Пример #1
def save_images(imagesPath, outPath=None, extension='jpg'):
	Saves batch of images the given out path after doing the preprocessing which could be 
	1- subtract mean
	2- normalize
	3- both of them


    #imagesNames = os.listdir(imagesPath)
    if outPath == None:
        image = Image(size=IMAGE_SIZE_MOBILENET, outputBasePath=out_path)
        if (not os.path.exists(outPath)):
            print("folder created : " + outPath)
            #handle this properly if the images already exists
            #you may remove them
        image = Image(size=IMAGE_SIZE_MOBILENET)

    for imageName in imagesPath:
        if (is_valid_name(imageName.split('_'))):
            if outPath != None:
Пример #2
def auvdeployment_import(auvdeployment, files):
    """Import an AUV deployment from disk.

    This uses the track file and hydro netcdf files (as per RELEASE_DATA).
    If the deployment comes in the CATAMI deployment format use that importer

    Certain parameters of the deployment should be prefilled - namely short_name,
    campaign, license, descriptive_keywords and owner. The rest are obtained from the
    on disk information.

    Information obtained within the function includes start and end time stamps,
    start and end positions, min and max depths and mission aim. Additionally the
    region column, and other AUV specific fields are filled.

    print "Entered!"
    logger.debug("Entering auvdeployment import")

    netcdf = NetCDFParser(open(files['netcdf'], "r"))
    track_parser = TrackParser(open(files['track'], "r"))
    image_subfolder = files['image']

    # now start going through and creating the data
    auvdeployment.mission_aim = "Generic Description."
    auvdeployment.min_depth = 14000
    auvdeployment.max_depth = 0

    auvdeployment.start_position = "POINT(0.0 0.0)"
    auvdeployment.end_position = "POINT(0.0 0.0)"
    auvdeployment.start_time_stamp = datetime.datetime.now()
    auvdeployment.end_time_stamp = datetime.datetime.now()

    auvdeployment.transect_shape = "POLYGON((0.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0))"

    # we have to save the deployment so that everything else can link to it
    logger.debug("Initial save of auvdeployment.")

    # create the left-colour camera object
    # we don't normally give out the right mono
    # images...
    leftcamera = Camera()

    leftcamera.deployment = auvdeployment
    leftcamera.name = "Left Colour"
    leftcamera.angle = Camera.DOWN_ANGLE


    # get the sm types that we are going to use
    logger.debug("Get handle on required ScientificMeasurementTypes")
    temperature = ScientificMeasurementType.objects.get(
    salinity = ScientificMeasurementType.objects.get(
    pitch = ScientificMeasurementType.objects.get(normalised_name='pitch')
    roll = ScientificMeasurementType.objects.get(normalised_name='roll')
    yaw = ScientificMeasurementType.objects.get(normalised_name='yaw')
    altitude = ScientificMeasurementType.objects.get(
    logger.debug("Got all required ScientificMeasurementTypes")

    first_pose = None
    last_pose = None

    lat_lim = LimitTracker('latitude')
    lon_lim = LimitTracker('longitude')

    logger.debug("First readings from netcdf file.")
    earlier_seabird = netcdf.next()
    later_seabird = netcdf.next()

    # now we get to the images... (and related data)
    logger.debug("Begin parsing images.")
    for row in track_parser:

        pose = Pose()
        image_name = os.path.splitext(row['leftimage'])[0] + ".tif"

        pose.deployment = auvdeployment

        pose_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(
            os.path.splitext(image_name)[0], "PR_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_%f_LC16")
        pose.date_time = pose_datetime.replace(tzinfo=tzutc())
        pose.position = "POINT ({0} {1})".format(row['longitude'],

        pose.depth = float(row['depth'])

        # save now as it is complete and so image
        # can refer to it

        # quickly calculate limit info

        if pose.depth > auvdeployment.max_depth:
            auvdeployment.max_depth = pose.depth

        if pose.depth < auvdeployment.min_depth:
            auvdeployment.min_depth = pose.depth


        # calculate image locations and create thumbnail
        campaign_name = auvdeployment.campaign.short_name
        deployment_name = auvdeployment.short_name
        image_path = os.path.join(image_subfolder, image_name)

        archive_path, webimage_path = image_import(campaign_name,
                                                   deployment_name, image_name,

        image = Image()

        image.camera = leftcamera
        image.pose = pose
        image.archive_location = archive_path
        image.web_location = webimage_path


        # get the extra measurements from the seabird data
        while pose.date_time > later_seabird['date_time']:
            later_seabird, earlier_seabird = earlier_seabird, netcdf.next()

        # find which is closer - could use interpolation instead
        if (later_seabird['date_time'] - pose.date_time) > (
            pose.date_time - earlier_seabird['date_time']):
            closer_seabird = earlier_seabird
            closer_seabird = later_seabird

        # add those extra scientific measurements
        temp_m = ScientificPoseMeasurement()
        temp_m.measurement_type = temperature
        temp_m.value = closer_seabird['temperature']
        temp_m.pose = pose

        sal_m = ScientificPoseMeasurement()
        sal_m.measurement_type = salinity
        sal_m.value = closer_seabird['salinity']
        sal_m.pose = pose

        roll_m = ScientificPoseMeasurement()
        roll_m.measurement_type = roll
        roll_m.value = row['roll']
        roll_m.pose = pose

        pitch_m = ScientificPoseMeasurement()
        pitch_m.measurement_type = pitch
        pitch_m.value = row['pitch']
        pitch_m.pose = pose

        yaw_m = ScientificPoseMeasurement()
        yaw_m.measurement_type = yaw
        yaw_m.value = row['heading']
        yaw_m.pose = pose

        alt_m = ScientificPoseMeasurement()
        alt_m.measurement_type = altitude
        alt_m.value = row['altitude']
        alt_m.pose = pose

        # we need first and last to get start/end points and times
        last_pose = pose
        if first_pose is None:
            first_pose = pose

    auvdeployment.start_time_stamp = first_pose.date_time
    auvdeployment.end_time_stamp = last_pose.date_time

    auvdeployment.start_position = first_pose.position
    auvdeployment.end_position = last_pose.position

    auvdeployment.transect_shape = "POLYGON(({0} {2}, {0} {3}, {1} {3}, {1} {2}, {0} {2} ))".format(

    # now save the actual min/max depth as well as start/end times and
    # start position and end position

    return auvdeployment
Пример #3
class Robot:
        @function: constructor
        @brief: Intilize the robot class and make it prepared to explore
    def __init__(self):
            Intilize RobotMotor, SensorMotor, UltrasoundSensor, the TouchSensor and all the other necessary components
            for the robot then set its position to (0, 0)
        self.moteur = RobotMotor(5.5, 14.0, OUTPUT_A, OUTPUT_D) # Intilize both motors
        self.sensor = USensor() # Intilize Ultrasound sensor
        self.ts = TouchSensor() # Intilize TouchSensor
        self.sensor_motor = SensorMotor() # Initlize SensorMotor that is will be responsible to rotate the ultra sound sensor
        self.is_running = False # Is running boolean
        self.cool_down_time = 1.0 # the cooldown time for the program to sleep at each iteration
        self.posx = 0 # Set position X to 0
        self.posy = 0 # Set position Y to 0
        self.img = Image("explore.png", 1028, 1028) # Create the result image thats gonna be filled during exploring
        self.sensor_dir = 1 # Sensor state either (0:left, 1:middle, 2:right), iniltized to look front
        self.obstacles = [] # Array of arrays containing obstacles

        @function: start
        @brief: when called the robot will start exploring his surrounding to draw the map
    def start(self):
        self.moteur.go_forwards() # Start the motor and advance forward
        # print("* Going forward")
        dist = self.sensor.get_distance() # Get intial distance
        # print("TouchSensor: "+str(self.ts.value()))

        while not self.ts.value(): # While the press button isn't pressed
            self.loop(dist) # Run the loop function that will handle all the logic
            dist = self.sensor.get_distance() # Update distance at each iteration


        @function: loop
        @brief: handle all the logic at each iteration according the current state
    def loop(self, dist):
        self.posy += 1 # Advance in the y direction
        # print("Distance of USensor: %0.2f"%dist) # Print distance for debugging
        if (dist < 30.0): # if distance is less than 30 cm away
            self.handleObstacle() # call the handle obstacle function
            self.img.point((self.posx, self.posy), (0, 255, 0)) # mark this point as visited in the picture by putting green pixel

        # Update and rotate the sensor direction:

        # Print current position for debugging purposes
        # print("* My Position is : (%.2f, %.2f)" % (self.posx, self.posy))
        sleep(self.cool_down_time) # Wait for the cooldown to expire to do another iteration

        @function: rotateSensor
        @brief: handle sensor rotation to cover the 180 degrees field of view in the front
    def rotateSensor(self):
        if (self.sensor_dir == 0): #  if the sensor dir is left
            self.sensor_motor.stop() # stop the motor
            sleep(0.1) # sleep for a little bit
            self.sensor_motor.turn_right(None, 20) # turn it to the right to face the front
            # print("* Turning sensor to the middle") # debug output
        elif (self.sensor_dir == 1): # if the sensor dir is in the middle
            self.sensor_motor.stop() # stop the motor
            sleep(0.1) # sleep for little bit
            self.sensor_motor.turn_right(None, 20) # turn the motor to the right
            # print("* Turning sensor to the right") # Debug message
        elif (self.sensor_dir == 2): # if the sensor dir is the left
            self.sensor_motor.stop() # stop the motor
            sleep(0.1) # sleep for little bit
            self.sensor_motor.turn_left(None) # rotate the motor to the left
            # print("* Turning sensor to the left") # debug message
        # Increment and do modulo 3 to no go out of our 3 states (left, middle, right)
        self.sensor_dir =  (self.sensor_dir + 1) % 3 

        @function: handleObstacle
        @brief: handle the logic when the robots sees an obstacle
    def handleObstacle(self):
        if (self.sensor_dir == 0): # if the sensor is to the left
            # print("* Handling obstacle to the left")  # debug message
            self.addObstacle((self.posx, self.posy - 1)) # add obstacle to the table with the right coordinates
        elif (self.sensor_dir == 1):
            # print("* Handling obstacle to the middle")  # debug message to the table
            self.addObstacle((self.posx+1, self.posy)) # add obstacle to the table with the right coordinates
        elif (self.sensor_dir == 2):
            # print("* Handling obstacle to the right")  # debug message to the table
            self.addObstacle((self.posx, self.posy+1)) # add obstacle to the table with the right coordinates
        @function: addObstacle
        @brief: add obstacles coordinate
    def addObstacle(self, pos):
        if((self.posx, self.posy - 1) not in self.obstacles): # if the coordinates are not already in onstacles then
            self.obstacles.append((self.posx, self.posy - 1)) # add to obstacles
            # print("deja enregistré") # print debug messages

        @function: stop
        @brief: stop all motors
    def stop(self):
        self.moteur.stop() # stop motor
        self.sensor_motor.stop() # stop sensor motor

        @function: shutdown
        @brief: shutdown robot
    def shutdown(self):
        # print("* Shutting down") # debug output
        self.is_running = False # put is running state is false
        self.stop() # stop all motors
        self.img.save() # save the result image