Пример #1
def verticalOutputConvolution(input_img: np.array, output_img: np.array,
                              gauss_conv: np.array, coordinateTransform):
    i, j, k = 0, 0, 0
    update_lag = len(gauss_conv) // 2
    _, height, width, channels, _ = getChannels(input_img)
    valid_width_idx = getValidTransformCordinates(width, 0, False,
    valid_height_idx = getValidTransformCordinates(height, update_lag, True,
    conv_queues = [
        fixedSizeQueue(gauss_conv, 255, dtype=np.float32)
        for _ in range(channels)
    for px in np.nditer(input_img, order='F', op_flags=['readonly']):
        if i >= update_lag:
            if valid_height_idx[i] and valid_width_idx[j]:
                out_i, out_j = np.uint32(
                    np.floor(coordinateTransform(i - update_lag, j)))
                output_img[out_i, out_j, k] = conv_queues[k].convolve()
        if i == height - 1 and valid_width_idx[j]:
            outputStrideConvRemaining(output_img, height, valid_height_idx,
                                      conv_queues, 1, j, update_lag, False,
        i, j, k = iterateImageFortran(i, j, k, height, width)
    return output_img
Пример #2
def createFeatureImage(*args):
    base_height = None
    base_width = None
    total_channels = 0
    channel_arr = []

    for img in args:
        _, height, width, channels, _ = getChannels(img)
        channel_arr += [channels]
        if not base_height: base_height = height
        elif base_height != height:
            print('Error! Not all input images have the same height.'); return
        if not base_width: base_width = width
        elif base_height != height:
            print('Error! Not all input images have the same height.'); return
        total_channels += channels

    feat_img = np.ndarray((base_height, base_width, total_channels), dtype = np.float32)
    current_channel = 0
    img_ind = 0
    for img in args:
        img = normaliseImage(img)
        next_channel = current_channel + channel_arr[img_ind]
        feat_img[:, :, current_channel:next_channel] = img
        current_channel = next_channel
        img_ind += 1
    return feat_img
Пример #3
def upsizeImage(img: np.array, target_size: tuple, interpolation_method=None):

    img, height, width, channels, im_size = getChannels(img)
    target_hei, target_wid, target_chn = target_size
    if target_chn != channels:
        print('Target channels not equal to input.')
    px_transform = createPixelTransform((height, width), target_size)
    output_img = np.zeros(target_size, dtype=np.uint8)

    i, j, k, float_input_coord, current_target_inds, latest_target_inds, pixel_window, area_weights, value_weights = (

    for px in np.nditer(output_img, op_flags=['writeonly']):
        if np.any(np.int32(np.floor(float_input_coord)) != latest_target_inds):
            getTargetIndices(float_input_coord, current_target_inds)
            extractPxWindow(current_target_inds[0], img, pixel_window)
            latest_target_inds = current_target_inds[0]
        px[...] = areaInterpolation(pixel_window, float_input_coord,
                                    current_target_inds, k, area_weights,
        i, j, k = iterateImage(i, j, k, channels, target_wid)
        if k % channels == 0:
            float_input_coord = px_transform(i, j)

    return output_img
Пример #4
def normaliseImage(img: np.array):
    img, _, _, channels, _ = getChannels(img)
    img = np.float32(img)
    for k in range(channels):
        min_img = np.min(np.array(img[:,:,k]))
        max_img = np.max(np.array(img[:,:,k])) - min_img + 0.001
        img[:,:,k] += min_img
        if max_img != 0:
            img[:,:,k] /= max_img
    return img
Пример #5
def enhanceContrast(img: np.array, channel_range: ChannelRange):
    img, height, width, channels, im_size = getChannels(img)
    scalars = getScalars(channel_range, channels)

    i = 0
    j = 0
    k = 0
    for px in np.nditer(img):
        img[i, j, k] = putPixelInRange(px, channel_range[k], scalars[k])
        i, j, k = iterateImage(i, j, k, channels, width)
    return img
Пример #6
def getFeatureVectorsFromCornerPoints(harris_points: HarrisPointArray, feature_images: np.ndarray):
    _, _, width, channels, _ = getChannels(feature_images)
    n_hist_buckets = harris_points.getHistogramBuckets(channels)

    i, j, k = 0, 0, 0
    for px in np.nditer(feature_images, order = 'C', op_flags = ['readwrite']):
        if k == 0: matched_point = harris_points.checkAllDistances(i, j)
        if matched_point: matched_point.updateHistogram(n_hist_buckets, k, px)
        i, j, k = iterateImage(i, j, k, channels, width)
    return harris_points
Пример #7
def verticalConvolution(output_img: np.array, update_lag: int,
                        conv_queues: list, update_queues: list):
    i, j, k = 0, 0, 0
    _, height, width, _, _ = getChannels(output_img)
    for px in np.nditer(output_img, order='F', op_flags=['readwrite']):
        i, j, _ = iterateImageFortran(i, j, k, height, width)
        if i > update_lag:
            prev_px = update_queues[0].get()
            prev_px[...] = conv_queues[0].convolve()
        if (i == 0):
            convolveRemainingPixels(update_queues, conv_queues, 1, update_lag)
    return output_img
Пример #8
def horizontalConvolution(output_img: np.array, update_lag: int,
                          conv_queues: list, update_queues: list):
    i, j, k = 0, 0, 0
    _, _, width, channels, _ = getChannels(output_img)
    for px in np.nditer(output_img, order='C', op_flags=['readwrite']):
        i, j, k = iterateImage(i, j, k, channels, width)
        if j > update_lag:
            prev_px = update_queues[k].get()
            prev_px[...] = conv_queues[k].convolve()
        if (j == 0) and (k == 0):
            convolveRemainingPixels(update_queues, conv_queues, channels,
    return output_img
Пример #9
def convertToHSV(img : np.array):

    _, _, width, channels, im_size = getChannels(img)
    if channels != 3: print('Error! 3 channels are expected RGB2HSV'); return
    current_colour = np.ndarray(3, dtype = np.uint8)
    current_queue = [None] * 3

    i = 0; j = 0; k = 0
    for px in np.nditer(img, op_flags = ['readwrite']):
        current_colour[k] = px
        current_queue[k] = px
        i, j, k = iterateImage(i, j, k, channels, width)
        if k == 0:
            current_colour[:] = convertRGBToHSVColor(current_colour)
            for chan in range(3):
                current_queue[chan][...] = current_colour[chan]
    return img
Пример #10
def convertToGrey(img : np.array, convert_to_value: bool = False):

    _, height, width, channels, im_size = getChannels(img)
    if channels != 3 : print('Error! 3 channel image expected RGB2GRAY'); return
    weight_vector = np.ndarray(3, dtype = np.float32)
    if convert_to_value:
        weight_vector[:] = [0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140]

    i = 0; j = 0; k = 0
    for px in np.nditer(img, op_flags = ['readwrite']):
        if k == 0 :
            update_px = px
        update_px[...] += np.uint8(px * weight_vector[k])
        i, j, k = iterateImage(i, j, k, 3, width)
    return img[:, :, 0]
Пример #11
def thresholdHarrisWithinDistance(harris_img: np.array, corner_thresh: float, distance_thresh: float, feature_len: int):
    _, _, width, channels, _ = getChannels(harris_img)
    if channels != 3 : print('Incorrect numer of input channels'); return
    harris_points = HarrisPointArray(feature_len, distance_thresh)

    i, j, k = 0, 0, 0
    for px in np.nditer(harris_img, order = 'C', op_flags = ['readwrite']):
        if k == 0:
            curr_x = px
        elif k == 1:
            curr_y = px
            if px > corner_thresh:
                if not harris_points.checkAllDistances(i, j):
                    harris_points.addPoint(i, j, curr_y, curr_x, px)
        i, j, k = iterateImage(i, j, k, 3, width)
    return harris_points
Пример #12
def computeGradientPolyImage(img: np.array, kernel_size: int):
    _, height, width, channels, _ = getChannels(img)
    if channels != 1 : print('Incorrect input size'); return
    hori_deriv = oneDimConvolution(img.copy(), derivative(kernel_size), True)
    vert_deriv = oneDimConvolution(img.copy(), derivative(kernel_size), False)
    output_img = np.dstack((hori_deriv, vert_deriv, np.zeros((height, width), dtype = np.float32)))
    i, j, k = 0, 0, 0
    for px in np.nditer(output_img, order = 'C', op_flags = ['readwrite']):
        if k == 0:
            current_x = px
        elif k == 1:
            current_y = px
            px[...] = current_x * current_y
            current_x[...] **= 2
            current_y[...] **= 2
        i, j, k = iterateImage(i, j, k, 3, width)
    return output_img
Пример #13
def computeCornerMeasure(img: np.array, cornerMeasure):
    _, _, width, channels, _ = getChannels(img)
    if channels != 3 : print('Incorrect numer of input channels'); return
    i, j, k = 0, 0, 0
    max_channels = {0:0,1:0,2:0}
    min_channels = {0:0,1:0,2:0}
    for px in np.nditer(img, order = 'C', op_flags = ['readwrite']):
        if k == 0:
            current_x = px
        elif k == 1:
            current_y = px
            output_vector = cornerMeasure(current_x, current_y, px)
            current_x[...] = output_vector[0]
            current_y[...] = output_vector[1]
            px[...] = output_vector[2]
            updateMinMaxChannels(output_vector, max_channels, min_channels)
        i, j, k = iterateImage(i, j, k, 3, width)
    divideByMaxChannels(img, max_channels, min_channels)
    return img
Пример #14
def horizontalStrideConvolution(output_img: np.array, gauss_conv: np.array,
    i, j, k = 0, 0, 0
    _, _, width, channels, _ = getChannels(output_img)
    update_lag = len(gauss_conv) // 2
    conv_queues = [
        fixedSizeQueue(gauss_conv, 255, dtype=np.float32)
        for _ in range(channels)
    update_queues = [SimpleQueue() for _ in range(channels)]
    valid_width_idx = getValidTransformCordinates(width, update_lag, False,
    for px in np.nditer(output_img, order='C', op_flags=['readwrite']):
        if j >= update_lag:
            prev_px = update_queues[k].get()
            if valid_width_idx[j]: prev_px[...] = conv_queues[k].convolve()
        i, j, k = iterateImage(i, j, k, channels, width)
        if j == 0 and k == 0:
            strideConvolveRemaining(width, channels, update_queues,
                                    conv_queues, valid_width_idx)
    return output_img
Пример #15
def verticalStrideConvolution(output_img: np.array, gauss_conv: np.array,
    i, j, k = 0, 0, 0
    _, height, width, channels, _ = getChannels(output_img)
    update_lag = len(gauss_conv) // 2
    conv_queues = [
        fixedSizeQueue(gauss_conv, 255, dtype=np.float32)
        for _ in range(channels)
    update_queues = [SimpleQueue()]
    valid_height_idx = getValidTransformCordinates(height, update_lag, True,
    for px in np.nditer(output_img, order='F', op_flags=['readwrite']):
        if i >= update_lag:
            prev_px = update_queues[0].get()
            if valid_height_idx[i]: prev_px[...] = conv_queues[k].convolve()
        i, j, k = iterateImageFortran(i, j, k, height, width)
        if i == 0:
            strideConvolveRemaining(height, 1, update_queues, conv_queues,
    return output_img
Пример #16
def getImageCenter(img):
    _, height, width, _, _ = getChannels(img)
    c_h = (height - 1)/2
    c_w = (width - 1)/2
    return np.array([c_h, c_w], dtype = np.float32)