Пример #1
    #compute field of view
    ratio =  float (image.height)/float(image.width)

    #45 degree field of view
    fieldRad = math.pi * (float(45) / float(2) / float(180))

    #get world dimensions
    width = (math.tan(fieldRad) * 2.0)
    height = ratio * math.tan(fieldRad) * 2.0
    pixelWidth = width / (image.width - 1)
    pixelHeight = height / (image.height - 1)
   #begin ray tracing
    for y in range(image.height):
        for x in range(image.width):
            xOffset = cameraUP*(x * pixelWidth - (width/2))
            yOffset = cameraDir*(y * pixelHeight - (height/2))
            #if x is 1 and y is 1:
             #   print xOffset.x, xOffset.y, xOffset.z
             #   print yOffset.x, yOffset.y, yOffset.z
            ray = reverseRay(gaze.point, gaze.vector + xOffset + yOffset)
            color = world.rayColor(ray)

    print 'All done, look in this directory for ' + image.name
