Пример #1
def appendFile():
    global numberOfRecords
    global recordPtr
    tempFileName = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(title="Insert XML File",
                                                    ("XML files", "*.xml"),
                                                    ("Text files", "*.txt"),
                                                    ("All Files", "*")
    if len(tempFileName) == 0:
        #	catch the cancel/ESCAPE key entered
        updateStatusBar("No file selected")
    elif tempFileName:
        (newFileName, recordPtr, numRecordsAppened) = Mx.append(tempFileName)
        listbox.delete(0, END)

        (status, recordPtr, numberOfRecords) = Mx.readFile(newFileName)
        for i in range(0, numberOfRecords):
            (title, author, pub, callnum) = Mx.marc2bib(recordPtr, i)
            string = str(i) + " " + author + " " + title + " " + pub
            listbox.insert(END, string)
            str(listbox.size() - numRecordsAppened) +
            " records appended from file " + tempFileName)
        updateStatusBar("There was an error selecting a file.")
Пример #2
def appendFile():
	global numberOfRecords
	global recordPtr
	tempFileName =  tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(title="Insert XML File", filetypes=[("XML files", "*.xml"), ("Text files", "*.txt"), ("All Files", "*")], initialdir="./")
	if len( tempFileName ) == 0:
		#	catch the cancel/ESCAPE key entered
		updateStatusBar( "No file selected" )
	elif tempFileName:
		( newFileName, recordPtr, numRecordsAppened ) = Mx.append( tempFileName )
		listbox.delete( 0, END )
		( status, recordPtr, numberOfRecords ) = Mx.readFile( newFileName )
		for i in range( 0, numberOfRecords ):
			( title, author, pub, callnum ) = Mx.marc2bib( recordPtr, i )
			string = str( i ) + " " + author + " " +  title + " " + pub
			listbox.insert( END, string )
		updateStatusBar( str( listbox.size() - numRecordsAppened ) + " records appended from file " + tempFileName )
		updateStatusBar( "There was an error selecting a file." )
Пример #3
def append(): #same as insert, but adds records to the end of the display
  status('Inserting more record files to the end')
  global recPtr
  global numRecs
  fileName = tkinter.filedialog.askopenfilename(title="Open XML File", filetypes=[("XML files", "*.xml")])
  if len(fileName) != 0:
    beforeAppend = numRecs
    value, recPtr, numRecs = Mx.append(fileName, recPtr)
    if numRecs > 0:
      status( str(numRecs - beforeAppend) + ' records appended. ' + str(numRecs) + ' total records')
      status( 'Failed to append xml file' )  
    display.delete(0, END)
    for i in range(0, numRecs):
      (author, title, pubinfo, callnum) = Mx.marc2bib(recPtr,i)
      bibData = str(i+1) + '. ' + author + '. ' + title + '. ' + pubinfo
      display.insert(END, bibData)