Пример #1
    def execute(self):

        if not os.path.isfile(self.cacheFile):
            self.log.error(self.cacheFile + " does not exist.")
            return S_OK()

        with sqlite3.connect(self.cacheFile) as conn:

            # *******************************************************
            # This is for the ProductionManagementSystem's Utilities
            # *******************************************************

            if not self.csS:
                self.log.error('No ProductionRequest section in configuration')
                return S_OK()

            result = conn.execute(
                "SELECT DISTINCT thegroup, reqName, reqWG, reqInform from ProductionManagementCache;"

            html_header = """\
            <!DOCTYPE html>
            <meta charset='UTF-8'>
                td,th{border:1px solid transparent;height:30px;transition:all .3s}th{background:#DFDFDF;font-weight:700}
                td{background:#FAFAFA;text-align:center}tr:nth-child(even) td{background:#F1F1F1}tr:nth-child(odd)
                td{background:#FEFEFE}tr td:hover{background:#666;color:#FFF}tr td.link:hover{background:inherit;}
                p{width: 850px;}

            for group in result:

                link = "https://lhcb-portal-dirac.cern.ch/DIRAC/s:" + PathFinder.getDIRACSetup() + "/g:" + group[0] + \

                aggregated_body = ""
                html_elements = ""

                # Check if group is not empty
                if group[0]:

                    if group[0] == 'lhcb_bk':
                        header = "New Productions are requested and they have customized Simulation Conditions. " \
                                 "As member of <span style='color:green'>" + group[0] + "</span> group, your are asked either to register new Simulation conditions " \
                                 "or to reject the requests. In case some other member of the group has already done that, " \
                                 "please ignore this mail.\n"

                    elif group[0] in ['lhcb_ppg', 'lhcb_tech']:
                        header = "New Productions are requested. As member of <span style='color:green'>" + group[0] + "</span> group, your are asked either to sign or " \
                                 "to reject it. In case some other member of the group has already done that, please ignore this mail.\n"
                        header = "As member of <span style='color:green'>" + \
                            group[0] + "</span> group, your are asked to review the below requests.\n"

                    cursor = conn.execute(
                        "SELECT reqId, reqType, reqWG, reqName, SimCondition, ProPath from ProductionManagementCache "
                        "WHERE thegroup = ? and reqName=? and reqWG=? ",
                        (group[0], group[1], group[2]))

                    for reqId, reqType, reqWG, reqName, SimCondition, ProPath in cursor:

                        html_elements += "<tr>" + \
                                         "<td>" + reqId + "</td>" + \
                                         "<td>" + reqName + "</td>" + \
                                         "<td>" + reqType + "</td>" + \
                                         "<td>" + reqWG + "</td>" + \
                                         "<td>" + SimCondition if SimCondition else '' + "</td>" + \
                                         "<td>" + ProPath if ProPath else '' + "</td>" + \
                                         "<td class='link'><a href='" + link + "' target='_blank'> Link </a></td>" + \

                    html_body = """\
                  <th>Working Group</th>
                  <th>Processing pass</th>
          """.format(header=header, html_elements=html_elements)

                    aggregated_body = html_header + html_body

                    informPeople = None
                    if group[3]:
                        informPeople = group[3].split(',')
                    if informPeople:
                        for emailaddress in informPeople:
                            res = self.diracAdmin.sendMail(
                                "Notifications for production requests - Group %s; %s; %s"
                                % (group[0], group[2], group[1]),

                    for people in _getMemberMails(group[0]):

                        res = self.diracAdmin.sendMail(
                            "Notifications for production requests - Group %s; %s; %s"
                            % (group[0], group[2], group[1]),

                        if res['OK']:
                                "DELETE FROM ProductionManagementCache;")
                                "_inform_people: can't send email: %s" %
                            return S_OK()

            # **************************************
            # This is for the ProductionStatusAgent
            # **************************************

            html_header2 = """\
            <!DOCTYPE html>
            <meta charset='UTF-8'>
                td,th{border:1px solid transparent;height:30px;transition:all .3s}th{background:#DFDFDF;font-weight:700}
                .Testing,.TransformationCleaned{color:gray}tr:nth-child(even) td{background:#F1F1F1}
                tr:nth-child(odd) td{background:#FEFEFE}tr td:hover{background:#666;color:#FFF}

            aggregated_body = ""
            html_elements = ""
            html_elements2 = ""

            cursor = conn.execute(
                "SELECT production, from_status, to_status, time from ProductionStatusAgentCache;"

            # Check if the results are non-empty
            if cursor.rowcount > 0:

                for production, from_status, to_status, time in cursor:

                    html_elements += "<tr>" + \
                                     "<td>" + production + "</td>" + \
                                     "<td class='" + from_status + "'>" + from_status + "</td>" + \
                                     "<td class='" + to_status + "'>" + to_status + "</td>" + \
                                     "<td>" + time + "</td>" + \

                html_body1 = """\
          <p class="setup">Transformations updated</p>

                cursor = conn.execute(
                    "SELECT prod_requests, time from ProductionStatusAgentReqCache;"

                # Check if the results are non-empty
                if cursor.rowcount > 0:

                    for prod_requests, time in cursor:

                        html_elements2 += "<tr>" + \
                                          "<td>" + prod_requests + "</td>" + \
                                          "<td>" + time + "</td>" + \

                    html_body2 = """\
            <br />
            <p class="setup">Production Requests updated to Done status</p>
                  <th>Production Requests</th>

                    html_body2 = """\

                aggregated_body = html_header2 + html_body1 + html_body2

                res = self.diracAdmin.sendMail('*****@*****.**',
                                               "Transformation Status Updates",

                if res['OK']:

                    conn.execute("DELETE FROM ProductionStatusAgentCache;")

                    conn.execute("DELETE FROM ProductionStatusAgentReqCache;")

                    self.log.error("Can't send email: %s" % res['Message'])
                    return S_OK()

        return S_OK()
Пример #2
def informPeople(rec, oldstate, state, author, inform):
    """ inform utility

    if not state or state == 'New':
        return  # was no state change or resurrect

    reqId = rec['RequestID']
    csS = PathFinder.getServiceSection(
    if not csS:
        gLogger.error('No ProductionRequest section in configuration')

    fromAddress = gConfig.getValue('%s/fromAddress' % csS, '')
    if not fromAddress:
        gLogger.error('No fromAddress is defined in CS path %s/fromAddress' %
    sendNotifications = gConfig.getValue('%s/sendNotifications' % csS, 'Yes')
    if sendNotifications != 'Yes':
        gLogger.info('No notifications will be send')

    footer = "\n\nNOTE: it is an automated notification."
    footer += " Don't reply please.\n"

    footer += "DIRAC Web portal: https://lhcb-portal-dirac.cern.ch/DIRAC/s:%s/g:" % \

    ppath = "/?view=tabs&theme=Grey&url_state=1|*LHCbDIRAC.ProductionRequestManager.classes.ProductionRequestManager:,\n\n"

    ppath += 'The request details:\n'
    ppath += '  Type: %s' % str(rec['RequestType'])
    ppath += '  Name: %s\n' % str(rec['RequestName'])
    ppath += '  Conditions: %s\n' % str(rec['SimCondition'])
    ppath += '  Processing pass: %s\n' % str(rec['ProPath'])

    gLogger.info(".... %s ...." % ppath)

    authorMail = getUserOption(author, 'Email')
    if authorMail:
        if not state in ['BK Check', 'Submitted']:
            if state == 'BK OK':
                subj = 'DIRAC: please resign your Production Request %s' % reqId
                body = '\n'.join([
                    'Customized Simulation Conditions in your request was registered.',
                    'Since Bookkeeping expert could make changes in your request,',
                    'you are asked to confirm it.'
                subj = "DIRAC: the state of Production Request %s is changed to '%s'; %s;%s" % (
                    reqId, state, rec.get('RequestWG',
                                          ''), rec.get('RequestName', ''))
                body = '\n'.join([
                    'The state of your request is changed.',
                    'This mail is for information only.'
            notification = NotificationClient()
            res = notification.sendMail(authorMail, subj,
                                        body + footer + 'lhcb_user' + ppath,
                                        fromAddress, True)
            if not res['OK']:
                gLogger.error("_inform_people: can't send email: %s" %

    if inform:
        subj = "DIRAC: the state of %s Production Request %s is changed to '%s'; %s;%s" % (
            rec['RequestType'], reqId, state, rec.get(
                'RequestWG', ''), rec.get('RequestName', ''))
        body = '\n'.join([
            'You have received this mail because you are'
            'in the subscription list for this request'
        for x in inform.replace(" ", ",").split(","):
            if x:
                if x.find("@") > 0:
                    eMail = x
                    eMail = getUserOption(x, 'Email')
                if eMail:
                    notification = NotificationClient()
                    res = notification.sendMail(
                        eMail, subj, body + footer + 'lhcb_user' + ppath,
                        fromAddress, True)
                    if not res['OK']:
                        gLogger.error("_inform_people: can't send email: %s" %

    if state == 'Accepted':
        subj = "DIRAC: the Production Request %s is accepted; %s;%s" % (
            reqId, rec.get('RequestWG', ''), rec.get('RequestName', ''))
        body = '\n'.join([
            "The Production Request is signed and ready to process",
            "You are informed as member of %s group"
        groups = ['lhcb_prmgr']

        for group in groups:
            for man in _getMemberMails(group):
                notification = NotificationClient()
                res = notification.sendMail(
                    man, subj, body % group + footer + group + ppath,
                    fromAddress, True)
                if not res['OK']:
                    gLogger.error("_inform_people: can't send email: %s" %

    elif state == 'PPG OK' and oldstate == 'Accepted':
        subj = "DIRAC: returned Production Request %s; %s;%s" % (
            reqId, rec.get('RequestWG', ''), rec.get('RequestName', ''))
        body = '\n'.join([
            "Production Request is returned by Production Manager.",
            "As member of %s group, your are asked to correct and sign",
            "or to reject it.", "",
            "In case some other member of the group has already",
            "done that, please ignore this mail."
        groups = ['lhcb_tech']

        for group in groups:
            for man in _getMemberMails(group):
                notification = NotificationClient()
                res = notification.sendMail(
                    man, subj, body % group + footer + group + ppath,
                    fromAddress, True)
                if not res['OK']:
                    gLogger.error("_inform_people: can't send email: %s" %

    elif state == 'BK Check':

        groups = ['lhcb_bk']

        _aggregate(reqId, rec.get('RequestType', ''), rec.get('RequestWG', ''),
                   rec.get('RequestName', ''), rec['SimCondition'],
                   rec['ProPath'], groups, rec.get('reqInform', inform))

    elif state == 'Submitted':

        groups = ['lhcb_ppg', 'lhcb_tech']
        _aggregate(reqId, rec.get('RequestType', ''), rec.get('RequestWG', ''),
                   rec.get('RequestName', ''), rec['SimCondition'],
                   rec['ProPath'], groups, rec.get('reqInform', inform))
