Пример #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.root = Tk()
     self.north = Entry(self.root)
     self.direction = 0
     self.distance = 0
     self.pen_button = Button()
     self.color_button = Button()
     self.eraser_button = Button()
     self.north_button = Button()
     self.south_button = Button()
     self.west_button = Button()
     self.east_button = Button()
     self.square_button = Button()
     self.circle_button = Button()
     self.triangle_button = Button()
     self.up = Button()
     self.down = Button()
     self.clear_canvas = Button()
     self.choose_size_button = Scale()
     self.c = Canvas()
     self.x = 0
     self.y = 0
     self.entry = 0.0
     self.line_width = 1
     self.button = Button()
     self.north = Entry()
     self.entry = self.north.get()
     self.line_width = self.choose_size_button.get()
     self.pen_state = True
     # so can be used in every mehotds.
     self.file = Writer("TKInterDrawer_Result.txt")
    def run(self):
        print("[log]Generator start...")
        while (not globcfg.event.is_set()):
                "[log]currentRunThread: Reader= {readCount}, Writer= {writeCount}"
            genterate_time = getRandomInterval(globcfg.lamGen)
            globcfg.generate_time_globalCopy = genterate_time
            choice = random.randint(0, 1)
            # generate a new thread

            if (choice):
                print("[log]Generate thread {number} : {name}".format(
                    number=globcfg.threadNumber, name="Reader"))
                self.gui.change_state("R", globcfg.threadNumber,
                                      self.gui.nowhere, self.gui.scheduling)
                    Reader.Reader(self.book, self.lock, globcfg.threadNumber,
                                  self.gui))  #new Reader
                print("[log]Generate thread {number} : {name}".format(
                    number=globcfg.threadNumber, name="Writer"))
                self.gui.change_state("W", globcfg.threadNumber,
                                      self.gui.nowhere, self.gui.scheduling)
                    Writer.Writer(self.book, self.lock, globcfg.threadNumber,
                                  self.gui))  #new Writer
            globcfg.threadNumber += 1
Пример #3
 def WriteGmadFiles(self):
     """ Write the gmad files for all tests in the Tests directory.
     for test in self._tests:
         writer = Writer.Writer()
         if not self._testNames.__contains__(test.Component):
             self._testNames[test.Component] = []
Пример #4
def write():
    writer = Writer()
    argc = len(sys.argv)

    if argc < 4:
        print("Expecting data file(s) and output paths")
        return False

    for i in range(2, argc - 1):
    writer.write(sys.argv[argc - 1])

    return True
Пример #5
 def __init__(self, fileName):
     self.fileName = fileName
     self.cfgfname = 'cfg.json'
     self.cfg = {}
     self.branches = {}
     self.out = Writer.Writer(
                      fileName[:-2] + '_tranformed.ll'))  # output file
     self.branchLabel = 0  #
     self.branch_blocks = {}
     self.isVisited = {}
     self.TB_st = {}
     self.FB_st = {}
     self.debug = False
def Calucalte(type1):
    fileOperator = Writer("Scores.txt")
    scores = fileOperator.readFile()
    scores = removeX(scores)
    ScoresTuples = tuplize(scores)
    scoresSummation = 0 
    unitsSummation = 0
    for scoresTuple in ScoresTuples:
        score = scoresTuple[0] * 5
        unit = scoresTuple[1]
        GPA = 0 
        if (type1 == True):
            if (score >= 0  and  score < 60):
                GPA = 0
            elif (score >= 60  and  score < 67):
                GPA = 1
            elif (score >= 67  and  score <= 69):
                GPA = 1.3
            elif (score >= 70  and  score < 73):
                GPA = 1.7
            elif (score >= 73  and  score < 77):
                GPA = 2
            elif (score >= 77  and  score < 80):
                GPA = 2.3
            elif (score >= 80  and  score < 84):
                GPA = 2.7
            elif (score >= 84  and  score < 87):
                GPA = 3
            elif (score >= 87  and  score < 90):
                GPA = 3.3
            elif (score >= 90  and  score < 94):
                GPA = 3.7
            elif (score >= 94  and  score <= 100):
                GPA = 4.0

        print("Normal: " + str(scoresTuple[0]) + "  |Score : " + str(score) + "  | Unit : " + str(unit) + " | GPA: " + str(GPA))
        scoresSummation += GPA * unit
        unitsSummation += unit
    return  scoresSummation/unitsSummation 
Пример #7
class ArgumentSourceReader(AbstractSourceReader):
    results = Writer("SourceReader_Result.txt")

    def go(self):
        result = ArgumentParser.parse(self, '')
        if result == 'g':
        elif result == 't':
            self.results.writeToFile("Running Turtle Command")
        elif result == 'k':
            self.results.writeToFile("Running TKInter Drawer")
        elif result == 'e':
            self.results.writeToFile("Exiting program")
                "Graphics from else as arguments were wrong")
Пример #8
# Now read in as desired
# def readDataMany(self,skip=0,step=1,howmany='all',Nvariable=False,readtypes = 'all'):
                    readtypes=[1, 2])
#def __init__(self,directory,conffile,skip,howmany,ignore=True,maxtype=3):

data = {'configuration': args.conffile}

write = Writer()
output = True

nav = 0
nbin = 100

data['nbin'] = nbin
data['directory'] = args.directory
data['skip'] = args.skip
data['howmany'] = args.howmany
data['step'] = args.step
data['average'] = args.average
data['coneangle'] = args.coneangle

# Histogram of swirling
v_swirlhist = np.zeros((args.howmany - args.average, nbin))
Пример #9
from SettingParser import *
from RecursiveScanner import *
from Writer import *

# Parse the setup.txt file to get its information.
settingParser = SettingParser()

# Recursively scan through the folder containing RobotC files (.c, .h)
# to get documentation from comments
recursiveScanner = RecursiveScanner(settingParser)

# Write down the information gathered by recursiveScanner into BuiltInVariables.txt
writer = Writer(settingParser)
for scanner in recursiveScanner.scanners:
Пример #10
    vel2av = np.zeros(len(files))
    phival = np.zeros(len(files))
    ndensity = np.zeros(len(files))
    pressure = np.zeros(len(files))
    fmoment = np.zeros(len(files))
    energy = np.zeros(len(files))
    energytot = np.zeros(len(files))
    zav = np.zeros(len(files))

u = 0
for f in files:
    print f
    # Ignore here is to simply calculate interactions of multiple types of particles (they have the same potential)
    conf = Configuration(params, f, True)
    if args.contractile:
        writeme = Writer(args.nematic, args.alpha)
        writeme = Writer(args.nematic)
    if args.writeP:
        outparticles = args.output + '/' + args.prefix + '%06d_particles.vtp' % u  # + str(u) + '_particles.vtp'
        print outparticles
        writeme.writeConfigurationVTK(conf, outparticles)
    if args.getStatsBasic:
        vel2av[u], phival[u], ndensity[u], pressure[u], fmoment[u], energy[
            u], energytot[u], zav[u] = conf.getStatsBasic()
        #vel2av[u], phival[u],pressav[u],energy[u]= conf.getStatsBasic()
        print "Mean square velocity: " + str(vel2av[u])
        print "Packing fraction: " + str(phival[u])
        print "Number density: " + str(ndensity[u])
        print "Pressure: " + str(pressure[u])
Пример #11
class TurtlePrompt(Cmd):
    results = Writer("TurtleDrawer_Result.txt")
    welcome = "Welcome to Turtle Shell"
    prompt = '(turtle)'
    file = None

    def do_P(self, arg):
        """Select Pen:  P 10"""
        self.results.writeToFile("Selected pen", arg)
        data = IntegerParser.parse(self, arg)
        TurtleDrawer.select_pen(self, data)

    def do_U(self, arg):
        """Pen Up : U"""
        self.results.writeToFile("Pen is up", arg)
        command = StringParser.parse(self, arg)

    def do_D(self, arg):
        """Pen Down : D"""
        self.results.writeToFile("Pen is down", arg)
        command = StringParser.parse(self, arg)

    def do_X(self, arg):
        """Go Along : X 100"""
        self.results.writeToFile("Go Along : X ", arg)
        command = IntegerParser.parse(self, arg)
        TurtleDrawer.go_along(self, command)

    def do_Y(self, arg):
        """Go Down : Y 100"""
        self.results.writeToFile("Go Along : Y", arg)
        command = IntegerParser.parse(self, arg)
        TurtleDrawer.go_down(self, command)

    def do_N(self, arg):
        """Draw line 0 degrees : N 100"""
        self.results.writeToFile("Draw line 0 degrees : N", arg)
        command = IntegerParser.parse(self, arg)
        TurtleDrawer.draw_line(self, 0, command)

    def do_E(self, arg):
        """Draw line 90 degrees : E 100"""
        self.results.writeToFile("Draw line 90 degrees : E", arg)
        command = IntegerParser.parse(self, arg)
        TurtleDrawer.draw_line(self, 90, command)

    def do_S(self, arg):
        """Draw line 120 degrees : S 100"""
        self.results.writeToFile("Draw line 120 degrees : S", arg)
        command = IntegerParser.parse(self, arg)
        TurtleDrawer.draw_line(self, 180, command)

    def do_W(self, arg):
        """Draw line 270 degrees : W 100"""
        self.results.writeToFile("Draw line 270 degrees : W", arg)
        command = IntegerParser.parse(self, arg)
        TurtleDrawer.draw_line(self, 270, command)

    def do_square(self, arg):
        """Draw Square"""
        self.results.writeToFile("Drawing a square")
        command = IntegerParser.parse(self, arg)
        directions = [0, 90, 180, 270]
        for i in directions:
            TurtleDrawer.draw_line(self, i, command)

    def do_circle(self, arg):
        """Draw Circle"""
        self.results.writeToFile("Drawing a circle")
        command = IntegerParser.parse(self, arg)
        TurtleDrawer.draw_circle(self, command)

    def do_Exit(self, arg):
        """Exit Turtle CMD"""
        self.results.writeToFile("End program, Bye")
        return True
Пример #12
# *  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# *
# *****************************************************************************

from Geometry import *
from Configuration import *
from Tesselation import *
from Writer import *

basefolder = '/home/silke/Documents/CurrentProjects/Rastko/Cells/Inke/'
conffile = 'goblet.conf'
filename = 'test3/goblet_test_0001100000.dat'
outname = 'testing'

params = Param(basefolder + conffile)
conf = Configuration(params, basefolder + filename)
tess = Tesselation(conf)
print "initialized tesselation"
LoopList, Ival, Jval = tess.findLoop()
print "found loops"
print "ordered patches"
writeme = Writer()
outparticles = basefolder + '/' + outname + '_particles.vtp'
outdefects = basefolder + '/' + outname + '_defects.vtp'
outpatches = basefolder + '/' + outname + '_patches.vtp'
writeme.writePatches(tess, outpatches)
writeme.writeConfigurationVTK(conf, outparticles)
Пример #13
epoxy.improper_labels = connect.improper_labels(epoxy.atom_labels,epoxy.impropers,

epoxy.masses = [0] * len(epoxy.coords)

p = Parameterise(epoxy.vdw_defs)

epoxy.bond_coeffs = p.match_bonds(epoxy.bond_types)
epoxy.angle_coeffs = p.match_angles(epoxy.angle_types)
epoxy.torsion_coeffs = p.match_torsions(epoxy.torsion_types)
epoxy.improper_coeffs = p.match_impropers(epoxy.improper_types)
epoxy.pair_coeffs = p.match_pairs()
epoxy.masses = p.match_masses()
epoxy.charge_coeffs = p.match_charges()
epoxy.atom_charges = []

for atom in epoxy.atom_labels:
    index = epoxy.charge_coeffs['a'].index(atom)
    epoxy.atom_charges += [ epoxy.charge_coeffs['q'][index] ]

output = Writer(epoxy)

#a = Writer(paa)

��wr��T�?:ƈ�iG            system_info.get("full_release"), system_info.get("release")^]gY_�]����]gO�\^k(        version="{} %(prog)s-{}".format(5�_�^����]gV�]_kG            system_info.get("full_release"), system_info.get("release")5�_�^
����]gW�]_k'             system_info.get("release")5�_�^����]gX�k
import sysfrom os import environimport argparse<from utils import CoinmineLogger, SystemHelpers, sentry_initfrom cli.cli import CoinmineCli(from minary.config import Reader, Writer
sentry_init()if __name__ == "__main__":%    logger = CoinmineLogger(__name__)@    minary_api_server_url = environ.get("MINARY_API_SERVER_URL");    machine_id_path = environ.get("MINARY_MACHINE_ID_PATH")3    config_path = environ.get("MINARY_CONFIG_PATH")=    distro_info_path = environ.get("MINARY_DISTRO_INFO_PATH")=    minary_info_path = environ.get("MINARY_MINARY_INFO_PATH")=    satoshi_password = environ.get("MINARY_SATOSHI_PASSWORD")7    root_password = environ.get("MINARY_ROOT_PASSWORD")3    environment = environ.get("MINARY_ENVIRONMENT")    try:$        reader = Reader(config_path)        config = reader.Config    except Exception:        reader = None        config = {}    try:$        writer = Writer(config_path)    except Exception:        writer = None    cli = CoinmineCli(        minary_api_server_url,        machine_id_path,        config,        writer,        distro_info_path,        minary_info_path,        satoshi_password,        root_password,        environment,    )    try:E        system_info = SystemHelpers.get_distro_info(distro_info_path)    except Exception:        system_info = {}%    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(=        formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,?        description="""Coinmine's mineOS command line interface	commands:8  coin           displays the coin currently being mined>  address        displays the address currently being mined to.  hashrate       displays the current hashrateA  uuid           displays the unique identifier for this coinmine9  status         shows full stats, use -j for json outputE  register       register this miner by adding the uuid to the db""",    )'    subparser = parser.add_subparsers()
    # coin.    coin_parser = subparser.add_parser("coin")*    coin_parser.set_defaults(which="coin")
    # address4    address_parser = subparser.add_parser("address")0    address_parser.set_defaults(which="address")    # hashrate6    hashrate_parser = subparser.add_parser("hashrate")2    hashrate_parser.set_defaults(which="hashrate")
    # uuid.    uuid_parser = subparser.add_parser("uuid")*    uuid_parser.set_defaults(which="uuid")    # status2    status_parser = subparser.add_parser("status").    status_parser.set_defaults(which="status")X    status_parser.add_argument("-j", action="store_true", help="prints the json output")    # stats6    register_parser = subparser.add_parser("register")2    register_parser.set_defaults(which="register")
    # version    parser.add_argument(        "--version",        action="version",%        version="%(prog)s-{}".format(&            system_info.get("release")
        ),1        help="find the version number of mineOS",    )    args = parser.parse_args()    try:        if hasattr(args, "j"):1            cli.handle_parser(args.which, args.j)
        else:)            cli.handle_parser(args.which)    except Exception as e:%        print(parser.print_help(), e)        sys.exit(1)5��
Пример #15
from ParSite import *
from Writer import *

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("http://", input('http://'))
    http = ParSite()

    data = Writer()
    #data = link.get(get.html('https://33pingvina.ru'))
Пример #16
    def __init__(self, width=1., height=1., nCellsX=2, nCellsY=2):
        self.width   = width
        self.height  = height
        self.nCellsX = nCellsX
        self.nCellsY = nCellsY
        self.hx = width/nCellsX        # cell size in x-direction
        self.hy = height/nCellsY       # cell size in y-direction
        self.time = 0.0

        self.recordParticleTrace = False
        #self.X = outer(ones(nCellsY+1), linspace(0.0, width, nCellsX+1))
        #self.Y = outer(linspace(0.0, height, nCellsY+1), ones(nCellsX+1))
        x = linspace(0,width ,(nCellsX+1))
        y = linspace(0,height,(nCellsY+1))
        self.X, self.Y = meshgrid(x, y, indexing='xy')
        self.Re  = 1.0
        self.rho = 1.0
        self.v0  = 0.0
        self.motion = None
        self.particleUpdateScheme = ExplicitEuler()
        self.nodes = [ [ None for j in range(self.nCellsY+1) ] for i in range(self.nCellsX+1) ]
        id = -1
        for i in range(nCellsX+1):
            for j in range(nCellsY+1):
                id += 1
                theNode = Node(id,x[i],y[j])
                self.nodes[i][j] = theNode
        self.cells = []
        id = -1
        hx = width / nCellsX
        hy = height / nCellsY
        for i in range(nCellsX):
            for j in range(nCellsY):
                id += 1
                newCell = Cell(id, hx, hy)
                newCell.setCellGridCoordinates(i, j)
                theNodes = []
        self.setParameters(self.Re, self.rho, self.v0)
        self.particles = []

        # set default analysis parameters
        self.setAnalysis(False, True, True, True, False, True, True, True)

        # set default plot parameters
        self.plotControl   = {'Active':False, 'DelTime':-1 }
        self.plot = Plotter()
        self.plot.setGrid(width, height, nCellsX, nCellsY)
        self.lastPlot = self.time

        # set default output parameters
        self.outputControl = {'Active':False, 'DelTime':-1 }

        self.writer = Writer()
        self.writer.setGrid(width, height, nCellsX, nCellsY)
        self.lastWrite = self.time
defects_n_out = []
defects_v_out = []
numdefects_n_out = []
numdefects_v_out = []
for J in Jlist:
    for v in vlist:
        directory = basefolder + '/' + args.name_1 + '_' + J + '/' + args.name_2 + '_' + v + '/'
        conffile = 'nematic_' + args.name_1 + '_' + J + '_' + args.name_2 + '_' + v + '.conf'
        finput = 'nematic_' + args.name_1 + '_' + J + '_' + args.name_2 + '_' + v + '_0'
        print finput
        params = Param(directory + conffile)
        files = sorted(glob(directory + finput + '*.dat'))[skip:]
        u = 0
        for f in files:
            conf = Configuration(params, f)
            writeme = Writer(nematic)
            if writeP:
                outparticles = directory + 'frame' + str(u) + '_particles.vtp'
                print outparticles
                writeme.writeConfigurationVTK(conf, outparticles)
            tess = Tesselation(conf)
            print "initialized tesselation"
            LoopList, Ival, Jval = tess.findLoop(args.closeHoles)
            print "found loops"
            #print LoopList
            if writeD:
                #print "Still to be done ..."
                outdefects = directory + '/frame' + str(u) + '_defects.vtp'
                print outdefects