Пример #1
def aglomerateNonStar(t):
    nb_cells0 = nb_cells(t)
    carry_on = 1
    i = 0
    while (carry_on == 1):
        print " "
        print "iter %s" % i
        t = XOR.agglomerateNonStarCells(t)
        print "check closure"
        nb_cells1 = nb_cells(t)
        if (nb_cells1 == nb_cells0): carry_on = 0
        if (carry_on == 0): print "no cell found."
        if (nb_cells1 != nb_cells0):
            print "%d cells have been aglomerated" % (nb_cells0 - nb_cells1)
            #C.convertPyTree2File(t, "nonstar_iter_%s.cgns"%i)
        nb_cells0 = nb_cells1
        i = i + 1
        #if (i == 3) : carry_on=0
    return t
Пример #2
# - convexify any concave polygon in the mesh (array) -
import Intersector.PyTree as XOR
import Converter.PyTree as C
import KCore.test as test

M1 = C.convertFile2PyTree('boolNG_M1.tp')
M1 = C.convertArray2NGon(M1)

M2 = C.convertFile2PyTree('boolNG_M2.tp')
M2 = C.convertArray2NGon(M2)

tol = -0.5e-3

m = XOR.booleanMinus(M1, M2, tol, preserve_right=1, solid_right=1, agg_mode=1)
#C.convertArrays2File([m], 'i.plt')

m = XOR.agglomerateNonStarCells(m)

test.testT(m, 1)