Пример #1
	def _do_send(self, message_chunk, recipients_chunk):
		# Go to send page and check login
		response = self.connection.send(self.SEND_PAGE) 
		tree = lxml.html.fromstring(response)
		smspage = tree.get_element_by_id("message", None)
		if smspage is None:
			if tree.get_element_by_id("top-register-btn", None):
				raise exceptions.LoginError("Tried to send webtext while not logged in", webtexter=self)
			raise exceptions.MessageSendingError("Unknown error sending webtext", webtexter=self)
		# Append dummy empty recipients
		for i in range(5-len(recipients_chunk)):
		# First get Apache Token
		tree = BeautifulSoup(response)
		token = ""
		token = str(tree.find('input',attrs={'name':'org.apache.struts.taglib.html.TOKEN'})['value'])
		send_data = {
		# Add recipients
		for i,r in enumerate(recipients_chunk):
			send_data['recipients[%s]'%i] = str(r)
		# Send
		response = self.connection.send(self.SEND_POST, send_data)
		tree = lxml.html.fromstring(response)
		sendpage = tree.get_element_by_id('webtext-thankyou', None)
		if sendpage is not None and "Message sent!" in sendpage.text_content():
				return True
		raise exceptions.MessageSendingError("Message not sent", webtexter=self)