Пример #1
    def write(self, selection, frame=None):
        """Write selection at current trajectory frame to file.


        selection         MDAnalysis AtomGroup
        frame             optionally move to frame FRAME
        u = selection.universe
        if frame is not None:
            u.trajectory[frame]  # advance to frame
                frame = u.trajectory.ts.frame
            except AttributeError:
                frame = 1  # should catch cases when we are analyzing a single PDB (?)

        atoms = selection.atoms  # make sure to use atoms (Issue 46)
        coor = atoms.coordinates()  # can write from selection == Universe (Issue 49)
        with util.openany(self.filename, 'w') as self.crd:
            self._TITLE("FRAME " + str(frame) + " FROM " + str(u.trajectory.filename))
            current_resid = 0
            for i, atom in enumerate(atoms):
                if atoms[i].resid != atoms[i - 1].resid:
                    # note that this compares first and LAST atom on first iteration... but it works
                    current_resid += 1
                self._ATOM(serial=i + 1, resSeq=atom.resid, resName=atom.resname, name=atom.name,
                           x=coor[i, 0], y=coor[i, 1], z=coor[i, 2], chainID=atom.segid,
                           tempFactor=atom.bfactor, TotRes=current_resid, numatoms=len(atoms))
Пример #2
    def parse(self):
        """Parse CHARMM/NAMD/XPLOR PSF_ file *filename*.

        :Returns: MDAnalysis internal *structure* dict as defined here.
        # Open and check psf validity
        with openany(self.filename, 'r') as psffile:
            header = psffile.next()
            if header[:3] != "PSF":
                err = ("{} is not valid PSF file (header = {})"
                       "".format(self.filename, header))
                raise ValueError(err)
            header_flags = header[3:].split()

            if "NAMD" in header_flags:
                self._format = "NAMD"        # NAMD/VMD
            elif "EXT" in header_flags:
                self._format = "EXTENDED"    # CHARMM
                self._format = "STANDARD"    # CHARMM

            title = psffile.next().split()
            if not (title[1] == "!NTITLE"):
                err = "{} is not a valid PSF file".format(psffile.name)
                raise ValueError(err)
            # psfremarks = [psffile.next() for i in range(int(title[0]))]
            for _ in range(int(title[0])):
            logger.debug("PSF file {}: format {}"
                         "".format(psffile.name, self._format))

            structure = {}

            sections = (
                ("_atoms", ("NATOM", 1, 1, self._parseatoms)),
                ("_bonds", ("NBOND", 2, 4, self._parsesection)),
                ("_angles", ("NTHETA", 3, 3, self._parsesection)),
                ("_dihe", ("NPHI", 4, 2, self._parsesection)),
                ("_impr", ("NIMPHI", 4, 2, self._parsesection)),
                ("_donors", ("NDON", 2, 4, self._parsesection)),
                ("_acceptors", ("NACC", 2, 4, self._parsesection))

                for attr, info in sections:
                    structure[attr] = self._parse_sec(psffile, info)
            except StopIteration:
                # Reached the end of the file before we expected
                if "_atoms" not in structure:
                    err = ("The PSF file didn't contain the required"
                           " section of NATOM")
                    raise ValueError(err)

        # Who cares about the rest
        return structure
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, crdfilename, convert_units=None, **kwargs):
        # EXT:
        #      (i10,2x,a)  natoms,'EXT'
        #      (2I10,2X,A8,2X,A8,3F20.10,2X,A8,2X,A8,F20.10)
        #      iatom,ires,resn,typr,x,y,z,segid,rid,wmain
        # standard:
        #      (i5) natoms
        #      (2I5,1X,A4,1X,A4,3F10.5,1X,A4,1X,A4,F10.5)
        #      iatom,ires,resn,typr,x,y,z,segid,orig_resid,wmain

        self.crdfilename = crdfilename
        self.filename = self.crdfilename
        if convert_units is None:
            # Note: not used at the moment in CRDReader/Writer
            convert_units = MDAnalysis.core.flags['convert_lengths']
        self.convert_units = convert_units  # convert length and time to base units
        coords_list = []
        with util.openany(crdfilename, 'r') as crdfile:
            extended = False
            natoms = 0
            for linenum, line in enumerate(crdfile):
                if line.strip().startswith('*') or line.strip() == "":
                    continue  # ignore TITLE and empty lines
                fields = line.split()
                if len(fields) <= 2:
                    # should be the natoms line
                    natoms = int(fields[0])
                    extended = (fields[-1] == 'EXT')
                # process coordinates
                    if extended:
                            numpy.array(map(float, line[45:100].split()[0:3])))
                            numpy.array(map(float, line[20:50].split()[0:3])))
                    raise FormatError("Check CRD format at line %d: %s" %
                                      (linenum, line.rstrip()))

        self.numatoms = len(coords_list)
        self.numframes = 1
        self.fixed = 0  # parse wmain field for fixed atoms?
        self.skip = 1
        self.periodic = False
        self.delta = 0
        self.skip_timestep = 1
        self.ts = self._Timestep(numpy.array(coords_list))
        self.ts.frame = 1  # 1-based frame number
        # if self.convert_units:
        #    self.convert_pos_from_native(self.ts._pos)             # in-place !

        # sanity check
        if self.numatoms != natoms:
            raise FormatError(
                "Found %d coordinates in %r but the header claims that there "
                "should be %d coordinates." %
                (self.numatoms, self.filename, natoms))
Пример #4
    def run(self,
        """Analyze trajectory and produce timeseries.

        Stores results in :attr:`ContactAnalysis1.timeseries` (if store=True)
        and writes them to a data file. The average q is written to a second
        data file.
            The value of the first frame number in the trajectory to be used (default: frame 1)
            The value of the last frame number in the trajectory to be used (default: None -- use all frames)
            The number of frames to skip during trajectory iteration (default: use every frame)
        if self.output_exists(force=force):
            import warnings

                "File %r already exists, loading it INSTEAD of trajectory %r. "
                "Use force=True to overwrite the output file. " %
                (self.output, self.universe.trajectory.filename))
            return None

        with openany(self.output, 'w') as out:
            out.write("# q1 analysis\n# nref = %d\n" % (self.nref))
            out.write("# frame  q1  n1\n")
            records = []
            self.qavg *= 0  # average contact existence
            A, B = self.selections
            # determine the end_frame value to use:
            total_frames = self.universe.trajectory.numframes
            if not end_frame:
                # use the total number of frames in trajectory if no final value specified
                end_frame = total_frames
            for ts in self.universe.trajectory[
                frame = ts.frame
                # use pre-allocated distance array to save a little bit of time
                self.qarray(self.d, out=self.q)
                n1, q1 = self.qN(self.q, out=self._qtmp)
                self.qavg += self.q
                if store:
                    records.append((frame, q1, n1))
                out.write("%(frame)4d  %(q1)8.6f %(n1)5d\n" % vars())
        if store:
            self.timeseries = numpy.array(records).T
        numframes = len(range(total_frames)[start_frame:end_frame:step_value])
        self.qavg /= numframes
        numpy.savetxt(self.outarray, self.qavg, fmt="%8.6f")
        return self.output
Пример #5
    def parse(self):
        """Parse CHARMM/NAMD/XPLOR PSF_ file *filename*.

        :Returns: MDAnalysis internal *structure* dict as defined here.
        # Open and check psf validity
        with openany(self.filename, 'r') as psffile:
            header = psffile.next()
            if header[:3] != "PSF":
                err = ("{} is not valid PSF file (header = {})"
                       "".format(self.filename, header))
                raise ValueError(err)
            header_flags = header[3:].split()

            if "NAMD" in header_flags:
                self._format = "NAMD"  # NAMD/VMD
            elif "EXT" in header_flags:
                self._format = "EXTENDED"  # CHARMM
                self._format = "STANDARD"  # CHARMM

            title = psffile.next().split()
            if not (title[1] == "!NTITLE"):
                err = "{} is not a valid PSF file".format(psffile.name)
                raise ValueError(err)
            # psfremarks = [psffile.next() for i in range(int(title[0]))]
            for _ in range(int(title[0])):
            logger.debug("PSF file {}: format {}"
                         "".format(psffile.name, self._format))

            structure = {}

            sections = (("_atoms", ("NATOM", 1, 1, self._parseatoms)),
                        ("_bonds", ("NBOND", 2, 4, self._parsesection)),
                        ("_angles", ("NTHETA", 3, 3, self._parsesection)),
                        ("_dihe", ("NPHI", 4, 2, self._parsesection)),
                        ("_impr", ("NIMPHI", 4, 2, self._parsesection)),
                        ("_donors", ("NDON", 2, 4, self._parsesection)),
                        ("_acceptors", ("NACC", 2, 4, self._parsesection)))

                for attr, info in sections:
                    structure[attr] = self._parse_sec(psffile, info)
            except StopIteration:
                # Reached the end of the file before we expected
                if "_atoms" not in structure:
                    err = ("The PSF file didn't contain the required"
                           " section of NATOM")
                    raise ValueError(err)

        # Who cares about the rest
        return structure
Пример #6
    def parse(self):
        """Parse GRO file *filename* and return the dict `structure`.

            Only reads the list of atoms.
            :Returns: MDAnalysis internal *structure* dict
            .. SeeAlso:: The *structure* dict is defined in
        atom_iter = 0
        atoms = []
        with openany(self.filename, "r") as grofile:
            segid = "SYSTEM"
            for line in grofile:
                    resid, resname, name = int(
                        line[0:5]), line[5:10].strip(), line[10:15].strip()
                    # guess based on atom name
                    elem = guess_atom_element(name)
                    atype = elem
                    mass = get_atom_mass(elem)
                    charge = guess_atom_charge(name)
                    # segid = "SYSTEM"
                    # ignore coords and velocities, they can be read by coordinates.GRO
                # Not currently doing anything with other lines
                except (ValueError, IndexError):
                    #                    if linenum == 0:
                    # Header comment
                    #hdr_cmt = line
                    #elif linenum == 1:
                    # Header: number of particles
                    #hdr_np = int(line)
                    # A bit dodgy; should find a better way
                    # of locating the box_vectors line
                    # pass
                    #ftr_box = line If the line can't
                    # otherwise be read properly, then this
                    # probably indicates a problem with the
                    # gro line, and an error will be raised
                    #  pass
                    raise IOError(
                        "Couldn't read the following line of the .gro file:\n"
                    # Just use the atom_iter (counting from 0) rather than
                    # the number in the .gro file (which wraps at 99999)
                        Atom(atom_iter, name, atype, resname, resid, segid,
                             mass, charge))
                    atom_iter += 1
        structure = {'_atoms': atoms}

        return structure
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, filename, convert_units=None, **kwargs):
        """Read coordinates from *filename*.

        *filename* can be a gzipped or bzip2ed compressed PDBQT file.
        self.filename = filename
        if convert_units is None:
            convert_units = MDAnalysis.core.flags['convert_lengths']
        self.convert_units = convert_units  # convert length and time to base units

        # Ugly inner method: moved outside of for-loop below
        def _c(start, stop, typeclass=float):
            return self._col(line, start, stop, typeclass=typeclass)

        coords = []
        atoms = []
        unitcell = numpy.zeros(6, dtype=numpy.float32)
        with util.openany(filename, 'r') as pdbfile:
            for line in pdbfile:
                if line[:4] == 'END\n':  # Should only break at the 'END' of a model definition not
                    # and prevent premature exit for a torsion termination, eg, ENDBRANCH
                if line[:6] == 'CRYST1':
                    A, B, C = _c(7, 15), _c(16, 24), _c(25, 33)
                    alpha, beta, gamma = _c(34, 40), _c(41, 47), _c(48, 54)
                    unitcell[:] = A, B, C, alpha, beta, gamma
                if line[:6] in ('ATOM  ', 'HETATM'):
                    # directly use COLUMNS from PDB/PDBQT spec
                    serial = _c(7, 11, int)
                    name = _c(13, 16, str).strip()
                    resName = _c(18, 21, str).strip()
                    chainID = _c(22, 22, str)  # empty chainID is a single space ' '!
                    resSeq = _c(23, 26, int)
                    x, y, z = _c(31, 38), _c(39, 46), _c(47, 54)
                    occupancy = _c(55, 60)
                    tempFactor = _c(61, 66)
                    partialCharge = _c(67, 76, str).strip()  # PDBQT partial charge
                    atomtype = _c(77, 80, str).strip()  # PDBQT atom type
                    coords.append((x, y, z))
                        (serial, name, resName, chainID, resSeq, occupancy, tempFactor, partialCharge, atomtype))
        self.numatoms = len(coords)
        self.ts = self._Timestep(numpy.array(coords, dtype=numpy.float32))
        self.ts._unitcell[:] = unitcell
        self.ts.frame = 1  # 1-based frame number
        if self.convert_units:
            self.convert_pos_from_native(self.ts._pos)  # in-place !
            self.convert_pos_from_native(self.ts._unitcell[:3])  # in-place ! (only lengths)
        self.numframes = 1
        self.fixed = 0
        self.skip = 1
        self.periodic = False
        self.delta = 0
        self.skip_timestep = 1
        # hack for PDBQTParser:
        self._atoms = numpy.rec.fromrecords(atoms,
Пример #8
 def writePDB(self, filename):
     """Export coordinates to a simple PDB file."""
     atom_format = "%6s%.5s %4s %4s %.4s    %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%6.2f%6.2f          %2s  \n"
     p = self.positions
     with openany(filename, 'w') as file:
         for i, atom in enumerate(self.sections["Atoms"]):
             line = [
                 "ATOM  ", str(i + 1), 'XXXX', 'TEMP', str(atom.type + 1), p[i, 0], p[i, 1], p[i, 2], 0.0, 0.0,
             file.write(atom_format % tuple(line))
Пример #9
    def parse(self):
        """Parse GRO file *filename* and return the dict `structure`.

            Only reads the list of atoms.
            :Returns: MDAnalysis internal *structure* dict
            .. SeeAlso:: The *structure* dict is defined in
        atom_iter = 0
        atoms = []
        with openany(self.filename, "r") as grofile:
            segid = "SYSTEM"
            for line in grofile:
                    resid, resname, name = int(line[0:5]), line[5:10].strip(), line[10:15].strip()
                    # guess based on atom name
                    elem = guess_atom_element(name)
                    atype = elem
                    mass = get_atom_mass(elem)
                    charge = guess_atom_charge(name)
                    # segid = "SYSTEM"
                    # ignore coords and velocities, they can be read by coordinates.GRO
                # Not currently doing anything with other lines
                except (ValueError, IndexError):
                    #                    if linenum == 0:
                        # Header comment
                        #hdr_cmt = line
                    #elif linenum == 1:
                        # Header: number of particles
                        #hdr_np = int(line)
                        # A bit dodgy; should find a better way
                        # of locating the box_vectors line
                        # pass
                        #ftr_box = line If the line can't
                        # otherwise be read properly, then this
                        # probably indicates a problem with the
                        # gro line, and an error will be raised
                    #  pass
                    raise IOError("Couldn't read the following line of the .gro file:\n"
                    # Just use the atom_iter (counting from 0) rather than
                    # the number in the .gro file (which wraps at 99999)
                    atoms.append(Atom(atom_iter, name, atype, resname, resid,
                                      segid, mass, charge))
                    atom_iter += 1
        structure = {'_atoms':atoms}

        return structure
Пример #10
    def load(self, filename):
        """Load the data file."""
        from MDAnalysis.core.util import openany

        records = []
        with openany(filename) as data:
            for line in data:
                if line.startswith('#'):
                records.append(map(float, line.split()))
        self.timeseries = numpy.array(records).T
Пример #11
    def load(self, filename):
        """Load the data file."""
        from MDAnalysis.core.util import openany

        records = []
        with openany(filename) as data:
            for line in data:
                if line.startswith('#'):
                records.append(map(float, line.split()))
        self.timeseries = numpy.array(records).T
Пример #12
    def __init__(self, crdfilename, convert_units=None, **kwargs):
        # EXT:
        #      (i10,2x,a)  natoms,'EXT'
        #      (2I10,2X,A8,2X,A8,3F20.10,2X,A8,2X,A8,F20.10)
        #      iatom,ires,resn,typr,x,y,z,segid,rid,wmain
        # standard:
        #      (i5) natoms
        #      (2I5,1X,A4,1X,A4,3F10.5,1X,A4,1X,A4,F10.5)
        #      iatom,ires,resn,typr,x,y,z,segid,orig_resid,wmain

        self.crdfilename = crdfilename
        self.filename = self.crdfilename
        if convert_units is None:
            # Note: not used at the moment in CRDReader/Writer
            convert_units = MDAnalysis.core.flags['convert_lengths']
        self.convert_units = convert_units  # convert length and time to base units
        coords_list = []
        with util.openany(crdfilename, 'r') as crdfile:
            extended = False
            natoms = 0
            for linenum, line in enumerate(crdfile):
                if line.strip().startswith('*') or line.strip() == "":
                    continue  # ignore TITLE and empty lines
                fields = line.split()
                if len(fields) <= 2:
                    # should be the natoms line
                    natoms = int(fields[0])
                    extended = (fields[-1] == 'EXT')
                # process coordinates
                    if extended:
                        coords_list.append(numpy.array(map(float, line[45:100].split()[0:3])))
                        coords_list.append(numpy.array(map(float, line[20:50].split()[0:3])))
                    raise FormatError("Check CRD format at line %d: %s" % (linenum, line.rstrip()))

        self.numatoms = len(coords_list)
        self.numframes = 1
        self.fixed = 0  # parse wmain field for fixed atoms?
        self.skip = 1
        self.periodic = False
        self.delta = 0
        self.skip_timestep = 1
        self.ts = self._Timestep(numpy.array(coords_list))
        self.ts.frame = 1  # 1-based frame number
        # if self.convert_units:
        #    self.convert_pos_from_native(self.ts._pos)             # in-place !

        # sanity check
        if self.numatoms != natoms:
            raise FormatError("Found %d coordinates in %r but the header claims that there "
                              "should be %d coordinates." % (self.numatoms, self.filename, natoms))
Пример #13
    def __init__(self, filename, convert_units=None, **kwargs):
        """Read coordinates from *filename*.

        *filename* can be a gzipped or bzip2ed compressed PDB file.

        If the pdb file contains multiple MODEL records then it is
        read as a trajectory where the MODEL numbers correspond to
        frame numbers. Therefore, the MODEL numbers must be a sequence
        of integers (typically starting at 1 or 0).
        self.filename = filename
        if convert_units is None:
            convert_units = core.flags['convert_lengths']
        self.convert_units = convert_units  # convert length and time to base units

        # = NOTE to clear up confusion over 0-based vs 1-based frame numbering =
        # self.frame is 1-based for this Reader, which matches the behavior of
        # the MODEL record in a typical multi-model PDB file.  If the MODEL
        # record is 0-based, this is accounted for by __init__.
        # self._read_frame assumes that it is passed a 0-based frame number, so
        # that it functions as expected when slicing is used.

        blocks = []

        with util.openany(filename) as f:
            for i, line in enumerate(f):
                # found new molecules
                if "@<TRIPOS>MOLECULE" in line:
                    blocks.append({"start_line": i, "lines": []})

        block = blocks[0]

        sections, coords = self.parse_block(block)

        self.numatoms = len(coords)
        self.ts = self._Timestep(np.array(coords, dtype=np.float32))
        self.ts.frame = 1  # 1-based frame number as starting frame

        if self.convert_units:
            self.convert_pos_from_native(self.ts._pos)  # in-place !
            self.convert_pos_from_native(self.ts._unitcell[:3])  # in-place ! (only lengths)

        self.molecule = {}
        self.substructure = {}
        self.frames = blocks
        self.numframes = len(blocks)
        self.fixed = 0
        self.skip = 1
        self.periodic = False
        self.delta = 0
        self.skip_timestep = 1
Пример #14
    def run(self, store=True, force=False, start_frame=1, end_frame=None, step_value=1):
        """Analyze trajectory and produce timeseries.

        Stores results in :attr:`ContactAnalysis1.timeseries` (if store=True)
        and writes them to a data file. The average q is written to a second
        data file.
            The value of the first frame number in the trajectory to be used (default: frame 1)
            The value of the last frame number in the trajectory to be used (default: None -- use all frames)
            The number of frames to skip during trajectory iteration (default: use every frame)
        if self.output_exists(force=force):
            import warnings

            warnings.warn("File %r already exists, loading it INSTEAD of trajectory %r. "
                          "Use force=True to overwrite the output file. " %
                          (self.output, self.universe.trajectory.filename))
            return None

        with openany(self.output, 'w') as out:
            out.write("# q1 analysis\n# nref = %d\n" % (self.nref))
            out.write("# frame  q1  n1\n")
            records = []
            self.qavg *= 0  # average contact existence
            A, B = self.selections
            # determine the end_frame value to use:
            total_frames = self.universe.trajectory.numframes
            if not end_frame:
                # use the total number of frames in trajectory if no final value specified
                end_frame = total_frames
            for ts in self.universe.trajectory[start_frame:end_frame:step_value]:
                frame = ts.frame
                # use pre-allocated distance array to save a little bit of time
                MDAnalysis.core.distances.distance_array(A.coordinates(), B.coordinates(), result=self.d)
                self.qarray(self.d, out=self.q)
                n1, q1 = self.qN(self.q, out=self._qtmp)
                self.qavg += self.q
                if store:
                    records.append((frame, q1, n1))
                out.write("%(frame)4d  %(q1)8.6f %(n1)5d\n" % vars())
        if store:
            self.timeseries = numpy.array(records).T
        numframes = len(range(total_frames)[start_frame:end_frame:step_value])
        self.qavg /= numframes
        numpy.savetxt(self.outarray, self.qavg, fmt="%8.6f")
        return self.output
Пример #15
    def read_DATA_timestep(self, ts):
        """Read a DATA file and try and extract:
        - positions
        - velocities (optional)
        - box information

        Fills this into the Timestep object and returns it

        .. versionadded:: 0.9.0
        read_atoms = False
        read_velocities = False

        with openany(self.filename, 'r') as psffile:
            nitems, ntypes, box = self._parse_header(psffile)

            # lammps box: xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi, zlo, zhi
            lx = box[1] - box[0]
            ly = box[3] - box[2]
            lz = box[5] - box[4]
            # mda unitcell: A alpha B beta gamma C
            ts._unitcell[[0, 1, 2]] = lx, ly, lz
            ts._unitcell[[3, 4, 5]] = 90.0

            while not (read_atoms & read_velocities):
                    section = psffile.next().strip().split()[0]
                except IndexError:  # blank lines don't split
                    section = ''
                except StopIteration:

                if section == 'Atoms':
                    self._parse_pos(psffile, ts._pos)
                    read_atoms = True
                elif section == 'Velocities':
                    ts._velocities = numpy.zeros((ts.numatoms, 3),
                                                 dtype=numpy.float32, order='F')
                    self._parse_vel(psffile, ts._velocities)
                    read_velocities = True
                elif len(section) > 0:

        if not read_atoms:  # Reaches here if StopIteration hit
            raise IOError("Position information not found")

        return ts
Пример #16
    def writePSF(self, filename, names=None):
        """Export topology information to a simple PSF file."""
        # Naveen formatted -- works with MDAnalysis verison 52
        # psf_atom_format = "   %5d %-4s %-4d %-4s %-4s %-4s %10.6f      %7.4f            %1d\n"
        # Liz formatted -- works with MDAnalysis verison 59
        # psf_atom_format = "%8d %4.4s %-4.4s %-4.4s %-4.4s %-4.4s %16.8e %1s %-7.4f %7.7s %s\n"
        # Oli formatted -- works with MDAnalysis verison 81
        psf_atom_format = "%8d %4s %-4s %4s %-4s% 4s %-14.6f%-14.6f%8s\n"
        with openany(filename, "w") as file:
            file.write(string.rjust("0", 8) + " !NTITLE\n\n")
            file.write(string.rjust(str(len(self.sections["Atoms"])), 8) + " !NATOM\n")
            # print self.sections["Masses"]
            for i, atom in enumerate(self.sections["Atoms"]):
                if names is not None:
                    resname, atomname = names[i]
                    resname, atomname = "TEMP", "XXXX"
                for j, liz in enumerate(self.sections["Masses"]):
                    liz = liz[0]
                    # print j+1, atom.type, liz
                    if j + 1 == atom.type:
                        line = [
                            i + 1,
                            str(atom.type + 1),
                # print line
                file.write(psf_atom_format % tuple(line))

            num_bonds = len(self.sections["Bonds"])
            bond_list = self.sections["Bonds"]
            file.write(string.rjust(str(num_bonds), 8) + " !NBOND\n")
            for index in range(0, num_bonds, 4):
                    bonds = bond_list[index : index + 4]
                except IndexError:
                    bonds = bond_list[index:-1]
                bond_line = map(lambda bond: string.rjust(str(bond[1]), 8) + string.rjust(str(bond[2]), 8), bonds)
                file.write("".join(bond_line) + "\n")
Пример #17
    def parse(self):
        """Parse CRD file *filename* and return the dict `structure`.

        Only reads the list of atoms.

        :Returns: MDAnalysis internal *structure* dict

        .. SeeAlso:: The *structure* dict is defined in
        extformat = FORTRANReader(
        stdformat = FORTRANReader('2I5,1X,A4,1X,A4,3F10.5,1X,A4,1X,A4,F10.5')

        atoms = []
        atom_serial = 0
        with openany(self.filename) as crd:
            for linenum, line in enumerate(crd):
                # reading header
                if line.split()[0] == '*':
                elif line.split()[-1] == 'EXT' and bool(int(
                        line.split()[0])) is True:
                    r = extformat
                elif line.split()[0] == line.split(
                )[-1] and line.split()[0] != '*':
                    r = stdformat
                # anything else should be an atom
                    serial, TotRes, resName, name, x, y, z, chainID, resSeq, tempFactor = r.read(
                    raise ValueError("Check CRD format at line {}: {}".format(
                        linenum, line.rstrip()))

                atomtype = guess_atom_type(name)
                mass = guess_atom_mass(name)
                charge = guess_atom_charge(name)
                    Atom(atom_serial, name, atomtype, resName, TotRes, chainID,
                         mass, charge))
                atom_serial += 1

        structure = {}
        structure["_atoms"] = atoms

        return structure
Пример #18
    def read_DATA_timestep(self, ts):
        """Read a DATA file and try and extract:
        - positions
        - velocities (optional)
        - box information

        Fills this into the Timestep object and returns it

        .. versionadded:: 0.9.0
        read_atoms = False
        read_velocities = False

        with openany(self.filename, "r") as psffile:
            nitems, ntypes, box = self._parse_header(psffile)

            # lammps box: xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi, zlo, zhi
            lx = box[1] - box[0]
            ly = box[3] - box[2]
            lz = box[5] - box[4]
            # mda unitcell: A alpha B beta gamma C
            ts._unitcell[[0, 1, 2]] = lx, ly, lz
            ts._unitcell[[3, 4, 5]] = 90.0

            while not (read_atoms & read_velocities):
                    section = psffile.next().strip().split()[0]
                except IndexError:  # blank lines don't split
                    section = ""
                except StopIteration:

                if section == "Atoms":
                    self._parse_pos(psffile, ts._pos)
                    read_atoms = True
                elif section == "Velocities":
                    ts._velocities = numpy.zeros((ts.numatoms, 3), dtype=numpy.float32, order="F")
                    self._parse_vel(psffile, ts._velocities)
                    read_velocities = True
                elif len(section) > 0:

        if not read_atoms:  # Reaches here if StopIteration hit
            raise IOError("Position information not found")

        return ts
Пример #19
    def load(self, filename):
        """Load the data file."""
        from MDAnalysis.core.util import openany

        records = []
        with openany(filename) as data:
            for line in data:
                if line.startswith('#'):
                records.append(map(float, line.split()))
        self.timeseries = numpy.array(records).T
            self.qavg = numpy.loadtxt(self.outarray)
        except IOError as err:
            if err.errno != errno.ENOENT:
Пример #20
    def load(self, filename):
        """Load the data file."""
        from MDAnalysis.core.util import openany

        records = []
        with openany(filename) as data:
            for line in data:
                if line.startswith('#'):
                records.append(map(float, line.split()))
        self.timeseries = numpy.array(records).T
            self.qavg = numpy.loadtxt(self.outarray)
        except IOError as err:
            if err.errno != errno.ENOENT:
Пример #21
    def __init__(self, filename, convert_units=None, **kwargs):
        """Read coordinates from *filename*.

        *filename* can be a gzipped or bzip2ed compressed PQR_ file.

        .. _PQR:
        self.filename = filename
        if convert_units is None:
            convert_units = MDAnalysis.core.flags['convert_lengths']
        self.convert_units = convert_units  # convert length and time to base units

        coords = []
        atoms = []
        unitcell = numpy.zeros(6, dtype=numpy.float32)
        segID = ''  # use empty string (not in PQR), PQRParsers sets it to SYSTEM
        with util.openany(filename, 'r') as pqrfile:
            for line in pqrfile:
                if line[:6] in ('ATOM  ', 'HETATM'):
                    fields = line.split()
                        recordName, serial, name, resName, chainID, resSeq, x, y, z, charge, radius = fields
                    except ValueError:
                        # files without the chainID
                        recordName, serial, name, resName, resSeq, x, y, z, charge, radius = fields
                        chainID = ''
                    coords.append((float(x), float(y), float(z)))
                        (int(serial), name, resName, chainID, int(resSeq), float(charge), float(radius), segID))
        self.numatoms = len(coords)
        self.ts = self._Timestep(numpy.array(coords, dtype=numpy.float32))
        self.ts._unitcell[:] = unitcell
        self.ts.frame = 1  # 1-based frame number
        if self.convert_units:
            self.convert_pos_from_native(self.ts._pos)  # in-place !
            self.convert_pos_from_native(self.ts._unitcell[:3])  # in-place ! (only lengths)
        self.numframes = 1
        self.fixed = 0
        self.skip = 1
        self.periodic = False
        self.delta = 0
        self.skip_timestep = 1
        # hack for PQRParser:
        self._atoms = numpy.rec.fromrecords(atoms, names="serial,name,resName,chainID,resSeq,charge,radius,segID")
Пример #22
    def parse(self):
        """Parse CRD file *filename* and return the dict `structure`.

        Only reads the list of atoms.

        :Returns: MDAnalysis internal *structure* dict

        .. SeeAlso:: The *structure* dict is defined in
        extformat = FORTRANReader('2I10,2X,A8,2X,A8,3F20.10,2X,A8,2X,A8,F20.10')
        stdformat = FORTRANReader('2I5,1X,A4,1X,A4,3F10.5,1X,A4,1X,A4,F10.5')

        atoms = []
        atom_serial = 0
        with openany(self.filename) as crd:
            for linenum, line in enumerate(crd):
                # reading header
                if line.split()[0] == '*':
                elif line.split()[-1] == 'EXT' and bool(int(line.split()[0])) is True:
                    r = extformat
                elif line.split()[0] == line.split()[-1] and line.split()[0] != '*':
                    r = stdformat
                # anything else should be an atom
                    serial, TotRes, resName, name, x, y, z, chainID, resSeq, tempFactor = r.read(line)
                    raise ValueError("Check CRD format at line {}: {}".format(
                        linenum, line.rstrip()))

                atomtype = guess_atom_type(name)
                mass = guess_atom_mass(name)
                charge = guess_atom_charge(name)
                atoms.append(Atom(atom_serial, name, atomtype, resName, TotRes, chainID, mass, charge))
                atom_serial += 1

        structure = {}
        structure["_atoms"] = atoms

        return structure
Пример #23
    def writePSF(self, filename, names=None):
        """Export topology information to a simple PSF file."""
        # Naveen formatted -- works with MDAnalysis verison 52
        #psf_atom_format = "   %5d %-4s %-4d %-4s %-4s %-4s %10.6f      %7.4f            %1d\n"
        # Liz formatted -- works with MDAnalysis verison 59
        #psf_atom_format = "%8d %4.4s %-4.4s %-4.4s %-4.4s %-4.4s %16.8e %1s %-7.4f %7.7s %s\n"
        # Oli formatted -- works with MDAnalysis verison 81
        psf_atom_format = "%8d %4s %-4s %4s %-4s% 4s %-14.6f%-14.6f%8s\n"
        with openany(filename, 'w') as file:
            file.write(string.rjust('0', 8) + ' !NTITLE\n\n')
            file.write(string.rjust(str(len(self.sections["Atoms"])), 8) + ' !NATOM\n')
            #print self.sections["Masses"]
            for i, atom in enumerate(self.sections["Atoms"]):
                if names is not None:
                    resname, atomname = names[i]
                    resname, atomname = 'TEMP', 'XXXX'
                for j, liz in enumerate(self.sections["Masses"]):
                    liz = liz[0]
                    #print j+1, atom.type, liz
                    if j + 1 == atom.type:
                        line = [
                            i + 1, 'TEMP',
                            str(atom.chainid), resname, atomname, str(atom.type + 1), atom.charge,
                            float(liz), 0.]
                #print line
                file.write(psf_atom_format % tuple(line))

            num_bonds = len(self.sections["Bonds"])
            bond_list = self.sections["Bonds"]
            file.write(string.rjust(str(num_bonds), 8) + ' !NBOND\n')
            for index in range(0, num_bonds, 4):
                    bonds = bond_list[index:index + 4]
                except IndexError:
                    bonds = bond_list[index:-1]
                bond_line = map(lambda bond: string.rjust(str(bond[1]), 8) + string.rjust(str(bond[2]), 8), bonds)
                file.write(''.join(bond_line) + '\n')
Пример #24
 def writePDB(self, filename):
     """Export coordinates to a simple PDB file."""
     atom_format = "%6s%.5s %4s %4s %.4s    %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%6.2f%6.2f          %2s  \n"
     p = self.positions
     with openany(filename, "w") as file:
         for i, atom in enumerate(self.sections["Atoms"]):
             line = [
                 "ATOM  ",
                 str(i + 1),
                 str(atom.type + 1),
                 p[i, 0],
                 p[i, 1],
                 p[i, 2],
             file.write(atom_format % tuple(line))
Пример #25
    def write(self, selection, frame=None):
        """Write selection at current trajectory frame to file.


        selection         MDAnalysis AtomGroup
        frame             optionally move to frame FRAME
        u = selection.universe
        if frame is not None:
            u.trajectory[frame]  # advance to frame
                frame = u.trajectory.ts.frame
            except AttributeError:
                frame = 1  # should catch cases when we are analyzing a single PDB (?)

        atoms = selection.atoms  # make sure to use atoms (Issue 46)
        coor = atoms.coordinates(
        )  # can write from selection == Universe (Issue 49)
        with util.openany(self.filename, 'w') as self.crd:
            self._TITLE("FRAME " + str(frame) + " FROM " +
            current_resid = 0
            for i, atom in enumerate(atoms):
                if atoms[i].resid != atoms[i - 1].resid:
                    # note that this compares first and LAST atom on first iteration... but it works
                    current_resid += 1
                self._ATOM(serial=i + 1,
                           x=coor[i, 0],
                           y=coor[i, 1],
                           z=coor[i, 2],
Пример #26
    def _parsebonds(self, primitive_pdb_reader):
        if self.guess_bonds_mode:
            guessed_bonds = guess_bonds(self.structure["_atoms"],
            self.structure["_guessed_bonds"] = guessed_bonds

        # Mapping between the atom array indicies a.number and atom ids
        # (serial) in the original PDB file

        mapping = dict((a.serial, a.number) for a in self.structure["_atoms"])

        bonds = set()
        with openany(self.filename, "r") as fname:
            lines = ((num, line[6:].split()) for num, line in enumerate(fname)
                     if line[:6] == "CONECT")
            for num, bond in lines:
                atom, atoms = int(bond[0]), map(int, bond[1:])
                for a in atoms:
                    bond = tuple([mapping[atom], mapping[a]])

        self.structure["_bonds"] = tuple(bonds)
Пример #27
    def _parsebonds(self, primitive_pdb_reader):
        if self.guess_bonds_mode:
            guessed_bonds = guess_bonds(self.structure["_atoms"],
            self.structure["_guessed_bonds"] = guessed_bonds

        # Mapping between the atom array indicies a.number and atom ids
        # (serial) in the original PDB file

        mapping = dict((a.serial, a.number) for a in self.structure["_atoms"])

        bonds = set()
        with openany(self.filename, "r") as fname:
            lines = ((num, line[6:].split()) for num, line in enumerate(fname)
                     if line[:6] == "CONECT")
            for num, bond in lines:
                atom, atoms = int(bond[0]), map(int, bond[1:])
                for a in atoms:
                    bond = tuple([mapping[atom], mapping[a]])

        self.structure["_bonds"] = tuple(bonds)
Пример #28
    def write(self, selection, frame=None):
        """Write selection at current trajectory frame to file.

                MDAnalysis AtomGroup (selection or Universe.atoms)
                or also Universe
                optionally move to frame number *frame*
        # write() method that complies with the Trajectory API
        u = selection.universe
        if frame is not None:
            u.trajectory[frame]  # advance to frame
                frame = u.trajectory.ts.frame
            except AttributeError:
                frame = 1  # should catch cases when we are analyzing a single frame(?)

        atoms = selection.atoms  # make sure to use atoms (Issue 46)
        coordinates = atoms.coordinates()  # can write from selection == Universe (Issue 49)
        if self.convert_units:
            self.convert_pos_to_native(coordinates)  # inplace because coordinates is already a copy

        with util.openany(self.filename, 'w') as pqrfile:
            # Header
            self._write_REMARK(pqrfile, self.remarks)
            self._write_REMARK(pqrfile, "Input: frame {0} of {1}".format(frame, u.trajectory.filename), 5)
            self._write_REMARK(pqrfile, "total charge: {0:+8.4f} e".format(atoms.totalCharge()), 6)
            # Atom descriptions and coords
            for atom_index, atom in enumerate(atoms):
                XYZ = coordinates[atom_index]
                self._write_ATOM(pqrfile, atom_index + 1, atom.name, atom.resname, atom.segid, atom.resid, XYZ,
                                 atom.charge, atom.radius)
Пример #29
    def parse(self):
        """Parse Amber PRMTOP topology file *filename*.
        :Returns: MDAnalysis internal *structure* dict.
        formatversion = 10
        with openany(self.filename) as topfile:
            for line in topfile:
                if line.startswith("%FLAG ATOMIC_NUMBER"):
                    formatversion = 12
        if formatversion == 12:
            sections = [
                ("ATOM_NAME", 1, 20, self._parseatoms, "_name", 0),
                ("CHARGE", 1, 5, self._parsesection, "_charge", 0),
                ("ATOMIC_NUMBER", 1, 10, self._parsesectionint, "_skip", 0),
                ("MASS", 1, 5, self._parsesection, "_mass", 0),
                ("ATOM_TYPE_INDEX", 1, 10, self._parsesectionint, "_atom_type",
                ("NUMBER_EXCLUDED_ATOMS", 1, 10, self._parseskip, "_skip", 8),
                ("NONBONDED_PARM_INDEX", 1, 10, self._parseskip, "_skip", 8),
                ("RESIDUE_LABEL", 1, 20, self._parseatoms, "_resname", 11),
                ("RESIDUE_POINTER", 2, 10, self._parsesectionint, "_respoint",
            #("BOND_FORCE_CONSTANT", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("BOND_EQUIL_VALUE", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("ANGLE_FORCE_CONSTANT", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("ANGLE_EQUIL_VALUE", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("DIHEDRAL_FORCE_CONSTANT", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("DIHEDRAL_PERIODICITY", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("DIHEDRAL_PHASE", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("SOLTY", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("LENNARD_JONES_ACOEF", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("LENNARD_JONES_BCOEF", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("BONDS_INC_HYDROGEN", 2, 4, self._parsebond, "_bonds",2),
            #("ANGLES_INC_HYDROGEN", 3, 3, self._parsesection, "_angles"),
            #("DIHEDRALS_INC_HYDROGEN", 4, 2, self._parsesection, "_dihe"),
            #("NIMPHI", 4, 2, self._parsesection, "_impr"),
            #("NDON", 2, 4, self._parsesection,"_donors"),
            #("NACC", 2, 4, self._parsesection,"_acceptors"),
        elif formatversion == 10:
            sections = [
                ("ATOM_NAME", 1, 20, self._parseatoms, "_name", 0),
                ("CHARGE", 1, 5, self._parsesection, "_charge", 0),
                ("MASS", 1, 5, self._parsesection, "_mass", 0),
                ("ATOM_TYPE_INDEX", 1, 10, self._parsesectionint, "_atom_type",
                ("NUMBER_EXCLUDED_ATOMS", 1, 10, self._parseskip, "_skip", 8),
                ("NONBONDED_PARM_INDEX", 1, 10, self._parseskip, "_skip", 8),
                ("RESIDUE_LABEL", 1, 20, self._parseatoms, "_resname", 11),
                ("RESIDUE_POINTER", 2, 10, self._parsesectionint, "_respoint",
            #("BOND_FORCE_CONSTANT", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("BOND_EQUIL_VALUE", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("ANGLE_FORCE_CONSTANT", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("ANGLE_EQUIL_VALUE", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("DIHEDRAL_FORCE_CONSTANT", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("DIHEDRAL_PERIODICITY", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("DIHEDRAL_PHASE", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("SOLTY", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("LENNARD_JONES_ACOEF", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("LENNARD_JONES_BCOEF", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("BONDS_INC_HYDROGEN", 2, 4, self._parsebond, "_bonds",2),
            #("ANGLES_INC_HYDROGEN", 3, 3, self._parsesection, "_angles"),
            #("DIHEDRALS_INC_HYDROGEN", 4, 2, self._parsesection, "_dihe")]
            #("NIMPHI", 4, 2, self._parsesection, "_impr"),
            #("NDON", 2, 4, self._parsesection,"_donors"),
            #("NACC", 2, 4, self._parsesection,"_acceptors")]

        # Open and check top validity
        # Reading header info POINTERS
        with openany(self.filename) as topfile:
            next_line = topfile.next
            header = next_line()
            if header[:3] != "%VE":
                raise ValueError(
                    "{} is not a valid TOP file. %VE Missing in header".format(
            title = next_line().split()
            if not (title[1] == "TITLE"):
                raise ValueError(
                    "{} is not a valid TOP file. 'TITLE' missing in header".
            while header[:14] != '%FLAG POINTERS':
                header = next_line()
            header = next_line()

            topremarks = [next_line().strip() for i in xrange(4)]
            sys_info = [int(k) for i in topremarks for k in i.split()]

            structure = {}
            final_structure = {}

                for info in sections:
                    self._parse_sec(sys_info, info, next_line, structure,
            except StopIteration:
                raise ValueError("The TOP file didn't contain the minimum"
                                 " required section of ATOM_NAME")
            # Completing info respoint to include all atoms in last resid
            structure["_respoint"][-1] = structure["_respoint"][-1] + 1

        atoms = [
        ] * sys_info[0]

        j = 0
        segid = "SYSTEM"
        for i in range(sys_info[0]):
            charge = convert(structure["_charge"][i], 'Amber',
            if structure["_respoint"][j] <= i + 1 < structure["_respoint"][j +
                resid = j + 1
                resname = structure["_resname"][j]
                j += 1
                resid = j + 1
                resname = structure["_resname"][j]
            mass = structure["_mass"][i]
            atomtype = structure["_atom_type"][i]
            atomname = structure["_name"][i]
            #segid = 'SYSTEM'  # does not exist in Amber

            atoms[i] = Atom(i, atomname, atomtype, resname, resid, segid, mass,
        final_structure["_atoms"] = atoms
        final_structure["_numatoms"] = sys_info[0]
        return final_structure
Пример #30
    def write(self, selection, frame=None):
        """Write selection at current trajectory frame to file.

              MDAnalysis AtomGroup (selection or Universe.atoms)
              or also Universe
              optionally move to frame number *frame*

        The GRO format only allows 5 digits for resid and atom
        number. If these number become larger than 99,999 then this
        routine will chop off the leading digits.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.7.6
           resName and atomName are truncated to a maximum of 5 characters
        # write() method that complies with the Trajectory API
        u = selection.universe
        if frame is not None:
            u.trajectory[frame]  # advance to frame
                frame = u.trajectory.ts.frame
            except AttributeError:
                frame = 1  # should catch cases when we are analyzing a single GRO (?)

        atoms = selection.atoms  # make sure to use atoms (Issue 46)
        coordinates = atoms.coordinates()  # can write from selection == Universe (Issue 49)
        if self.convert_units:
            # Convert back to nm from Angstroms, inplace because coordinates is already a copy
        # check if any coordinates are illegal (checks the coordinates in native nm!)
        if not self.has_valid_coordinates(self.gro_coor_limits, coordinates):
            raise ValueError(
                "GRO files must have coordinate values between %.3f and %.3f nm:"
                "No file was written." % (self.gro_coor_limits["min"], self.gro_coor_limits["max"])

        with util.openany(self.filename, "w") as output_gro:
            # Header
            output_gro.write("Written by MDAnalysis\n")
            output_gro.write(self.fmt["numatoms"] % len(atoms))
            # Atom descriptions and coords
            for atom_index, atom in enumerate(atoms):
                c = coordinates[atom_index]
                output_line = self.fmt["xyz"] % (
                    str(atom.resid)[-5:],  # truncate highest digits on overflow
                    str(atom.number + 1)[-5:],  # number (1-based), truncate highest digits on overflow
                    c[2],  # coords - outputted with 3 d.p.

            # Footer: box dimensions
            box = self.convert_dimensions_to_unitcell(u.trajectory.ts)
            if numpy.all(u.trajectory.ts.dimensions[3:] == [90.0, 90.0, 90.0]):
                # orthorhombic cell, only lengths along axes needed in gro
                output_gro.write(self.fmt["box_orthorhombic"] % (box[0, 0], box[1, 1], box[2, 2]))
                # full output
                    % (
                        box[0, 0],
                        box[1, 1],
                        box[2, 2],
                        box[0, 1],
                        box[0, 2],
                        box[1, 0],
                        box[1, 2],
                        box[2, 0],
                        box[2, 1],
Пример #31
    def __init__(self, grofilename, convert_units=None, **kwargs):
        self.grofilename = grofilename
        self.filename = self.grofilename
        if convert_units is None:
            convert_units = MDAnalysis.core.flags["convert_lengths"]
        self.convert_units = convert_units  # convert length and time to base units

        coords_list = []
        velocities_list = []

        with util.openany(grofilename, "r") as grofile:
            # Read first two lines to get number of atoms
            total_atnums = int(grofile.readline())
            # and the third line to get the spacing between coords (cs) (dependent upon the GRO file precision)
            cs = grofile.readline()[25:].find(".") + 1
            for linenum, line in enumerate(grofile):
                # Should work with any precision
                if linenum not in (0, 1, total_atnums + 2):
                                float(line[20 : 20 + cs]),
                                float(line[20 + cs : 20 + (cs * 2)]),
                                float(line[20 + (cs * 2) : 20 + (cs * 3)]),
                    if line[20:].count(".") > 3:  # if there are enough decimals to indicate the presence of velocities
                                    float(line[20 + (cs * 3) : 20 + (cs * 4)]),
                                    float(line[20 + (cs * 4) : 20 + (cs * 5)]),
                                    float(line[20 + (cs * 5) : 20 + (cs * 6)]),
                # Unit cell footer
                elif linenum == total_atnums + 2:
                    unitcell = numpy.array(map(float, line.split()))

        self.numatoms = len(coords_list)
        coords_list = numpy.array(coords_list)
        self.ts = self._Timestep(coords_list)
        self.ts.frame = 1  # 1-based frame number
        if velocities_list:  # perform this operation only if velocities are present in coord file
            # TODO: use a Timestep that knows about velocities such as TRR.Timestep or better, TRJ.Timestep
            self.ts._velocities = numpy.array(velocities_list, dtype=numpy.float32)
            self.convert_velocities_from_native(self.ts._velocities)  # converts nm/ps to A/ps units
        # ts._unitcell layout is format dependent; Timestep.dimensions does the conversion
        # behind the scene
        self.ts._unitcell = numpy.zeros(9, dtype=numpy.float32)  # GRO has 9 entries
        if len(unitcell) == 3:
            # special case: a b c --> (a 0 0) (b 0 0) (c 0 0)
            # see Timestep.dimensions() above for format (!)
            self.ts._unitcell[:3] = unitcell
        elif len(unitcell) == 9:
            self.ts._unitcell[:] = unitcell  # fill all
        else:  # or maybe raise an error for wrong format??
            import warnings

            warnings.warn("GRO unitcell has neither 3 nor 9 entries --- might be wrong.")
            self.ts._unitcell[: len(unitcell)] = unitcell  # fill linearly ... not sure about this
        if self.convert_units:
            self.convert_pos_from_native(self.ts._pos)  # in-place !
            self.convert_pos_from_native(self.ts._unitcell)  # in-place ! (all are lengths)
        self.numframes = 1
        self.fixed = 0
        self.skip = 1
        self.periodic = False
        self.delta = 0
        self.skip_timestep = 1
Пример #32
    def parse(self):
        """Parse Amber PRMTOP topology file *filename*.
        :Returns: MDAnalysis internal *structure* dict.
        formatversion = 10
        with openany(self.filename) as topfile:
            for line in topfile:
                if line.startswith("%FLAG ATOMIC_NUMBER"):
                    formatversion = 12
        if formatversion == 12:
            sections = [
                ("ATOM_NAME", 1, 20, self._parseatoms, "_name", 0),
                ("CHARGE", 1, 5, self._parsesection, "_charge", 0),
                ("ATOMIC_NUMBER", 1, 10, self._parsesectionint, "_skip", 0),
                ("MASS", 1, 5, self._parsesection, "_mass", 0),
                ("ATOM_TYPE_INDEX", 1, 10, self._parsesectionint, "_atom_type", 0),
                ("NUMBER_EXCLUDED_ATOMS", 1, 10, self._parseskip, "_skip", 8),
                ("NONBONDED_PARM_INDEX", 1, 10, self._parseskip, "_skip", 8),
                ("RESIDUE_LABEL", 1, 20, self._parseatoms, "_resname", 11),
                ("RESIDUE_POINTER", 2, 10, self._parsesectionint, "_respoint", 11),
                #("BOND_FORCE_CONSTANT", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
                #("BOND_EQUIL_VALUE", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
                #("ANGLE_FORCE_CONSTANT", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
                #("ANGLE_EQUIL_VALUE", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
                #("DIHEDRAL_FORCE_CONSTANT", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
                #("DIHEDRAL_PERIODICITY", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
                #("DIHEDRAL_PHASE", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
                #("SOLTY", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
                #("LENNARD_JONES_ACOEF", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
                #("LENNARD_JONES_BCOEF", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
                #("BONDS_INC_HYDROGEN", 2, 4, self._parsebond, "_bonds",2),
                #("ANGLES_INC_HYDROGEN", 3, 3, self._parsesection, "_angles"),
                #("DIHEDRALS_INC_HYDROGEN", 4, 2, self._parsesection, "_dihe"),
                #("NIMPHI", 4, 2, self._parsesection, "_impr"),
                #("NDON", 2, 4, self._parsesection,"_donors"),
                #("NACC", 2, 4, self._parsesection,"_acceptors"),
        elif formatversion == 10:
            sections = [
                ("ATOM_NAME", 1, 20, self._parseatoms, "_name", 0),
                ("CHARGE", 1, 5, self._parsesection, "_charge", 0),
                ("MASS", 1, 5, self._parsesection, "_mass", 0),
                ("ATOM_TYPE_INDEX", 1, 10, self._parsesectionint, "_atom_type", 0),
                ("NUMBER_EXCLUDED_ATOMS", 1, 10, self._parseskip, "_skip", 8),
                ("NONBONDED_PARM_INDEX", 1, 10, self._parseskip, "_skip", 8),
                ("RESIDUE_LABEL", 1, 20, self._parseatoms, "_resname", 11),
                ("RESIDUE_POINTER", 2, 10, self._parsesectionint, "_respoint", 11),
                #("BOND_FORCE_CONSTANT", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
                #("BOND_EQUIL_VALUE", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
                #("ANGLE_FORCE_CONSTANT", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
                #("ANGLE_EQUIL_VALUE", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
                #("DIHEDRAL_FORCE_CONSTANT", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
                #("DIHEDRAL_PERIODICITY", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
                #("DIHEDRAL_PHASE", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
                #("SOLTY", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
                #("LENNARD_JONES_ACOEF", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
                #("LENNARD_JONES_BCOEF", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
                #("BONDS_INC_HYDROGEN", 2, 4, self._parsebond, "_bonds",2),
                #("ANGLES_INC_HYDROGEN", 3, 3, self._parsesection, "_angles"),
                #("DIHEDRALS_INC_HYDROGEN", 4, 2, self._parsesection, "_dihe")]
                #("NIMPHI", 4, 2, self._parsesection, "_impr"),
                #("NDON", 2, 4, self._parsesection,"_donors"),
                #("NACC", 2, 4, self._parsesection,"_acceptors")]

        # Open and check top validity
        # Reading header info POINTERS
        with openany(self.filename) as topfile:
            next_line = topfile.next
            header = next_line()
            if header[:3] != "%VE":
                raise ValueError("{} is not a valid TOP file. %VE Missing in header".format(topfile))
            title = next_line().split()
            if not (title[1] == "TITLE"):
                raise ValueError("{} is not a valid TOP file. 'TITLE' missing in header".format(topfile))
            while header[:14] != '%FLAG POINTERS':
                header = next_line()
            header = next_line()

            topremarks = [next_line().strip() for i in xrange(4)]
            sys_info = [int(k) for i in topremarks for k in i.split()]

            structure = {}
            final_structure = {}

                for info in sections:
                    self._parse_sec(sys_info, info, next_line,
                                    structure, final_structure)
            except StopIteration:
                raise ValueError("The TOP file didn't contain the minimum"
                                 " required section of ATOM_NAME")
            # Completing info respoint to include all atoms in last resid
            structure["_respoint"][-1] = structure["_respoint"][-1] + 1

        atoms = [None, ]*sys_info[0]

        j = 0
        segid = "SYSTEM"
        for i in range(sys_info[0]):
            charge = convert(structure["_charge"][i],
            if structure["_respoint"][j] <= i+1 < structure["_respoint"][j+1]:
                resid = j + 1
                resname = structure["_resname"][j]
                j += 1
                resid = j + 1
                resname = structure["_resname"][j]
            mass = structure["_mass"][i]
            atomtype = structure["_atom_type"][i]
            atomname = structure["_name"][i]
            #segid = 'SYSTEM'  # does not exist in Amber

            atoms[i] = Atom(i, atomname, atomtype, resname, resid, segid, mass, charge)
        final_structure["_atoms"] = atoms
        final_structure["_numatoms"] = sys_info[0]
        return final_structure
Пример #33
    def parse(self):
        """Parses a LAMMPS_ DATA file.

        The parser implements the `LAMMPS DATA file format`_ but only for
        the LAMMPS `atom_style`_ *full* (numeric ids 7, 10) and
        *molecular* (6, 9).

        :Returns: MDAnalysis internal *structure* dict.

        .. versionadded:: 0.9.0

        .. _LAMMPS DATA file format: :http://lammps.sandia.gov/doc/2001/data_format.html
        .. _`atom_style`: http://lammps.sandia.gov/doc/atom_style.html
        # Can pass atom_style to help parsing
        atom_style = self.kwargs.get('atom_style', None)

        # Used this to do data format:
        # http://lammps.sandia.gov/doc/2001/data_format.html
        with openany(self.filename, 'r') as psffile:
            # Check format of file somehow
            structure = {}

                nitems, ntypes, box = self._parse_header(psffile)
                raise IOError("Failed to read DATA header")

            strkey = {
                'Bonds': '_bonds',
                'Angles': '_angles',
                'Dihedrals': '_dihe',
                'Impropers': '_impr'}
            nentries = {
                '_bonds': 2,
                '_angles': 3,
                '_dihe': 4,
                '_impr': 4}
            # Masses can appear after Atoms section.
            # If this happens, this blank dict will be used and all atoms
            # will have zero mass, can fix this later
            masses = {}
            read_masses = False
            read_coords = False

            # Now go through section by section
            while True:
                    section = psffile.next().strip().split()[0]
                except IndexError:
                    section = ''  # blank lines don't split
                except StopIteration:

                logger.info("Parsing section '{}'".format(section))
                if section == 'Atoms':
                    fix_masses = False if read_masses else True

                    structure['_atoms'] = self._parse_atoms(psffile,
                    read_coords = True
                elif section == 'Masses':
                    read_masses = True
                        masses = self._parse_masses(psffile, ntypes['_atoms'])
                        raise IOError("Failed to read masses section")
                elif section in strkey:  # for sections we use in MDAnalysis
                    logger.debug("Doing strkey section for {}".format(section))
                    f = strkey[section]
                        structure[f] = self._parse_section(psffile,
                        raise IOError("Failed to read section {}".format(section))
                elif len(section) > 0:  # for sections we don't use in MDAnalysis
                    logger.debug("Skipping section, found: {}".format(section))
                else:  # for blank lines

            if not read_coords:
                raise IOError("Failed to find coordinate data")

            if fix_masses:
                for a in structure['_atoms']:
                        a.mass = masses[a.type]
                    except KeyError:
                        a.mass = 0.0
                    #                        a.mass = guess_atom_mass(a.name)

            return structure
Пример #34
    def parse(self, filename=None):
        """Parse MOL2 file *filename* and return the dict `structure`.

        Only reads the list of atoms.

        :Returns: MDAnalysis internal *structure* dict

        .. SeeAlso:: The *structure* dict is defined in

        if not filename:
            filename = self.filename

        blocks = []

        with openany(filename) as f:
            for i, line in enumerate(f):
                # found new molecules
                if "@<TRIPOS>MOLECULE" in line:
                    if len(blocks):
                    blocks.append({"start_line": i, "lines": []})

        if not len(blocks):
            raise ValueError("The mol2 file '{}' needs to have at least one"
                             " @<TRIPOS>MOLECULE block".format(filename))
        block = blocks[0]

        sections = {}
        cursor = None

        for line in block["lines"]:
            if "@<TRIPOS>" in line:
                cursor = line.split("@<TRIPOS>")[1].strip().lower()
                sections[cursor] = []
            elif line.startswith("#") or line == "\n":

        atom_lines, bond_lines = sections["atom"], sections["bond"]

        if not len(atom_lines):
            raise ValueError("The mol2 block ({}:{}) has no atoms".format(
                os.path.basename(filename), block["start_line"]))
        if not len(bond_lines):
            raise ValueError("The mol2 block ({}:{}) has no bonds".format(
                os.path.basename(filename), block["start_line"]))

        atoms = []
        for a in atom_lines:
            aid, name, x, y, z, atom_type, resid, resname, charge = a.split()
            aid = int(aid) - 1
            #x, y, z = float(x), float(y), float(z)
            resid = int(resid)
            charge = float(charge)
            element = guess_atom_type(name)
            mass = guess_atom_mass(element)
            # atom type is sybl atom type
                Atom(aid, name, atom_type, resname, resid, "X", mass, charge))

        bonds = []
        bondorder = {}
        for b in bond_lines:
            # bond_type can be: 1, 2, am, ar
            bid, a0, a1, bond_type = b.split()
            a0, a1 = int(a0) - 1, int(a1) - 1
            bond = tuple(sorted([a0, a1]))
            bondorder[bond] = bond_type
        structure = {"_atoms": atoms, "_bonds": bonds, "_bondorder": bondorder}
        return structure
Пример #35
    def __init__(self, filename=None):
        self.names = {}
        self.headers = {}
        self.sections = {}
        if filename is None:
            self.title = "LAMMPS data file"
            # Open and check validity
            with openany(filename, "r") as file:
                file_iter = file.xreadlines()
                self.title = file_iter.next()
                # Parse headers
                headers = self.headers
                for l in file_iter:
                    line = l.strip()
                    if len(line) == 0:
                    found = False
                    for keyword in self.header_keywords:
                        if line.find(keyword) >= 0:
                            found = True
                            values = line.split()
                            if keyword in ("xlo xhi", "ylo yhi", "zlo zhi"):
                                headers[keyword] = (float(values[0]), float(values[1]))
                                headers[keyword] = int(values[0])
                    if found is False:

            # Parse sections
            # XXX This is a crappy way to do it
            with openany(filename, "r") as file:
                file_iter = file.xreadlines()
                # Create coordinate array
                positions = numpy.zeros((headers["atoms"], 3), numpy.float64)
                sections = self.sections
                for l in file_iter:
                    line = l.strip()
                    if len(line) == 0:
                    if line in self.coeff:
                        h, numcoeff = self.coeff[line]
                        # skip line
                        data = []
                        for i in xrange(headers[h]):
                            fields = file_iter.next().strip().split()
                            data.append(tuple(map(conv_float, fields[1:])))
                        sections[line] = data
                    elif line in self.connections:
                        h, numfields = self.connections[line]
                        # skip line
                        data = []
                        for i in range(headers[h]):
                            fields = file_iter.next().strip().split()
                            data.append(tuple(map(int, fields[1:])))
                        sections[line] = data
                    elif line == "Atoms":
                        data = []
                        for i in xrange(headers["atoms"]):
                            fields = file_iter.next().strip().split()
                            index = int(fields[0]) - 1
                            a = LAMMPSAtom(
                            a._positions = positions
                            positions[index] = numpy.array([float(fields[4]), float(fields[5]), float(fields[6])])
                        sections[line] = data
                    elif line == "Masses":
                        data = []
                        for i in xrange(headers["atom type"]):
                            fields = file_iter.next().strip().split()
                            print "help"
                self.positions = positions
Пример #36
    def __init__(self, filename, convert_units=None, **kwargs):
        """Read coordinates from *filename*.

        *filename* can be a gzipped or bzip2ed compressed PDBQT file.
        self.filename = filename
        if convert_units is None:
            convert_units = MDAnalysis.core.flags['convert_lengths']
        self.convert_units = convert_units  # convert length and time to base units

        # Ugly inner method: moved outside of for-loop below
        def _c(start, stop, typeclass=float):
            return self._col(line, start, stop, typeclass=typeclass)

        coords = []
        atoms = []
        unitcell = numpy.zeros(6, dtype=numpy.float32)
        with util.openany(filename, 'r') as pdbfile:
            for line in pdbfile:
                if line[:
                        4] == 'END\n':  # Should only break at the 'END' of a model definition not
                    # and prevent premature exit for a torsion termination, eg, ENDBRANCH
                if line[:6] == 'CRYST1':
                    A, B, C = _c(7, 15), _c(16, 24), _c(25, 33)
                    alpha, beta, gamma = _c(34, 40), _c(41, 47), _c(48, 54)
                    unitcell[:] = A, B, C, alpha, beta, gamma
                if line[:6] in ('ATOM  ', 'HETATM'):
                    # directly use COLUMNS from PDB/PDBQT spec
                    serial = _c(7, 11, int)
                    name = _c(13, 16, str).strip()
                    resName = _c(18, 21, str).strip()
                    chainID = _c(22, 22,
                                 str)  # empty chainID is a single space ' '!
                    resSeq = _c(23, 26, int)
                    x, y, z = _c(31, 38), _c(39, 46), _c(47, 54)
                    occupancy = _c(55, 60)
                    tempFactor = _c(61, 66)
                    partialCharge = _c(67, 76,
                                       str).strip()  # PDBQT partial charge
                    atomtype = _c(77, 80, str).strip()  # PDBQT atom type
                    coords.append((x, y, z))
                        (serial, name, resName, chainID, resSeq, occupancy,
                         tempFactor, partialCharge, atomtype))
        self.numatoms = len(coords)
        self.ts = self._Timestep(numpy.array(coords, dtype=numpy.float32))
        self.ts._unitcell[:] = unitcell
        self.ts.frame = 1  # 1-based frame number
        if self.convert_units:
            self.convert_pos_from_native(self.ts._pos)  # in-place !
                self.ts._unitcell[:3])  # in-place ! (only lengths)
        self.numframes = 1
        self.fixed = 0
        self.skip = 1
        self.periodic = False
        self.delta = 0
        self.skip_timestep = 1
        # hack for PDBQTParser:
        self._atoms = numpy.rec.fromrecords(
Пример #37
    def __init__(self, grofilename, convert_units=None, **kwargs):
        self.grofilename = grofilename
        self.filename = self.grofilename
        if convert_units is None:
            convert_units = MDAnalysis.core.flags['convert_lengths']
        self.convert_units = convert_units  # convert length and time to base units

        coords_list = []
        velocities_list = []

        with util.openany(grofilename, 'r') as grofile:
            # Read first two lines to get number of atoms
            total_atnums = int(grofile.readline())
            # and the third line to get the spacing between coords (cs) (dependent upon the GRO file precision)
            cs = grofile.readline()[25:].find('.') + 1
            for linenum, line in enumerate(grofile):
                # Should work with any precision
                if linenum not in (0, 1, total_atnums + 2):
                            float(line[20:20 + cs]),
                            float(line[20 + cs:20 + (cs * 2)]),
                            float(line[20 + (cs * 2):20 + (cs * 3)]))))
                    if line[20:].count('.') > 3:  # if there are enough decimals to indicate the presence of velocities
                                float(line[20 + (cs * 3):20 + (cs * 4)]),
                                float(line[20 + (cs * 4):20 + (cs * 5)]),
                                float(line[20 + (cs * 5):20 + (cs * 6)]))))
                # Unit cell footer
                elif linenum == total_atnums + 2:
                    unitcell = numpy.array(map(float, line.split()))

        self.numatoms = len(coords_list)
        coords_list = numpy.array(coords_list)
        self.ts = self._Timestep(coords_list)
        self.ts.frame = 1  # 1-based frame number
        if velocities_list:  # perform this operation only if velocities are present in coord file
            # TODO: use a Timestep that knows about velocities such as TRR.Timestep or better, TRJ.Timestep
            self.ts._velocities = numpy.array(velocities_list, dtype=numpy.float32)
            self.convert_velocities_from_native(self.ts._velocities)  # converts nm/ps to A/ps units
        # ts._unitcell layout is format dependent; Timestep.dimensions does the conversion
        # behind the scene
        self.ts._unitcell = numpy.zeros(9, dtype=numpy.float32)  # GRO has 9 entries
        if len(unitcell) == 3:
            # special case: a b c --> (a 0 0) (b 0 0) (c 0 0)
            # see Timestep.dimensions() above for format (!)
            self.ts._unitcell[:3] = unitcell
        elif len(unitcell) == 9:
            self.ts._unitcell[:] = unitcell  # fill all
        else:  # or maybe raise an error for wrong format??
            import warnings

            warnings.warn("GRO unitcell has neither 3 nor 9 entries --- might be wrong.")
            self.ts._unitcell[:len(unitcell)] = unitcell  # fill linearly ... not sure about this
        if self.convert_units:
            self.convert_pos_from_native(self.ts._pos)  # in-place !
            self.convert_pos_from_native(self.ts._unitcell)  # in-place ! (all are lengths)
        self.numframes = 1
        self.fixed = 0
        self.skip = 1
        self.periodic = False
        self.delta = 0
        self.skip_timestep = 1
Пример #38
    def write(self, selection, frame=None):
        """Write selection at current trajectory frame to file.

              MDAnalysis AtomGroup (selection or Universe.atoms)
              or also Universe
              optionally move to frame number *frame*

        The GRO format only allows 5 digits for resid and atom
        number. If these number become larger than 99,999 then this
        routine will chop off the leading digits.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.7.6
           resName and atomName are truncated to a maximum of 5 characters
        # write() method that complies with the Trajectory API
        u = selection.universe
        if frame is not None:
            u.trajectory[frame]  # advance to frame
                frame = u.trajectory.ts.frame
            except AttributeError:
                frame = 1  # should catch cases when we are analyzing a single GRO (?)

        atoms = selection.atoms  # make sure to use atoms (Issue 46)
        coordinates = atoms.coordinates()  # can write from selection == Universe (Issue 49)
        if self.convert_units:
            # Convert back to nm from Angstroms, inplace because coordinates is already a copy
        # check if any coordinates are illegal (checks the coordinates in native nm!)
        if not self.has_valid_coordinates(self.gro_coor_limits, coordinates):
            raise ValueError("GRO files must have coordinate values between %.3f and %.3f nm:"
                             "No file was written." %
                             (self.gro_coor_limits["min"], self.gro_coor_limits["max"]))

        with util.openany(self.filename, 'w') as output_gro:
            # Header
            output_gro.write('Written by MDAnalysis\n')
            output_gro.write(self.fmt['numatoms'] % len(atoms))
            # Atom descriptions and coords
            for atom_index, atom in enumerate(atoms):
                c = coordinates[atom_index]
                output_line = self.fmt['xyz'] % (
                    str(atom.resid)[-5:],  # truncate highest digits on overflow
                    str(atom.number + 1)[-5:],  # number (1-based), truncate highest digits on overflow
                    c[0], c[1], c[2],  # coords - outputted with 3 d.p.

            # Footer: box dimensions
            box = self.convert_dimensions_to_unitcell(u.trajectory.ts)
            if numpy.all(u.trajectory.ts.dimensions[3:] == [90., 90., 90.]):
                # orthorhombic cell, only lengths along axes needed in gro
                output_gro.write(self.fmt['box_orthorhombic'] % (box[0, 0], box[1, 1], box[2, 2]))
                # full output
                output_gro.write(self.fmt['box_triclinic'] %
                                 (box[0, 0], box[1, 1], box[2, 2],
                                 box[0, 1], box[0, 2],
                                 box[1, 0], box[1, 2],
                                 box[2, 0], box[2, 1]))
Пример #39
    def parse(self):
        """Parses a LAMMPS_ DATA file.

        The parser implements the `LAMMPS DATA file format`_ but only for
        the LAMMPS `atom_style`_ *full* (numeric ids 7, 10) and
        *molecular* (6, 9).

        :Returns: MDAnalysis internal *structure* dict.

        .. versionadded:: 0.9.0

        .. _LAMMPS DATA file format: :http://lammps.sandia.gov/doc/2001/data_format.html
        .. _`atom_style`: http://lammps.sandia.gov/doc/atom_style.html
        # Can pass atom_style to help parsing
        atom_style = self.kwargs.get("atom_style", None)

        # Used this to do data format:
        # http://lammps.sandia.gov/doc/2001/data_format.html
        with openany(self.filename, "r") as psffile:
            # Check format of file somehow
            structure = {}

                nitems, ntypes, box = self._parse_header(psffile)
                raise IOError("Failed to read DATA header")

            strkey = {"Bonds": "_bonds", "Angles": "_angles", "Dihedrals": "_dihe", "Impropers": "_impr"}
            nentries = {"_bonds": 2, "_angles": 3, "_dihe": 4, "_impr": 4}
            # Masses can appear after Atoms section.
            # If this happens, this blank dict will be used and all atoms
            # will have zero mass, can fix this later
            masses = {}
            read_masses = False
            read_coords = False

            # Now go through section by section
            while True:
                    section = psffile.next().strip().split()[0]
                except IndexError:
                    section = ""  # blank lines don't split
                except StopIteration:

                logger.info("Parsing section '{}'".format(section))
                if section == "Atoms":
                    fix_masses = False if read_masses else True

                    structure["_atoms"] = self._parse_atoms(psffile, nitems["_atoms"], masses, atom_style)
                    read_coords = True
                elif section == "Masses":
                    read_masses = True
                        masses = self._parse_masses(psffile, ntypes["_atoms"])
                        raise IOError("Failed to read masses section")
                elif section in strkey:  # for sections we use in MDAnalysis
                    logger.debug("Doing strkey section for {}".format(section))
                    f = strkey[section]
                        structure[f] = self._parse_section(psffile, nitems[f], nentries[f])
                        raise IOError("Failed to read section {}".format(section))
                elif len(section) > 0:  # for sections we don't use in MDAnalysis
                    logger.debug("Skipping section, found: {}".format(section))
                else:  # for blank lines

            if not read_coords:
                raise IOError("Failed to find coordinate data")

            if fix_masses:
                for a in structure["_atoms"]:
                        a.mass = masses[a.type]
                    except KeyError:
                        a.mass = 0.0
                    #                        a.mass = guess_atom_mass(a.name)

            return structure
Пример #40
    def __init__(self, filename=None):
        self.names = {}
        self.headers = {}
        self.sections = {}
        if filename is None:
            self.title = "LAMMPS data file"
            # Open and check validity
            with openany(filename, 'r') as file:
                file_iter = file.xreadlines()
                self.title = file_iter.next()
                # Parse headers
                headers = self.headers
                for l in file_iter:
                    line = l.strip()
                    if len(line) == 0:
                    found = False
                    for keyword in self.header_keywords:
                        if line.find(keyword) >= 0:
                            found = True
                            values = line.split()
                            if keyword in ("xlo xhi", "ylo yhi", "zlo zhi"):
                                headers[keyword] = (float(values[0]), float(values[1]))
                                headers[keyword] = int(values[0])
                    if found is False:

            # Parse sections
            # XXX This is a crappy way to do it
            with openany(filename, 'r') as file:
                file_iter = file.xreadlines()
                # Create coordinate array
                positions = numpy.zeros((headers['atoms'], 3), numpy.float64)
                sections = self.sections
                for l in file_iter:
                    line = l.strip()
                    if len(line) == 0:
                    if line in self.coeff:
                        h, numcoeff = self.coeff[line]
                        # skip line
                        data = []
                        for i in xrange(headers[h]):
                            fields = file_iter.next().strip().split()
                            data.append(tuple(map(conv_float, fields[1:])))
                        sections[line] = data
                    elif line in self.connections:
                        h, numfields = self.connections[line]
                        # skip line
                        data = []
                        for i in range(headers[h]):
                            fields = file_iter.next().strip().split()
                            data.append(tuple(map(int, fields[1:])))
                        sections[line] = data
                    elif line == "Atoms":
                        data = []
                        for i in xrange(headers["atoms"]):
                            fields = file_iter.next().strip().split()
                            index = int(fields[0]) - 1
                            a = LAMMPSAtom(index=index, name=fields[2], type=int(fields[2]), chain_id=int(fields[1]),
                            a._positions = positions
                            positions[index] = numpy.array([float(fields[4]), float(fields[5]), float(fields[6])])
                        sections[line] = data
                    elif line == "Masses":
                        data = []
                        for i in xrange(headers["atom type"]):
                            fields = file_iter.next().strip().split()
                            print "help"
                self.positions = positions
Пример #41
    def parse(self, filename=None):
        """Parse MOL2 file *filename* and return the dict `structure`.

        Only reads the list of atoms.

        :Returns: MDAnalysis internal *structure* dict

        .. SeeAlso:: The *structure* dict is defined in

        if not filename:
            filename = self.filename

        blocks = []

        with openany(filename) as f:
            for i, line in enumerate(f):
                # found new molecules
                if "@<TRIPOS>MOLECULE" in line:
                    if len(blocks):
                    blocks.append({"start_line": i, "lines": []})

        if not len(blocks):
            raise ValueError("The mol2 file '{}' needs to have at least one"
                             " @<TRIPOS>MOLECULE block".format(filename))
        block = blocks[0]

        sections = {}
        cursor = None

        for line in block["lines"]:
            if "@<TRIPOS>" in line:
                cursor = line.split("@<TRIPOS>")[1].strip().lower()
                sections[cursor] = []
            elif line.startswith("#") or line == "\n":

        atom_lines, bond_lines = sections["atom"], sections["bond"]

        if not len(atom_lines):
            raise ValueError("The mol2 block ({}:{}) has no atoms".format(
                os.path.basename(filename), block["start_line"]))
        if not len(bond_lines):
            raise ValueError("The mol2 block ({}:{}) has no bonds".format(
                os.path.basename(filename), block["start_line"]))

        atoms = []
        for a in atom_lines:
            aid, name, x, y, z, atom_type, resid, resname, charge = a.split()
            aid = int(aid) - 1
            #x, y, z = float(x), float(y), float(z)
            resid = int(resid)
            charge = float(charge)
            element = guess_atom_type(name)
            mass = guess_atom_mass(element)
            # atom type is sybl atom type
            atoms.append(Atom(aid, name, atom_type, resname,
                              resid, "X", mass, charge))

        bonds = []
        bondorder = {}
        for b in bond_lines:
            # bond_type can be: 1, 2, am, ar
            bid, a0, a1, bond_type = b.split()
            a0, a1 = int(a0) - 1, int(a1) - 1
            bond = tuple(sorted([a0, a1]))
            bondorder[bond] = bond_type
        structure = {"_atoms": atoms,
                     "_bonds": bonds,
                     "_bondorder": bondorder}
        return structure