parser.add_option("--stol", "--sig-tolerance", dest="stol", default=0.10, type="float", help="Report nuisances whose sigma changes by more than this amount")
parser.add_option("--vtol2", "--val-tolerance2", dest="vtol2", default=2.0, type="float", help="Report severely nuisances whose value changes by more than this amount of sigmas")
parser.add_option("--stol2", "--sig-tolerance2", dest="stol2", default=0.50, type="float", help="Report severely nuisances whose sigma changes by more than this amount")
parser.add_option("-a", "--all",      dest="show_all_parameters",    default=False,  action="store_true", help="Print all nuisances, even the ones which are unchanged w.r.t. pre-fit values.")
parser.add_option("-A", "--abs",      dest="absolute_values",    default=False,  action="store_true", help="Report also absolute values of nuisance values and errors, not only the ones normalized to the input sigma")
parser.add_option("-p", "--poi",      dest="poi",    default="r",    type="string",  help="Name of signal strength parameter (default is 'r' as per")
parser.add_option("-f", "--format",   dest="format", default="text", type="string",  help="Output format ('text', 'latex', 'twiki'")
parser.add_option("-g", "--histogram", dest="plotfile", default=None, type="string", help="If true, plot the pulls of the nuisances to the given file.")
parser.add_option("", "--pullDef",  dest="pullDef", default="", type="string", help="Choose the definition of the pull, see python/ for options")

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) == 0:

if options.pullDef!="" and options.pullDef not in CP.allowed_methods(): exit("Method %s not allowed, choose one of [%s]"%(options.pullDef,",".join(CP.allowed_methods())))

setUpString = "diffNuisances run on %s, at %s with the following options ... "%(args[0],datetime.datetime.utcnow())+str(options)

file = ROOT.TFile(args[0])
if file == None: raise RuntimeError, "Cannot open file %s" % args[0]
fit_s  = file.Get("fit_s")
fit_b  = file.Get("fit_b")
prefit = file.Get("nuisances_prefit")
if fit_s == None or fit_s.ClassName()   != "RooFitResult": raise RuntimeError, "File %s does not contain the output of the signal fit 'fit_s'"     % args[0]
if fit_b == None or fit_b.ClassName()   != "RooFitResult": raise RuntimeError, "File %s does not contain the output of the background fit 'fit_b'" % args[0]
if prefit == None or prefit.ClassName() != "RooArgSet":    raise RuntimeError, "File %s does not contain the prefit nuisances 'nuisances_prefit'"  % args[0]

isFlagged = {}
Пример #2
    "choose 'correlation' or 'impact' to sort rows by correlation with or impact on --poi (largest to smallest absolute)"

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) == 0:

if options.pullDef != "" and options.pullDef not in CP.allowed_methods():
    exit("Method %s not allowed, choose one of [%s]" %
         (options.pullDef, ",".join(CP.allowed_methods())))

if options.pullDef and options.absolute_values:
    print "Pulls are always defined as absolute, will modify --absolute_values to False for you"
    options.absolute_values = False

if options.pullDef: options.show_all_parameters = True

if options.sortBy not in ['correlation', 'impact']:
    exit("choose one of [ %s ] for --sortBy" %
         (",".join()['correlation', 'impact']))

setUpString = "diffNuisances run on %s, at %s with the following options ... " % (
    args[0], datetime.datetime.utcnow()) + str(options)
parser.add_option("--stol", "--sig-tolerance", dest="stol", default=0.10, type="float", help="Report nuisances whose sigma changes by more than this amount")
parser.add_option("--vtol2", "--val-tolerance2", dest="vtol2", default=2.0, type="float", help="Report severely nuisances whose value changes by more than this amount of sigmas")
parser.add_option("--stol2", "--sig-tolerance2", dest="stol2", default=0.50, type="float", help="Report severely nuisances whose sigma changes by more than this amount")
parser.add_option("-a", "--all",      dest="show_all_parameters",    default=False,  action="store_true", help="Print all nuisances, even the ones which are unchanged w.r.t. pre-fit values.")
parser.add_option("-A", "--abs",      dest="absolute_values",    default=False,  action="store_true", help="Report also absolute values of nuisance values and errors, not only the ones normalized to the input sigma")
parser.add_option("-p", "--poi",      dest="poi",    default="r",    type="string",  help="Name of signal strength parameter (default is 'r' as per")
parser.add_option("-f", "--format",   dest="format", default="text", type="string",  help="Output format ('text', 'latex', 'twiki'")
parser.add_option("-g", "--histogram", dest="plotfile", default=None, type="string", help="If true, plot the pulls of the nuisances to the given file.")
parser.add_option("", "--pullDef",  dest="pullDef", default="", type="string", help="Choose the definition of the pull, see python/ for options")

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) == 0:

if options.pullDef!="" and options.pullDef not in CP.allowed_methods(): exit("Method %s not allowed, choose one of [%s]"%(options.pullDef,",".join(CP.allowed_methods())))

if options.pullDef and options.absolute_values : 
  print "Pulls are always defined as absolute, will modify --absolute_values to False for you"
  options.absolute_values = False 

if options.pullDef : options.show_all_parameters=True

setUpString = "diffNuisances run on %s, at %s with the following options ... "%(args[0],datetime.datetime.utcnow())+str(options)

file = ROOT.TFile(args[0])
if file == None: raise RuntimeError, "Cannot open file %s" % args[0]
fit_s  = file.Get("fit_s")
fit_b  = file.Get("fit_b")
prefit = file.Get("nuisances_prefit")
if fit_s == None or fit_s.ClassName()   != "RooFitResult": raise RuntimeError, "File %s does not contain the output of the signal fit 'fit_s'"     % args[0]