Пример #1
    def Validate(self):
        Check that all required fields are included, and no extra fields not listed here are added
        This is quite strict, but for the best to avoid typos
        reqFields = [('RH', float, 0, 1),
                     ('Tdb', float, -80 + 273.15, 200 + 273.15),
                     ('FanPower', float, 0, 4000), ('p', float, 0.01, 10000),
                     ('Vdot_ha', float, 0.001, 10)]
        optFields = ['RHmean', 'Tmean']
        d = dict(self.Air.__dict__)  #The current values
        ValidateFields(d, reqFields, optFields)

        reqFields = [('FPI', float, 0.1, 100), ('Pd', float, 0.000001, 0.1),
                     ('xf', float, 0.000001, 0.1), ('t', float, 0.00001, 0.01),
                     ('k_fin', float, 0.01, 10000)]
        optFields = None
        d = dict(self.Fins.__dict__)  #The current values
        ValidateFields(d, reqFields, optFields)

        reqFields = [('NTubes_per_bank', int, 0.1, 100),
                     ('Ncircuits', int, 1, 50), ('Nbank', float, 1, 50),
                     ('Ltube', float, 0.001, 10), ('ID', float, 0.0001, 1),
                     ('OD', float, 0.0001, 1), ('Pl', float, 0.0001, 1),
                     ('Pt', float, 0.0001, 1)]
        optFields = None
        d = dict(self.Tubes.__dict__)  #The current values
        ValidateFields(d, reqFields, optFields)
Пример #2
 def Initialize(self):
     #Input validation the first call of Initialize
     if False:#not hasattr(self,'IsValidated'):
         d=self.__dict__ #Current fields in model
     # Retrieve some parameters from nested structures 
     # for code compactness
     # Calculate an effective length of circuit if circuits are 
     # not all the same length
     # Wetted area on the refrigerant side
     #Average mass flux of refrigerant in circuit
     self.G_r = self.mdot_r/(self.Ncircuits*pi*self.ID**2/4.0) #[kg/m^2-s]
     ## Bubble and dew temperatures (same for fluids without glide) 
     ## Mean temperature for use in HT relationships
     # Latent heat
     self.h_fg=(PropsSI('H','T',self.Tdew_r,'Q',1.0,self.Ref)-PropsSI('H','T',self.Tbubble_r,'Q',0.0,self.Ref))*1. #*1000. #[J/kg]
     #Update with user FinType
     if self.FinsType == 'WavyLouveredFins':
     elif self.FinsType == 'HerringboneFins':
     elif self.FinsType == 'PlainFins':
     self.mdot_ha=self.Fins.mdot_ha #[kg_ha/s]
     self.mdot_da=self.Fins.mdot_da #[kg_da/s]
Пример #3
 def Initialize(self):
     #Input validation the first call of Initialize
     if False:#not hasattr(self,'IsValidated'):
         d=self.__dict__ #Current fields in model
     # Retrieve some parameters from nested structures 
     # for code compactness
     # Calculate an effective length of circuit if circuits are 
     # not all the same length
     # Wetted area on the refrigerant side
     #Average mass flux of refrigerant in circuit
     self.G_r = self.mdot_r/(self.Ncircuits*pi*self.ID**2/4.0) #[kg/m^2-s]
     Tsat() is a relatively slow function since it does a Dekker solve
     over the full two-phase region.  So store the value in order to cut
     down on computational work. 
     ## Bubble and dew temperatures (same for fluids without glide) 
     ## Mean temperature for use in HT relationships
     # Latent heat
     self.h_fg=(Props('H','T',self.Tdew_r,'Q',1.0,self.Ref)-Props('H','T',self.Tbubble_r,'Q',0.0,self.Ref))*1000. #[J/kg]
     self.Fins.h_tp_tuning= self.h_tp_tuning #pass tuning factor
     self.mdot_ha=self.Fins.mdot_ha #[kg_ha/s]
     self.mdot_da=self.Fins.mdot_da #[kg_da/s]
Пример #4
    def Validate(self):
        Check that all required fields are included, and no extra fields not listed here are added
        This is quite strict, but for the best to avoid typos
        reqFields = [('RH', float, 0, 1),
                     ('Tdb', float, -80 + 273.15, 200 + 273.15),
                     ('FanPower', float, 0, 4000), ('p', float, 10, 10000000),
                     ('Vdot_ha', float, 0.001, 10)]
        optFields = ['RHmean', 'Tmean']
        d = dict(self.Air.__dict__)  #The current values
        ValidateFields(d, reqFields, optFields)

        reqFields = [('FPI', float, 0.1, 100), ('Lf', float, 0.0001, 1),
                     ('t', float, 0.00001, 0.01),
                     ('k_fin', float, 0.01, 10000)]
        optFields = None
        d = dict(self.Fins.__dict__)  #The current values
        ValidateFields(d, reqFields, optFields)

        reqFields = [('NTubes', float, 0.1, 100), ('Nbank', float, 1, 50),
                     ('Npass', float, 1, 50), ('Nports', float, 1, 50),
                     ('Ltube', float, 0.001, 10), ('Td', float, 0.0001, 1),
                     ('Ht', float, 0.0001, 1), ('b', float, 0.0001, 1),
                     ('tw', float, 0.00001, 0.01),
                     ('twp', float, 0.00001, 0.01),
                     ('beta', float, 0.00001, 100)]
        optFields = None
        d = dict(self.Tubes.__dict__)  #The current values
        ValidateFields(d, reqFields, optFields)

        reqFields = [
            ('Lalpha', float, 1, 89),
            ('lp', float, 0.0001, 1),
        optFields = ['Llouv']
        d = dict(self.Louvers.__dict__)  #The current values
        ValidateFields(d, reqFields, optFields)
Пример #5
    def Calculate(self):
        #Only validate the first time
        if not hasattr(self, 'IsValidated'):
            reqFields = [
                ('Ref', str, None, None),
                ('Fins', IsFinsClass, None, None),
                ('FinsType', str, None, None),
                ('mdot_r', float, 0.00001, 20),
                ('Tin_r', float, 200, 500),
                ('psat_r', float, 0.01, 20000000
                 )  #0.00001,20000 changed to 0.01,20000000
            optFields = ['Verbosity']
            ValidateFields(self.__dict__, reqFields, optFields)
            self.IsValidated = True
        # Retrieve some parameters from nested structures
        # for code compactness
        self.ID = self.Fins.Tubes.ID
        self.OD = self.Fins.Tubes.OD
        self.Ltube = self.Fins.Tubes.Ltube
        self.NTubes_per_bank = self.Fins.Tubes.NTubes_per_bank
        self.Nbank = self.Fins.Tubes.Nbank
        self.Ncircuits = self.Fins.Tubes.Ncircuits
        self.Tin_a = self.Fins.Air.Tdb

        ## Bubble and dew temperatures (same for fluids without glide)
        self.Tbubble = PropsSI('T', 'P', self.psat_r, 'Q', 0.0, self.Ref)
        self.Tdew = PropsSI('T', 'P', self.psat_r, 'Q', 1.0, self.Ref)

        # Calculate an effective length of circuit if circuits are
        # not all the same length
        TotalLength = self.Ltube * self.NTubes_per_bank * self.Nbank
        self.Lcircuit = TotalLength / self.Ncircuits

        self.V_r = pi * self.ID**2 / 4.0 * self.Lcircuit * self.Ncircuits
        self.A_r_wetted = pi * self.ID * self.Ncircuits * self.Lcircuit
        self.G_r = self.mdot_r / (self.Ncircuits * pi * self.ID**2 / 4.0)

        #Definitely have a superheated portion
        #Maybe have a full two-phase section
        #First try to run with a full two-phase section from quality of 1 to quality of 0
        #If we have already used too much of the HX (max possible sum of w is 1.0)
        if self.w_2phase + self.w_superheat > 1:
            #There is no subcooled portion, solve for outlet quality
            brentq(self._TwoPhase_Forward, 0.0000001, 0.9999999)
            #Zero out all the subcooled parameters
            self.Q_subcool = 0.0
            self.DP_r_subcool = 0.0
            self.Charge_subcool = 0.0
            self.w_subcool = 0.0
            self.h_r_subcool = 0.0
            self.existsSubcooled = False
            #By definition then we have a subcooled portion, solve for it
            self.existsSubcooled = True

        #Overall calculations
        self.Q = self.Q_superheat + self.Q_2phase + self.Q_subcool
        self.DP_r = self.DP_r_superheat + self.DP_r_2phase + self.DP_r_subcool
        self.Charge = self.Charge_2phase + self.Charge_subcool + self.Charge_superheat

        self.sin_r = PropsSI('S', 'T', self.Tin_r, 'P', self.psat_r,
                             self.Ref)  #*1000
        if self.existsSubcooled == True:
            self.hout_r = PropsSI('H', 'T', self.Tout_r, 'P', self.psat_r,
                                  self.Ref)  #*1000
            self.sout_r = PropsSI('S', 'T', self.Tout_r, 'P', self.psat_r,
                                  self.Ref)  #*1000
            self.Tout_r = self.xout_2phase * self.Tdew + (
                1 - self.xout_2phase) * self.Tbubble
            self.hout_r = PropsSI(
                'H', 'T', self.Tout_r, 'Q', 0, self.Ref
            ) + self.xout_2phase * (
                PropsSI('H', 'T', self.Tout_r, 'Q', 1, self.Ref) -
                PropsSI('H', 'T', self.Tout_r, 'Q', 0, self.Ref)
            )  #PropsSI('H','T',self.Tout_r,'Q',self.xout_2phase,self.Ref)#*1000
            self.sout_r = PropsSI(
                'S', 'T', self.Tout_r, 'Q', 0, self.Ref
            ) + self.xout_2phase * (
                PropsSI('S', 'T', self.Tout_r, 'Q', 1, self.Ref) -
                PropsSI('S', 'T', self.Tout_r, 'Q', 0, self.Ref)
            )  #PropsSI('S','T',self.Tout_r,'Q',self.xout_2phase,self.Ref)#*1000
            #Use the effective subcooling
            self.DT_sc = self.DT_sc_2phase

        #Calculate the mean outlet air temperature [K]
        self.Tout_a = self.Tin_a - self.Q / (self.Fins.cp_da *
        self.hmean_r = self.w_2phase * self.h_r_2phase + self.w_superheat * self.h_r_superheat + self.w_subcool * self.h_r_subcool
        self.UA_r = self.hmean_r * self.A_r_wetted
        self.UA_a = self.Fins.h_a * self.Fins.A_a * self.Fins.eta_a
Пример #6
    def Calculate(self):
        #Only validate the first time
        if not hasattr(self, 'IsValidated'):
            reqFields = [('Ref', str, None, None),
                         ('Fins', IsFinsClass, None, None),
                         ('mdot_r', float, 0.00001, 20),
                         ('Tin_r', float, 200, 500),
                         ('psat_r', float, 0.01, 20000000)]
            optFields = ['Verbosity']
            ValidateFields(self.__dict__, reqFields, optFields)
            self.IsValidated = True
        # Retrieve some parameters from nested structures
        # for code compactness
        self.Ltube = self.Fins.Tubes.Ltube  #tube length
        self.NTubes = self.Fins.Tubes.NTubes  #number of tube (per bank)
        self.Nbank = self.Fins.Tubes.Nbank  #number of banks
        self.Tin_a = self.Fins.Air.Tdb  #inlet air temperature
        self.Pin_a = self.Fins.Air.p  #inlet air pressure
        self.RHin_a = self.Fins.Air.RH  #inlet air relative humidity
        """NEW ADDED"""
        self.Td = self.Fins.Tubes.Td  #tube outside width (depth)
        self.Ht = self.Fins.Tubes.Ht  #tube outside height (major diameter)
        self.b = self.Fins.Tubes.b  #tube spacing
        self.tw = self.Fins.Tubes.tw  #tube thickness
        self.Npass = self.Fins.Tubes.Npass  #Number of passes on ref-side (per bank)
        self.kw = self.Fins.Fins.k_fin  #thermal conductivity of tube wall (assume same material as the fin)
        self.Nports = self.Fins.Tubes.Nports  #Number of rectangular ports
        self.twp = self.Fins.Tubes.twp  #Port wall thickness
        self.beta = self.Fins.Tubes.beta  #channel (port) aspect ratio (=width/height)

        ## Bubble and dew temperatures (same for fluids without glide)
        self.Tbubble = PropsSI('T', 'P', self.psat_r, 'Q', 0.0, self.Ref)
        self.Tdew = PropsSI('T', 'P', self.psat_r, 'Q', 1.0, self.Ref)

        # Define Number of circuits (=number of tubes per pass)
        self.Ncircuits = self.NTubes / self.Npass
        # Calculate an effective length of circuit if circuits are
        # not all the same length
        TotalLength = self.Ltube * self.NTubes * self.Nbank
        self.Lcircuit = TotalLength / self.Ncircuits
        """NEW ADDED"""
        # Volume of refrigerant = rectangle of tube + circular part at the ends - thickness between ports
        self.V_r = ((self.Td - self.Ht) * (self.Ht - 2.0 * self.tw) +
                    (pi / 4.0) * (self.Ht - 2.0 * self.tw)**2 -
                    (self.Ht - 2.0 * self.tw) * self.twp *
                    (self.Nports - 1)) * self.Lcircuit * self.Ncircuits
        # Tube wetted area = tube straight length + circular shape at the ends - horizontal port thickness  + vertical thickness between ports
        self.A_r_wetted = (2.0 * (self.Td - self.Ht) + pi *
                           (self.Ht - 2.0 * self.tw) - 2.0 * self.twp *
                           (self.Nports - 1) + 2.0 *
                           (self.Ht - 2.0 * self.tw) *
                           (self.Nports - 1)) * self.Lcircuit * self.Ncircuits
        # Free-flow area on refrigerant-side = area of rectangle tube + circular parts at end - area thickness between ports
        self.A_c = ((self.Td - self.Ht) * (self.Ht - 2.0 * self.tw) +
                    (pi / 4.0) * (self.Ht - 2.0 * self.tw)**2 - self.twp *
                    (self.Ht - 2.0 * self.tw) *
                    (self.Nports - 1)) * self.Ncircuits
        # Hydraulic diameter on ref-side
        self.Dh = 4 * self.A_c * self.Lcircuit / self.A_r_wetted
        # Mass flux ref-side
        self.G_r = self.mdot_r / self.A_c

        # Total conduction area (exclude port's thickness)
        self.Aw = 2 * (self.Td - self.twp *
                       (self.Nports - 1)) * self.Lcircuit * self.Ncircuits
        # Thermal resistance at the wall
        self.Rw = self.tw / (self.kw * self.Aw)

        #Definitely have a superheated portion
        #Maybe have a full two-phase section
        #First try to run with a full two-phase section from quality of 1 to quality of 0
        #If we have already used too much of the HX (max possible sum of w is 1.0)
        if self.w_2phase + self.w_superheat > 1:
            #There is no subcooled portion, solve for outlet quality
            brentq(self._TwoPhase_Forward, 0.0000001, 0.9999999)
            #Zero out all the subcooled parameters
            self.Q_subcool = 0.0
            self.DP_r_subcool = 0.0
            self.Charge_subcool = 0.0
            self.w_subcool = 0.0
            self.h_r_subcool = 0.0
            self.existsSubcooled = False
            #By definition then we have a subcooled portion, solve for it
            self.existsSubcooled = True

        #Overall calculations
        self.Q = self.Q_superheat + self.Q_2phase + self.Q_subcool
        self.DP_r = self.DP_r_superheat + self.DP_r_2phase + self.DP_r_subcool
        self.Charge = self.Charge_2phase + self.Charge_subcool + self.Charge_superheat

        self.sin_r = PropsSI('S', 'T', self.Tin_r, 'P', self.psat_r, self.Ref)
        if self.existsSubcooled == True:
            self.hout_r = PropsSI('H', 'T', self.Tout_r, 'P', self.psat_r,
            self.sout_r = PropsSI('S', 'T', self.Tout_r, 'P', self.psat_r,
            self.Tout_r = self.xout_2phase * self.Tdew + (
                1 - self.xout_2phase) * self.Tbubble
            self.hout_r = PropsSI(
                'H', 'T', self.Tbubble, 'Q', 0,
                self.Ref) + self.xout_2phase * (
                    PropsSI('H', 'T', self.Tdew, 'Q', 1, self.Ref) -
                    PropsSI('H', 'T', self.Tbubble, 'Q', 0, self.Ref))
            self.sout_r = PropsSI(
                'S', 'T', self.Tbubble, 'Q', 0,
                self.Ref) + self.xout_2phase * (
                    PropsSI('S', 'T', self.Tdew, 'Q', 1, self.Ref) -
                    PropsSI('S', 'T', self.Tbubble, 'Q', 0, self.Ref))
            #Use the effective subcooling
            self.DT_sc = self.DT_sc_2phase

        #Calculate the mean outlet air temperature [K]
        self.Tout_a = self.Tin_a - self.Q / (self.Fins.cp_da *
        self.hmean_r = self.w_2phase * self.h_r_2phase + self.w_superheat * self.h_r_superheat + self.w_subcool * self.h_r_subcool
        self.UA_r = self.hmean_r * self.A_r_wetted
        self.UA_a = self.Fins.h_a * self.Fins.A_a * self.Fins.eta_a
        self.UA_w = 1 / self.Rw

        #Upadte air-side pressure drop based on the outlet air temperature
        #the air-side pressure drop here include momentum, contraction and expansion effects
        #Objective function
        def OBJECTIVE(x):
            Pair_o = x[0]
            W = x[1]

            v_da = HAPropsSI('V', 'T', self.Tout_a, 'P', Pair_o, 'W', W)
            W_new = HAPropsSI('W', 'T', self.Tout_a, 'P', Pair_o, 'V', v_da)

            #outlet air density
            rho_o = 1 / v_da * (1 + W_new)  #[m^3/kg_ha]
            #mean air density
            rho_m = pow(0.5 * (1 / self.Fins.rho_i_air + 1 / rho_o), -1)
            #air-side pressure drop including momentum, expansion and contraction effects
            DeltaP_air = self.Fins.G_air**2 / 2 / self.Fins.rho_i_air * (
                (1 - self.Fins.sigma**2 + self.Fins.Kc_tri) + 2 *
                (self.Fins.rho_i_air / rho_o - 1) +
                self.Fins.f_a * self.Fins.A_a / self.Fins.A_a_c *
                (self.Fins.rho_i_air / rho_m) -
                (1 - self.Fins.sigma**2 - self.Fins.Ke_tri) *
                (self.Fins.rho_i_air / rho_o))

            resids = [(self.Pin_a - Pair_o) - DeltaP_air, W - W_new]
            return resids

        #Initial guesses
        P_init = self.Pin_a
        w_init = HAPropsSI('W', 'T', self.Tin_a, 'P', self.Pin_a, 'R',
        #solve for outlet air pressure and outlet humidity ratio
        x = fsolve(OBJECTIVE, [P_init, w_init])
        #update the air-side pressure drop
        self.dP_a = self.Pin_a - x[0]