGroupsFromFile(re.sub("\.inp",".dat",sys.argv[1]))[-1] # add VEC group try: del gmsFile["VEC"] except: pass gmsFile["VEC"]=VEC.strip() #add the 1 postfix before file type e.g. test.inp > test1.inp nextInFileName = nextInputFleNameFromLastInputFileName(LastInputFileName) #write the file nextInFile = open(nextInFileName, 'w') nextInFile.write(str(gmsFile)) nextInFile.close() return nextInFileName
def readCoordinateFromLastFile(lastFileName,coordinate): try: lastOutFile = open(re.sub("\.inp", ".out",lastFileName)) except IOError as e: try: lastOutFile = open(re.sub("\.inp", ".log",lastFileName)) except IOError as e: print("I was unable to find the output for the lastFile") print(lastFileName) print(re.sub("\.inp", ".log",lastFileName)) sys.exit() ##Two competing file types coordinateLineNumber = GAMESS.coordinateLine(coordinate) coordinateType = GAMESS.ZMATCoordinateType(coordinate) lineNumber=0 flag=False returnLine="" ZMATMode=False COORDMode=False dashedLineCount=0 coordinateLineCount=0 for line in lastOutFile: if"fail",line.lower()): print("WARNING:The last file failed to converged") # found equilibrium geometry if"EQUILIBRIUM GEOMETRY LOCATED",line): flag=True dashedLineCount=1 # if the coordinates in ZMatrix mode use this if flag and"THE CURRENT FULLY SUBSTITUTED Z-MATRIX IS",line): ZMATMode=True flag = False lineNumber=FIRST_COORD_LINE-2 if lineNumber == coordinateLineNumber and ZMATMode: if lineNumber == FIRST_COORD_LINE: returnLine = re.match(".*(\d+\.\d+)",line).group(1) elif lineNumber == FIRST_COORD_LINE + 1: if coordinateType == "bond": returnLine = re.match(".*(\d+\.\d+).* +(-?\d+\.\d+)",line).group(1) else: returnLine = re.match(".*(\d+\.\d+).* +(-?\d+\.\d+)",line).group(2) elif lineNumber >= FIRST_COORD_LINE + 2: if coordinateType == "bond": returnLine = re.match(".* +(\d+\.\d+).* +(-?\d+\.\d+).* +(-?\d+\.\d+)",line).group(1) elif coordinateType == "angle": returnLine = re.match(".* +(\d+\.\d+).* +(-?\d+\.\d+).* +(-?\d+\.\d+)",line).group(2) else: returnLine = re.match(".* +(\d+\.\d+).* +(-?\d+\.\d+).* +(-?\d+\.\d+)",line).group(3) if lineNumber: lineNumber+=1 #if the coordinates are given in list mode if flag and"INTERNAL COORDINATES",line): COORMode = True flag = False if dashedLineCount == 5: if re.match(" *\d.*\d+\.\d+ +(-?\d+\.\d+)",line): coordinateLineCount+=1 if coordinateLineCount==coordinate: returnLine = re.match(" *\d.*\d+\.\d+ +(-?\d+\.\d+)",line).group(1) else: dashedLineCount = 0 if dashedLineCount> 0 and dashedLineCount<5: if"-+\n",line): dashedLineCount+=1 if returnLine == "": print("ERROR: No minimum was found in the last file") sys.exit() else: lastOutFile.close() return returnLine