Пример #1
Aircraft = ACTailAircraft()
Aircraft.name = 'Tutorial Aircraft'

# Assign the already generated parts

# Aircraft Properties
Aircraft.TotalWeight = 28 * LBF

Aircraft.TippingAngle = 10 * ARCDEG
Aircraft.RotationAngle = 10 * ARCDEG
Aircraft.Alpha_Groundroll = 0 * ARCDEG  # incidence on wing

Aircraft.CMSlopeAt = (0 * ARCDEG, 3 * ARCDEG)  #plotting
Aircraft.CLSlopeAt = (6 * ARCDEG, 7 * ARCDEG)  #plotting
Aircraft.CLHTSlopeAt = (0 * ARCDEG, 9 * ARCDEG)  #plotting
Aircraft.DWSlopeAt = (7 * ARCDEG, 8 * ARCDEG)  #plotting

Aircraft.Alpha_Zero_CM = 0 * ARCDEG
Aircraft.StaticMargin = 0.1

# Maximum velocity for plotting purposes
Aircraft.VmaxPlt = 100 * FT / SEC
Пример #2
# Assign the already generated parts
# Position the wing on the top of the fuselage
Aircraft.WingFuseFrac = 0.3
Aircraft.Wing.i = 0 * ARCDEG
# Aircraft Properties
# Total weight is going to change
Aircraft.TotalWeight = 54 * LBF
# Engine align
Aircraft.EngineAlign = 0

Aircraft.TippingAngle = 15 * ARCDEG  # Black line on AC plot
Aircraft.RotationAngle = 12 * ARCDEG  # Red line on AC plot
Aircraft.Alpha_Groundroll = 0 * ARCDEG

Aircraft.CMSlopeAt = (0 * ARCDEG, 10 * ARCDEG)
Aircraft.CLSlopeAt = (0 * ARCDEG, 15 * ARCDEG)
Aircraft.CLHTSlopeAt = (0 * ARCDEG, 15 * ARCDEG)
Aircraft.DWSlopeAt = (0 * ARCDEG, 15 * ARCDEG)

Aircraft.Alpha_Zero_CM = 3.0 * ARCDEG  #for steady level flight
Aircraft.StaticMargin = 0.05  # Location of Wing
Aircraft.WingXMaxIt = 50
Aircraft.WingXOmega = 1
# Maximum velocity for plotting purposes
Aircraft.VmaxPlt = 75 * FT / SEC
Пример #3
Aircraft.WingFuseFrac = 0  # 0.0 @ bottom of fuselage; 1.0 @ top of fuselage
Aircraft.Wing.i = 0 * ARCDEG  # induced angle of attack, wing incidence

#Aircraft.Wing.X[0] = 20*IN
# Engine alignment (height)
Aircraft.EngineAlign = 0.72  #this doesnt seem to be doing anything

# Aircraft Properties
EmptyWeight = 17 * LBF  # dechellis: estimated airframe weight
TennisBalls = 60.0  # dechellis: number of tennis balls flying
BallWeight = 0.131333 * LBF  # dechellis: weight of 1 tennis ball
PayloadWeight = (0.50 * LBF +
                 BallWeight) * TennisBalls  # dechellis: "passenger luggage"
Fuselage.PayBay.TennisBalls.Weight = BallWeight * TennisBalls  # Reassign tennis ball weight distribution based off desired loading
Aircraft.TotalWeight = PayloadWeight + EmptyWeight  # needed for calculations
Aircraft.TippingAngle = 10 * ARCDEG  # Black line on AC plot, set to Lift Off AoA
Aircraft.RotationAngle = 8.8 * ARCDEG  # Red line on AC plot, recommend 15 deg
Aircraft.Alpha_Groundroll = 0 * ARCDEG  # AOA during ground roll

Aircraft.CMSlopeAt = (2 * ARCDEG, 10 * ARCDEG)  # shiggins: what does this do?
Aircraft.CLSlopeAt = (3 * ARCDEG, 14 * ARCDEG)  # shiggins: what does this do?
Aircraft.CLHTSlopeAt = (-5 * ARCDEG, 10 * ARCDEG
                        )  # shiggins: what does this do?
Aircraft.DWSlopeAt = (3 * ARCDEG, 15 * ARCDEG)  # shiggins: what does this do?

Aircraft.Alpha_Zero_CM = 5.0 * ARCDEG  # for steady level flight
Aircraft.StaticMargin = 0.005  # this is driving wing position (higher values move the wing farther aft)
Aircraft.WingXMaxIt = 60  # this is the no. of iterations to solve

Aircraft.VmaxPlt = 100 * FT / SEC  # Maximum velocity for plotting purposes