Пример #1
    def randomlyGenerate(self):
        Randomly generates a graph with the number with max number of shop where all shops are connected to their closest
        shops with no overlapping lines

        self.shopDict = {}
        orderedShopDict = {}
        First Generate all the shop and make sure the distance between them in large
        enough to be viewable

        for i in range(self.maxShops):
            newShop = True

            while newShop:
                p = Point([
                    random.random() * Globals.RESOLUTION[0],
                    random.random() * Globals.RESOLUTION[0]

                newShop = False

                #Make sure intersections are distenced

                for shop in self.shopDict:
                    if abs(shop.getX() - p.getX()) < Globals.RESOLUTION[
                            0] / self.maxShops / 2 or abs(shop.getY() - p.getY(
                            )) < Globals.RESOLUTION[0] / self.maxShops / 2:
                        newShop = True

            self.shopDict[Shop(p)] = []
        Then order all the points in order of distance

        for shop in self.shopDict:
            orderedShopDict[shop] = self.orderDistance(shop, self.shopDict)
        Then connect the points to their closest points without overlapping lines
        and store these connections
        shouldBreak = False
        while not shouldBreak:
            shouldBreak = True
            for shop in orderedShopDict:
                if orderedShopDict[shop]:
                    otherShop = orderedShopDict[shop][0]
                    if otherShop not in self.shopDict[
                            shop] and shop not in self.shopDict[otherShop]:
                        if self.notIntersect(
                            [shop.getPos(), otherShop.getPos()]):
                            shouldBreak = False

                    del orderedShopDict[shop][0]
        Then order those points into order of distance for better searching

        for shop in self.shopDict:
            self.shopDict[shop] = self.orderDistance(shop,
        Finally generate the roads based on those connections

        self.roads = []
        alreadyDone = []
        for shop in self.shopDict:
            for otherShop in self.shopDict[shop]:
                if (otherShop, shop) not in alreadyDone:
                        Road(start=shop.getPos(), end=otherShop.getPos()))
                    alreadyDone.append((shop, otherShop))