Пример #1
  def __init__(self, debug=False):
    # cache: tuple (events:list, last_update:datetime)
    self.cache = []
    self.debug = debug

    self.filters = {'date': None,
                    'title': None,
                    'description': None,
                    'category': None,
                    'location': None}

    self.event_count = 0

    # create dummy events
    if self.debug:
      events = []
      for i in range(200):
        e = Event()
        seconds_since_epoch = (datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)).total_seconds()
        e.startTime = seconds_since_epoch + random.randint(-60*60*24*30,60*60*24*30)
        e.endTime = e.startTime + random.randint(60*60,60*60*10)
        e.title = "Event " + str(i)
        e.description = e.startDate.strftime("%B %d %Y, %H:%M:%S")
        e.id = self.event_count
        self.event_count += 1

      self.cache = events
      import requests
Пример #2
    def createEvent(self, aid, time, bz, location):
        Methode zur Anlegung eines neuen Events

        :param aid: ID des Users der als Admin eingetragen werden soll
        :param time: Datum und Zeit des Events als Datetime-Objekt
        :param bz: Bezeichnung fuer die Veranstaltung
        :param location: Ort der Veranstaltung
        :return: Event Objekt als Dictionary

        event = Event()

        a_id = EventId()
        admin = User.getById(a_id)
        event.admin = admin

        date = EventDatetime()
        event.datetime = date

        event.description = bz

        event.location = location


        return event.getAsDict()
Пример #3
  def new_event(self, start, end):
    Creates new event starting start minutes from now and ending end minutes from now
      start = int(start)
      end = int(end)
    except Exception as e:
      return "Start and End must be integers"

    e = Event()
    seconds_since_epoch = (datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)).total_seconds()
    e.startTime = seconds_since_epoch + start*60
    e.endTime = seconds_since_epoch + end*60
    e.description = e.startDate.strftime("%B %d %Y, %H:%M:%S")
    e.id = self.event_count
    self.event_count += 1
    e.title = "Event " + str(e.id)


    # Update server with changes

    return "New event with id %s" % (e.id)
Пример #4
def createEvent(myItem):
    event = Event(myItem["id"], myItem["summary"], myItem["start"]["dateTime"],
    if ('description' in myItem):
        event.description = myItem['description']
    if ('location' in myItem):
        event.location = myItem['location']
    return event
Пример #5
    def _item_parser(self, item, test_url=None):
        Extract fields from source HTML or JSON to create Event from them
        :param item: part of source HTML or JSON which contains information about one event
        :param test_url: uses if method have download additional data from the page of concrete event and parse it
        :return: return list of Events, in most cases it will contain only one item, but if event has several dates,
        every date will have its own Event in the list
        logging.debug('Enter to the method, iter: %s', item)
        events = []

        event = Event()
        # If we cannot get this features (title and url) - we won't work with this event further
            event.title = item['title']
            event.url = 'https://kudago.com/' + item['location'][
                'slug'] + '/event/' + item['slug']
            event.publication_date = item['publication_date']
        except (KeyError, AttributeError):
            return []
        # This extracting can spawn an exception
            event.description = item.get('description', None)
            event.price_kudago = item.get('price', None)
            event.price_min, event.price_max = self._get_price_from_string(
                item.get('price', ""), item.get('is_free', ""))
            event.categories = item.get('categories', []) + item.get(
                'tags', [])
            if len(item.get('images', [])) > 0:
                event.image = item['images'][0]['image']
            event.source_rating_count = item.get('favorites_count', None)
        except (KeyError, AttributeError):
        event.source = "KudaGo"
        event.status = "active"
        event.join_anytime = False

        # Complicate handling of dates
        dates = item.get('dates', [])
        if len(dates) > 1:
            # Firstly we will use unique identifier of the event - url
            # After saving to database we can use our own id
            event.duplicate_source_id = event.url
        for date_of_event in dates:
            event_for_date = copy.deepcopy(event)
            event_for_date.start_time = date_of_event['start']
            event_for_date.finish_time = date_of_event['end']
        if len(dates) == 0:
            event.start_time = 0
            event.finish_time = 0
        logging.debug('Events after item parsing: %s', events)
        return events
Пример #6
    def _item_parser(self, item, test_url=None):
        Extract fields from source HTML or JSON to create Event from them and save to database
        :param item:
        :param test_url: uses if method have download additional data from the page of concrete event and parse it
        :return: return list of events, in most cases it will contain only one item, but if event has several dates,
        every date will have its own event in list
        logging.debug('Enter to the method, iter: %s', item)
        events = []

        event = Event()
        # If we cannot get this features (title and url) - we won't work with this event further
            event.title = item['event']['title']
            event.url = 'https://afisha.yandex.ru' + item['event']['url']
        except (KeyError, AttributeError):
            return []
        # This extracting can spawn an exception
            event.description = item.get('event', {}).get('argument', None)
            event.categories = self._get_all_categories(item.get('event', {}).get('systemTags', []))
            event.image = item.get('event', {}).get('image', {}).get('eventCover', {}).get('url', None)
            event.source_rating_value = item.get('event', {}).get('userRating', {}).get('overall', {}).get('value', None)
            event.source_rating_count = item.get('event', {}).get('userRating', {}).get('overall', {}).get('count', None)
        except (KeyError, AttributeError):
        event.source = "YandexAfishaTheater"
        event.status = "active"
        event.join_anytime = False
        event.price_min, event.price_max = self._get_price_from_json(item)

        # We have one more url request for this event and extracting start_times for every date
        yandex_event_id = item.get('event', {}).get('id', None)
        time.sleep(1)  # Add sleep to don't ddos attack source server
        start_times = self._get_start_times_of_the_event(yandex_event_id, test_url=test_url)

        # Complicate handling of dates
        if len(start_times) > 1:
            # Firstly we will use unique identifier of the event - url
            # After saving to database we can use our own id
            event.duplicate_source_id = event.url
        for start_time_of_event in start_times:
            event_session = copy.deepcopy(event)
            event_session.start_time = start_time_of_event
            event_session.finish_time = start_time_of_event
        if len(start_times) == 0:
            event.start_time = 0
            event.finish_time = 0
        logging.debug('Events after item parsing: %s', events)
        return events
Пример #7
	def post(self):
		user = AppUser.getUser()
		eventName=getString("name", self)
		loc=getString("location", self)
		date = getDate("date", self)
		start=getDateTime("start",date, self)
		event = Event(creator=user,name=eventName, location=loc, dateStart=start)
		event.dateEnd=getDateTime("end",date, self)
		event.description=getString("description", self)
		event.host=getString("host", self)

		if user.verified:
			# Auto-verified if the user is, and thanks the user.
			self.redirect('/?' + urllib.urlencode({'message':'''Thanks, yum!'''}))
		self.redirect('/?' + urllib.urlencode({'message':'''Event Created! You'll need to wait for someone to verify it.'''}))
		# redirect message if the user isn't verified.
Пример #8
 def create_event_yandexafishacinema_cinema_venom(start_time=4695148800,
     event = Event()
     event.source = "YandexAfishaCinema"
     event.title = "Веном"
     event.description = "С участием Вуди Харрельсона"
     event.url = "https://afisha.yandex.ru/moscow/cinema/venom-2018"
     event.categories = {
         "thriller", "adventure", "fiction", "action", "horror", "cinema"
     event.image = "https://afisha.yandex.ru/13Iaf1251.jpg"
     event.start_time = start_time
     event.finish_time = finish_time
     event.join_anytime = True
     event.duplicate_id = duplicate_id
     event.source_rating_value = 7
     event.source_rating_count = 14379
     event.status = "active"
     return event
Пример #9
 def create_event_kudago_exhibition_face2face():
     event = Event()
     event.source = "KudaGo"
     event.title = "выставка Face 2 Face"
     event.description = "<p>Хотите лицом к лицу встретиться с героями известных фильмов?</p>"
     event.price_kudago = "от 0 до 650 рублей"
     event.url = "https://kudago.com/msk/event/vyistavka-face-2-face"
     event.categories = {
         "exhibition", "kids", "интерактивные", "новые технологии",
         "детские", "новое на сайте", "выставки", "детские (раздел детям)",
         "всей семьей", "фэнтези", "интересное", "выходные с детьми"
     event.image = "https://kudago.com/media/images/event/e1/6f/e16fa25bbf494ca18def9aa9580a5f5f.JPG"
     event.start_time = 4695469200
     event.finish_time = 4699825200
     event.join_anytime = False
     event.price_min = 0
     event.source_rating_count = 2
     event.status = "active"
     return event
Пример #10
 def create_event_yandexafishatheater_theater_beshenyedengi(
         start_time=4697604000, finish_time=4697604000, duplicate_id=None):
     event = Event()
     event.source = "YandexAfishaTheater"
     event.title = "Бешеные деньги"
     event.description = "В главной роли Светлана Немоляева"
     event.url = "https://afisha.yandex.ru/moscow/theatre_show/beshenye-dengi-teatr-im-maiakovskogo"
     event.categories = {
         "theatre", "theatre_show", "nearest-events", "comedy",
         "season-premiere", "top-persons", "hitprodazh-badge",
         "newyear-vacations", "theatre-feedback", "family-theatre",
         "traditional-theatre", "theater"
     event.image = "https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-afishanew/21422/5543036bb12f14c5b8ac13e180071c83/s270x135"
     event.start_time = start_time
     event.finish_time = finish_time
     event.join_anytime = False
     event.duplicate_id = duplicate_id
     event.source_rating_value = 9.1
     event.source_rating_count = 166
     event.status = "active"
     event.price_min = 400
     event.price_max = 6000
     return event
Пример #11
 def test_update_events_from_db(self, session, clear_data):
     # TODO: create events in abstract test class (remember that these events emulate events from database not from url)
     # Form event № 1
     event_from_database_for_updating = Event()
     event_from_database_for_updating._id = 78
     event_from_database_for_updating.source = "KudaGo"
     event_from_database_for_updating.title = "выставка Face 2 Face"
     event_from_database_for_updating.description = "Хотите лицом к лицу встретиться с героями известных фильмов? Добро пожаловать"
     event_from_database_for_updating.price_kudago = "от 0 до 650 рублей"
     event_from_database_for_updating.url = "https://kudago.com/msk/event/vyistavka-face-2-face"
     event_from_database_for_updating.categories = {
         "exhibition", "kids", "интерактивные", "новые технологии"
     event_from_database_for_updating.image = "https://kudago.com/media/images/event/e1/6f/a5f5f.JPG"
     event_from_database_for_updating.start_time = 4695469200
     event_from_database_for_updating.finish_time = 4699825200
     event_from_database_for_updating.join_anytime = False
     event_from_database_for_updating.duplicate_source_id = "https://kudago.com/msk/event/vyistavka-face-2-face"
     event_from_database_for_updating.duplicate_id = 45
     event_from_database_for_updating.price_min = 0
     event_from_database_for_updating.price_max = 25
     event_from_database_for_updating.source_rating_value = 2
     event_from_database_for_updating.source_rating_count = 2
     event_from_database_for_updating.status = "active"
     # Form event № 2
     event_from_source_for_updating = Event()
     event_from_source_for_updating.source = "KudaGo"
     event_from_source_for_updating.title = "Обсуждение фильма Хоррор"
     event_from_source_for_updating.description = "Вот уж точно фильм, от которого волосы встают дыбом"
     event_from_source_for_updating.price_kudago = "500 рублей"
     event_from_source_for_updating.url = "https://kudago.com/msk/event/vyistavka-face-2-face"
     event_from_source_for_updating.categories = {"интересненькое", "опера"}
     event_from_source_for_updating.image = "https://kudago.com/media/images/event/e1/6f/5f.JPG"
     event_from_source_for_updating.start_time = 4695469200
     event_from_source_for_updating.finish_time = 4699825200
     event_from_source_for_updating.join_anytime = True
     event_from_source_for_updating.duplicate_source_id = "https://kudago.com/msk/event/vyistavka-face-2-face"
     event_from_source_for_updating.duplicate_id = 0
     event_from_source_for_updating.price_min = 500
     event_from_source_for_updating.price_max = 500
     event_from_database_for_updating.source_rating_value = 2
     event_from_database_for_updating.source_rating_count = 2
     event_from_source_for_updating.status = "active"
     # Form event № 3
     event_from_database_for_inactivating = Event()
     event_from_database_for_inactivating._id = 80
     event_from_database_for_inactivating.source = "KudaGo"
     event_from_database_for_inactivating.url = "https://kudago.com/msk/event/vyistavka-face-2-face"
     event_from_database_for_inactivating.start_time = 4695469500
     event_from_database_for_inactivating.finish_time = 4699825500
     event_from_database_for_inactivating.duplicate_source_id = "https://kudago.com/msk/event/vyistavka-face-2-face"
     event_from_database_for_inactivating.duplicate_id = 45
     event_from_database_for_inactivating.status = "active"
     # Form event № 4
     event_from_source_for_adding = Event()
     event_from_source_for_adding.source = "KudaGo"
     event_from_source_for_adding.url = "https://kudago.com/msk/event/vyistavka-face-2-face"
     event_from_source_for_adding.start_time = 4695469900
     event_from_source_for_adding.finish_time = 4699825900
     event_from_source_for_adding.duplicate_source_id = "https://kudago.com/msk/event/vyistavka-face-2-face"
     event_from_source_for_adding.duplicate_id = 0
     event_from_source_for_adding.status = "active"
     # Form lists for events as arguments for function under testing
     events = [
     same_events_in_db = [
     # Test our function
     result_list_of_events = KudaGoParser._update_events_from_db(
         same_events_in_db, events)
     event_from_database_for_inactivating.status = "hidden"
         result_list_of_events[2], event_from_database_for_inactivating)
     assert len(result_list_of_events) == 3
Пример #12
    def _item_parser(self, item, test_url=None):
        Extract fields from source HTML or JSON to create Event from them and save to database
        :param item:
        :param test_url: uses if method have download additional data from the page of concrete event and parse it
        :return: return list of events, in most cases it will contain only one item, but if event has several dates,
        every date will have its own event in list
        logging.debug('Enter to the method, iter: %s', item)
        events = []

        event = Event()
        # If we cannot get this features (title and url) - we won't work with this event further
            event.title = item['event']['title']
            event.url = 'https://afisha.yandex.ru' + item['event']['url']
        except (KeyError, AttributeError):
            return []
        # This extracting can spawn an exception
            event.description = item.get('event', {}).get('argument', None)
            event.categories = self._get_all_categories(
                item.get('event', {}).get('systemTags', []))
            event.image = item.get('event',
                                                   {}).get('url', None)
            event.source_rating_value = item.get('event', {}).get(
                'kinopoisk', {}).get('value', None)
            event.source_rating_count = item.get('event', {}).get(
                'kinopoisk', {}).get('votes', None)
        except (KeyError, AttributeError):
        event.source = "YandexAfishaCinema"
        event.status = "active"
        # Now we write to the DB not all sessions with every film (too much every day) but only days
        # when this film is on screens in cinemas
        event.join_anytime = True

        # Complicate handling of dates
        dates = item.get('scheduleInfo', {}).get('dates', [])
        if len(dates) > 1:
            # Firstly we will use unique identifier of the event - url
            # After saving to database we can use our own id
            event.duplicate_source_id = event.url
        for date_of_event in dates:
            event_for_date = copy.deepcopy(event)
            date_parts = date_of_event.split(
                '-')  # date_of_event = "2018-10-14"
            event_for_date.start_time = int(
            event_for_date.finish_time = event_for_date.start_time + 86400 - 1  # one full day in seconds without 1 second
        if len(dates) == 0:
            event.start_time = 0
            event.finish_time = 0
        logging.debug('Events after item parsing: %s', events)
        return events