def test_share_and_unshare(self):
     # Get a list of datasets
     dsets = sc.lst(self.sock)['list']
     test_elt = dsets[0]
     # Share the dataset with a user
     sc.share(self.sock, test_elt, 'bob', 0)
     dsets = sc.lst(self.sock)
     dsets = dsets["user's shares"]
     self.assertTrue((["lev", "bob", test_elt, 0, 1] in dsets), 
                     "Dataset shared successfully")
     # Unshare the shared dataset
     sc.unshare(self.sock, test_elt, 'bob')
     dsets = sc.lst(self.sock)["user's shares"]
     self.assertTrue(not (["lev", "bob", test_elt, 0, 1] in dsets), 
                     "Dataset unshared successfully")