Пример #1
    def __init__(self, cop, plus_operation):
            cop: COP_Instance, Constraint Optimization Problem
            plus_operation: Sum operator
            report_path: location where saving the MaxSum report
        #self.reportpath = reportpath
        self.cop = cop
        self.mfactory = MessageFactory()
        self.ps = MailMan(self.mfactory)
        self.sum = Sum(self.mfactory)

        if plus_operation == 'max':
            self.op = Max(self.mfactory)
            self.latestValue_start = float('-Infinity')

        elif plus_operation == 'min':
            self.op = Min(self.mfactory)
            self.latestValue_start = float('+Infinity')
            create MaxSumOperator: Max - Sum
        self.ms = MSumOperator(self.sum, self.op)

        self.values = list()
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, cop, plus_operation, run):
            cop: COP_Instance, Constraint Optimization Problem
            plus_operation: Sum operator
            reportpath: location where saving the MaxSum report
        self.reportpath = "MaxSumReport_RUN_" + str(run) + ".txt"
        self.cop = cop
        self.mfactory = MessageFactory()
        self.ps = MailMan(self.mfactory)
        self.sum = Sum(self.mfactory)

        if plus_operation == 'max':
            self.op = Max(self.mfactory)
            self.latestValue_start = float('-inf')

        elif plus_operation == 'min':
            self.op = Min(self.mfactory)
            self.latestValue_start = float('+inf')
            create MaxSumOperator: Max - Sum
        self.ms = MSumOperator(self.sum, self.op)

        self.values = list()

        self.lastAverage = -1
        self.count = 0
        self.howMany = ''
Пример #3
class MaxSum:
        COP_Instance, Constraint Optimization Problem
    cop = None
        PostService to send and retrieve messages. Used by the Nodes.
    ps = None
        MaxSum operation: maximization/minimization
    op = None

    report = ""
        the latest value of MaxSum
    latestValue_start = 0
        number of iterations of MaxSum
    iterationsNumber = 500
        update Z-Function only the end of the algorithm
    updateOnlyAtEnd = True
        actual value  of MaxSum
    actualValue = None
        Interface that permits to create q-message and r-message
    mfactory = None
        MaxSum operator: Max - Sum
    ms = None
        Sum operator
    sum = None
        list of values found in each iteration of the algorithm
    values = list()
        location where saving the MaxSum report
    reportpath = None

    def __init__(self, cop, plus_operation):
            cop: COP_Instance, Constraint Optimization Problem
            plus_operation: Sum operator
            report_path: location where saving the MaxSum report
        #self.reportpath = reportpath
        self.cop = cop
        self.mfactory = MessageFactory()
        self.ps = MailMan(self.mfactory)
        self.sum = Sum(self.mfactory)

        if plus_operation == 'max':
            self.op = Max(self.mfactory)
            self.latestValue_start = float('-Infinity')

        elif plus_operation == 'min':
            self.op = Min(self.mfactory)
            self.latestValue_start = float('+Infinity')
            create MaxSumOperator: Max - Sum
        self.ms = MSumOperator(self.sum, self.op)

        self.values = list()

    def getReport(self):
        return self.report

    def setReport(self, report):
        self.report = report

    def getMFactory(self):
            returns the Interface that permits to create q-message and r-message
        return self.mfactory

    def getRmessagesAverageDifferenceIteration(self):
            returns the average of difference of rmessages for each link 
            and for each iteration
        return self.ps.getRmessagesAverageDifferenceIteration()

    def setIterationsNumber(self, iterations):
            How many steps to do?
        self.iterationsNumber = iterations

    def getCop(self):
            returns the cop associated to MaxSum
        return self.cop

    def setCop(self, cop):
            COP: COP_Instance, Constraint Optimization Problem
            Sets COP of MaxSum with cop
        self.cop = cop

    def getValues(self):
            returns values for each iteration found by MaxSum
        return self.values

    def getActualValue(self):
            returns the actual value found by MaxSum in this iteration
        return self.cop.actualValue()

    def stringStatus(self, iteration):

        status_i = ""

        if (iteration >= 0):
            status_i = status_i + "iteration_" + str(iteration) + "="
            status_i = status_i + "final="

        status_i = status_i + self.cop.status()

        return status_i

    def stringToFile(self, string, file):
            Simple method that stores a String into a file.
        output_file = open(file, "w")

    def setUpdateOnlyAtEnd(self, updateOnlyAtEnd):
            updateOnlyAtEnd: boolean
            It is True if the update functions of algorithm is at End else False
        self.updateOnlyAtEnd = updateOnlyAtEnd

    def getUpdateOnlyAtEnd(self):
            returns when is updating of functions
            True at end else False 
        return self.updateOnlyAtEnd

    def solve_complete(self):
            Apply the Max Sum algorithm.
        i = 0
            set the postservice
            set the operator

        self.report = self.report + "==============================================================================================\n\n"

        self.report = self.report + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t MAX SUM INIT\n\n"

        status = ""

        self.report = self.report + "max_iterations_number=" + str(
            self.iterationsNumber) + "\n"
        self.report = self.report + "agents_number=" + str(
            self.cop.getAgents().__len__()) + "\n"
        self.report = self.report + "variables_number=" + str(
            len(self.cop.getNodeVariables())) + "\n"
        self.report = self.report + "functions_number=" + str(
            len(self.cop.getNodeFunctions())) + "\n"
            if messages don't change It is False
            else It is True
        keepGoing = None
            the last iteration of the algorithm
        lastIteration = 0
            it is True when messages don't change
        ffFound = False

        startTime = time.clock()

        self.report = self.report + "\n==============================================================================================\n"
        self.report = self.report + "==============================================================================================\n"
        self.report = self.report + "==============================================================================================\n\n"

        for i in range(self.iterationsNumber):

            lastIteration = i + 1
            keepGoing = False

            self.report = self.report + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tITERATION " + str(
                i + 1) + "\n\n"

            for agent in self.cop.getAgents():

                self.report = self.report + str(
                    datetime.datetime.now())[:23] + "\t\t\t\tAgent: " + str(
                        agent.toString()) + " send Q message\n"

                keepGoing |= agent.sendQMessages()

                self.report = self.report + agent.getReport()

                self.report = self.report + str(
                    datetime.datetime.now())[:23] + "\t\t\t\tAgent: " + str(
                        agent.toString()) + " send R message\n"

                keepGoing |= agent.sendRMessages()

                self.report = self.report + agent.getReport()

                if (keepGoing == False):
                        messages not changed!
                    ffFound = True
                        go out from the cycle

                if (self.updateOnlyAtEnd == False):
                        updating in each iteration
                    self.report = self.report + "\n"

                    if len(self.cop.getNodeFunctions()) == 1:
                        only_function = self.cop.factorgraph.nodefunctions[0]
                        only_function_id = only_function.function_id
                        largest_utility = only_function.functionEvaluator.maxCost
                            [only_function_id, largest_utility])
                        self.report = self.report + agent.getReport() + "\n\n"
                        node_variable_index = [
                            var for var in agent.variables
                            if agent.agent_id == var.id_var
                        #index = only_function.params.index(node_variable)
                            node_variable = [
                                var for var in agent.variables
                                if agent.agent_id == var.id_var
                            index = only_function.params.index(node_variable)
                            # print(node_variable_index)
                            index = -1
                        # index = only_function.params.index(node_variable)
                        participate = False
                        for entry in only_function.functionEvaluator.costTable:
                            nodeArguments = entry.getArray()
                            utility_value = only_function.functionEvaluator.costTable[
                            if utility_value == largest_utility:
                                status_value = nodeArguments[index].getValue()
                                if status_value > 0:
                                    participate = True
                        if participate:
                            for x in agent.getVariables():
                                x.index_actual_argument = 0
                        self.report = self.report + agent.getReport() + "\n\n"
                    self.report = self.report + agent.getReport() + "\n"
                        updating the actual value of MaxSum
                    self.actualValue = self.getActualValue()
                        append the value found in this iteration

                    status = self.stringStatus(i + 1)
                    self.report = self.report + status + "\n\n"

                    self.report = self.report + "==============================================================================================\n"
                    self.report = self.report + "==============================================================================================\n"
                    self.report = self.report + "==============================================================================================\n\n"
                    # function_list = self.cop.getNodeFunctions()
                    # agent_robot_id = agent.agent_id
                    # node_variable = [var for var in agent.variables if agent_robot_id == var.id_var][0]
                    # current_iteration_result = agent.postservice.zmessages[node_variable]
                    # choosen_function_id = [key for key in current_iteration_result if current_iteration_result[key] == max(current_iteration_result.values())][0]
                    # choosen_function = [function for function in function_list if function.function_id == choosen_function_id][0]
                    # index = choosen_function.params.index(node_variable)
                    # for entry in choosen_function.functionEvaluator.costTable:
                    #     nodeArguments = entry.getArray()
                    #     status_value = nodeArguments[index].getValue()
                    #     if status_value < 0:
                    #         continue
                    #     old_value = choosen_function.functionEvaluator.costTable[entry]
                    #     choosen_function.functionEvaluator.costTable[entry] = 10 * old_value

            # pause
            if (keepGoing == False):
                    messages not changed!
                ffFound = True
                print('Messages Not Changed!!')
                    go out from the cycle

        # finish

        timeElapsed = time.clock() - startTime

        if (keepGoing == False):
            self.actualValue = self.cop.actualValue()
                append the value found in the last iteration
            save the final result of the algorithm
        status = self.stringStatus((-1))
        self.report = self.report + status + "\n"
        self.report = self.report + "total time [s]=" + str(
            timeElapsed)[:6] + "\n"
        self.report = self.report + "latest value got at iteration=" + str(
            i) + "\n"
        self.report = self.report + "total number of iteration=" + str(
            lastIteration) + "\n"
        self.report = self.report + "fixed point found="

        if (ffFound == True):
                if it finds a fix point: Convergence
            self.report = self.report + "Y"
            self.report = self.report + "N"

        self.report = self.report + "\n"
            save the final report on file
        #self.stringToFile(self.report, self.reportpath)

    # def get_results(self, collab=False):
    def get_results(self, collab):

        result = {}  # { variable_id : function_id }
        for agent in self.cop.getAgents():
            for variable in agent.getVariables():
                # print(variable.getStateArgument().value)
                result[variable] = variable.getStateArgument().value
        # print(result)

        if not collab:
            for function_id in set(result.values()):
                variables = [v for v in result if result[v] == function_id]
                if len(variables) > 1:
                    maxZValue = float("-inf")
                    maxVariable = None
                    for variable in variables:
                        zValues = self.ps.readZMessage(variable)
                        if result[variable] in zValues:
                            zValue = zValues[result[variable]]
                            if maxZValue < zValue:
                                maxZValue = zValue
                                maxVariable = variable
                    if maxVariable is not None:
                        for variable in variables:
                            if variable.id_var != maxVariable.id_var:
                                result[variable] = -result[variable]

        result = {k.id_var: v for k, v in result.iteritems()}

        return result
Пример #4
class MaxSum:
        COP_Instance, Constraint Optimization Problem
    cop = None
        PostService to send and retrieve messages. Used by the Nodes.
    ps = None
        MaxSum operation: maximization/minimization
    op = None

    report = ""
        the latest value of MaxSum
    latestValue_start = 0
        number of iterations of MaxSum
    iterationsNumber = 300
        update Z-Function only the end of the algorithm
    updateOnlyAtEnd = True
        actual value  of MaxSum
    actualValue = None
        Interface that permits to create q-message and r-message
    mfactory = None
        MaxSum operator: Max - Sum
    ms = None
        Sum operator
    sum = None
        list of values found in each iteration of the algorithm
    values = list()
        location where saving the MaxSum report
    reportpath = None

    lastAverage = -1

    count = 0

    def __init__(self, cop, plus_operation):
            cop: COP_Instance, Constraint Optimization Problem
            plus_operation: Sum operator
            report_path: location where saving the MaxSum report
        #self.reportpath = reportpath
        self.cop = cop
        self.mfactory = MessageFactory()
        self.ps = MailMan(self.mfactory)
        self.sum = Sum(self.mfactory)

        if plus_operation == 'max':
            self.op = Max(self.mfactory)
            self.latestValue_start = float('-inf')

        elif plus_operation == 'min':
            self.op = Min(self.mfactory)
            self.latestValue_start = float('+inf')
            create MaxSumOperator: Max - Sum
        self.ms = MSumOperator(self.sum, self.op)

        self.values = list()

        self.lastAverage = -1
        self.count = 0

    def getReport(self):
        return self.report

    def setReport(self, report):
        self.report = report

    def getMFactory(self):
            returns the Interface that permits to create q-message and r-message
        return self.mfactory

    def getRmessagesAverageDifferenceIteration(self):
            returns the average of difference of rmessages for each link 
            and for each iteration
        return self.ps.getRmessagesAverageDifferenceIteration()

    def setIterationsNumber(self, iterations):
            How many steps to do?
        self.iterationsNumber = iterations

    def getCop(self):
            returns the cop associated to MaxSum
        return self.cop

    def setCop(self, cop):
            COP: COP_Instance, Constraint Optimization Problem
            Sets COP of MaxSum with cop
        self.cop = cop

    def getValues(self):
            returns values for each iteration found by MaxSum
        return self.values

    def getActualValue(self):
            returns the actual value found by MaxSum in this iteration
        return self.cop.actualValue()

    def stringStatus(self, iteration):

        status_i = ""

        if (iteration >= 0):
            status_i = status_i + "iteration_" + str(iteration) + "="
            status_i = status_i + "final="

        status_i = status_i + self.cop.status()

        return status_i

    def stringToFile(self, string, file):
            Simple method that stores a String into a file.
        output_file = open(file, "w")

    def setUpdateOnlyAtEnd(self, updateOnlyAtEnd):
            updateOnlyAtEnd: boolean
            It is True if the update functions of algorithm is at End else False
        self.updateOnlyAtEnd = updateOnlyAtEnd

    def getUpdateOnlyAtEnd(self):
            returns when is updating of functions
            True at end else False 
        return self.updateOnlyAtEnd

    def solve_complete(self):
            Apply the Max Sum algorithm.
        i = 0
            set the postservice
            set the operator

        #self.report = self.report + "==============================================================================================\n\n"

        #self.report = self.report + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t MAX SUM INIT\n\n"

        status = ""
        '''self.report = self.report + "max_iterations_number=" + str(self.iterationsNumber) + "\n"
        self.report = self.report + "agents_number=" + str(self.cop.getAgents().__len__()) + "\n"
        self.report = self.report + "variables_number=" + str(len(self.cop.getNodeVariables())) + "\n"
        self.report = self.report + "functions_number=" + str(len(self.cop.getNodeFunctions())) + "\n"
            if messages don't change It is False
            else It is True
        #keepGoing = None
            the last iteration of the algorithm
        #lastIteration = 0
            it is True when messages don't change
        #ffFound = False

        startTime = time.clock()
        '''self.report = self.report + "\n==============================================================================================\n"
        self.report = self.report + "==============================================================================================\n"
        self.report = self.report + "==============================================================================================\n\n" 

        average = False

        while ((average == False) & (i < self.iterationsNumber)):

            #for i in range(self.iterationsNumber):

            #lastIteration = i + 1
            #keepGoing = False

            #self.report = self.report + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tITERATION " + str(i + 1) + "\n\n"

            for agent in self.cop.getAgents():

                #self.report = self.report + str(datetime.datetime.now())[:23] + "\t\t\t\tAgent: " + str(agent.toString()) + " send Q message\n"


                #self.report = self.report + agent.getReport()

                #self.report = self.report + str(datetime.datetime.now())[:23] + "\t\t\t\tAgent: " + str(agent.toString()) + " send R message\n"


                #self.report = self.report + agent.getReport()

                #if(keepGoing == False):
                    messages not changed!
                #ffFound = True
                    go out from the cycle

                if (self.updateOnlyAtEnd == False):
                        updating in each iteration
                    #self.report = self.report + "\n"

                    #self.report = self.report + agent.getReport() + "\n\n"

                    #self.report = self.report + agent.getReport() + "\n"
                        updating the actual value of MaxSum
                    self.actualValue = self.getActualValue()
                        append the value found in this iteration

                    #status = self.stringStatus(i + 1)
                    '''self.report = self.report + status + "\n\n"
                    self.report = self.report + "==============================================================================================\n"
                    self.report = self.report + "==============================================================================================\n"
                    self.report = self.report + "==============================================================================================\n\n"
                    calculate the average of diff RMessages in this iteration
                #average = self.average(i)

                i = i + 1
            # pause

            #if(keepGoing == False):
                messages not changed!
            #ffFound = True
            #print('Messages Not Changed!!')
                go out from the cycle

        # finish

        #timeElapsed = time.clock() - startTime

    # if(keepGoing == False):
    #self.actualValue = self.cop.actualValue()
            append the value found in the last iteration
            save the final result of the algorithm
        #status = self.stringStatus((-1))
        '''self.report = self.report + status + "\n"
        self.report = self.report + "total time [s]=" + str(timeElapsed)[:6] + "\n"
        self.report = self.report + "latest value got at iteration=" + str(i) + "\n"
        self.report = self.report + "total number of iteration=" + str(lastIteration) + "\n"
        self.report = self.report + "fixed point found="
        '''if (ffFound == True):
        #if it finds a fix point: Convergence
            self.report = self.report + "Y"
            self.report = self.report + "N"

        #self.report = self.report + "\n"
            save the final report on file
        #self.stringToFile(self.report, self.reportpath)

    def average(self, iter):
                average of rmessages difference in the instance
        rMessagesAverageDifference = self.getRmessagesAverageDifferenceIteration(
                number of link in factor graph
        links = 0

        messages = list()

        for (k1, k2) in rMessagesAverageDifference.keys():
            messages.append(rMessagesAverageDifference[(k1, k2)])

            links = links + 1

        sumList = [sum(x) for x in zip(*messages)]

        average = (sumList[iter] / links)

        print('Last average:', self.lastAverage)
        print('average iteration', iter, ':', average)

        if ((average <= pow(10, (-10))) & (iter >= 2)):
            return True
        elif ((average == self.lastAverage) & (iter > 0)):
            self.count = self.count + 1
            if (self.count == 2):
                return True
                return False
        elif ((average > pow(10, (-10))) & (iter > 0) &
              (self.lastAverage != average)):
            self.lastAverage = average
            self.count = 0
            return False
            self.lastAverage = average
            self.count = 0
            return False
Пример #5
class MaxSum:
        COP_Instance, Constraint Optimization Problem
    cop = None
        PostService to send and retrieve messages. Used by the Nodes.
    ps = None
        MaxSum operation: maximization/minimization
    op = None

    report = ""
        the latest value of MaxSum
    latestValue_start = 0
        number of iterations of MaxSum
    iterationsNumber = 300
        update Z-Function only the end of the algorithm
    updateOnlyAtEnd = True
        actual value  of MaxSum
    actualValue = None
        Interface that permits to create q-message and r-message
    mfactory = None
        MaxSum operator: Max - Sum
    ms = None
        Sum operator
    sum = None
        list of values found in each iteration of the algorithm
    values = list()
        location where saving the MaxSum report
    reportpath = None

    lastAverage = -1

    average_final = None

    count = 0

    howMany = None

    def __init__(self, cop, plus_operation, run):
            cop: COP_Instance, Constraint Optimization Problem
            plus_operation: Sum operator
            reportpath: location where saving the MaxSum report
        self.reportpath = "MaxSumReport_RUN_" + str(run) + ".txt"
        self.cop = cop
        self.mfactory = MessageFactory()
        self.ps = MailMan(self.mfactory)
        self.sum = Sum(self.mfactory)

        if plus_operation == 'max':
            self.op = Max(self.mfactory)
            self.latestValue_start = float('-inf')

        elif plus_operation == 'min':
            self.op = Min(self.mfactory)
            self.latestValue_start = float('+inf')
            create MaxSumOperator: Max - Sum
        self.ms = MSumOperator(self.sum, self.op)

        self.values = list()

        self.lastAverage = -1
        self.count = 0
        self.howMany = ''

    def getReport(self):
        return self.report

    def howMany(self):
        return self.howMany

    def setReport(self, report):
        self.report = report

    def getMFactory(self):
            returns the Interface that permits to create q-message and r-message
        return self.mfactory

    def getRmessagesAverageDifferenceIteration(self):
            returns the average of difference of rmessages for each link 
            and for each iteration
        return self.ps.getRmessagesAverageDifferenceIteration()

    def setIterationsNumber(self, iterations):
            How many steps to do?
        self.iterationsNumber = iterations

    def getCop(self):
            returns the cop associated to MaxSum
        return self.cop

    def setCop(self, cop):
            COP: COP_Instance, Constraint Optimization Problem
            Sets COP of MaxSum with cop
        self.cop = cop

    def getValues(self):
            returns values for each iteration found by MaxSum
        return self.values

    def getActualValue(self):
            returns the actual value found by MaxSum in this iteration
        return self.cop.actualValue()

    def stringStatus(self, iteration):

        status_i = ""

        if (iteration >= 0):
            status_i = status_i + "iteration_" + str(iteration) + "="
            status_i = status_i + "final="

        status_i = status_i + self.cop.status()

        return status_i

    def stringToFile(self, string, file):
            Simple method that stores a String into a file.
        output_file = open(file, "w")

    def setUpdateOnlyAtEnd(self, updateOnlyAtEnd):
            updateOnlyAtEnd: boolean
            It is True if the update functions of algorithm is at End else False
        self.updateOnlyAtEnd = updateOnlyAtEnd

    def getUpdateOnlyAtEnd(self):
            returns when is updating of functions
            True at end else False 
        return self.updateOnlyAtEnd

    def solve_complete(self):
            Apply the Max Sum algorithm.
        i = 0
            set the postservice
            set the operator

        #self.report = self.report + "==============================================================================================\n\n"

        #self.report = self.report + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t MAX SUM INIT\n\n"

        status = ""

        startTime = time.clock()

        self.report = self.report + "\n==============================================================================================\n"
        self.report = self.report + "======================   in   solve_complete()   =============================================\n"
        self.report = self.report + "==============================================================================================\n\n"

        average = False

        while ((average == False) and (i < self.iterationsNumber)):

            self.report = self.report + "\n\n#######\tITERATION " + str(
                i) + "\t#######\n\n"

            for agent in self.cop.getAgents():

                self.report = self.report + str(
                    datetime.datetime.now())[:23] + "\t\t\t\tAgent: " + str(
                        agent.toString()) + " send Q message\n"



                if (self.updateOnlyAtEnd == False):
                        updating in each iteration
                    self.report = self.report + "\n"

                    self.report = self.report + agent.getReport() + "\n\n"

                    self.report = self.report + agent.getReport() + "\n"
                        updating the actual value of MaxSum
                    self.actualValue = self.getActualValue()
                        append the value found in this iteration

                    status = self.stringStatus(i + 1)
                    self.report = self.report + status + "\n\n"
                    self.report = self.report + "==============================================================================================\n"
                    self.report = self.report + "==============================================================================================\n"
                    self.report = self.report + "==============================================================================================\n\n"
                    calculate the average of diff RMessages in this iteration
                self.report = self.report + "\n\naverage of diff RMessages in iteration " + str(
                    i) + " is "
                average = self.average(i)

                i = i + 1
        #print("iteration " + str(i))

        self.howMany = 'Last iteration: ' + str(i) + '/' + str(

    def average(self, iter):
                average of rmessages difference in the instance
        rMessagesAverageDifference = self.getRmessagesAverageDifferenceIteration(
                number of link in factor graph
        links = 0

        messages = list()

        for (k1, k2) in rMessagesAverageDifference.keys():
            messages.append(rMessagesAverageDifference[(k1, k2)])

            links = links + 1

        sumList = [sum(x) for x in zip(*messages)]

        average = (sumList[iter] / links)

        #print('Last average:', self.lastAverage)
        #print('average iteration', iter, ':', average)

        self.report = self.report + str(average) + "\n"

        if (average <= 0.05) and (iter >= 2):
            return True

        return False