Пример #1
def run():
    """ Run the macro

    # Use the G4BL JSON chunks as an input to the simulation
    my_input = MAUS.InputPyJSON()

    # Create an empty array of mappers, then populate it
    # with the functionality you want to use.
    my_map = MAUS.MapPyGroup()

    # No need for the beam maker, as we use G4BL chunks
    # my_map.append(MAUS.MapPyBeamMaker()) # beam construction

    # Run the GEANT4 simulation
    my_map.append(MAUS.MapCppSimulation())  #  geant4 simulation

    # Pre detector set up
    my_map.append(MAUS.MapCppMCReconSetup())  #  geant4 simulation

    # TOF
    my_map.append(MAUS.MapCppTOFMCDigitizer())  # TOF MC Digitizer
    my_map.append(MAUS.MapCppTOFSlabHits())  # TOF MC Slab Hits
    my_map.append(MAUS.MapCppTOFSpacePoints())  # TOF Space Points

    # KL
    my_map.append(MAUS.MapCppKLMCDigitizer())  # KL MC Digitizer
    my_map.append(MAUS.MapCppKLCellHits())  # KL CellHit Reco

    # SciFi
        MAUS.MapCppTrackerMCDigitization())  # SciFi electronics model
    my_map.append(MAUS.MapCppTrackerClusterRecon())  # SciFi channel clustering
        MAUS.MapCppTrackerSpacePointRecon())  # SciFi spacepoint recon
        MAUS.MapCppTrackerPatternRecognition())  # SciFi track finding
    my_map.append(MAUS.MapCppTrackerPRSeed())  # Set the Seed from PR
    my_map.append(MAUS.MapCppTrackerTrackFit())  # SciFi track fit

    # EMR
    my_map.append(MAUS.MapCppEMRMCDigitization())  # EMR MC Digitization
    my_map.append(MAUS.MapCppEMRSpacePoints())  # EMR MC Digitization
    my_map.append(MAUS.MapCppEMRRecon())  # EMR Recon

    # Ckov

    # Global Digits - post detector digitisation

    # Then construct a MAUS output component - filename comes from datacards
    my_output = MAUS.OutputCppRoot()

    # can specify datacards here or by using appropriate command line calls
    datacards = io.StringIO(u"")

    # The Go() drives all the components you pass in, then check the file
    # (default simulation.out) for output
    MAUS.Go(my_input, my_map, MAUS.ReducePyDoNothing(), my_output, datacards)
Пример #2
def run():
    """ Run the macro

    # This input generates empty spills, to be filled by the beam maker later on
    my_input = MAUS.InputPySpillGenerator()

    # Create an empty array of mappers, then populate it
    # with the functionality you want to use.
    my_map = MAUS.MapPyGroup()

    # GEANT4
    my_map.append(MAUS.MapPyBeamMaker()) # beam construction
    my_map.append(MAUS.MapCppSimulation())  #  geant4 simulation

    # Pre detector set up
    my_map.append(MAUS.MapPyMCReconSetup())  #  geant4 simulation

    # TOF
    my_map.append(MAUS.MapCppTOFMCDigitizer())  # TOF MC Digitizer
    my_map.append(MAUS.MapCppTOFSlabHits()) # TOF MC Slab Hits
    my_map.append(MAUS.MapCppTOFSpacePoints()) # TOF Space Points

    # SciFi
    my_map.append(MAUS.MapCppTrackerMCDigitization()) # SciFi electronics model
    my_map.append(MAUS.MapCppTrackerRecon()) # SciFi Recon

    # KL
    my_map.append(MAUS.MapCppKLMCDigitizer())  # KL MC Digitizer
    my_map.append(MAUS.MapCppKLCellHits())  # KL CellHit Reco

    # EMR
    my_map.append(MAUS.MapCppEMRMCDigitization())  # EMR MC Digitization
    my_map.append(MAUS.MapCppEMRRecon()) # EMR Recon

    # Ckov

    # Global

    my_reduce = MAUS.ReducePyDoNothing()

    # Then construct a MAUS output component - filename comes from datacards
    #~ my_output = MAUS.OutputCppRoot()
    my_output = MAUS.OutputPyDoNothing()

    # can specify datacards here or by using appropriate command line calls
    datacards = io.StringIO(u"")

    # The Go() drives all the components you pass in, then check the file
    # (default simulation.out) for output
    MAUS.Go(my_input, my_map, my_reduce, my_output, datacards)
 def setUpClass(cls):  # pylint: disable-msg=C0103
     """ Class Initializer.
         The set up is called before each test function
         is called.
     cls.mapper = MAUS.MapCppCkovMCDigitizer()
     conf_json = json.loads(Configuration().getConfigJSON())
     root_dir = os.environ.get("MAUS_ROOT_DIR")
     geom_file = \
                '%s/src/map/MapCppCkovMCDigitizer/ckov_geom.dat' % root_dir
     conf_json["reconstruction_geometry_filename"] = geom_file
     # Test whether the configuration files were loaded correctly at birth