Пример #1
	def _unbanStorageElement( self, storageElement ):
		endpoints = getFTS3Servers()[ 'Value' ]
		blacklist = {}
		for endpoint in endpoints:
			#endpoint = 'https://fts3-pilot.cern.ch:8446'
			#TODO: maybe proxyPath is not needed since it is picked from the environment by the REST API
			proxyPath = getProxyInfo()
			if not proxyPath.get('OK'):
				return S_ERROR("Proxy not found!")
				proxyPath = proxyPath.get('Value').get('path')
			except Exception as e:
				return S_ERROR(e.message)			
			context = fts3.Context(endpoint, proxyPath)
			fts3.unban_se(context, storageElement)
			blacklist[endpoint] = json.loads(context.get("ban/se"))
		return S_OK( blacklist )
Пример #2
    def _unbanStorageElement(self, storageElement):

        endpoints = getFTS3Servers()
        if not endpoints['OK']:
            return endpoints

        endpoints = endpoints['Value']

        blacklist = {}
        for endpoint in endpoints:
            # endpoint = 'https://fts3-pilot.cern.ch:8446'

            # TODO: maybe proxyPath is not needed since it is picked from the environment by the REST API
            proxyPath = getProxyInfo()
            if not proxyPath['OK']:
                return proxyPath

                proxyPath = proxyPath['Value']['path']
            except Exception as e:
                return S_ERROR(repr(e).replace(',)', ')'))

            context = fts3.Context(endpoint, proxyPath)

            fts3.unban_se(context, storageElement)

            blacklist[endpoint] = json.loads(context.get("ban/se"))

        return S_OK(blacklist)
Пример #3
  def _banStorageElement( self, storageElement ):

    endpoints = getFTS3Servers()
    if not endpoints['OK']:
      return endpoints

    endpoints = endpoints['Value']

    blacklist = {}
    for endpoint in endpoints:
      # endpoint = 'https://fts3-pilot.cern.ch:8446'

      # TODO: maybe proxyPath is not needed since it is picked from the environment by the REST API
      proxyPath = getProxyInfo()
      if not proxyPath['OK']:
        return proxyPath

        proxyPath = proxyPath['Value']['path']
      except Exception as e:
        return S_ERROR( repr( e ).replace( ',)', ')' ) )

      context = fts3.Context( endpoint, proxyPath )
      status = 'wait'  # This status leaves the jobs queued. The only alternative is "cancel"

      pausedJobIDs = fts3.ban_se( context, storageElement, status, timeout = 3600, allow_submit = False )
      self.log.info( "fts3.ban_se: paused jobs: %s" % ','.join(pausedJobIDs) )

      blacklist[endpoint] = json.loads( context.get( "ban/se" ) )

    return S_OK( blacklist )
Пример #4
    def _banStorageElement(self, storageElement):

        endpoints = getFTS3Servers()['Value']

        blacklist = {}
        for endpoint in endpoints:
            #endpoint = 'https://fts3-pilot.cern.ch:8446'

            #TODO: maybe proxyPath is not needed since it is picked from the environment by the REST API
            proxyPath = getProxyInfo()
            if not proxyPath.get('OK'):
                return S_ERROR("Proxy not found!")

                proxyPath = proxyPath.get('Value').get('path')
            except Exception as e:
                return S_ERROR(e.message)

            context = fts3.Context(endpoint, proxyPath)
            timeout = 3600  #or...?
            status = 'wait'  #or...?
            allow_submit = False  #or...?

            #TODO: ban_se returns the list of jobIDs interrupted by the banning
            pausedJobIDs = fts3.ban_se(context, storageElement, status,
                                       timeout, allow_submit)

            blacklist[endpoint] = json.loads(context.get("ban/se"))

        return S_OK(blacklist)

Пример #5
    def _unbanStorageElement(self, storageElement):

        endpoints = getFTS3Servers()
        if not endpoints["OK"]:
            return endpoints

        endpoints = endpoints["Value"]

        blacklist = {}
        for endpoint in endpoints:
            # endpoint = 'https://fts3-pilot.cern.ch:8446'

            # TODO: maybe proxyPath is not needed since it is picked from the environment by the REST API
            proxyPath = getProxyInfo()
            if not proxyPath["OK"]:
                return proxyPath

                proxyPath = proxyPath["Value"]["path"]
            except Exception as e:
                return S_ERROR(repr(e).replace(",)", ")"))

            context = fts3.Context(endpoint, proxyPath)

            fts3.unban_se(context, storageElement)

            blacklist[endpoint] = json.loads(context.get("ban/se"))

        return S_OK(blacklist)
Пример #6
    def _unbanStorageElement(self, storageElement):

        endpoints = getFTS3Servers()['Value']

        blacklist = {}
        for endpoint in endpoints:
            #endpoint = 'https://fts3-pilot.cern.ch:8446'

            #TODO: maybe proxyPath is not needed since it is picked from the environment by the REST API
            proxyPath = getProxyInfo()
            if not proxyPath.get('OK'):
                return S_ERROR("Proxy not found!")

                proxyPath = proxyPath.get('Value').get('path')
            except Exception as e:
                return S_ERROR(e.message)

            context = fts3.Context(endpoint, proxyPath)

            fts3.unban_se(context, storageElement)

            blacklist[endpoint] = json.loads(context.get("ban/se"))

        return S_OK(blacklist)
Пример #7
  def _banStorageElement( self, storageElement ):

    endpoints = getFTS3Servers()[ 'Value' ]

    blacklist = {}
    for endpoint in endpoints:
      # endpoint = 'https://fts3-pilot.cern.ch:8446'

      # TODO: maybe proxyPath is not needed since it is picked from the environment by the REST API
      proxyPath = getProxyInfo()
      if not proxyPath['OK']:
        return proxyPath

        proxyPath = proxyPath['Value']['path']
      except Exception as e:
        return S_ERROR( repr( e ).replace( ',)', ')' ) )

      context = fts3.Context( endpoint, proxyPath )
      timeout = 3600  # or...?
      status = 'wait'  # or...?
      allow_submit = False  # or...?

      # TODO: ban_se returns the list of jobIDs interrupted by the banning
      pausedJobIDs = fts3.ban_se( context, storageElement, status, timeout, allow_submit )
      self.log.info( "fts3.ban_se: %s" % pausedJobIDs )

      blacklist[endpoint] = json.loads( context.get( "ban/se" ) )

    return S_OK( blacklist )
Пример #8
    def _banStorageElement(self, storageElement):

        endpoints = getFTS3Servers()['Value']

        blacklist = {}
        for endpoint in endpoints:
            # endpoint = 'https://fts3-pilot.cern.ch:8446'

            # TODO: maybe proxyPath is not needed since it is picked from the environment by the REST API
            proxyPath = getProxyInfo()
            if not proxyPath['OK']:
                return proxyPath

                proxyPath = proxyPath['Value']['path']
            except Exception as e:
                return S_ERROR(repr(e).replace(',)', ')'))

            context = fts3.Context(endpoint, proxyPath)
            timeout = 3600  # or...?
            status = 'wait'  # or...?
            allow_submit = False  # or...?

            # TODO: ban_se returns the list of jobIDs interrupted by the banning
            pausedJobIDs = fts3.ban_se(context, storageElement, status,
                                       timeout, allow_submit)
            self.log.info("fts3.ban_se: %s" % pausedJobIDs)

            blacklist[endpoint] = json.loads(context.get("ban/se"))

        return S_OK(blacklist)
Пример #9
	def _banStorageElement( self, storageElement ):
		endpoints = getFTS3Servers()[ 'Value' ]
		blacklist = {}
		for endpoint in endpoints:
			#endpoint = 'https://fts3-pilot.cern.ch:8446'
			#TODO: maybe proxyPath is not needed since it is picked from the environment by the REST API
			proxyPath = getProxyInfo()
			if not proxyPath.get('OK'):
				return S_ERROR("Proxy not found!")
				proxyPath = proxyPath.get('Value').get('path')
			except Exception as e:
				return S_ERROR(e.message)			
			context = fts3.Context(endpoint, proxyPath)
			timeout = 3600  #or...?
			status = 'wait' #or...?
			allow_submit = False #or...?
			#TODO: ban_se returns the list of jobIDs interrupted by the banning
			pausedJobIDs = fts3.ban_se(context, storageElement, status, timeout, allow_submit)
			blacklist[endpoint] = json.loads(context.get("ban/se"))
		return S_OK( blacklist )
Пример #10
  def __init__( self, csPath = None, ftsHistoryViews = None ):
        Call the init of the parent, and initialize the list of FTS3 servers

    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "FTS3Placement" )
    super( FTS3Placement, self ).__init__( csPath = csPath, ftsHistoryViews = ftsHistoryViews )
    srvList = getFTS3Servers()
    if not srvList['OK']:
      self.log.error( srvList['Message'] )

    self.__serverList = srvList.get( 'Value', [] )
    self.maxAttempts = len( self.__serverList )
Пример #11
    def __init__(self, csPath=None, ftsHistoryViews=None):
        Call the init of the parent, and initialize the list of FTS3 servers

        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("FTS3Placement")
        super(FTS3Placement, self).__init__(csPath=csPath,
        srvList = getFTS3Servers()
        if not srvList['OK']:

        self.__serverList = srvList.get('Value', [])
        self.maxAttempts = len(self.__serverList)
Пример #12
  def doMaster( self ):
    ''' Master method, which looks little bit spaghetti code, sorry !
        - It gets all sites and transforms them into gocSites.
        - It gets all the storage elements and transforms them into their hosts
        - It gets the the CEs (FTS and file catalogs will come).

    gocSites = CSHelpers.getGOCSites()
    if not gocSites[ 'OK' ]:
      return gocSites
    gocSites = gocSites[ 'Value' ]

    sesHosts = CSHelpers.getStorageElementsHosts()
    if not sesHosts[ 'OK' ]:
      return sesHosts
    sesHosts = sesHosts[ 'Value' ]

    resources = sesHosts
    ftsServer = getFTS3Servers()
    if ftsServer[ 'OK' ]:
      resources.extend( ftsServer[ 'Value' ] )
    #TODO: file catalogs need also to use their hosts
    #fc = CSHelpers.getFileCatalogs()
    #if fc[ 'OK' ]:
    #  resources = resources + fc[ 'Value' ]

    ce = CSHelpers.getComputingElements()
    if ce[ 'OK' ]:
      resources.extend( ce[ 'Value' ] )

    gLogger.verbose( 'Processing Sites: %s' % ', '.join( gocSites ) )

    siteRes = self.doNew( ( 'Site', gocSites ) )
    if not siteRes[ 'OK' ]:
      self.metrics[ 'failed' ].append( siteRes[ 'Message' ] )

    gLogger.verbose( 'Processing Resources: %s' % ', '.join( resources ) )

    resourceRes = self.doNew( ( 'Resource', resources ) )
    if not resourceRes[ 'OK' ]:
      self.metrics[ 'failed' ].append( resourceRes[ 'Message' ] )

    return S_OK( self.metrics )

Пример #13
    def doMaster(self):
        """ Master method, which looks little bit spaghetti code, sorry !
        - It gets all sites and transforms them into gocSites.
        - It gets all the storage elements and transforms them into their hosts
        - It gets the the CEs (FTS and file catalogs will come).

        gocSites = getGOCSites()
        if not gocSites['OK']:
            return gocSites
        gocSites = gocSites['Value']

        sesHosts = getStorageElementsHosts()
        if not sesHosts['OK']:
            return sesHosts
        sesHosts = sesHosts['Value']

        resources = sesHosts if sesHosts else []

        ftsServer = getFTS3Servers(hostOnly=True)
        if ftsServer['OK'] and ftsServer['Value']:

        # TODO: file catalogs need also to use their hosts

        # fc = CSHelpers.getFileCatalogs()
        # if fc[ 'OK' ]:
        #  resources = resources + fc[ 'Value' ]

        ce = getComputingElements()
        if ce['OK'] and ce['Value']:

        self.log.verbose('Processing Sites',
                         ', '.join(gocSites if gocSites else ['NONE']))

        siteRes = self.doNew(('Site', gocSites))
        if not siteRes['OK']:

        self.log.verbose('Processing Resources',
                         ', '.join(resources if resources else ['NONE']))

        resourceRes = self.doNew(('Resource', resources))
        if not resourceRes['OK']:

        return S_OK(self.metrics)
Пример #14
    def doMaster(self):
        """Master method, which looks little bit spaghetti code, sorry !
        - It gets all sites and transforms them into gocSites.
        - It gets all the storage elements and transforms them into their hosts
        - It gets the the CEs (FTS and file catalogs will come).

        gocSites = getGOCSites()
        if not gocSites["OK"]:
            return gocSites
        gocSites = gocSites["Value"]

        sesHosts = getStorageElementsHosts()
        if not sesHosts["OK"]:
            return sesHosts
        sesHosts = sesHosts["Value"]

        resources = sesHosts if sesHosts else []

        ftsServer = getFTS3Servers(hostOnly=True)
        if ftsServer["OK"] and ftsServer["Value"]:

        # TODO: file catalogs need also to use their hosts

        # fc = CSHelpers.getFileCatalogs()
        # if fc[ 'OK' ]:
        #  resources = resources + fc[ 'Value' ]

        res = getCESiteMapping()
        if res["OK"] and res["Value"]:

        self.log.verbose("Processing Sites",
                         ", ".join(gocSites if gocSites else ["NONE"]))

        siteRes = self.doNew(("Site", gocSites))
        if not siteRes["OK"]:

        self.log.verbose("Processing Resources",
                         ", ".join(resources if resources else ["NONE"]))

        resourceRes = self.doNew(("Resource", resources))
        if not resourceRes["OK"]:

        return S_OK(self.metrics)
Пример #15
    def doMaster(self):
        """ Master method, which looks little bit spaghetti code, sorry !
        - It gets all sites and transforms them into gocSites.
        - It gets all the storage elements and transforms them into their hosts
        - It gets the the CEs (FTS and file catalogs will come).

        gocSites = CSHelpers.getGOCSites()
        if not gocSites["OK"]:
            return gocSites
        gocSites = gocSites["Value"]

        sesHosts = CSHelpers.getStorageElementsHosts()
        if not sesHosts["OK"]:
            return sesHosts
        sesHosts = sesHosts["Value"]

        resources = sesHosts

        ftsServer = getFTS3Servers()
        if ftsServer["OK"]:

        # TODO: file catalogs need also to use their hosts

        # fc = CSHelpers.getFileCatalogs()
        # if fc[ 'OK' ]:
        #  resources = resources + fc[ 'Value' ]

        ce = CSHelpers.getComputingElements()
        if ce["OK"]:

        self.log.verbose("Processing Sites: %s" % ", ".join(gocSites))

        siteRes = self.doNew(("Site", gocSites))
        if not siteRes["OK"]:

        self.log.verbose("Processing Resources: %s" % ", ".join(resources))

        resourceRes = self.doNew(("Resource", resources))
        if not resourceRes["OK"]:

        return S_OK(self.metrics)
Пример #16
  def __resolveFTSServer( self ):
    resolve FTS server to use, it should be the closest one from target SE

    :param self: self reference
    if self.ftsVersion.upper() == 'FTS2':

      from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources import getFTS2ServersForSites
      if not self.targetSE:
        return S_ERROR( "Target SE not set" )
      res = getSitesForSE( self.targetSE )
      if not res['OK'] or not res['Value']:
        return S_ERROR( "Could not determine target site" )
      targetSites = res['Value']

      targetSite = ''
      for targetSite in targetSites:
        targetFTS = getFTS2ServersForSites( [targetSite] )
        if targetFTS['OK']:
          ftsTarget = targetFTS['Value'][targetSite]
          if ftsTarget:
            self.ftsServer = ftsTarget
            return S_OK( self.ftsServer )
          return targetFTS

    elif self.ftsVersion.upper() == 'FTS3':

      from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources import getFTS3Servers
      res = getFTS3Servers()
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      ftsServerList = res['Value']
      if ftsServerList:
        # Here we take the first one, regardless of the policy...
        # Unclean but all this will disapear after refactoring the fts code
        self.ftsServer = ftsServerList[0]
        return S_OK( self.ftsServer )

      return S_ERROR( 'Unknown FTS version %s' % self.ftsVersion )

    return S_ERROR( 'No FTS server found for %s' % targetSite )
Пример #17
  def __resolveFTSServer( self ):
    resolve FTS server to use, it should be the closest one from target SE

    :param self: self reference
    if self.ftsVersion.upper() == 'FTS2':

      from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources import getFTS2ServersForSites
      if not self.targetSE:
        return S_ERROR( "Target SE not set" )
      res = getSitesForSE( self.targetSE )
      if not res['OK'] or not res['Value']:
        return S_ERROR( "Could not determine target site" )
      targetSites = res['Value']

      targetSite = ''
      for targetSite in targetSites:
        targetFTS = getFTS2ServersForSites( [targetSite] )
        if targetFTS['OK']:
          ftsTarget = targetFTS['Value'][targetSite]
          if ftsTarget:
            self.ftsServer = ftsTarget
            return S_OK( self.ftsServer )
          return targetFTS

    elif self.ftsVersion.upper() == 'FTS3':

      from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources import getFTS3Servers
      res = getFTS3Servers()
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      ftsServerList = res['Value']
      if ftsServerList:
        # Here we take the first one, regardless of the policy...
        # Unclean but all this will disapear after refactoring the fts code
        self.ftsServer = ftsServerList[0]
        return S_OK( self.ftsServer )

      return S_ERROR( 'Unknown FTS version %s' % self.ftsVersion )

    return S_ERROR( 'No FTS server found for %s' % targetSite )
Пример #18
    def __removeNonExistingResourcesFromRM(self):
        Remove resources from DowntimeCache table that no longer exist in the CS.

        if not getServiceURL("ResourceStatus/ResourceManagement"):
                "ResourceManagement is not installed, skipping removal of non existing resources..."
            return S_OK()

        sesHosts = getStorageElementsHosts()
        if not sesHosts["OK"]:
            return sesHosts
        sesHosts = sesHosts["Value"]

        resources = sesHosts

        ftsServer = getFTS3Servers(hostOnly=True)
        if ftsServer["OK"]:

        res = getCESiteMapping()
        if res["OK"]:

        downtimes = self.rManagement.selectDowntimeCache()

        if not downtimes["OK"]:
            return downtimes

        # Remove hosts that no longer exist in the CS
        for host in downtimes["Value"]:
            gLogger.verbose("Checking if %s is still in the CS" % host[0])
            if host[0] not in resources:
                gLogger.verbose("%s is no longer in CS, removing entry..." %
                result = self.rManagement.deleteDowntimeCache(name=host[0])

                if not result["OK"]:
                    return result

        return S_OK()
Пример #19
    def __removeNonExistingResourcesFromRM(self):
      Remove resources from DowntimeCache table that no longer exist in the CS.

        if not getServiceURL("ResourceStatus/ResourceManagement"):
                'ResourceManagement is not installed, skipping removal of non existing resources...'
            return S_OK()

        sesHosts = getStorageElementsHosts()
        if not sesHosts['OK']:
            return sesHosts
        sesHosts = sesHosts['Value']

        resources = sesHosts

        ftsServer = getFTS3Servers(hostOnly=True)
        if ftsServer['OK']:

        ce = CSHelpers.getComputingElements()
        if ce['OK']:

        downtimes = self.rManagement.selectDowntimeCache()

        if not downtimes['OK']:
            return downtimes

        # Remove hosts that no longer exist in the CS
        for host in downtimes['Value']:
            gLogger.verbose('Checking if %s is still in the CS' % host[0])
            if host[0] not in resources:
                gLogger.verbose('%s is no longer in CS, removing entry...' %
                result = self.rManagement.deleteDowntimeCache(name=host[0])

                if not result['OK']:
                    return result

        return S_OK()
Пример #20
    def __removeNonExistingResourcesFromRM(self):
          Remove resources from DowntimeCache table that no longer exist in the CS.

        if not getServiceURL("ResourceStatus/ResourceManagement"):
                'ResourceManagement is not installed, skipping removal of non existing resources...')
            return S_OK()

        sesHosts = CSHelpers.getStorageElementsHosts()
        if not sesHosts['OK']:
            return sesHosts
        sesHosts = sesHosts['Value']

        resources = sesHosts

        ftsServer = getFTS3Servers()
        if ftsServer['OK']:

        ce = CSHelpers.getComputingElements()
        if ce['OK']:

        downtimes = self.rManagement.selectDowntimeCache()

        if not downtimes['OK']:
            return downtimes

        # Remove hosts that no longer exist in the CS
        for host in downtimes['Value']:
            gLogger.verbose('Checking if %s is still in the CS' % host[0])
            if host[0] not in resources:
                    '%s is no longer in CS, removing entry...' % host[0])
                result = self.rManagement.deleteDowntimeCache(name=host[0])

                if not result['OK']:
                    return result

        return S_OK()
Пример #21
    def _banStorageElement(self, storageElement):

        endpoints = getFTS3Servers()
        if not endpoints['OK']:
            return endpoints

        endpoints = endpoints['Value']

        blacklist = {}
        for endpoint in endpoints:
            # endpoint = 'https://fts3-pilot.cern.ch:8446'

            # TODO: maybe proxyPath is not needed since it is picked from the environment by the REST API
            proxyPath = getProxyInfo()
            if not proxyPath['OK']:
                return proxyPath

                proxyPath = proxyPath['Value']['path']
            except Exception as e:
                return S_ERROR(repr(e).replace(',)', ')'))

            context = fts3.Context(endpoint, proxyPath)
            status = 'wait'  # This status leaves the jobs queued. The only alternative is "cancel"

            pausedJobIDs = fts3.ban_se(context,
            self.log.info("fts3.ban_se: paused jobs: %s" %

            blacklist[endpoint] = json.loads(context.get("ban/se"))

        return S_OK(blacklist)