Пример #1
    def set_task(self, task):
        This function is called from GTG core whenever a task should be
        saved, either because it's a new one or it has been modified.
        This function will look into the loaded XML object if the task is
        present, and if it's not, it will create it. Then, it will save the
        task data in the XML object.

        @param task: the task object to save
        tid = task.get_id()
        # We create an XML representation of the task
        t_xml = taskxml.task_to_xml(self.doc, task)

        # we find if the task exists in the XML treenode.
        existing = None
        for node in self.xmlproj.childNodes:
            if node.nodeName == TASK_NODE and node.getAttribute("id") == tid:
                existing = node

        modified = False
        # We then replace the existing node
        if existing and t_xml:
            # We will write only if the task has changed
            if t_xml.toxml() != existing.toxml():
                self.xmlproj.replaceChild(t_xml, existing)
                modified = True
        # If the node doesn't exist, we create it
            modified = True

        # if the XML object has changed, we save it to file
        if modified and self._parameters["path"] and self.doc:
            cleanxml.savexml(self.get_path(), self.doc)
Пример #2
    def set_task(self, task):
        """ Propagate a change in local tasks into server """
        if self._parameters["state"] != "online":

        sync_tags = self._xmpp.get_synchronized_tags()
        tags = task.get_tags_name()
        tag_overlap = set(sync_tags) & set(tags)
        if not tag_overlap:

        if task.get_id() in self._changed_remotely:

        Log.info("GTG --set--> PubSub: [%s] '%s'" % (task.get_id(),

        doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString("<task></task>")
        task_id = task.get_id()
        task_xml = task_to_xml(doc, task).toxml()
        tags = task.get_tags_name()

        self._xmpp.set_task(task_id, tags, task_xml)
Пример #3
    def set_task(self, task):
        This function is called from GTG core whenever a task should be
        saved, either because it's a new one or it has been modified.
        This function will look into the loaded XML object if the task is
        present, and if it's not, it will create it. Then, it will save the
        task data in the XML object.

        @param task: the task object to save
        tid = task.get_id()
        # We create an XML representation of the task
        t_xml = taskxml.task_to_xml(self.doc, task)

        # we find if the task exists in the XML treenode.
        existing = None
        for node in self.xmlproj.childNodes:
            if node.nodeName == TASK_NODE and node.getAttribute("id") == tid:
                existing = node

        modified = False
        # We then replace the existing node
        if existing and t_xml:
            # We will write only if the task has changed
            if t_xml.toxml() != existing.toxml():
                self.xmlproj.replaceChild(t_xml, existing)
                modified = True
        # If the node doesn't exist, we create it
            modified = True

        # if the XML object has changed, we save it to file
        if modified and self._parameters["path"] and self.doc:
            cleanxml.savexml(self.get_path(), self.doc)
Пример #4
    def set_task(self, task):
        """ Propagate a change in local tasks into server """
        if self._parameters["state"] != "online":

        sync_tags = self._xmpp.get_synchronized_tags()
        tags = task.get_tags_name()
        tag_overlap = set(sync_tags) & set(tags)
        if not tag_overlap:

        if task.get_id() in self._changed_remotely:

        Log.info("GTG --set--> PubSub: [%s] '%s'" %
                 (task.get_id(), task.get_title()))

        doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString("<task></task>")
        task_id = task.get_id()
        task_xml = task_to_xml(doc, task).toxml()
        tags = task.get_tags_name()

        self._xmpp.set_task(task_id, tags, task_xml)