Пример #1
def index():
	""" The index page """
	# get parameters
	cond = bottle.request.query.get('cond')
	if cond is not None and len(cond) < 1:
		cond = None
	criteria = None
	csv_name = None
	trials = []
	num_trials = 0
	# if we got a condition
	if cond is not None:
		dump = True if bottle.request.query.get('criteria') is not None else False
		csv = True if bottle.request.query.get('csv') is not None else False
		lilly = LillyCOI()
		args = None if not dump and not csv else ['id', 'eligibility']
		found_trials = lilly.search_for_condition(cond, True, args)
		num_trials = len(found_trials)
		# list criteria
		if dump:
			trials = found_trials
		# return CSV
		elif csv:
			csv_name = 'criteria-%s.csv' % datetime.now().isoformat()[:-7]
			with codecs.open(csv_name, 'w', 'utf-8') as handle:
				heads = ["format","num in","num ex","w age","w gender","w pregnancy","incomplete","overly complex","sub-populations","negated inclusions","labs","scores","acronyms","temporal components","patient behavior/abilities","investigator-subjective components","sum"]
				headers = ','.join('""' for h in heads)
				# CSV header
				handle.write('"NCT","first received yrs ago","last update yrs ago","has completion","completion and status compatible","criteria",%s\n' % ','.join(['"%s"' % h for h in heads]))
				# CSV rows
				i = 0;
				every = 1;
				for study in found_trials:
					if 0 == i % every:
						handle.write('"%s","","","","","%s",%s\n' % (study.nct, study.criteria_text.replace('"', '""'), headers))
					i += 1;
	# render index
	template = _jinja_templates.get_template('index.html')
	return template.render(cond=cond, trials=trials, csv=csv_name, num=num_trials)
Пример #2
def get_trials(condition, recruiting=True, filename='years.csv'):
    lilly = LillyCOI()
    fields = [
        'id', 'lastchanged_date', 'firstreceived_date',
        'primary_completion_date', 'completion_date', 'verification_date'
    found = lilly.search_for_condition(condition, recruiting, fields)
    if len(found) > 0:
        print "Found %d" % len(found)
        now = datetime.datetime.now()

        # list trials
        with codecs.open(filename, 'w') as csv:
                'NCT,"first received yrs ago","last update yrs ago",primary,completion,veri,"has completion","completion and status compatible",criteria\n'

            if len(found) > 150:
                found = random.sample(found, len(found) / 4)

            for trial in found:

                # date comparison
                first = trial.date('firstreceived_date')
                first_y = round((now - first[1]).days / 365.25 *
                                10) / 10 if first[1] else 99
                last = trial.date('lastchanged_date')
                last_y = round(
                    (now - last[1]).days / 365.25 * 10) / 10 if last[1] else 99
                comp = trial.date('primary_completion_date')
                comp_y = round(
                    (now - comp[1]).days / 365.25 * 10) / 10 if comp[1] else 99
                done = trial.date('completion_date')
                done_y = round(
                    (now - done[1]).days / 365.25 * 10) / 10 if done[1] else 99
                veri = trial.date('verification_date')
                veri_y = round(
                    (now - veri[1]).days / 365.25 * 10) / 10 if veri[1] else 99

                csv.write('"%s",%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%s,%s,""\n' %
                          (trial.nct, first_y, last_y, comp_y, done_y, veri_y,
                           'TRUE' if done[1] else 'FALSE',
                           'TRUE' if done[1] and done[1] > now else 'FALSE'))
        print 'Written to "%s"' % filename
        print "None found"
Пример #3
def get_trials(condition, recruiting=True, filename='years.csv'):
	lilly = LillyCOI()
	fields = [
	found = lilly.search_for_condition(condition, recruiting, fields)
	if len(found) > 0:
		print "Found %d" % len(found)
		now = datetime.datetime.now()
		# list trials
		with codecs.open(filename, 'w') as csv:
			csv.write('NCT,"first received yrs ago","last update yrs ago",primary,completion,veri,"has completion","completion and status compatible",criteria\n')
			if len(found) > 150:
				found = random.sample(found, len(found) / 4)
			for trial in found:
				# date comparison
				first = trial.date('firstreceived_date')
				first_y = round((now - first[1]).days / 365.25 * 10) / 10 if first[1] else 99
				last = trial.date('lastchanged_date')
				last_y = round((now - last[1]).days / 365.25 * 10) / 10 if last[1] else 99
				comp = trial.date('primary_completion_date')
				comp_y = round((now - comp[1]).days / 365.25 * 10) / 10 if comp[1] else 99
				done = trial.date('completion_date')
				done_y = round((now - done[1]).days / 365.25 * 10) / 10 if done[1] else 99
				veri = trial.date('verification_date')
				veri_y = round((now - veri[1]).days / 365.25 * 10) / 10 if veri[1] else 99
				csv.write('"%s",%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%s,%s,""\n' % (trial.nct, first_y, last_y, comp_y, done_y, veri_y, 'TRUE' if done[1] else 'FALSE', 'TRUE' if done[1] and done[1] > now else 'FALSE'))
		print 'Written to "%s"' % filename
		print "None found"
Пример #4
	def _run(self, fields=None, callback=None):
		""" Runs the whole toolchain.
		Currently writes all status to a file associated with run_id. If the
		first word in that file is "error", the process is assumed to have
		stopped. If it is "done" the work here is done.
		# check prerequisites
		if self.condition is None and self.term is None:
			raise Exception("No 'condition' and no 'term' provided")
		self.status = "Searching for %s trials..." % (self.condition if self.condition is not None else self.term)
		# anonymous callback for progress reporting
		def cb(inst, progress):
			if progress > 0:
				self.status = "Fetching (%d%%)" % (100 * progress)
		# make sure we retrieve the properties that we want to analyze
		if self.analyze_keypaths:
			if fields is None:
				fields = []
		# start the search
		self.status = "Fetching %s trials..." % (self.condition if self.condition is not None else self.term)
		lilly = LillyCOI()
		trials = []
		if self.condition is not None:
			trials = lilly.search_for_condition(self.condition, True, fields, cb)
			trials = lilly.search_for_term(self.term, True, fields, cb)
		if self.limit and len(trials) > self.limit:
			trials = trials[:self.limit]
		# process found trials
		self.status = "Processing..."
		sqlite = SQLite.get(self.sqlite_db)
		progress = 0
		progress_tot = len(trials)
		progress_each = max(5, progress_tot / 25)
		ncts = []
		num_nlp_trials = 0
		nlp_to_run = set()
		for trial in trials:
			trial.analyze_keypaths = self.analyze_keypaths
			if self.catch_exceptions:
					trial.codify_analyzables(self.nlp_pipelines, self.discard_cached)
				except Exception as e:
					self.status = 'Error processing trial: %s' % e
				trial.codify_analyzables(self.nlp_pipelines, self.discard_cached)
			self.write_trial(sqlite, trial)
			# make sure we run the NLP pipeline if needed
			to_run = trial.waiting_for_nlp(self.nlp_pipelines)
			if len(to_run) > 0:
				num_nlp_trials = num_nlp_trials + 1
			# progress
			progress = progress + 1
			if 0 == progress % progress_each:
				self.status = "Processing (%d %%)" % (float(progress) / progress_tot * 100)
		# run the needed NLP pipelines
		success = True
		for nlp in self.nlp_pipelines:
			if nlp.name in nlp_to_run:
				self.status = "Running %s for %d trials (this may take a while)" % (nlp.name, num_nlp_trials)
				if self.catch_exceptions:
					except Exception as e:
						self.status = "Running %s failed: %s" % (nlp.name, str(e))
						success = False
		# make sure we codified all criteria
		if success:
			for trial in trials:
				trial.codify_analyzables(self.nlp_pipelines, False)
			self.status = 'done'
		# run the callback
		if callback is not None:
			callback(success, trials)
Пример #5
def index():
    """ The index page """

    # get parameters
    cond = bottle.request.query.get('cond')
    if cond is not None and len(cond) < 1:
        cond = None
    criteria = None
    csv_name = None
    trials = []
    num_trials = 0

    # if we got a condition
    if cond is not None:
        dump = True if bottle.request.query.get(
            'criteria') is not None else False
        csv = True if bottle.request.query.get('csv') is not None else False

        lilly = LillyCOI()
        args = None if not dump and not csv else ['id', 'eligibility']
        found_trials = lilly.search_for_condition(cond, True, args)
        num_trials = len(found_trials)

        # list criteria
        if dump:
            trials = found_trials

        # return CSV
        elif csv:
            csv_name = 'criteria-%s.csv' % datetime.now().isoformat()[:-7]
            with codecs.open(csv_name, 'w', 'utf-8') as handle:
                heads = [
                    "format", "num in", "num ex", "w age", "w gender",
                    "w pregnancy", "incomplete", "overly complex",
                    "sub-populations", "negated inclusions", "labs", "scores",
                    "acronyms", "temporal components",
                    "patient behavior/abilities",
                    "investigator-subjective components", "sum"
                headers = ','.join('""' for h in heads)

                # CSV header
                    '"NCT","first received yrs ago","last update yrs ago","has completion","completion and status compatible","criteria",%s\n'
                    % ','.join(['"%s"' % h for h in heads]))

                # CSV rows
                i = 0
                every = 1
                for study in found_trials:
                    if 0 == i % every:
                            '"%s","","","","","%s",%s\n' %
                            (study.nct, study.criteria_text.replace(
                                '"', '""'), headers))
                    i += 1

    # render index
    template = _jinja_templates.get_template('index.html')
    return template.render(cond=cond,
Пример #6
    def _run(self, fields=None, callback=None):
        """ Runs the whole toolchain.
		Currently writes all status to a file associated with run_id. If the
		first word in that file is "error", the process is assumed to have
		stopped. If it is "done" the work here is done.

        # check prerequisites
        if self.condition is None and self.term is None:
            raise Exception("No 'condition' and no 'term' provided")

        self.status = "Searching for %s trials..." % (
            self.condition if self.condition is not None else self.term)

        # anonymous callback for progress reporting
        def cb(inst, progress):
            if progress > 0:
                self.status = "Fetching (%d%%)" % (100 * progress)

        # make sure we retrieve the properties that we want to analyze
        if self.analyze_keypaths:
            if fields is None:
                fields = []

        # start the search
        self.status = "Fetching %s trials..." % (
            self.condition if self.condition is not None else self.term)

        lilly = LillyCOI()
        trials = []
        if self.condition is not None:
            trials = lilly.search_for_condition(self.condition, True, fields,
            trials = lilly.search_for_term(self.term, True, fields, cb)

        if self.limit and len(trials) > self.limit:
            trials = trials[:self.limit]

        # process found trials
        self.status = "Processing..."
        sqlite = SQLite.get(self.sqlite_db)

        progress = 0
        progress_tot = len(trials)
        progress_each = max(5, progress_tot / 25)
        ncts = []
        num_nlp_trials = 0
        nlp_to_run = set()
        for trial in trials:
            trial.analyze_keypaths = self.analyze_keypaths

            if self.catch_exceptions:
                except Exception as e:
                    self.status = 'Error processing trial: %s' % e

            self.write_trial(sqlite, trial)

            # make sure we run the NLP pipeline if needed
            to_run = trial.waiting_for_nlp(self.nlp_pipelines)
            if len(to_run) > 0:
                num_nlp_trials = num_nlp_trials + 1

            # progress
            progress = progress + 1
            if 0 == progress % progress_each:
                self.status = "Processing (%d %%)" % (float(progress) /
                                                      progress_tot * 100)


        # run the needed NLP pipelines
        success = True
        for nlp in self.nlp_pipelines:
            if nlp.name in nlp_to_run:
                self.status = "Running %s for %d trials (this may take a while)" % (
                    nlp.name, num_nlp_trials)
                if self.catch_exceptions:
                    except Exception as e:
                        self.status = "Running %s failed: %s" % (nlp.name,
                        success = False

        # make sure we codified all criteria
        if success:
            for trial in trials:
                trial.codify_analyzables(self.nlp_pipelines, False)

            self.status = 'done'

        # run the callback
        if callback is not None:
            callback(success, trials)