Пример #1
  def _getSEList( self, SEType = 'ProductionOutputs', DataType = 'SimtelProd' ):
    """ get from CS the list of available SE for data upload
    opsHelper = Operations()
    optionName = os.path.join( SEType, DataType )
    SEList = opsHelper.getValue( optionName , [] )
    SEList = List.randomize( SEList )
    DIRAC.gLogger.notice( 'List of %s SE: %s ' % ( SEType, SEList ) )

    # # Check if the local SE is in the list. If yes try it first by reversing list order
    localSEList = []
    res = getSEsForSite( DIRAC.siteName() )
    if res['OK']:
      localSEList = res['Value']

    retainedlocalSEList = []
    for localSE in localSEList:
      if localSE in SEList:
        DIRAC.gLogger.notice( 'The local Storage Element is an available SE: ', localSE )
        retainedlocalSEList.append( localSE )
        SEList.remove( localSE )

    SEList = retainedlocalSEList + SEList
    if len( SEList ) == 0:
      return DIRAC.S_ERROR( 'Error in building SEList' )

    return DIRAC.S_OK( SEList )
Пример #2
    def _ByShare(self, shareType='CPU'):
        """ first get the shares from the CS, and then makes the grouping looking at the history
        res = self._getShares(shareType, normalise=True)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        cpuShares = res['Value']
        self.util.logInfo("Obtained the following target shares (%):")
        for site in sorted(cpuShares.keys()):
            self.util.logInfo("%s: %.1f" % (site.ljust(15), cpuShares[site]))

        # Get the existing destinations from the transformationDB
        res = self.util.getExistingCounters(requestedSites=cpuShares.keys())
        if not res['OK']:
            self.util.logError("Failed to get existing file share",
            return res
        existingCount = res['Value']
        if existingCount:
            self.util.logInfo("Existing site utilization (%):")
            normalisedExistingCount = self.util._normaliseShares(
            for se in sorted(normalisedExistingCount.keys()):
                self.util.logInfo("%s: %.1f" %
                                  (se.ljust(15), normalisedExistingCount[se]))

        # Group the input files by their existing replicas
        res = self.util.groupByReplicas(self.data, self.params['Status'])
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        replicaGroups = res['Value']

        tasks = []
        # For the replica groups
        for replicaSE, lfns in replicaGroups:
            possibleSEs = replicaSE.split(',')
            # Determine the next site based on requested shares, existing usage and candidate sites
            res = self._getNextSite(
            if not res['OK']:
                self.util.logError("Failed to get next destination SE",
            targetSite = res['Value']
            # Resolve the ses for the target site
            res = getSEsForSite(targetSite)
            if not res['OK']:
            ses = res['Value']
            # Determine the selected SE and create the task
            for chosenSE in ses:
                if chosenSE in possibleSEs:
                    tasks.append((chosenSE, lfns))
                    if not existingCount.has_key(targetSite):
                        existingCount[targetSite] = 0
                    existingCount[targetSite] += len(lfns)
        return S_OK(tasks)
Пример #3
def determineSeFromSite():
    siteName = DIRAC.siteName()
    SEname = SeSiteMap.get(siteName, '')
    if not SEname:
        result = getSEsForSite(siteName)
        if result['OK'] and result['Value']:
            SEname = result['Value'][0]
    return SEname
def determineSeFromSite():
    siteName = DIRAC.siteName()
    SEname = SeSiteMap.get(siteName, "")
    if not SEname:
        result = getSEsForSite(siteName)
        if result["OK"] and result["Value"]:
            SEname = result["Value"][0]
    return SEname
Пример #5
  def __updateSharedSESites( self, jobState, stageSite, stagedLFNs, opData ):
    siteCandidates = opData[ 'SiteCandidates' ]

    seStatus = {}
    result = jobState.getManifest()
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    manifest = result['Value']
    vo = manifest.getOption( 'VirtualOrganization' )
    for siteName in siteCandidates:
      if siteName == stageSite:
      self.jobLog.verbose( "Checking %s for shared SEs" % siteName )
      siteData = siteCandidates[ siteName ]
      result = getSEsForSite( siteName )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      closeSEs = result[ 'Value' ]
      diskSEs = []
      for seName in closeSEs:
        # If we don't have the SE status get it and store it
        if seName not in seStatus:
          seObj = StorageElement( seName, vo = vo )
          result = seObj.getStatus()
          if not result['OK' ]:
            self.jobLog.error( "Cannot retrieve SE %s status: %s" % ( seName, result[ 'Message' ] ) )
          seStatus[ seName ] = result[ 'Value' ]
        # get the SE status from mem and add it if its disk
        status = seStatus[ seName ]
        if status['Read'] and status['DiskSE']:
          diskSEs.append( seName )
      self.jobLog.verbose( "Disk SEs for %s are %s" % ( siteName, ", ".join( diskSEs ) ) )

      # Hell again to the dev of this crappy value of value of successful of ...
      lfnData = opData['Value']['Value']['Successful']
      for seName in stagedLFNs:
        # If the SE is not close then skip it
        if seName not in closeSEs:
        for lfn in stagedLFNs[ seName ]:
          self.jobLog.verbose( "Checking %s for %s" % ( seName, lfn ) )
          # I'm pretty sure that this cannot happen :P
          if lfn not in lfnData:
          # Check if it's already on disk at the site
          onDisk = False
          for siteSE in lfnData[ lfn ]:
            if siteSE in diskSEs:
              self.jobLog.verbose( "%s on disk for %s" % ( lfn, siteSE ) )
              onDisk = True
          # If not on disk, then update!
          if not onDisk:
            self.jobLog.verbose( "Setting LFN to disk for %s" % ( seName ) )
            siteData[ 'disk' ] += 1
            siteData[ 'tape' ] -= 1

    return S_OK()
Пример #6
 def isLocalSE( self ):
   """ Test if the Storage Element is local in the current context
   import DIRAC
   gLogger.verbose( "StorageElement.isLocalSE: Determining whether %s is a local SE." % self.name )
   localSEs = getSEsForSite( DIRAC.siteName() )['Value']
   if self.name in localSEs:
     return S_OK( True )
     return S_OK( False )
Пример #7
 def isLocalSE( self ):
   """ Test if the Storage Element is local in the current context
   import DIRAC
   self.log.verbose( "isLocalSE: Determining whether %s is a local SE." % self.name )
   localSEs = getSEsForSite( DIRAC.siteName() )['Value']
   if self.name in localSEs:
     return S_OK( True )
     return S_OK( False )
Пример #8
  def __isLocalSE( self ):
    """ Test if the Storage Element is local in the current context
    self.log.getSubLogger( 'LocalSE' ).verbose( "Determining whether %s is a local SE." % self.name )

    import DIRAC
    localSEs = getSEsForSite( DIRAC.siteName() )['Value']
    if self.name in localSEs:
      return S_OK( True )
      return S_OK( False )
Пример #9
def getSiteSE(SEname):
    sitename = DIRAC.siteName()
    DIRAC.gLogger.error('Sitename: %s' % (sitename))
    print "sitename", sitename
    res = getSEsForSite(sitename)
    if not res['OK']:
        return SEname
    if res['Value']:
        SEname = res['Value'][0]
    return SEname
Пример #10
    def __updateSharedSESites(self, jobState, stageSite, stagedLFNs, opData):
        siteCandidates = opData["SiteCandidates"]

        seStatus = {}
        for siteName in siteCandidates:
            if siteName == stageSite:
            self.jobLog.verbose("Checking %s for shared SEs" % siteName)
            siteData = siteCandidates[siteName]
            result = getSEsForSite(siteName)
            if not result["OK"]:
            closeSEs = result["Value"]
            diskSEs = []
            for seName in closeSEs:
                # If we don't have the SE status get it and store it
                if seName not in seStatus:
                    seObj = StorageElement(seName)
                    result = seObj.getStatus()
                    if not result["OK"]:
                        self.jobLog.error("Cannot retrieve SE %s status: %s" % (seName, result["Message"]))
                    seStatus[seName] = result["Value"]
                # get the SE status from mem and add it if its disk
                status = seStatus[seName]
                if status["Read"] and status["DiskSE"]:
            self.jobLog.verbose("Disk SEs for %s are %s" % (siteName, ", ".join(diskSEs)))

            # Hell again to the dev of this crappy value of value of successful of ...
            lfnData = opData["Value"]["Value"]["Successful"]
            for seName in stagedLFNs:
                # If the SE is not close then skip it
                if seName not in closeSEs:
                for lfn in stagedLFNs[seName]:
                    self.jobLog.verbose("Checking %s for %s" % (seName, lfn))
                    # I'm pretty sure that this cannot happen :P
                    if lfn not in lfnData:
                    # Check if it's already on disk at the site
                    onDisk = False
                    for siteSE in lfnData[lfn]:
                        if siteSE in diskSEs:
                            self.jobLog.verbose("%s on disk for %s" % (lfn, siteSE))
                            onDisk = True
                    # If not on disk, then update!
                    if not onDisk:
                        self.jobLog.verbose("Setting LFN to disk for %s" % (seName))
                        siteData["disk"] += 1
                        siteData["tape"] -= 1

        return S_OK()
Пример #11
    def __isLocalSE(self):
        """ Test if the Storage Element is local in the current context
        self.log.getSubLogger("LocalSE").verbose("Determining whether %s is a local SE." % self.name)

        import DIRAC

        localSEs = getSEsForSite(DIRAC.siteName())["Value"]
        if self.name in localSEs:
            return S_OK(True)
            return S_OK(False)
Пример #12
  def __getStagingSites(self,stagingSite,destinationSites):
    """ Get a list of sites where the staged data will be available

    result = getSEsForSite(stagingSite)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    stagingSEs = result['Value']
    stagingSites = [stagingSite]
    for s in destinationSites:
      if s != stagingSite:
        result = getSEsForSite(s)
        if not result['OK']:
        for se in result['Value']:
          if se in stagingSEs:

    return S_OK(stagingSites)
Пример #13
    def __getStagingSites(self, stagingSite, destinationSites):
        """ Get a list of sites where the staged data will be available

        result = getSEsForSite(stagingSite)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        stagingSEs = result['Value']
        stagingSites = [stagingSite]
        for s in destinationSites:
            if s != stagingSite:
                result = getSEsForSite(s)
                if not result['OK']:
                for se in result['Value']:
                    if se in stagingSEs:

        return S_OK(stagingSites)
Пример #14
  def _ByShare( self, shareType = 'CPU' ):
    """ first get the shares from the CS, and then makes the grouping looking at the history
    res = self._getShares( shareType, normalise = True )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    cpuShares = res['Value']
    self.util.logInfo( "Obtained the following target shares (%):" )
    for site in sorted( cpuShares.keys() ):
      self.util.logInfo( "%s: %.1f" % ( site.ljust( 15 ), cpuShares[site] ) )

    # Get the existing destinations from the transformationDB
    res = self.util.getExistingCounters( requestedSites = cpuShares.keys() )
    if not res['OK']:
      self.util.logError( "Failed to get existing file share", res['Message'] )
      return res
    existingCount = res['Value']
    if existingCount:
      self.util.logInfo( "Existing site utilization (%):" )
      normalisedExistingCount = self.util._normaliseShares( existingCount.copy() )
      for se in sorted( normalisedExistingCount.keys() ):
        self.util.logInfo( "%s: %.1f" % ( se.ljust( 15 ), normalisedExistingCount[se] ) )

    # Group the input files by their existing replicas
    res = self.util.groupByReplicas( self.data, self.params['Status'] )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    replicaGroups = res['Value']

    tasks = []
    # For the replica groups
    for replicaSE, lfns in replicaGroups:
      possibleSEs = replicaSE.split( ',' )
      # Determine the next site based on requested shares, existing usage and candidate sites
      res = self._getNextSite( existingCount, cpuShares, candidates = self._getSitesForSEs( possibleSEs ) )
      if not res['OK']:
        self.util.logError( "Failed to get next destination SE", res['Message'] )
      targetSite = res['Value']
      # Resolve the ses for the target site
      res = getSEsForSite( targetSite )
      if not res['OK']:
      ses = res['Value']
      # Determine the selected SE and create the task
      for chosenSE in ses:
        if chosenSE in possibleSEs:
          tasks.append( ( chosenSE, lfns ) )
          if not existingCount.has_key( targetSite ):
            existingCount[targetSite] = 0
          existingCount[targetSite] += len( lfns )
    return S_OK( tasks )
Пример #15
    def __updateSharedSESites(self, jobManifest, stageSite, stagedLFNs,
        siteCandidates = opData["SiteCandidates"]

        seStatus = {}
        vo = jobManifest.getOption("VirtualOrganization")
        for siteName in siteCandidates:
            if siteName == stageSite:
            self.jobLog.debug("Checking %s for shared SEs" % siteName)
            siteData = siteCandidates[siteName]
            result = getSEsForSite(siteName)
            if not result["OK"]:
            closeSEs = result["Value"]
            diskSEs = []
            for seName in closeSEs:
                # If we don't have the SE status get it and store it
                if seName not in seStatus:
                    seStatus[seName] = StorageElement(seName, vo=vo).status()
                # get the SE status from mem and add it if its disk
                status = seStatus[seName]
                if status["Read"] and status["DiskSE"]:
            self.jobLog.debug("Disk SEs for %s are %s" %
                              (siteName, ", ".join(diskSEs)))

            # Hell again to the dev of this crappy value of value of successful of ...
            lfnData = opData["Value"]["Value"]["Successful"]
            for seName in stagedLFNs:
                # If the SE is not close then skip it
                if seName not in closeSEs:
                for lfn in stagedLFNs[seName]:
                    self.jobLog.debug("Checking %s for %s" % (seName, lfn))
                    # I'm pretty sure that this cannot happen :P
                    if lfn not in lfnData:
                    # Check if it's already on disk at the site
                    onDisk = False
                    for siteSE in lfnData[lfn]:
                        if siteSE in diskSEs:
                            self.jobLog.verbose("lfn on disk",
                                                ": %s at %s" % (lfn, siteSE))
                            onDisk = True
                    # If not on disk, then update!
                    if not onDisk:
                        self.jobLog.verbose("Setting LFN to disk",
                                            "for %s" % seName)
                        siteData["disk"] += 1
                        siteData["tape"] -= 1
Пример #16
def upload_to_seList(FileLFN, FileName):

    DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Put and register in LFC and DFC:', FileLFN)
    from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Dirac import Dirac
    from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.SiteSEMapping import getSEsForSite
    result = getSEsForSite(DIRAC.siteName())
    if result['OK']:
        localSEs = result['Value']

    dirac = Dirac()
    upload_result = 'NOTOK'
    failing_se = []

    for se in localSEs:
        if se in seList:
            DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Local SE is in the list:', se)
            ret = dirac.addFile(FileLFN, FileName, se)
            res = CheckCatalogCoherence(FileLFN)
            if res != DIRAC.S_OK:
                    'Job failed: Catalog Coherence problem found')
                DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Failing SE:', se)
            upload_result = 'OK'

    if upload_result != 'OK':
        for se in seList:
            DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Try upload to:', se)
            ret = dirac.addFile(FileLFN, FileName, se)

            res = CheckCatalogCoherence(FileLFN)
            if res != DIRAC.S_OK:
                    'Job failed: Catalog Coherence problem found')
                DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Failing SE:', se)
            upload_result = 'OK'

    DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Failing SE list:', failing_se)

    #for se in failing_se:
    #  seList.remove(se)

    #  DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Failing SE list:',failing_se)
    if upload_result != 'OK':
        return DIRAC.S_ERROR

    return DIRAC.S_OK
Пример #17
    def __updateOtherSites(self, job, stagingSite, stagedLFNsPerSE, optInfo):
      Update Optimizer Info for other sites for which the SE on which we have staged
      Files are declared local
        updated = False
        seDict = {}
        for site, siteDict in optInfo['SiteCandidates'].items():
            if stagingSite == site:
            closeSEs = getSEsForSite(site)
            if not closeSEs['OK']:
            closeSEs = closeSEs['Value']
            siteDiskSEs = []
            for se in closeSEs:
                if se not in seDict:
                        storageElement = StorageElement(se)
                        seDict[se] = storageElement.getStatus()['Value']
                    except Exception:
                            'Failed to instantiate StorageElement( %s )' % se)
                seStatus = seDict[se]
                if seStatus['Read'] and seStatus['DiskSE']:

            for lfn, replicas in optInfo['Value']['Value']['Successful'].items(
                for stageSE, stageLFNs in stagedLFNsPerSE.items():
                    if lfn in stageLFNs and stageSE in closeSEs:
                        # The LFN has been staged, we need to check now if this SE is close
                        # to the Site and if the LFN was not already on a Disk SE at the Site
                        isOnDisk = False
                        for se in replicas:
                            if se in siteDiskSEs:
                                isOnDisk = True
                        if not isOnDisk:
                            # This is updating optInfo
                            updated = True
                            siteDict['disk'] += 1
                            siteDict['tape'] -= 1

        if updated:
                'Updating %s Optimizer Info for Job %s:' %
                (self.dataAgentName, job), optInfo)
            self.setOptimizerJobInfo(job, self.dataAgentName, optInfo)
Пример #18
  def __updateOtherSites( self, job, stagingSite, stagedLFNsPerSE, optInfo ):
      Update Optimizer Info for other sites for which the SE on which we have staged
      Files are declared local
    updated = False
    seDict = {}
    for site, siteDict in optInfo['SiteCandidates'].items():
      if stagingSite == site:
      closeSEs = getSEsForSite( site )
      if not closeSEs['OK']:
      closeSEs = closeSEs['Value']
      siteDiskSEs = []
      for se in closeSEs:
        if se not in seDict:
            storageElement = StorageElement( se )
            seDict[se] = storageElement.getStatus()['Value']
          except Exception:
            self.log.exception( 'Failed to instantiate StorageElement( %s )' % se )
        seStatus = seDict[se]
        if seStatus['Read'] and seStatus['DiskSE']:
          siteDiskSEs.append( se )

      for lfn, replicas in optInfo['Value']['Value']['Successful'].items():
        for stageSE, stageLFNs in stagedLFNsPerSE.items():
          if lfn in stageLFNs and stageSE in closeSEs:
            # The LFN has been staged, we need to check now if this SE is close 
            # to the Site and if the LFN was not already on a Disk SE at the Site
            isOnDisk = False
            for se in replicas:
              if se in siteDiskSEs:
                isOnDisk = True
            if not isOnDisk:
              # This is updating optInfo
              updated = True
              siteDict['disk'] += 1
              siteDict['tape'] -= 1

    if updated:
      self.log.verbose( 'Updating %s Optimizer Info for Job %s:' % ( self.dataAgentName, job ), optInfo )
      self.setOptimizerJobInfo( job, self.dataAgentName, optInfo )
Пример #19
    def __updateOtherSites(self, job, stagingSite, stagedLFNsPerSE, optInfo):
      Update Optimizer Info for other sites for which the SE on which we have staged
      Files are declared local
        updated = False
        for site, siteDict in optInfo["SiteCandidates"].items():
            if stagingSite == site:
            closeSEs = getSEsForSite(site)
            if not closeSEs["OK"]:
            closeSEs = closeSEs["Value"]
            siteDiskSEs = []
            for se in closeSEs:
                storageElement = StorageElement(se)
                seStatus = storageElement.getStatus()["Value"]
                if seStatus["Read"] and seStatus["DiskSE"]:

            for lfn, replicas in optInfo["Value"]["Value"]["Successful"].items():
                for stageSE, stageLFNs in stagedLFNsPerSE.items():
                    if lfn in stageLFNs and stageSE in closeSEs:
                        # The LFN has been staged, we need to check now if this SE is close
                        # to the Site and if the LFN was not already on a Disk SE at the Site
                        isOnDisk = False
                        for se in replicas:
                            if se in siteDiskSEs:
                                isOnDisk = True
                        if not isOnDisk:
                            # This is updating optInfo
                            updated = True
                            siteDict["disk"] += 1
                            siteDict["tape"] -= 1

        if updated:
            self.setOptimizerJobInfo(job, self.dataAgentName, optInfo)
Пример #20
  def __preRequestStaging( self, jobState, stageSite, opData ):
    result = getSEsForSite( stageSite )
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Could not determine SEs for site %s' % stageSite )
    siteSEs = result['Value']

    tapeSEs = []
    diskSEs = []
    for seName in siteSEs:
      se = StorageElement( seName )
      result = se.getStatus()
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        self.jobLog.error( "Cannot retrieve SE %s status: %s" % ( seName, result[ 'Message' ] ) )
        return S_ERROR( "Cannot retrieve SE status" )
      seStatus = result[ 'Value' ]
      if seStatus[ 'Read' ] and seStatus[ 'TapeSE' ]:
        tapeSEs.append( seName )
      if seStatus[ 'Read' ] and seStatus[ 'DiskSE' ]:
        diskSEs.append( seName )

    if not tapeSEs:
      return S_ERROR( "No Local SEs for site %s" % stageSite )

    self.jobLog.verbose( "Tape SEs are %s" % ( ", ".join( tapeSEs ) ) )

    #I swear this is horrible DM code it's not mine.
    #Eternity of hell to the inventor of the Value of Value of Success of...
    inputData = opData['Value']['Value']['Successful']
    stageLFNs = {}
    lfnToStage = []
    for lfn in inputData:
      replicas = inputData[ lfn ]
      #Check SEs
      seStage = []
      for seName in replicas:
        if seName in diskSEs:
          #This lfn is in disk. Skip it
          seStage = []
        if seName not in tapeSEs:
          #This lfn is not in this tape SE. Check next SE
        seStage.append( seName )
      for seName in seStage:
        if seName not in stageLFNs:
          stageLFNs[ seName ] = []
        stageLFNs[ seName ].append( lfn )
        if lfn not in lfnToStage:
          lfnToStage.append( lfn )

    if not stageLFNs:
      return S_ERROR( "Cannot find tape replicas" )

    #Check if any LFN is in more than one SE
    #If that's the case, try to stage from the SE that has more LFNs to stage to group the request
    #1.- Get the SEs ordered by ascending replicas
    sortedSEs = reversed( sorted( [ ( len( stageLFNs[ seName ] ), seName ) for seName in stageLFNs.keys() ] ) )
    for lfn in lfnToStage:
      found = False
      #2.- Traverse the SEs
      for _stageCount, seName in sortedSEs:
        if lfn in stageLFNs[ seName ]:
          #3.- If first time found, just mark as found. Next time delete the replica from the request
          if found:
            stageLFNs[ seName ].remove( lfn )
            found = True
        #4.-If empty SE, remove
        if len( stageLFNs[ seName ] ) == 0:
          stageLFNs.pop( seName )

    return stageLFNs
Пример #21
def runDiracConfigure(params):
    Script.registerSwitch("S:", "Setup=", "Set <setup> as DIRAC setup", params.setSetup)
    Script.registerSwitch("e:", "Extensions=", "Set <extensions> as DIRAC extensions", params.setExtensions)
    Script.registerSwitch("C:", "ConfigurationServer=", "Set <server> as DIRAC configuration server", params.setServer)
    Script.registerSwitch("I", "IncludeAllServers", "include all Configuration Servers", params.setAllServers)
    Script.registerSwitch("n:", "SiteName=", "Set <sitename> as DIRAC Site Name", params.setSiteName)
    Script.registerSwitch("N:", "CEName=", "Determiner <sitename> from <cename>", params.setCEName)
    Script.registerSwitch("V:", "VO=", "Set the VO name", params.setVO)

    Script.registerSwitch("W:", "gateway=", "Configure <gateway> as DIRAC Gateway for the site", params.setGateway)

    Script.registerSwitch("U", "UseServerCertificate", "Configure to use Server Certificate", params.setServerCert)
    Script.registerSwitch("H", "SkipCAChecks", "Configure to skip check of CAs", params.setSkipCAChecks)
    Script.registerSwitch("D", "SkipCADownload", "Configure to skip download of CAs", params.setSkipCADownload)
        "M", "SkipVOMSDownload", "Configure to skip download of VOMS info", params.setSkipVOMSDownload

    Script.registerSwitch("v", "UseVersionsDir", "Use versions directory", params.setUseVersionsDir)

    Script.registerSwitch("A:", "Architecture=", "Configure /Architecture=<architecture>", params.setArchitecture)
    Script.registerSwitch("L:", "LocalSE=", "Configure LocalSite/LocalSE=<localse>", params.setLocalSE)

        "Force Update of cfg file (i.e. dirac.cfg) (otherwise nothing happens if dirac.cfg already exists)",

    Script.registerSwitch("O:", "output=", "output configuration file", params.setOutput)


    if not params.logLevel:
        params.logLevel = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("LogLevel"), "")
        if params.logLevel:
        DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue(cfgInstallPath("LogLevel"), params.logLevel)

    if not params.gatewayServer:
        newGatewayServer = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("Gateway"), "")
        if newGatewayServer:

    if not params.configurationServer:
        newConfigurationServer = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("ConfigurationServer"), "")
        if newConfigurationServer:

    if not params.includeAllServers:
        newIncludeAllServer = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("IncludeAllServers"), False)
        if newIncludeAllServer:

    if not params.setup:
        newSetup = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("Setup"), "")
        if newSetup:

    if not params.siteName:
        newSiteName = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("SiteName"), "")
        if newSiteName:

    if not params.ceName:
        newCEName = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("CEName"), "")
        if newCEName:

    if not params.useServerCert:
        newUserServerCert = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("UseServerCertificate"), False)
        if newUserServerCert:

    if not params.skipCAChecks:
        newSkipCAChecks = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("SkipCAChecks"), False)
        if newSkipCAChecks:

    if not params.skipCADownload:
        newSkipCADownload = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("SkipCADownload"), False)
        if newSkipCADownload:

    if not params.useVersionsDir:
        newUseVersionsDir = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("UseVersionsDir"), False)
        if newUseVersionsDir:
            # Set proper Defaults in configuration (even if they will be properly overwrite by gComponentInstaller
            instancePath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(DIRAC.rootPath))
            rootPath = os.path.join(instancePath, "pro")
            DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue(cfgInstallPath("InstancePath"), instancePath)
            DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue(cfgInstallPath("RootPath"), rootPath)

    if not params.architecture:
        newArchitecture = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("Architecture"), "")
        if newArchitecture:

    if not params.vo:
        newVO = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("VirtualOrganization"), "")
        if newVO:

    if not params.extensions:
        newExtensions = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("Extensions"), "")
        if newExtensions:

    DIRAC.gLogger.notice("Executing: %s " % (" ".join(sys.argv)))
    DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Checking DIRAC installation at "%s"' % DIRAC.rootPath)

    if params.update:
        if params.outputFile:
            DIRAC.gLogger.notice("Will update the output file %s" % params.outputFile)
            DIRAC.gLogger.notice("Will update %s" % DIRAC.gConfig.diracConfigFilePath)

    if params.setup:
        DIRAC.gLogger.verbose("/DIRAC/Setup =", params.setup)
    if params.vo:
        DIRAC.gLogger.verbose("/DIRAC/VirtualOrganization =", params.vo)
    if params.configurationServer:
        DIRAC.gLogger.verbose("/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers =", params.configurationServer)

    if params.siteName:
        DIRAC.gLogger.verbose("/LocalSite/Site =", params.siteName)
    if params.architecture:
        DIRAC.gLogger.verbose("/LocalSite/Architecture =", params.architecture)
    if params.localSE:
        DIRAC.gLogger.verbose("/LocalSite/localSE =", params.localSE)

    if not params.useServerCert:
        DIRAC.gLogger.verbose("/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate =", "no")
        # Being sure it was not there before
        Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry("/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate", "no")
        DIRAC.gLogger.verbose("/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate =", "yes")
        # Being sure it was not there before
        Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry("/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate", "yes")

    host = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("Host"), "")
    if host:
        DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue(cfgPath("DIRAC", "Hostname"), host)

    if params.skipCAChecks:
        DIRAC.gLogger.verbose("/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks =", "yes")
        # Being sure it was not there before
        Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry("/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks", "yes")
        # Necessary to allow initial download of CA's
        if not params.skipCADownload:
            DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue("/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks", "yes")
    if not params.skipCADownload:
            dirName = os.path.join(DIRAC.rootPath, "etc", "grid-security", "certificates")
        except Exception:
            DIRAC.gLogger.fatal("Fail to create directory:", dirName)
            bdc = BundleDeliveryClient()
            result = bdc.syncCAs()
            if result["OK"]:
                result = bdc.syncCRLs()
        except Exception as e:
            DIRAC.gLogger.error("Failed to sync CAs and CRLs: %s" % str(e))


    if params.ceName or params.siteName:
        # This is used in the pilot context, we should have a proxy, or a certificate, and access to CS
        if params.useServerCert:
            # Being sure it was not there before
            Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry("/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate", "yes")
        # Get the site resource section
        gridSections = DIRAC.gConfig.getSections("/Resources/Sites/")
        if not gridSections["OK"]:
            DIRAC.gLogger.warn("Could not get grid sections list")
            grids = []
            grids = gridSections["Value"]
        # try to get siteName from ceName or Local SE from siteName using Remote Configuration
        for grid in grids:
            siteSections = DIRAC.gConfig.getSections("/Resources/Sites/%s/" % grid)
            if not siteSections["OK"]:
                DIRAC.gLogger.warn("Could not get %s site list" % grid)
                sites = []
                sites = siteSections["Value"]

            if not params.siteName:
                if params.ceName:
                    for site in sites:
                        res = DIRAC.gConfig.getSections("/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/" % (grid, site), [])
                        if not res["OK"]:
                            DIRAC.gLogger.warn("Could not get %s CEs list" % site)
                        if params.ceName in res["Value"]:
                            params.siteName = site
            if params.siteName:
                DIRAC.gLogger.notice("Setting /LocalSite/Site = %s" % params.siteName)
                Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry("/LocalSite/Site", params.siteName)
                DIRAC.__siteName = False
                if params.ceName:
                    DIRAC.gLogger.notice("Setting /LocalSite/GridCE = %s" % params.ceName)
                    Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry("/LocalSite/GridCE", params.ceName)

                if not params.localSE and params.siteName in sites:
                    params.localSE = getSEsForSite(params.siteName)
                    if params.localSE["OK"] and params.localSE["Value"]:
                        params.localSE = ",".join(params.localSE["Value"])
                        DIRAC.gLogger.notice("Setting /LocalSite/LocalSE =", params.localSE)
                        Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry("/LocalSite/LocalSE", params.localSE)

    if params.gatewayServer:
        DIRAC.gLogger.verbose("/DIRAC/Gateways/%s =" % DIRAC.siteName(), params.gatewayServer)
        Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry("/DIRAC/Gateways/%s" % DIRAC.siteName(), params.gatewayServer)

    # Create the local cfg if it is not yet there
    if not params.outputFile:
        params.outputFile = DIRAC.gConfig.diracConfigFilePath
    params.outputFile = os.path.abspath(params.outputFile)
    if not os.path.exists(params.outputFile):
        configDir = os.path.dirname(params.outputFile)
        params.update = True

    if params.includeAllServers:
        # We need user proxy or server certificate to continue in order to get all the CS URLs
        if not params.useServerCert:
            result = getProxyInfo()
            if not result["OK"]:
                DIRAC.gLogger.notice("Configuration is not completed because no user proxy is available")
                DIRAC.gLogger.notice("Create one using dirac-proxy-init and execute again with -F option")
                return 1
            # When using Server Certs CA's will be checked, the flag only disables initial download
            # this will be replaced by the use of SkipCADownload
            Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry("/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate", "yes")

        DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue("/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers", ",".join(DIRAC.gConfig.getServersList()))
        DIRAC.gLogger.verbose("/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers =", ",".join(DIRAC.gConfig.getServersList()))

    if params.useServerCert:
        # always removing before dumping

    if params.update:

    # ## LAST PART: do the vomsdir/vomses magic

    # This has to be done for all VOs in the installation

    if params.skipVOMSDownload:
        return 0

    result = Registry.getVOMSServerInfo()
    if not result["OK"]:
        return 1

    error = ""
    vomsDict = result["Value"]
    for vo in vomsDict:
        voName = vomsDict[vo]["VOMSName"]
        vomsDirPath = os.path.join(DIRAC.rootPath, "etc", "grid-security", "vomsdir", voName)
        vomsesDirPath = os.path.join(DIRAC.rootPath, "etc", "grid-security", "vomses")
        for path in (vomsDirPath, vomsesDirPath):
        vomsesLines = []
        for vomsHost in vomsDict[vo].get("Servers", {}):
            hostFilePath = os.path.join(vomsDirPath, "%s.lsc" % vomsHost)
                DN = vomsDict[vo]["Servers"][vomsHost]["DN"]
                CA = vomsDict[vo]["Servers"][vomsHost]["CA"]
                port = vomsDict[vo]["Servers"][vomsHost]["Port"]
                if not DN or not CA or not port:
                    DIRAC.gLogger.error("DN = %s" % DN)
                    DIRAC.gLogger.error("CA = %s" % CA)
                    DIRAC.gLogger.error("Port = %s" % port)
                    DIRAC.gLogger.error("Missing Parameter for %s" % vomsHost)
                with open(hostFilePath, "wt") as fd:
                    fd.write("%s\n%s\n" % (DN, CA))
                vomsesLines.append('"%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "24"' % (voName, vomsHost, port, DN, voName))
                DIRAC.gLogger.notice("Created vomsdir file %s" % hostFilePath)
            except Exception:
                DIRAC.gLogger.exception("Could not generate vomsdir file for host", vomsHost)
                error = "Could not generate vomsdir file for VO %s, host %s" % (voName, vomsHost)
            vomsesFilePath = os.path.join(vomsesDirPath, voName)
            with open(vomsesFilePath, "wt") as fd:
                fd.write("%s\n" % "\n".join(vomsesLines))
            DIRAC.gLogger.notice("Created vomses file %s" % vomsesFilePath)
        except Exception:
            DIRAC.gLogger.exception("Could not generate vomses file")
            error = "Could not generate vomses file for VO %s" % voName

    if params.useServerCert:
        # When using Server Certs CA's will be checked, the flag only disables initial download
        # this will be replaced by the use of SkipCADownload

    if error:
        return 1

    return 0
Пример #22
    def __setStagingRequest(self, job, destination, inputDataDict):
        """A Staging request is formulated and saved as a job optimizer parameter.

        self.log.verbose('Destination site %s' % (destination))
        self.log.verbose('Input Data: %s' % (inputDataDict))

        destinationSEs = getSEsForSite(destination)
        if not destinationSEs['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('Could not determine SEs for site %s' % destination)
        destinationSEs = destinationSEs['Value']

        siteTapeSEs = []
        siteDiskSEs = []
        for se in destinationSEs:
            storageElement = StorageElement(se)
            seStatus = storageElement.getStatus()['Value']
            if seStatus['Read'] and seStatus['TapeSE']:
            if seStatus['Read'] and seStatus['DiskSE']:

        if not siteTapeSEs:
            return S_ERROR('No LocalSEs For Site')

        self.log.verbose('Site tape SEs: %s' % (', '.join(siteTapeSEs)))
        stageSURLs = {}  # OLD WAY
        stageLfns = {}  # NEW WAY

        inputData = inputDataDict['Value']['Value']['Successful']
        for lfn, reps in inputData.items():
            for se, surl in reps.items():
                if se in siteDiskSEs:
                    # this File is on Disk, we can ignore it
                if se not in siteTapeSEs:
                    # this File is not being staged
                if not lfn in stageSURLs.keys():
                    stageSURLs[lfn] = {}
                    stageSURLs[lfn].update({se: surl})
                    if not stageLfns.has_key(se):  # NEW WAY
                        stageLfns[se] = []  # NEW WAY
                    stageLfns[se].append(lfn)  # NEW WAY

        # Now we need to check is any LFN is in more than one SE
        if len(stageLfns) > 1:
            stageSEs = sorted([(len(stageLfns[se]), se)
                               for se in stageLfns.keys()])
            for lfn in stageSURLs:
                lfnFound = False
                for se in [item[1] for item in reversed(stageSEs)]:
                    # for ( numberOfLfns, se ) in reversed( stageSEs ):
                    if lfnFound and lfn in stageLfns[se]:
                    if lfn in stageLfns[se]:
                        lfnFound = True

        stagerClient = StorageManagerClient()
        request = stagerClient.setRequest(
            stageLfns, 'WorkloadManagement',
            'updateJobFromStager@WorkloadManagement/JobStateUpdate', job)
        if request['OK']:
            self.jobDB.setJobParameter(int(job), 'StageRequest',

        if not request['OK']:
            self.log.error('Problem sending Staging request:')
            return S_ERROR('Error Sending Staging Request')
            self.log.info('Staging request successfully sent')

        result = self.updateJobStatus(job, self.stagingStatus,
                                      self.stagingMinorStatus, "Unknown")
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        return S_OK(stageLfns)
Пример #23
    def requestStage(self, jobState, candidates, lfnData):
        # Any site is as good as any so random time!
        stageSite = random.sample(candidates, 1)[0]
        self.jobLog.info("Site selected %s for staging" % stageSite)
        result = getSEsForSite(stageSite)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return S_ERROR("Could not determine SEs for site %s" % stageSite)
        siteSEs = result["Value"]

        tapeSEs = []
        diskSEs = []
        for seName in siteSEs:
            result = self.__getSEStatus(seName)
            if not result["OK"]:
                self.jobLog.error("Cannot retrieve SE %s status: %s" % (seName, result["Message"]))
                return S_ERROR("Cannot retrieve SE status")
            seStatus = result["Value"]
            if seStatus["Read"] and seStatus["TapeSE"]:
            if seStatus["Read"] and seStatus["DiskSE"]:

        if not tapeSEs:
            return S_ERROR("No Local SEs for site %s" % stageSite)

        self.jobLog.verbose("Tape SEs are %s" % (", ".join(tapeSEs)))

        stageLFNs = {}
        lfnToStage = []
        for lfn in lfnData:
            replicas = lfnData[lfn]["Replicas"]
            # Check SEs
            seStage = []
            for seName in replicas:
                _surl = replicas[seName]["SURL"]
                if seName in diskSEs:
                    # This lfn is in disk. Skip it
                    seStage = []
                if seName not in tapeSEs:
                    # This lfn is not in this tape SE. Check next SE
            for seName in seStage:
                if seName not in stageLFNs:
                    stageLFNs[seName] = []
                if lfn not in lfnToStage:

        if not stageLFNs:
            return S_ERROR("Cannot find tape replicas")

        # Check if any LFN is in more than one SE
        # If that's the case, try to stage from the SE that has more LFNs to stage to group the request
        # 1.- Get the SEs ordered by ascending replicas
        sortedSEs = reversed(sorted([(len(stageLFNs[seName]), seName) for seName in stageLFNs.keys()]))
        for lfn in lfnToStage:
            found = False
            # 2.- Traverse the SEs
            for _stageCount, seName in sortedSEs:
                if lfn in stageLFNs[seName]:
                    # 3.- If first time found, just mark as found. Next time delete the replica from the request
                    if found:
                        found = True
                # 4.-If empty SE, remove
                if len(stageLFNs[seName]) == 0:

            "Stage request will be \n\t%s" % "\n\t".join(["%s:%s" % (lfn, stageLFNs[lfn]) for lfn in stageLFNs])

        stagerClient = StorageManagerClient()
        result = stagerClient.setRequest(
            stageLFNs, "WorkloadManagement", "stageCallback@WorkloadManagement/OptimizationMind", int(jobState.jid)
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.jobLog.error("Could not send stage request: %s" % result["Message"])
            return S_ERROR("Problem sending staging request")

        rid = str(result["Value"])
        self.jobLog.info("Stage request %s sent" % rid)
        jobState.setParameter("StageRequest", rid)
        result = jobState.setStatus(
            self.ex_getOption("StagingStatus", "Staging"),
            self.ex_getOption("StagingMinorStatus", "Request Sent"),
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result

        stageCandidates = []
        for seName in stageLFNs:
            result = self.__getSitesForSE(seName)
            if result["OK"]:

        stageCandidates = candidates.intersection(*[sC for sC in stageCandidates]).union([stageSite])
        return S_OK(stageCandidates)
Пример #24
    def __preRequestStaging(self, jobState, stageSite, opData):
        result = getSEsForSite(stageSite)
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('Could not determine SEs for site %s' % stageSite)
        siteSEs = result['Value']

        tapeSEs = []
        diskSEs = []
        result = jobState.getManifest()
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        manifest = result['Value']
        vo = manifest.getOption('VirtualOrganization')
        for seName in siteSEs:
            se = StorageElement(seName, vo=vo)
            result = se.getStatus()
            if not result['OK']:
                self.jobLog.error("Cannot retrieve SE %s status: %s" %
                                  (seName, result['Message']))
                return S_ERROR("Cannot retrieve SE status")
            seStatus = result['Value']
            if seStatus['Read'] and seStatus['TapeSE']:
            if seStatus['Read'] and seStatus['DiskSE']:

        if not tapeSEs:
            return S_ERROR("No Local SEs for site %s" % stageSite)

        self.jobLog.verbose("Tape SEs are %s" % (", ".join(tapeSEs)))

        # I swear this is horrible DM code it's not mine.
        # Eternity of hell to the inventor of the Value of Value of Success of...
        inputData = opData['Value']['Value']['Successful']
        stageLFNs = {}
        lfnToStage = []
        for lfn in inputData:
            replicas = inputData[lfn]
            # Check SEs
            seStage = []
            for seName in replicas:
                if seName in diskSEs:
                    # This lfn is in disk. Skip it
                    seStage = []
                if seName not in tapeSEs:
                    # This lfn is not in this tape SE. Check next SE
            for seName in seStage:
                if seName not in stageLFNs:
                    stageLFNs[seName] = []
                if lfn not in lfnToStage:

        if not stageLFNs:
            return S_ERROR("Cannot find tape replicas")

        # Check if any LFN is in more than one SE
        # If that's the case, try to stage from the SE that has more LFNs to stage to group the request
        # 1.- Get the SEs ordered by ascending replicas
        sortedSEs = reversed(
            sorted([(len(stageLFNs[seName]), seName)
                    for seName in stageLFNs.keys()]))
        for lfn in lfnToStage:
            found = False
            # 2.- Traverse the SEs
            for _stageCount, seName in sortedSEs:
                if lfn in stageLFNs[seName]:
                    # 3.- If first time found, just mark as found. Next time delete the replica from the request
                    if found:
                        found = True
                # 4.-If empty SE, remove
                if len(stageLFNs[seName]) == 0:

        return S_OK(stageLFNs)
Пример #25
def getDestinationSEList(outputSE, site, outputmode='Any'):
  """ Evaluate the output SE list from a workflow and return the concrete list
      of SEs to upload output data.
  # Add output SE defined in the job description
  gLogger.info('Resolving workflow output SE description: %s' % outputSE)

  # Check if the SE is defined explicitly for the site
  prefix = site.split('.')[0]
  country = site.split('.')[-1]
  # Concrete SE name
  result = gConfig.getOptions('/Resources/StorageElements/' + outputSE)
  if result['OK']:
    gLogger.info('Found concrete SE %s' % outputSE)
    return S_OK([outputSE])
  # There is an alias defined for this Site
  alias_se = gConfig.getValue('/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/AssociatedSEs/%s' % (prefix, site, outputSE), [])
  if alias_se:
    gLogger.info('Found associated SE for site %s' % (alias_se))
    return S_OK(alias_se)

  localSEs = getSEsForSite(site)['Value']
  gLogger.verbose('Local SE list is: %s' % (localSEs))
  groupSEs = gConfig.getValue('/Resources/StorageElementGroups/' + outputSE, [])
  gLogger.verbose('Group SE list is: %s' % (groupSEs))
  if not groupSEs:
    return S_ERROR('Failed to resolve SE ' + outputSE)

  if outputmode.lower() == "local":
    for se in localSEs:
      if se in groupSEs:
        gLogger.info('Found eligible local SE: %s' % (se))
        return S_OK([se])

    #check if country is already one with associated SEs
    associatedSE = gConfig.getValue('/Resources/Countries/%s/AssociatedSEs/%s' % (country, outputSE), '')
    if associatedSE:
      gLogger.info('Found associated SE %s in /Resources/Countries/%s/AssociatedSEs/%s' % (associatedSE, country, outputSE))
      return S_OK([associatedSE])

    # Final check for country associated SE
    count = 0
    assignedCountry = country
    while count < 10:
      gLogger.verbose('Loop count = %s' % (count))
      gLogger.verbose("/Resources/Countries/%s/AssignedTo" % assignedCountry)
      opt = gConfig.getOption("/Resources/Countries/%s/AssignedTo" % assignedCountry)
      if opt['OK'] and opt['Value']:
        assignedCountry = opt['Value']
        gLogger.verbose('/Resources/Countries/%s/AssociatedSEs' % assignedCountry)
        assocCheck = gConfig.getOption('/Resources/Countries/%s/AssociatedSEs' % assignedCountry)
        if assocCheck['OK'] and assocCheck['Value']:
      count += 1

    if not assignedCountry:
      return S_ERROR('Could not determine associated SE list for %s' % country)

    alias_se = gConfig.getValue('/Resources/Countries/%s/AssociatedSEs/%s' % (assignedCountry, outputSE), [])
    if alias_se:
      gLogger.info('Found alias SE for site: %s' % alias_se)
      return S_OK(alias_se)
      gLogger.error('Could not establish alias SE for country %s from section: /Resources/Countries/%s/AssociatedSEs/%s' % (country, assignedCountry, outputSE))
      return S_ERROR('Failed to resolve SE ' + outputSE)

  # For collective Any and All modes return the whole group

  # Make sure that local SEs are passing first
  newSEList = []
  for se in groupSEs:
    if se in localSEs:
  uniqueSEs = uniqueElements(newSEList + groupSEs)
  gLogger.verbose('Found unique SEs: %s' % (uniqueSEs))
  return S_OK(uniqueSEs)
Пример #26
  def __requestStaging( self, jobState, stageSite, opData ):
    result = getSEsForSite( stageSite )
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Could not determine SEs for site %s' % stageSite )
    siteSEs = result['Value']

    tapeSEs = []
    diskSEs = []
    for seName in siteSEs:
      se = StorageElement( seName )
      result = se.getStatus()
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        self.jobLog.error( "Cannot retrieve SE %s status: %s" % ( seName, result[ 'Message' ] ) )
        return S_ERROR( "Cannot retrieve SE status" )
      seStatus = result[ 'Value' ]
      if seStatus[ 'Read' ] and seStatus[ 'TapeSE' ]:
        tapeSEs.append( seName )
      if seStatus[ 'Read' ] and seStatus[ 'DiskSE' ]:
        diskSEs.append( seName )

    if not tapeSEs:
      return S_ERROR( "No Local SEs for site %s" % stageSite )

    self.jobLog.verbose( "Tape SEs are %s" % ( ", ".join( tapeSEs ) ) )

    #I swear this is horrible DM code it's not mine.
    #Eternity of hell to the inventor of the Value of Value of Success of...
    inputData = opData['Value']['Value']['Successful']
    stageLFNs = {}
    lfnToStage = []
    for lfn in inputData:
      replicas = inputData[ lfn ]
      #Check SEs
      seStage = []
      for seName in replicas:
        surl = replicas[ seName ]
        if seName in diskSEs:
          #This lfn is in disk. Skip it
          seStage = []
        if seName not in tapeSEs:
          #This lfn is not in this tape SE. Check next SE
        seStage.append( seName )
      for seName in seStage:
        if seName not in stageLFNs:
          stageLFNs[ seName ] = []
        stageLFNs[ seName ].append( lfn )
        if lfn not in lfnToStage:
          lfnToStage.append( lfn )

    if not stageLFNs:
      return S_ERROR( "Cannot find tape replicas" )

    #Check if any LFN is in more than one SE
    #If that's the case, try to stage from the SE that has more LFNs to stage to group the request
    #1.- Get the SEs ordered by ascending replicas
    sortedSEs = reversed( sorted( [ ( len( stageLFNs[ seName ] ), seName ) for seName in stageLFNs.keys() ] ) )
    for lfn in lfnToStage:
      found = False
      #2.- Traverse the SEs
      for stageCount, seName in sortedSEs:
        if lfn in stageLFNs[ seName ]:
          #3.- If first time found, just mark as found. Next time delete the replica from the request
          if found:
            stageLFNs[ seName ].remove( lfn )
            found = True
        #4.-If empty SE, remove
        if len( stageLFNs[ seName ] ) == 0:
          stageLFNs.pop( seName )

    self.jobLog.verbose( "Stage request will be \n\t%s" % "\n\t".join( [ "%s:%s" % ( lfn, stageLFNs[ lfn ] ) for lfn in stageLFNs ] ) )

    stagerClient = StorageManagerClient()
    result = jobState.setStatus( self.ex_getOption( 'StagingStatus', 'Staging' ),
                                 self.ex_getOption( 'StagingMinorStatus', 'Request To Be Sent' ),
                                 appStatus = "",
                                 source = self.ex_optimizerName() )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result

    result = stagerClient.setRequest( stageLFNs, 'WorkloadManagement',
                                      int( jobState.jid ) )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      self.jobLog.error( "Could not send stage request: %s" %  result[ 'Message' ] )
      return S_ERROR( "Problem sending staging request" )

    rid = str( result[ 'Value' ] )
    self.jobLog.info( "Stage request %s sent" % rid )
    jobState.setParameter( "StageRequest", rid )

    result = jobState.setStatus( self.ex_getOption( 'StagingStatus', 'Staging' ),
                                 self.ex_getOption( 'StagingMinorStatus', 'Request Sent' ),
                                 appStatus = "",
                                 source = self.ex_optimizerName() )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result

    return S_OK( stageLFNs )
Пример #27
def getSEsForSite(site):
    ''' Get the list of SE associated with this site'''
    from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.SiteSEMapping import getSEsForSite
    result = getSEsForSite(site)
Пример #28
def getSEsForSite(site):
    from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.SiteSEMapping import getSEsForSite
    result = getSEsForSite(site)
Пример #29
    def __requestStaging(self, jobState, stageSite, opData):
        result = getSEsForSite(stageSite)
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('Could not determine SEs for site %s' % stageSite)
        siteSEs = result['Value']

        tapeSEs = []
        diskSEs = []
        for seName in siteSEs:
            se = StorageElement(seName)
            result = se.getStatus()
            if not result['OK']:
                self.jobLog.error("Cannot retrieve SE %s status: %s" %
                                  (seName, result['Message']))
                return S_ERROR("Cannot retrieve SE status")
            seStatus = result['Value']
            if seStatus['Read'] and seStatus['TapeSE']:
            if seStatus['Read'] and seStatus['DiskSE']:

        if not tapeSEs:
            return S_ERROR("No Local SEs for site %s" % stageSite)

        self.jobLog.verbose("Tape SEs are %s" % (", ".join(tapeSEs)))

        # I swear this is horrible DM code it's not mine.
        # Eternity of hell to the inventor of the Value of Value of Success of...
        inputData = opData['Value']['Value']['Successful']
        stageLFNs = {}
        lfnToStage = []
        for lfn in inputData:
            replicas = inputData[lfn]
            # Check SEs
            seStage = []
            for seName in replicas:
                _surl = replicas[seName]
                if seName in diskSEs:
                    # This lfn is in disk. Skip it
                    seStage = []
                if seName not in tapeSEs:
                    # This lfn is not in this tape SE. Check next SE
            for seName in seStage:
                if seName not in stageLFNs:
                    stageLFNs[seName] = []
                if lfn not in lfnToStage:

        if not stageLFNs:
            return S_ERROR("Cannot find tape replicas")

        # Check if any LFN is in more than one SE
        # If that's the case, try to stage from the SE that has more LFNs to stage to group the request
        # 1.- Get the SEs ordered by ascending replicas
        sortedSEs = reversed(
            sorted([(len(stageLFNs[seName]), seName)
                    for seName in stageLFNs.keys()]))
        for lfn in lfnToStage:
            found = False
            # 2.- Traverse the SEs
            for _stageCount, seName in sortedSEs:
                if lfn in stageLFNs[seName]:
                    # 3.- If first time found, just mark as found. Next time delete the replica from the request
                    if found:
                        found = True
                # 4.-If empty SE, remove
                if len(stageLFNs[seName]) == 0:

            "Stage request will be \n\t%s" %
            "\n\t".join(["%s:%s" % (lfn, stageLFNs[lfn])
                         for lfn in stageLFNs]))

        stagerClient = StorageManagerClient()
        result = stagerClient.setRequest(
            stageLFNs, 'WorkloadManagement',
        if not result['OK']:
            self.jobLog.error("Could not send stage request: %s" %
            return S_ERROR("Problem sending staging request")

        rid = str(result['Value'])
        self.jobLog.info("Stage request %s sent" % rid)
        jobState.setParameter("StageRequest", rid)
        result = jobState.setStatus(self.ex_getOption('StagingStatus',
                                                      'Request Sent'),
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        return S_OK(stageLFNs)
Пример #30
      if ceName:
        for site in sites:
          siteCEs = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue( '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CE' % ( grid, site ), [] )
          if ceName in siteCEs:
            siteName = site
    if siteName:
      DIRAC.gLogger.notice( 'Setting /LocalSite/Site = %s' % siteName )
      Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry( '/LocalSite/Site', siteName )
      DIRAC.__siteName = False
      if ceName:
        DIRAC.gLogger.notice( 'Setting /LocalSite/GridCE = %s' % ceName )
        Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry( '/LocalSite/GridCE', ceName )

      if not localSE and siteName in sites:
        localSE = getSEsForSite( siteName )
        if localSE['OK'] and localSE['Value']:
          localSE = ','.join( localSE['Value'] )
          DIRAC.gLogger.notice( 'Setting /LocalSite/LocalSE =', localSE )
          Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry( '/LocalSite/LocalSE', localSE )

if gatewayServer:
  DIRAC.gLogger.verbose( '/DIRAC/Gateways/%s =' % DIRAC.siteName(), gatewayServer )
  Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry( '/DIRAC/Gateways/%s' % DIRAC.siteName(), gatewayServer )

# Create the local cfg if it is not yet there
if not outputFile:
  outputFile = DIRAC.gConfig.diracConfigFilePath
outputFile = os.path.abspath( outputFile )
if not os.path.exists( outputFile ):
Пример #31
def getSEsForSite(site):
    ''' Get the list of SE associated with this site'''
    from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.SiteSEMapping import getSEsForSite
    result = getSEsForSite(site)
    return result
Пример #32
  def __setStagingRequest( self, job, destination, inputDataDict ):
    """A Staging request is formulated and saved as a job optimizer parameter.

    self.log.verbose( 'Destination site %s' % ( destination ) )
    self.log.verbose( 'Input Data: %s' % ( inputDataDict ) )

    destinationSEs = getSEsForSite( destination )
    if not destinationSEs['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Could not determine SEs for site %s' % destination )
    destinationSEs = destinationSEs['Value']

    siteTapeSEs = []
    siteDiskSEs = []
    for se in destinationSEs:
      storageElement = StorageElement( se )
      seStatus = storageElement.getStatus()['Value']
      if seStatus['Read'] and seStatus['TapeSE']:
        siteTapeSEs.append( se )
      if seStatus['Read'] and seStatus['DiskSE']:
        siteDiskSEs.append( se )

    if not siteTapeSEs:
      return S_ERROR( 'No LocalSEs For Site' )

    self.log.verbose( 'Site tape SEs: %s' % ( ', '.join( siteTapeSEs ) ) )
    stageSURLs = {} # OLD WAY
    stageLfns = {} # NEW WAY

    inputData = inputDataDict['Value']['Value']['Successful']
    for lfn, reps in inputData.items():
      for se, surl in reps.items():
        if se in siteDiskSEs:
          # this File is on Disk, we can ignore it
        if se not in siteTapeSEs:
          # this File is not being staged
        if not lfn in stageSURLs.keys():
          stageSURLs[lfn] = {}
          stageSURLs[lfn].update( {se:surl} )
          if not stageLfns.has_key( se ): # NEW WAY
            stageLfns[se] = []          # NEW WAY
          stageLfns[se].append( lfn )     # NEW WAY

    # Now we need to check is any LFN is in more than one SE
    if len( stageLfns ) > 1:
      stageSEs = sorted( [ ( len( stageLfns[se] ), se ) for se in stageLfns.keys() ] )
      for lfn in stageSURLs:
        lfnFound = False
        for se in [ item[1] for item in reversed( stageSEs ) ]:
        # for ( numberOfLfns, se ) in reversed( stageSEs ):
          if lfnFound and lfn in stageLfns[se]:
            stageLfns[se].remove( lfn )
          if lfn in stageLfns[se]:
            lfnFound = True

    stagerClient = StorageManagerClient()
    request = stagerClient.setRequest( stageLfns, 'WorkloadManagement',
                                       'updateJobFromStager@WorkloadManagement/JobStateUpdate', job )
    if request['OK']:
      self.jobDB.setJobParameter( int( job ), 'StageRequest', str( request['Value'] ) )

    if not request['OK']:
      self.log.error( 'Problem sending Staging request:' )
      self.log.error( request )
      return S_ERROR( 'Error Sending Staging Request' )
      self.log.info( 'Staging request successfully sent' )

    result = self.updateJobStatus( job, self.stagingStatus, self.stagingMinorStatus, "Unknown" )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    return S_OK( stageLfns )
Пример #33
            gLogger.always('Site: %s' % site)
        for lfn in inputData:
            filesAtSite.setdefault(site, {}).setdefault(lfn, []).append(jobID)

    sep = ''
    for site in filesAtSite:
        seUsed = ''
            jobs = []
            for lfn in filesAtSite[site]:
                for jobID in filesAtSite[site][lfn]:
                    jobID = str(jobID)
                    if jobID not in jobs:
            res = getSEsForSite(site)
            if not res['OK'] or not res['Value']:
                gLogger.always("Couldn't find SEs for site %s" % site)
            seList = res['Value']
            inputData = sorted(filesAtSite[site])
            if verbose:
                gLogger.always("%sSite: %s, jobs: %s, %d files" %
                               (sep, site, ','.join(jobs), len(inputData)))
                gLogger.always("%sSite: %s, %d jobs, %d files" %
                               (sep, site, len(jobs), len(inputData)))
            sep = '=====================================\n'
            if verbose:
                gLogger.always('For %s, SEs: %s' % (site, str(seList)))
            pbFound = False
Пример #34
  def gridWeather(self, printOutput=False):
    """This method gives a snapshot of the current Grid weather from the perspective
       of the DIRAC site and SE masks.  Tier-1 sites are returned with more detailed

       Example usage:

       >>> print dirac.gridWeather()
       {'OK': True, 'Value': {{'Sites':<siteInfo>,'SEs':<seInfo>,'Tier-1s':<tierInfo>}}

       @param printOutput: Optional flag to print result
       @type printOutput: boolean
       @return: S_OK,S_ERROR

    lcgSites = gConfig.getSections('/Resources/Sites/LCG')
    if not lcgSites['OK']:
      return lcgSites

    for lcgSite in lcgSites['Value']:

      tier = gConfig.getValue('/Resources/Sites/LCG/%s/MoUTierLevel' % lcgSite, 2)
      if tier in (0, 1):

    siteInfo = self.checkSites()
    if not siteInfo['OK']:
      return siteInfo
    siteInfo = siteInfo['Value']

    seInfo = self.checkSEs()
    if not seInfo['OK']:
      return seInfo
    seInfo = seInfo['Value']

    tierSEs = {}
    for site in self.tier1s:
      tierSEs[site] = getSEsForSite(site)['Value']

    tierInfo = {}
    for site, seList in tierSEs.items():
      tierInfo[site] = {}
      for se in seList:
        if se in seInfo:
          tierSEInfo = seInfo[se]
          tierInfo[site][se] = tierSEInfo
      if site in siteInfo['AllowedSites']:
        tierInfo[site]['MaskStatus'] = 'Allowed'
        tierInfo[site]['MaskStatus'] = 'Banned'

    if printOutput:
      self.log.notice('========> Tier-1 status in DIRAC site and SE masks')
      for site in sorted(self.tier1s):
        self.log.notice('\n====> %s is %s in site mask\n' % (site, tierInfo[site]['MaskStatus']))
        self.log.notice('%s %s %s' % ('Storage Element'.ljust(25), 'Read Status'.rjust(15), 'Write Status'.rjust(15)))
        for se in sorted(tierSEs[site]):
          if se in tierInfo[site]:
            self.log.notice('%s %s %s' % (se.ljust(25),

      self.log.notice('\n========> Tier-2 status in DIRAC site mask\n')
      allowedSites = siteInfo['AllowedSites']
      bannedSites = siteInfo['BannedSites']
      for site in self.tier1s:
        if site in allowedSites:
        if site in bannedSites:
      self.log.notice(' %s sites are in the site mask, %s are banned.\n' % (len(allowedSites), len(bannedSites)))

    summary = {'Sites': siteInfo, 'SEs': seInfo, 'Tier-1s': tierInfo}
    return S_OK(summary)
Пример #35
                for site in sites:
                    siteCEs = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(
                        '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CE' % (grid, site), [])
                    if ceName in siteCEs:
                        siteName = site
        if siteName:
            DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Setting /LocalSite/Site = %s' % siteName)
            Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry('/LocalSite/Site', siteName)
            DIRAC.__siteName = False
            if ceName:
                DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Setting /LocalSite/GridCE = %s' % ceName)
                Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry('/LocalSite/GridCE', ceName)

            if not localSE and siteName in sites:
                localSE = getSEsForSite(siteName)
                if localSE['OK'] and localSE['Value']:
                    localSE = ','.join(localSE['Value'])
                    DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Setting /LocalSite/LocalSE =',

if gatewayServer:
    DIRAC.gLogger.verbose('/DIRAC/Gateways/%s =' % DIRAC.siteName(),
    Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry('/DIRAC/Gateways/%s' % DIRAC.siteName(),

# Create the local cfg if it is not yet there
Пример #36
  def requestStage( self, jobState, candidates, lfnData ):
    #Any site is as good as any so random time!
    stageSite = random.sample( candidates, 1 )[0]
    self.jobLog.info( "Site selected %s for staging" % stageSite )
    result = getSEsForSite( stageSite )
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Could not determine SEs for site %s' % stageSite )
    siteSEs = result['Value']

    tapeSEs = []
    diskSEs = []
    for seName in siteSEs:
      result = self.__getSEStatus( seName )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        self.jobLog.error( "Cannot retrieve SE %s status: %s" % ( seName, result[ 'Message' ] ) )
        return S_ERROR( "Cannot retrieve SE status" )
      seStatus = result[ 'Value' ]
      if seStatus[ 'Read' ] and seStatus[ 'TapeSE' ]:
        tapeSEs.append( seName )
      if seStatus[ 'Read' ] and seStatus[ 'DiskSE' ]:
        diskSEs.append( seName )

    if not tapeSEs:
      return S_ERROR( "No Local SEs for site %s" % stageSite )

    self.jobLog.verbose( "Tape SEs are %s" % ( ", ".join( tapeSEs ) ) )

    stageLFNs = {}
    lfnToStage = []
    for lfn in lfnData:
      replicas = lfnData[ lfn ][ 'Replicas' ]
      # Check SEs
      seStage = []
      for seName in replicas:
        _surl = replicas[ seName ][ 'SURL' ]
        if seName in diskSEs:
          # This lfn is in disk. Skip it
          seStage = []
        if seName not in tapeSEs:
          # This lfn is not in this tape SE. Check next SE
        seStage.append( seName )
      for seName in seStage:
        if seName not in stageLFNs:
          stageLFNs[ seName ] = []
        stageLFNs[ seName ].append( lfn )
        if lfn not in lfnToStage:
          lfnToStage.append( lfn )

    if not stageLFNs:
      return S_ERROR( "Cannot find tape replicas" )

    # Check if any LFN is in more than one SE
    # If that's the case, try to stage from the SE that has more LFNs to stage to group the request
    # 1.- Get the SEs ordered by ascending replicas
    sortedSEs = reversed( sorted( [ ( len( stageLFNs[ seName ] ), seName ) for seName in stageLFNs.keys() ] ) )
    for lfn in lfnToStage:
      found = False
      # 2.- Traverse the SEs
      for _stageCount, seName in sortedSEs:
        if lfn in stageLFNs[ seName ]:
          # 3.- If first time found, just mark as found. Next time delete the replica from the request
          if found:
            stageLFNs[ seName ].remove( lfn )
            found = True
        # 4.-If empty SE, remove
        if len( stageLFNs[ seName ] ) == 0:
          stageLFNs.pop( seName )

    self.jobLog.info( "Stage request will be \n\t%s" % "\n\t".join( [ "%s:%s" % ( lfn, stageLFNs[ lfn ] ) for lfn in stageLFNs ] ) )

    stagerClient = StorageManagerClient()
    result = stagerClient.setRequest( stageLFNs, 'WorkloadManagement',
                                      int( jobState.jid ) )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      self.jobLog.error( "Could not send stage request: %s" % result[ 'Message' ] )
      return S_ERROR( "Problem sending staging request" )

    rid = str( result[ 'Value' ] )
    self.jobLog.info( "Stage request %s sent" % rid )
    jobState.setParameter( "StageRequest", rid )
    result = jobState.setStatus( self.ex_getOption( 'StagingStatus', 'Staging' ),
                                 self.ex_getOption( 'StagingMinorStatus', 'Request Sent' ),
                                 appStatus = "",
                                 source = self.ex_optimizerName() )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result

    stageCandidates = []
    for seName in stageLFNs:
      result = self.__getSitesForSE( seName )
      if result[ 'OK' ]:
        stageCandidates.append( result[ 'Value' ] )

    stageCandidates = candidates.intersection( *[ sC for sC in stageCandidates ] ).union( [ stageSite ] )
    return S_OK( stageCandidates )
Пример #37
    def __setStagingRequest(self, job, destination, inputDataDict):
        """A Staging request is formulated and saved as a job optimizer parameter.

        self.log.verbose("Destination site %s" % (destination))
        self.log.verbose("Input Data: %s" % (inputDataDict))

        destinationSEs = getSEsForSite(destination)
        if not destinationSEs["OK"]:
            return S_ERROR("Could not determine SEs for site %s" % destination)
        destinationSEs = destinationSEs["Value"]

        siteTapeSEs = []
        siteDiskSEs = []
        for se in destinationSEs:
            storageElement = StorageElement(se)
            seStatus = storageElement.getStatus()["Value"]
            if seStatus["Read"] and seStatus["TapeSE"]:
            if seStatus["Read"] and seStatus["DiskSE"]:

        if not siteTapeSEs:
            return S_ERROR("No LocalSEs For Site")

        self.log.verbose("Site tape SEs: %s" % (", ".join(siteTapeSEs)))
        stageSURLs = {}  # OLD WAY
        stageLfns = {}  # NEW WAY

        inputData = inputDataDict["Value"]["Value"]["Successful"]
        for lfn, reps in inputData.items():
            for se, surl in reps.items():
                if se in siteDiskSEs:
                    # this File is on Disk, we can ignore it
                if not lfn in stageSURLs.keys():
                    stageSURLs[lfn] = {}
                    stageSURLs[lfn].update({se: surl})
                    if not stageLfns.has_key(se):  # NEW WAY
                        stageLfns[se] = []  # NEW WAY
                    stageLfns[se].append(lfn)  # NEW WAY

        # Now we need to check is any LFN is in more than one SE
        if len(stageLfns) > 1:
            stageSEs = sorted([(len(stageLfns[se]), se) for se in stageLfns.keys()])
            for lfn in stageSURLs:
                lfnFound = False
                for (se, numberOfLfns) in reversed(stageSEs):
                    if lfnFound and lfn in stageLfns[se]:
                    if lfn in stageLfns[se]:
                        lfnFound = True

        stagerClient = StorageManagerClient()
        request = stagerClient.setRequest(
            stageLfns, "WorkloadManagement", "updateJobFromStager@WorkloadManagement/JobStateUpdate", job
        if request["OK"]:
            self.jobDB.setJobParameter(int(job), "StageRequest", str(request["Value"]))

        if not request["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Problem sending Staging request:")
            return S_ERROR("Error Sending Staging Request")
            self.log.info("Staging request successfully sent")

        result = self.updateJobStatus(job, self.stagingStatus, self.stagingMinorStatus)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        return S_OK(stageLfns)
Пример #38
def main():
    global logLevel
    global setup
    global configurationServer
    global includeAllServers
    global gatewayServer
    global siteName
    global useServerCert
    global skipCAChecks
    global skipCADownload
    global useVersionsDir
    global architecture
    global localSE
    global ceName
    global vo
    global update
    global outputFile
    global skipVOMSDownload
    global extensions


    Script.registerSwitch("S:", "Setup=", "Set <setup> as DIRAC setup",
    Script.registerSwitch("e:", "Extensions=",
                          "Set <extensions> as DIRAC extensions",
    Script.registerSwitch("C:", "ConfigurationServer=",
                          "Set <server> as DIRAC configuration server",
    Script.registerSwitch("I", "IncludeAllServers",
                          "include all Configuration Servers", setAllServers)
    Script.registerSwitch("n:", "SiteName=",
                          "Set <sitename> as DIRAC Site Name", setSiteName)
    Script.registerSwitch("N:", "CEName=",
                          "Determiner <sitename> from <cename>", setCEName)
    Script.registerSwitch("V:", "VO=", "Set the VO name", setVO)

    Script.registerSwitch("W:", "gateway=",
                          "Configure <gateway> as DIRAC Gateway for the site",

    Script.registerSwitch("U", "UseServerCertificate",
                          "Configure to use Server Certificate", setServerCert)
    Script.registerSwitch("H", "SkipCAChecks",
                          "Configure to skip check of CAs", setSkipCAChecks)
    Script.registerSwitch("D", "SkipCADownload",
                          "Configure to skip download of CAs",
    Script.registerSwitch("M", "SkipVOMSDownload",
                          "Configure to skip download of VOMS info",

    Script.registerSwitch("v", "UseVersionsDir", "Use versions directory",

    Script.registerSwitch("A:", "Architecture=",
                          "Configure /Architecture=<architecture>",
    Script.registerSwitch("L:", "LocalSE=",
                          "Configure LocalSite/LocalSE=<localse>", setLocalSE)

        "F", "ForceUpdate",
        "Force Update of cfg file (i.e. dirac.cfg) (otherwise nothing happens if dirac.cfg already exists)",

    Script.registerSwitch("O:", "output=", "output configuration file",

        __doc__.split('\n')[1], '\nUsage:',
        '  %s [options] ...\n' % Script.scriptName

    args = Script.getExtraCLICFGFiles()

    if not logLevel:
        logLevel = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath('LogLevel'), '')
        if logLevel:
        DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue(cfgInstallPath('LogLevel'), logLevel)

    if not gatewayServer:
        newGatewayServer = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath('Gateway'),
        if newGatewayServer:

    if not configurationServer:
        newConfigurationServer = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(
            cfgInstallPath('ConfigurationServer'), '')
        if newConfigurationServer:

    if not includeAllServers:
        newIncludeAllServer = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(
            cfgInstallPath('IncludeAllServers'), False)
        if newIncludeAllServer:

    if not setup:
        newSetup = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath('Setup'), '')
        if newSetup:

    if not siteName:
        newSiteName = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath('SiteName'), '')
        if newSiteName:

    if not ceName:
        newCEName = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath('CEName'), '')
        if newCEName:

    if not useServerCert:
        newUserServerCert = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(
            cfgInstallPath('UseServerCertificate'), False)
        if newUserServerCert:

    if not skipCAChecks:
        newSkipCAChecks = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(
            cfgInstallPath('SkipCAChecks'), False)
        if newSkipCAChecks:

    if not skipCADownload:
        newSkipCADownload = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(
            cfgInstallPath('SkipCADownload'), False)
        if newSkipCADownload:

    if not useVersionsDir:
        newUseVersionsDir = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(
            cfgInstallPath('UseVersionsDir'), False)
        if newUseVersionsDir:
            # Set proper Defaults in configuration (even if they will be properly overwrite by gComponentInstaller
            instancePath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(DIRAC.rootPath))
            rootPath = os.path.join(instancePath, 'pro')
            DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue(cfgInstallPath('RootPath'), rootPath)

    if not architecture:
        newArchitecture = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(
            cfgInstallPath('Architecture'), '')
        if newArchitecture:

    if not vo:
        newVO = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath('VirtualOrganization'),
        if newVO:

    if not extensions:
        newExtensions = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath('Extensions'),
        if newExtensions:

    DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Executing: %s ' % (' '.join(sys.argv)))
    DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Checking DIRAC installation at "%s"' %

    if update:
        if outputFile:
            DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Will update the output file %s' % outputFile)
            DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Will update %s' %

    if setup:
        DIRAC.gLogger.verbose('/DIRAC/Setup =', setup)
    if vo:
        DIRAC.gLogger.verbose('/DIRAC/VirtualOrganization =', vo)
    if configurationServer:
        DIRAC.gLogger.verbose('/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers =',

    if siteName:
        DIRAC.gLogger.verbose('/LocalSite/Site =', siteName)
    if architecture:
        DIRAC.gLogger.verbose('/LocalSite/Architecture =', architecture)
    if localSE:
        DIRAC.gLogger.verbose('/LocalSite/localSE =', localSE)

    if not useServerCert:
        DIRAC.gLogger.verbose('/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate =', 'no')
        # Being sure it was not there before
        DIRAC.gLogger.verbose('/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate =', 'yes')
        # Being sure it was not there before

    host = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue(cfgInstallPath("Host"), "")
    if host:
        DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue(cfgPath("DIRAC", "Hostname"), host)

    if skipCAChecks:
        DIRAC.gLogger.verbose('/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks =', 'yes')
        # Being sure it was not there before
        Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry('/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks', 'yes')
        # Necessary to allow initial download of CA's
        if not skipCADownload:
            DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue('/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks', 'yes')
    if not skipCADownload:
            dirName = os.path.join(DIRAC.rootPath, 'etc', 'grid-security',
        except BaseException:
            DIRAC.gLogger.fatal('Fail to create directory:', dirName)
            bdc = BundleDeliveryClient()
            result = bdc.syncCAs()
            if result['OK']:
                result = bdc.syncCRLs()
        except Exception as e:
            DIRAC.gLogger.error('Failed to sync CAs and CRLs: %s' % str(e))

        if not skipCAChecks:

    if ceName or siteName:
        # This is used in the pilot context, we should have a proxy, or a certificate, and access to CS
        if useServerCert:
            # Being sure it was not there before
                '/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate', 'yes')
        # Get the site resource section
        gridSections = DIRAC.gConfig.getSections('/Resources/Sites/')
        if not gridSections['OK']:
            DIRAC.gLogger.warn('Could not get grid sections list')
            grids = []
            grids = gridSections['Value']
        # try to get siteName from ceName or Local SE from siteName using Remote Configuration
        for grid in grids:
            siteSections = DIRAC.gConfig.getSections('/Resources/Sites/%s/' %
            if not siteSections['OK']:
                DIRAC.gLogger.warn('Could not get %s site list' % grid)
                sites = []
                sites = siteSections['Value']

            if not siteName:
                if ceName:
                    for site in sites:
                        res = DIRAC.gConfig.getSections(
                            '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/' % (grid, site), [])
                        if not res['OK']:
                            DIRAC.gLogger.warn('Could not get %s CEs list' %
                        if ceName in res['Value']:
                            siteName = site
            if siteName:
                DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Setting /LocalSite/Site = %s' % siteName)
                Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry('/LocalSite/Site', siteName)
                DIRAC.__siteName = False
                if ceName:
                    DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Setting /LocalSite/GridCE = %s' %

                if not localSE and siteName in sites:
                    localSE = getSEsForSite(siteName)
                    if localSE['OK'] and localSE['Value']:
                        localSE = ','.join(localSE['Value'])
                        DIRAC.gLogger.notice('Setting /LocalSite/LocalSE =',
                            '/LocalSite/LocalSE', localSE)

    if gatewayServer:
        DIRAC.gLogger.verbose('/DIRAC/Gateways/%s =' % DIRAC.siteName(),
            '/DIRAC/Gateways/%s' % DIRAC.siteName(), gatewayServer)

    # Create the local cfg if it is not yet there
    if not outputFile:
        outputFile = DIRAC.gConfig.diracConfigFilePath
    outputFile = os.path.abspath(outputFile)
    if not os.path.exists(outputFile):
        configDir = os.path.dirname(outputFile)
        update = True

    if includeAllServers:
        # We need user proxy or server certificate to continue in order to get all the CS URLs
        if not useServerCert:
            result = getProxyInfo()
            if not result['OK']:
                    'Configuration is not completed because no user proxy is available'
                    'Create one using dirac-proxy-init and execute again with -F option'
            # When using Server Certs CA's will be checked, the flag only disables initial download
            # this will be replaced by the use of SkipCADownload
                '/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate', 'yes')

        DIRAC.gLogger.verbose('/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers =',

    if useServerCert:
        # always removing before dumping

    if update:

    # ## LAST PART: do the vomsdir/vomses magic

    # This has to be done for all VOs in the installation

    if skipVOMSDownload:
        # We stop here

    result = Registry.getVOMSServerInfo()
    if not result['OK']:

    error = ''
    vomsDict = result['Value']
    for vo in vomsDict:
        voName = vomsDict[vo]['VOMSName']
        vomsDirPath = os.path.join(DIRAC.rootPath, 'etc', 'grid-security',
                                   'vomsdir', voName)
        vomsesDirPath = os.path.join(DIRAC.rootPath, 'etc', 'grid-security',
        for path in (vomsDirPath, vomsesDirPath):
        vomsesLines = []
        for vomsHost in vomsDict[vo].get('Servers', {}):
            hostFilePath = os.path.join(vomsDirPath, "%s.lsc" % vomsHost)
                DN = vomsDict[vo]['Servers'][vomsHost]['DN']
                CA = vomsDict[vo]['Servers'][vomsHost]['CA']
                port = vomsDict[vo]['Servers'][vomsHost]['Port']
                if not DN or not CA or not port:
                    DIRAC.gLogger.error('DN = %s' % DN)
                    DIRAC.gLogger.error('CA = %s' % CA)
                    DIRAC.gLogger.error('Port = %s' % port)
                    DIRAC.gLogger.error('Missing Parameter for %s' % vomsHost)
                with open(hostFilePath, "wt") as fd:
                    fd.write("%s\n%s\n" % (DN, CA))
                vomsesLines.append('"%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "24"' %
                                   (voName, vomsHost, port, DN, voName))
                DIRAC.gLogger.notice("Created vomsdir file %s" % hostFilePath)
            except Exception:
                    "Could not generate vomsdir file for host", vomsHost)
                error = "Could not generate vomsdir file for VO %s, host %s" % (
                    voName, vomsHost)
            vomsesFilePath = os.path.join(vomsesDirPath, voName)
            with open(vomsesFilePath, "wt") as fd:
                fd.write("%s\n" % "\n".join(vomsesLines))
            DIRAC.gLogger.notice("Created vomses file %s" % vomsesFilePath)
        except Exception:
            DIRAC.gLogger.exception("Could not generate vomses file")
            error = "Could not generate vomses file for VO %s" % voName

    if useServerCert:
        # When using Server Certs CA's will be checked, the flag only disables initial download
        # this will be replaced by the use of SkipCADownload

    if error:

Пример #39
def getDestinationSEList(outputSE, site, outputmode='Any', run=None):
    """ Evaluate the output SE list from a workflow and return the concrete list
      of SEs to upload output data.
    if outputmode.lower() not in ('any', 'local', 'run'):
        raise RuntimeError("Unexpected outputmode")

    if outputmode.lower() == 'run':
            "Output mode set to 'run', thus ignoring site parameter")
        if not run:
            raise RuntimeError("Expected runNumber")
            run = long(run)
        except ValueError as ve:
            raise RuntimeError("Expected runNumber as a number: %s" % ve)

        gLogger.debug("RunNumber = %d" % run)
        from LHCbDIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TransformationClient import TransformationClient
        runDestination = TransformationClient().getDestinationForRun(run)
        if not runDestination['OK'] or run not in runDestination['Value']:
            raise RuntimeError("Issue getting destinationForRun (%d): " % run +
                               runDestination.get('Message', 'unknown run'))
        site = runDestination['Value'][run]
        gLogger.verbose("Site set to %s for run %d" % (site, run))
        outputmode = 'Local'

    # Add output SE defined in the job description
    gLogger.info('Resolving workflow output SE description: %s' % outputSE)

    # Check if the SE is defined explicitly for the site
    prefix = site.split('.')[0]
    country = site.split('.')[-1]
    # Concrete SE name
    result = gConfig.getOptions('/Resources/StorageElements/' + outputSE)
    if result['OK']:
        gLogger.info('Found concrete SE %s' % outputSE)
        return [outputSE]

    # Get local SEs
    localSEs = getSEsForSite(site)
    if not localSEs['OK']:
        raise RuntimeError(localSEs['Message'])
    localSEs = localSEs['Value']
    gLogger.verbose("Local SE list is: %s" % (localSEs))

    # There is an alias defined for this Site
    associatedSEs = gConfig.getValue(
        '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/AssociatedSEs/%s' % (prefix, site, outputSE),
    if associatedSEs:
        associatedSEs = _setLocalFirst(associatedSEs, localSEs)
        gLogger.info("Found associated SE %s for site %s" %
                     (associatedSEs, site))
        return associatedSEs

    groupSEs = resolveSEGroup(outputSE)
    if not groupSEs:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to resolve SE " + outputSE)
    gLogger.verbose("Group SE list is: %s" % (groupSEs))

    # Find a local SE or an SE considered as local because the country is associated to it
    if outputmode.lower() == "local":
        # First, check if one SE in the group is local
        for se in localSEs:
            if se in groupSEs:
                gLogger.info("Found eligible local SE: %s" % (se))
                return [se]

        # Final check for country associated SE
        assignedCountry = country
        while True:
            # check if country is already one with associated SEs
            section = '/Resources/Countries/%s/AssociatedSEs/%s' % (
                assignedCountry, outputSE)
            associatedSEs = gConfig.getValue(section, [])
            if associatedSEs:
                associatedSEs = _setLocalFirst(associatedSEs, localSEs)
                gLogger.info('Found associated SEs %s in %s' %
                             (associatedSEs, section))
                return associatedSEs

            gLogger.verbose("/Resources/Countries/%s/AssignedTo" %
            opt = gConfig.getOption("/Resources/Countries/%s/AssignedTo" %
            if opt['OK'] and opt['Value']:
                assignedCountry = opt['Value']
                # No associated SE and no assigned country, give up
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Could not establish associated SE nor assigned country for country %s"
                    % assignedCountry)

    # For collective Any and All modes return the whole group
    # Make sure that local SEs are passing first
    orderedSEs = _setLocalFirst(groupSEs, localSEs)
    gLogger.info('Found SEs, local first: %s' % orderedSEs)
    return orderedSEs
Пример #40
def getSEsForSite(site):
    from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.SiteSEMapping import getSEsForSite
    result = getSEsForSite(site)
Пример #41
def getDestinationSEList(outputSE, site, outputmode='Any'):
    """ Evaluate the output SE list from a workflow and return the concrete list
      of SEs to upload output data.
    # Add output SE defined in the job description
    gLogger.info('Resolving workflow output SE description: %s' % outputSE)

    # Check if the SE is defined explicitly for the site
    prefix = site.split('.')[0]
    country = site.split('.')[-1]
    # Concrete SE name
    result = gConfig.getOptions('/Resources/StorageElements/' + outputSE)
    if result['OK']:
        gLogger.info('Found concrete SE %s' % outputSE)
        return S_OK([outputSE])
    # There is an alias defined for this Site
    alias_se = gConfig.getValue(
        '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/AssociatedSEs/%s' % (prefix, site, outputSE),
    if alias_se:
        gLogger.info('Found associated SE for site %s' % (alias_se))
        return S_OK(alias_se)

    localSEs = getSEsForSite(site)['Value']
    gLogger.verbose('Local SE list is: %s' % (localSEs))
    groupSEs = gConfig.getValue('/Resources/StorageElementGroups/' + outputSE,
    gLogger.verbose('Group SE list is: %s' % (groupSEs))
    if not groupSEs:
        return S_ERROR('Failed to resolve SE ' + outputSE)

    if outputmode.lower() == "local":
        for se in localSEs:
            if se in groupSEs:
                gLogger.info('Found eligible local SE: %s' % (se))
                return S_OK([se])

        #check if country is already one with associated SEs
        associatedSE = gConfig.getValue(
            '/Resources/Countries/%s/AssociatedSEs/%s' % (country, outputSE),
        if associatedSE:
                'Found associated SE %s in /Resources/Countries/%s/AssociatedSEs/%s'
                % (associatedSE, country, outputSE))
            return S_OK([associatedSE])

        # Final check for country associated SE
        count = 0
        assignedCountry = country
        while count < 10:
            gLogger.verbose('Loop count = %s' % (count))
            gLogger.verbose("/Resources/Countries/%s/AssignedTo" %
            opt = gConfig.getOption("/Resources/Countries/%s/AssignedTo" %
            if opt['OK'] and opt['Value']:
                assignedCountry = opt['Value']
                gLogger.verbose('/Resources/Countries/%s/AssociatedSEs' %
                assocCheck = gConfig.getOption(
                    '/Resources/Countries/%s/AssociatedSEs' % assignedCountry)
                if assocCheck['OK'] and assocCheck['Value']:
            count += 1

        if not assignedCountry:
            return S_ERROR('Could not determine associated SE list for %s' %

        alias_se = gConfig.getValue(
            '/Resources/Countries/%s/AssociatedSEs/%s' %
            (assignedCountry, outputSE), [])
        if alias_se:
            gLogger.info('Found alias SE for site: %s' % alias_se)
            return S_OK(alias_se)
                'Could not establish alias SE for country %s from section: /Resources/Countries/%s/AssociatedSEs/%s'
                % (country, assignedCountry, outputSE))
            return S_ERROR('Failed to resolve SE ' + outputSE)

    # For collective Any and All modes return the whole group

    # Make sure that local SEs are passing first
    newSEList = []
    for se in groupSEs:
        if se in localSEs:
    uniqueSEs = uniqueElements(newSEList + groupSEs)
    gLogger.verbose('Found unique SEs: %s' % (uniqueSEs))
    return S_OK(uniqueSEs)