Пример #1
class IC_7402:
	This is a Quad 2 input NOR gate IC
	def __init__(self):
		self.pins = [None,None,0,0,None,0,0,0,0,0,None,0,0,None,0]
		self.gates = Gates()

	def setIC(self,pin_conf):
		This method takes a dictionary with key:pin_no and value:pin_value
		for i in pin_conf:
			self.pins[i] = pin_conf[i]

	def setPin(self, pin_no, pin_value):
		if pin_no<1 or pin_no>14:
			sys.exit("ERROR: there are only 14 pins in this IC")
		self.pins[pin_no] = pin_value

	def run(self):
		output = {}
		output[1] = self.gates.NOR(self.pins[2],self.pins[3])
		output[4] = self.gates.NOR(self.pins[5],self.pins[6])
		output[10] = self.gates.NOR(self.pins[8],self.pins[9])
		output[13] = self.gates.NOR(self.pins[11],self.pins[12])
		if self.pins[7] == 0 and self.pins[14] == 1:
			return output
			print "Ground and VCC pins have not been configured correctly."
Пример #2
class IC_7451:
	This is a dual 2-wide 2-input AND-OR Invert gate

    #Datasheet here, http://www.unitechelectronics.com/7451-7497data.htm

    def __init__(self):
        self.pins = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, None, 0, None, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        self.gates = Gates()

    def setIC(self, pin_conf):
		This method takes a dictionary with key:pin_no and value:pin_value
        for i in pin_conf:
            self.pins[i] = pin_conf[i]

    def setPin(self, pin_no, pin_value):
        if pin_no < 1 or pin_no > 14:
            raise Exception("ERROR: there are only 14 pins in this IC")
        self.pins[pin_no] = pin_value

    def run(self):
        output = {}

        output[6] = self.gates.NOR(self.gates.AND(self.pins[2], self.pins[3]),
                                   self.gates.AND(self.pins[4], self.pins[5]))
        output[8] = self.gates.NOR(
            self.gates.AND(self.pins[1], self.pins[13], self.pins[12]),
            self.gates.AND(self.pins[11], self.pins[10], self.pins[9]))

        if self.pins[7] == 0 and self.pins[14] == 1:
            return output
            print "Ground and VCC pins have not been configured correctly."