nperiods = 5 ampmod =0.3 om_sine = om_global+ampmod*np.sin(2*np.pi*x/xmax*nperiods) om_sine[om_sine<0] = 0 om_uniform = np.zeros(nn)+om_global clf() plot(x,om_uniform) plot(x,om_sine) zrec_uniform = inhodist.x2z_inho(x, om_uniform, h,type=dist_type) zrec_sine = inhodist.x2z_inho(x, om_sine, h,type=dist_type) clf() plot(zrec_uniform,x, lw=2, label='Uniform $\Omega_m={0:3.1f}$'.format(om_global)) plot(zrec_sine,x, lw=2, label='Sine modulation with average $\Omega_m={0:3.1f}$'.format(om_global)) xlabel('redshift') ylabel(dist_type) legend(loc='upper left',framealpha=0.8) clf() plot(zrec_uniform,x/x, lw=2, label='Uniform $\Omega_m={0:3.1f}$'.format(om_global)) plot(zrec_sine,x/np.interp(zrec_sine,zrec_uniform,x), lw=2, label='Sine modulation with average $\Omega_m={0:3.1f}$'.format(om_global)) xlabel('redshift') ylabel('Distance ratio to Uniform') legend(loc='upper left',framealpha=0.8)
# constant om global situation A omA=np.zeros(nn)+om_global # constant om vide situation A omVide=np.zeros(nn)+om_region_vide # constant om dense situation A omDense=np.zeros(nn)+om_region_dense # With hole - situation B omB = np.zeros(nn) omB[x < xs]=om_region_dense omB[(x>=xs) & (x<xe)] = om_region_vide omB[x>=xe]=om_region_dense zrecA = inhodist.x2z_inho(x, omA, h,type=dist_type) zrecB = inhodist.x2z_inho(x, omB, h,type=dist_type) zrecVide = inhodist.x2z_inho(x, omVide, h,type=dist_type) zrecDense = inhodist.x2z_inho(x, omDense, h,type=dist_type) clf() plot(zz, dp_global,lw=2) plot(zrecA,x,'r--',lw=2) clf() plot(zrecA,x, label='A') plot(zrecB,x, label='B') plot(zrecVide,x, label='Vide') plot(zrecDense,x, label='Dense')
ylabel('comoving distance (l.o.s.)') #### Configuration A hz_A = hz_global.copy() chi_A = np.zeros(nn) chi_A[1:nn] = integrate.cumtrapz(1./hz_A, zz) dp_A = chi_A*c/H0 zs_A = np.interp(xs, dp_A, zz) ze_A = np.interp(xe, dp_A, zz) z1_A = np.interp(x1, dp_A, zz) ## Other calculation from differential equation xx = linspace(0,x1,nn) omA=np.zeros(nn)+om_global zrecA = inhodist.x2z_inho(xx, omA, h,type='comoving') clf() plot(zz, dp_global,lw=2) plot(zrecA,xx,'r--',lw=2) #### Configuration B # region dense du début hz_B = hz_region_dense.copy() chi = np.zeros(nn)