Пример #1
    def __init__(self, conf, pool):

        - Inputs:
            + **conf**: Configuration object with the simulation parameters.

            + **pool**: string with Motor unit pool to which the motor unit belongs.

        ## Indicates that is Motor Unit pool.
        self.kind = 'MU'

        ## Configuration object with the simulation parameters.
        self.conf = conf
        ## String with Motor unit pool to which the motor unit belongs.
        self.pool = pool
        MUnumber_S = int(conf.parameterSet('MUnumber_S_' + pool, pool, 0))
        MUnumber_FR = int(conf.parameterSet('MUnumber_FR_' + pool, pool, 0))
        MUnumber_FF = int(conf.parameterSet('MUnumber_FF_' + pool, pool, 0))
        ## Number of motor units.
        self.MUnumber = MUnumber_S + MUnumber_FR + MUnumber_FF
        ## List of MotorUnit objects.
        self.unit = []
        for i in xrange(0, self.MUnumber): 
            if i < MUnumber_S:
                self.unit.append(MotorUnit(conf, pool, i, 'S'))
            elif i < MUnumber_S + MUnumber_FR:
                self.unit.append(MotorUnit(conf, pool, i, 'FR'))
                self.unit.append(MotorUnit(conf, pool, i, 'FF'))

        ## Vector with the instants of spikes in the soma compartment, in ms.            
        self.poolSomaSpikes = np.array([])    
        ## Vector with the instants of spikes in the terminal, in ms.
        self.poolTerminalSpikes = np.array([])
        #activation signal
        self.Activation = MuscularActivation(self.conf,self.pool, self.MUnumber,self.unit)
        ## String indicating whther a Hill model is used or not. For now, it can be *No*.
        self.hillModel = conf.parameterSet('hillModel',pool, 0)
        if self.hillModel == 'No': 
            self.Muscle = MuscleNoHill(self.conf, self.pool, self.MUnumber, MUnumber_S, self.unit)
            self.Muscle = MuscleHill(self.conf, self.pool, self.MUnumber, MUnumber_S, self.unit)
        print 'Motor Unit Pool ' + pool + ' built'
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, conf, pool):

        - Inputs:
            + **conf**: Configuration object with the simulation parameters.

            + **pool**: string with Motor unit pool to which the motor unit belongs.

        ## Indicates that is Motor Unit pool.
        self.kind = 'MU'

        ## Configuration object with the simulation parameters.
        self.conf = conf
        ## String with Motor unit pool to which the motor unit belongs.
        self.pool = pool
        MUnumber_S = int(conf.parameterSet('MUnumber_' + pool + '-S', pool, 0))
        MUnumber_FR = int(
            conf.parameterSet('MUnumber_' + pool + '-FR', pool, 0))
        MUnumber_FF = int(
            conf.parameterSet('MUnumber_' + pool + '-FF', pool, 0))
        ## Number of motor units.
        self.MUnumber = MUnumber_S + MUnumber_FR + MUnumber_FF

        ## List of MotorUnit objects.
        self.unit = []

        for i in xrange(0, self.MUnumber):
            if i < MUnumber_S:
                self.unit.append(MotorUnit(conf, pool, i, 'S'))
            elif i < MUnumber_S + MUnumber_FR:
                self.unit.append(MotorUnit(conf, pool, i, 'FR'))
                self.unit.append(MotorUnit(conf, pool, i, 'FF'))

        ## Vector with the instants of spikes in the soma compartment, in ms.
        self.poolSomaSpikes = np.array([])
        ## Vector with the instants of spikes in the terminal, in ms.
        self.poolTerminalSpikes = np.array([])

        #activation signal
        self.Activation = MuscularActivation(self.conf, self.pool,
                                             self.MUnumber, self.unit)

        ## String indicating whther a Hill model is used or not. For now, it can be *No*.
        self.hillModel = conf.parameterSet('hillModel', pool, 0)
        if self.hillModel == 'No':
            self.Muscle = MuscleNoHill(self.conf, self.pool, self.MUnumber,
                                       MUnumber_S, self.unit)
            self.Muscle = MuscleHill(self.conf, self.pool, self.MUnumber,
                                     MUnumber_S, self.unit)

        #print 'Motor Unit Pool ' + pool + ' built'

        # MP
        # Spawn de dois processos no codigo cprc.py
        self.comm = MPI.COMM_SELF.Spawn(sys.executable,
        # Merge para juntar todos processos em um so grupo
        self.common_comm = self.comm.Merge(False)
        # Numero de processos (tamanho do comunicador)
        self.size = self.common_comm.Get_size()
        print 'size = ' + str(self.size)
        # Porcao que cada processo recebe
        # Processo pai nao participa (por isso - 1)
        self.procSize = len(self.unit) / (self.size - 1)
Пример #3
class MotorUnitPool(object):
    Class that implements a motor unit pool. Encompasses a set of motor
    units that controls a single  muscle.
    def __init__(self, conf, pool):

        - Inputs:
            + **conf**: Configuration object with the simulation parameters.

            + **pool**: string with Motor unit pool to which the motor unit belongs.

        ## Indicates that is Motor Unit pool.
        self.kind = 'MU'

        ## Configuration object with the simulation parameters.
        self.conf = conf
        ## String with Motor unit pool to which the motor unit belongs.
        self.pool = pool
        MUnumber_S = int(conf.parameterSet('MUnumber_' + pool + '-S', pool, 0))
        MUnumber_FR = int(
            conf.parameterSet('MUnumber_' + pool + '-FR', pool, 0))
        MUnumber_FF = int(
            conf.parameterSet('MUnumber_' + pool + '-FF', pool, 0))
        ## Number of motor units.
        self.MUnumber = MUnumber_S + MUnumber_FR + MUnumber_FF

        ## List of MotorUnit objects.
        self.unit = []

        for i in xrange(0, self.MUnumber):
            if i < MUnumber_S:
                self.unit.append(MotorUnit(conf, pool, i, 'S'))
            elif i < MUnumber_S + MUnumber_FR:
                self.unit.append(MotorUnit(conf, pool, i, 'FR'))
                self.unit.append(MotorUnit(conf, pool, i, 'FF'))

        ## Vector with the instants of spikes in the soma compartment, in ms.
        self.poolSomaSpikes = np.array([])
        ## Vector with the instants of spikes in the terminal, in ms.
        self.poolTerminalSpikes = np.array([])

        #activation signal
        self.Activation = MuscularActivation(self.conf, self.pool,
                                             self.MUnumber, self.unit)

        ## String indicating whther a Hill model is used or not. For now, it can be *No*.
        self.hillModel = conf.parameterSet('hillModel', pool, 0)
        if self.hillModel == 'No':
            self.Muscle = MuscleNoHill(self.conf, self.pool, self.MUnumber,
                                       MUnumber_S, self.unit)
            self.Muscle = MuscleHill(self.conf, self.pool, self.MUnumber,
                                     MUnumber_S, self.unit)

        #print 'Motor Unit Pool ' + pool + ' built'

        # MP
        # Spawn de dois processos no codigo cprc.py
        self.comm = MPI.COMM_SELF.Spawn(sys.executable,
        # Merge para juntar todos processos em um so grupo
        self.common_comm = self.comm.Merge(False)
        # Numero de processos (tamanho do comunicador)
        self.size = self.common_comm.Get_size()
        print 'size = ' + str(self.size)
        # Porcao que cada processo recebe
        # Processo pai nao participa (por isso - 1)
        self.procSize = len(self.unit) / (self.size - 1)

    def atualizeMotorUnitPool(self, t):
        Update all parts of the Motor Unit pool. It consists
        to update all motor units, the activation signal and
        the muscle force.

        - Inputs:
            + **t**: current instant, in ms.

        t = self.common_comm.bcast(t, root=0)

        for rank in xrange(1, self.size):
            self.common_comm.send(self.unit[(rank - 1) * self.procSize:rank *
        for rank in xrange(1, self.size):
            self.unit[(rank - 1) * self.procSize:rank *
                      self.procSize] = self.common_comm.recv(source=rank,
            #self.common_comm.Recv(self.unit[(rank - 1) * self.procSize:rank * self.procSize], source=rank,tag=rank)

        # Forma original
        #for i in self.unit: i.atualizeMotorUnit(t)

        self.Activation.atualizeActivationSignal(t, self.unit)

    def listSpikes(self):
        List the spikes that occurred in the soma and in
        the terminal of the different motor units.
        for i in xrange(0, self.MUnumber):
            if i == 0:
                somaSpikeTrain = np.array(self.unit[i].somaSpikeTrain)
                terminalSpikeTrain = np.array(self.unit[i].terminalSpikeTrain)
                somaSpikeTrain = np.append(
                    somaSpikeTrain, np.array(self.unit[i].somaSpikeTrain))
                terminalSpikeTrain = np.append(
        self.poolSomaSpikes = somaSpikeTrain
        self.poolTerminalSpikes = terminalSpikeTrain

        self.poolSomaSpikes = np.reshape(self.poolSomaSpikes, (-1, 2))
        self.poolTerminalSpikes = np.reshape(self.poolTerminalSpikes, (-1, 2))
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, conf, pool):
        - Inputs:
            + **conf**: Configuration object with the simulation parameters.
            + **pool**: string with Motor unit pool to which the motor unit belongs.
        self.t = 0

        ## Indicates that is Motor Unit pool.
        self.kind = 'MU'

        ## Configuration object with the simulation parameters.
        self.conf = conf

        ## String with Motor unit pool to which the motor unit belongs.
        self.pool = pool
        MUnumber_S = int(conf.parameterSet('MUnumber_' + pool + '-S', pool, 0))
        MUnumber_FR = int(
            conf.parameterSet('MUnumber_' + pool + '-FR', pool, 0))
        MUnumber_FF = int(
            conf.parameterSet('MUnumber_' + pool + '-FF', pool, 0))
        ## Number of motor units.
        self.MUnumber = MUnumber_S + MUnumber_FR + MUnumber_FF
        ## Muscle thickness, in mm.
        self.muscleThickness_mm = float(
            self.conf.parameterSet('thickness:' + pool, pool, 0))

        ## Dictionary of MotorUnit objects.
        self.unit = dict()

        for i in xrange(0, self.MUnumber):
            if i < MUnumber_S:
                self.unit[i] = MotorUnit(conf, pool, i, 'S',
            elif i < MUnumber_S + MUnumber_FR:
                self.unit[i] = MotorUnit(conf, pool, i, 'FR',
                self.unit[i] = MotorUnit(conf, pool, i, 'FF',

        # This is used to get values from MotorUnit.py and make computations
        # in MotorUnitPool.py
        # TODO create it all here instead?
        self.totalNumberOfCompartments = 0

        for i in xrange(self.MUnumber):
            self.totalNumberOfCompartments = self.totalNumberOfCompartments \
                + self.unit[i].compNumber

        self.v_mV = np.zeros((self.totalNumberOfCompartments), dtype=np.double)

        self.G = lil_matrix(
            (self.totalNumberOfCompartments, self.totalNumberOfCompartments),
        self.iInjected = np.zeros_like(self.v_mV, dtype='d')
        self.capacitanceInv = np.zeros_like(self.v_mV, dtype='d')
        self.iIonic = np.full_like(self.v_mV, 0.0)
        self.EqCurrent_nA = np.zeros_like(self.v_mV, dtype='d')

        # Retrieving data from Motorneuron class
        # Vectors or matrices from Motorneuron compartments are copied,
        # populating larger vectors or matrices that will be used for computations
        for i in xrange(self.MUnumber):
            self.v_mV[i*self.unit[i].compNumber:i*self.unit[i].compNumber \
                    +self.unit[i].v_mV.shape[0]] = self.unit[i].v_mV
            # Consists of smaller matrices on its diagonal
            self.G[i*self.unit[i].compNumber:i*self.unit[i].compNumber \
                    +self.unit[i].G.shape[0], \
                    i*self.unit[i].compNumber:i*self.unit[i].compNumber \
                    +self.unit[i].G.shape[1]] = self.unit[i].G
            self.capacitanceInv[i*self.unit[i].compNumber: \
                    i*self.unit[i].compNumber \
                    +self.unit[i].capacitanceInv.shape[0]] \
                    = self.unit[i].capacitanceInv
            self.EqCurrent_nA[i*self.unit[i].compNumber: \
                    i*self.unit[i].compNumber \
                    +self.unit[i].EqCurrent_nA.shape[0]] \
                    = self.unit[i].EqCurrent_nA
        self.sizeOfBlock = int(self.totalNumberOfCompartments / self.MUnumber)
        self.G = self.G.tobsr(blocksize=(self.sizeOfBlock, self.sizeOfBlock))
        # TODO Conditional GPU use
        #self.GGPU = pcu.csr_matrix(self.G)
        #self.GPU = pcu.Sparse(0)
        #self.m, self.n = self.GGPU.shape
        #self.nnz = self.GGPU.nnz
        #self.descr = self.GPU.matdescr()
        #self.csrVal = self.GGPU.data
        #self.csrRowPtr = self.GGPU.indptr
        #self.csrColInd = self.GGPU.indices
        self.dVdtValue = np.empty(self.totalNumberOfCompartments,
        ## Vector with the instants of spikes in the soma compartment, in ms.
        self.poolSomaSpikes = np.array([])
        ## Vector with the instants of spikes in the last dynamical compartment, in ms.
        self.poolLastCompSpikes = np.array([])
        ## Vector with the instants of spikes in the terminal, in ms.
        self.poolTerminalSpikes = np.array([])

        #activation signal
        self.Activation = MuscularActivation(self.conf, self.pool,
                                             self.MUnumber, self.unit)

        ## String indicating whther a Hill model is used or not. For now, it can be *No*.
        self.hillModel = conf.parameterSet('hillModel', pool, 0)
        if self.hillModel == 'No':
            self.Muscle = MuscleNoHill(self.conf, self.pool, self.MUnumber,
                                       MUnumber_S, self.unit)
            self.Muscle = MuscleHill(self.conf, self.pool, self.MUnumber,
                                     MUnumber_S, self.unit)

        # EMG
        ## EMG along time, in mV.
        self.emg = np.zeros(
            (int(np.rint(conf.simDuration_ms / conf.timeStep_ms)), 1),

        # Spindle
        self.spindle = MuscleSpindle(self.conf, self.pool)

        print 'Motor Unit Pool ' + pool + ' built'
Пример #5
class MotorUnitPool(object):
    Class that implements a motor unit pool. Encompasses a set of motor
    units that controls a single  muscle.
    def __init__(self, conf, pool):
        - Inputs:
            + **conf**: Configuration object with the simulation parameters.
            + **pool**: string with Motor unit pool to which the motor unit belongs.
        self.t = 0

        ## Indicates that is Motor Unit pool.
        self.kind = 'MU'

        ## Configuration object with the simulation parameters.
        self.conf = conf

        ## String with Motor unit pool to which the motor unit belongs.
        self.pool = pool
        MUnumber_S = int(conf.parameterSet('MUnumber_' + pool + '-S', pool, 0))
        MUnumber_FR = int(
            conf.parameterSet('MUnumber_' + pool + '-FR', pool, 0))
        MUnumber_FF = int(
            conf.parameterSet('MUnumber_' + pool + '-FF', pool, 0))
        ## Number of motor units.
        self.MUnumber = MUnumber_S + MUnumber_FR + MUnumber_FF
        ## Muscle thickness, in mm.
        self.muscleThickness_mm = float(
            self.conf.parameterSet('thickness:' + pool, pool, 0))

        ## Dictionary of MotorUnit objects.
        self.unit = dict()

        for i in xrange(0, self.MUnumber):
            if i < MUnumber_S:
                self.unit[i] = MotorUnit(conf, pool, i, 'S',
            elif i < MUnumber_S + MUnumber_FR:
                self.unit[i] = MotorUnit(conf, pool, i, 'FR',
                self.unit[i] = MotorUnit(conf, pool, i, 'FF',

        # This is used to get values from MotorUnit.py and make computations
        # in MotorUnitPool.py
        # TODO create it all here instead?
        self.totalNumberOfCompartments = 0

        for i in xrange(self.MUnumber):
            self.totalNumberOfCompartments = self.totalNumberOfCompartments \
                + self.unit[i].compNumber

        self.v_mV = np.zeros((self.totalNumberOfCompartments), dtype=np.double)

        self.G = lil_matrix(
            (self.totalNumberOfCompartments, self.totalNumberOfCompartments),
        self.iInjected = np.zeros_like(self.v_mV, dtype='d')
        self.capacitanceInv = np.zeros_like(self.v_mV, dtype='d')
        self.iIonic = np.full_like(self.v_mV, 0.0)
        self.EqCurrent_nA = np.zeros_like(self.v_mV, dtype='d')

        # Retrieving data from Motorneuron class
        # Vectors or matrices from Motorneuron compartments are copied,
        # populating larger vectors or matrices that will be used for computations
        for i in xrange(self.MUnumber):
            self.v_mV[i*self.unit[i].compNumber:i*self.unit[i].compNumber \
                    +self.unit[i].v_mV.shape[0]] = self.unit[i].v_mV
            # Consists of smaller matrices on its diagonal
            self.G[i*self.unit[i].compNumber:i*self.unit[i].compNumber \
                    +self.unit[i].G.shape[0], \
                    i*self.unit[i].compNumber:i*self.unit[i].compNumber \
                    +self.unit[i].G.shape[1]] = self.unit[i].G
            self.capacitanceInv[i*self.unit[i].compNumber: \
                    i*self.unit[i].compNumber \
                    +self.unit[i].capacitanceInv.shape[0]] \
                    = self.unit[i].capacitanceInv
            self.EqCurrent_nA[i*self.unit[i].compNumber: \
                    i*self.unit[i].compNumber \
                    +self.unit[i].EqCurrent_nA.shape[0]] \
                    = self.unit[i].EqCurrent_nA
        self.sizeOfBlock = int(self.totalNumberOfCompartments / self.MUnumber)
        self.G = self.G.tobsr(blocksize=(self.sizeOfBlock, self.sizeOfBlock))
        # TODO Conditional GPU use
        #self.GGPU = pcu.csr_matrix(self.G)
        #self.GPU = pcu.Sparse(0)
        #self.m, self.n = self.GGPU.shape
        #self.nnz = self.GGPU.nnz
        #self.descr = self.GPU.matdescr()
        #self.csrVal = self.GGPU.data
        #self.csrRowPtr = self.GGPU.indptr
        #self.csrColInd = self.GGPU.indices
        self.dVdtValue = np.empty(self.totalNumberOfCompartments,
        ## Vector with the instants of spikes in the soma compartment, in ms.
        self.poolSomaSpikes = np.array([])
        ## Vector with the instants of spikes in the last dynamical compartment, in ms.
        self.poolLastCompSpikes = np.array([])
        ## Vector with the instants of spikes in the terminal, in ms.
        self.poolTerminalSpikes = np.array([])

        #activation signal
        self.Activation = MuscularActivation(self.conf, self.pool,
                                             self.MUnumber, self.unit)

        ## String indicating whther a Hill model is used or not. For now, it can be *No*.
        self.hillModel = conf.parameterSet('hillModel', pool, 0)
        if self.hillModel == 'No':
            self.Muscle = MuscleNoHill(self.conf, self.pool, self.MUnumber,
                                       MUnumber_S, self.unit)
            self.Muscle = MuscleHill(self.conf, self.pool, self.MUnumber,
                                     MUnumber_S, self.unit)

        # EMG
        ## EMG along time, in mV.
        self.emg = np.zeros(
            (int(np.rint(conf.simDuration_ms / conf.timeStep_ms)), 1),

        # Spindle
        self.spindle = MuscleSpindle(self.conf, self.pool)

        print 'Motor Unit Pool ' + pool + ' built'

    def atualizeMotorUnitPool(self, t):
        Update all parts of the Motor Unit pool. It consists
        to update all motor units, the activation signal and
        the muscle force.
        - Inputs:
            + **t**: current instant, in ms.

            runge_kutta(self.dVdt, t, self.v_mV, self.conf.timeStep_ms,
                        self.conf.timeStepBySix_ms), -30.0, 120.0, self.v_mV)

        for i in xrange(self.MUnumber):
                t, self.v_mV[i * self.unit[i].compNumber:(i + 1) *
        self.Activation.atualizeActivationSignal(t, self.unit)
        self.spindle.atualizeMuscleSpindle(t, self.Muscle.lengthNorm,
                                           self.Muscle.accelerationNorm, 31,

    def dVdt(self, t, V):
        #k = 0
        for i in xrange(self.MUnumber):
            for j in xrange(self.unit[i].compNumber):
                    i * self.unit[0].compNumber + j,
                        t, V.item(i * self.unit[0].compNumber + j)))
                #k += 1
        return (self.iIonic + self.G.dot(V) + self.iInjected +
                self.EqCurrent_nA) * self.capacitanceInv
        # TODO Conditional GPU use
        self.GPU.csrmv('N', self.m, self.n, self.nnz,  1.0, self.descr, self.csrVal, self.csrRowPtr, self.csrColInd, V, 0.0, self.dVdtValue)              
        return (self.iIonic + self.dVdtValue + self.iInjected
                + self.EqCurrent_nA) * self.capacitanceInv
        return (self.iIonic + SpMV_viaMKL(self.G,V,self.MUnumber, self.sizeOfBlock) + self.iInjected
                + self.EqCurrent_nA) * self.capacitanceInv

    def listSpikes(self):
        List the spikes that occurred in the soma and in
        the terminal of the different motor units.
        for i in xrange(0, self.MUnumber):
            if i == 0:
                somaSpikeTrain = np.array(self.unit[i].somaSpikeTrain)
                lastCompSpikeTrain = np.array(self.unit[i].lastCompSpikeTrain)
                terminalSpikeTrain = np.array(self.unit[i].terminalSpikeTrain)
                somaSpikeTrain = np.append(
                    somaSpikeTrain, np.array(self.unit[i].somaSpikeTrain))
                lastCompSpikeTrain = np.append(
                terminalSpikeTrain = np.append(

        self.poolSomaSpikes = np.reshape(somaSpikeTrain, (-1, 2))
        self.poolLastCompSpikes = np.reshape(lastCompSpikeTrain, (-1, 2))
        self.poolTerminalSpikes = np.reshape(terminalSpikeTrain, (-1, 2))

    def getMotorUnitPoolInstantEMG(self, t):
        emg = 0
        for i in xrange(self.MUnumber):
            emg += self.unit[i].getEMG(t)

        return emg

    def getMotorUnitPoolEMG(self):
        for i in xrange(0, len(self.emg)):
            self.emg[i] = self.getMotorUnitPoolInstantEMG(
                i * self.conf.timeStep_ms)

    def reset(self):

        self.poolSomaSpikes = np.array([])
        self.poolLastCompSpikes = np.array([])
        self.poolTerminalSpikes = np.array([])
        self.emg = np.zeros((int(
            np.rint(self.conf.simDuration_ms / self.conf.timeStep_ms)), 1),

        for i in xrange(self.MUnumber):
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, conf, pool):

        - Inputs:
            + **conf**: Configuration object with the simulation parameters.

            + **pool**: string with Motor unit pool to which the motor unit belongs.

        ## Indicates that is Motor Unit pool.
        self.kind = 'MU'

        ## Configuration object with the simulation parameters.
        self.conf = conf
        ## String with Motor unit pool to which the motor unit belongs.
        self.pool = pool
        MUnumber_S = int(conf.parameterSet('MUnumber_' + pool + '-S', pool, 0))
        MUnumber_FR = int(
            conf.parameterSet('MUnumber_' + pool + '-FR', pool, 0))
        MUnumber_FF = int(
            conf.parameterSet('MUnumber_' + pool + '-FF', pool, 0))
        ## Number of motor units.
        self.MUnumber = MUnumber_S + MUnumber_FR + MUnumber_FF

        ## List of MotorUnit objects.
        self.unit = []

        for i in xrange(0, self.MUnumber):
            if i < MUnumber_S:
                self.unit.append(MotorUnit(conf, pool, i, 'S'))
            elif i < MUnumber_S + MUnumber_FR:
                self.unit.append(MotorUnit(conf, pool, i, 'FR'))
                self.unit.append(MotorUnit(conf, pool, i, 'FF'))

        ## Vector with the instants of spikes in the soma compartment, in ms.
        self.poolSomaSpikes = np.array([])
        ## Vector with the instants of spikes in the terminal, in ms.
        self.poolTerminalSpikes = np.array([])

        #activation signal
        self.Activation = MuscularActivation(self.conf, self.pool,
                                             self.MUnumber, self.unit)

        ## String indicating whther a Hill model is used or not. For now, it can be *No*.
        self.hillModel = conf.parameterSet('hillModel', pool, 0)
        if self.hillModel == 'No':
            self.Muscle = MuscleNoHill(self.conf, self.pool, self.MUnumber,
                                       MUnumber_S, self.unit)
            self.Muscle = MuscleHill(self.conf, self.pool, self.MUnumber,
                                     MUnumber_S, self.unit)

        #print 'Motor Unit Pool ' + pool + ' built'

        # MPI
        self.comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
        self.size = self.comm.Get_size()
        self.rank = self.comm.Get_rank()
        self.procSize = self.MUnumber / self.size
        self.unitSlice = []

        print 'size ' + str(self.size)
        print 'rank ' + str(self.rank)
        print 'procSize ' + str(self.procSize)
Пример #7
class MotorUnitPool(object):
    Class that implements a motor unit pool. Encompasses a set of motor
    units that controls a single  muscle.
    def __init__(self, conf, pool):

        - Inputs:
            + **conf**: Configuration object with the simulation parameters.

            + **pool**: string with Motor unit pool to which the motor unit belongs.

        ## Indicates that is Motor Unit pool.
        self.kind = 'MU'

        ## Configuration object with the simulation parameters.
        self.conf = conf
        ## String with Motor unit pool to which the motor unit belongs.
        self.pool = pool
        MUnumber_S = int(conf.parameterSet('MUnumber_' + pool + '-S', pool, 0))
        MUnumber_FR = int(
            conf.parameterSet('MUnumber_' + pool + '-FR', pool, 0))
        MUnumber_FF = int(
            conf.parameterSet('MUnumber_' + pool + '-FF', pool, 0))
        ## Number of motor units.
        self.MUnumber = MUnumber_S + MUnumber_FR + MUnumber_FF

        ## List of MotorUnit objects.
        self.unit = []

        for i in xrange(0, self.MUnumber):
            if i < MUnumber_S:
                self.unit.append(MotorUnit(conf, pool, i, 'S'))
            elif i < MUnumber_S + MUnumber_FR:
                self.unit.append(MotorUnit(conf, pool, i, 'FR'))
                self.unit.append(MotorUnit(conf, pool, i, 'FF'))

        ## Vector with the instants of spikes in the soma compartment, in ms.
        self.poolSomaSpikes = np.array([])
        ## Vector with the instants of spikes in the terminal, in ms.
        self.poolTerminalSpikes = np.array([])

        #activation signal
        self.Activation = MuscularActivation(self.conf, self.pool,
                                             self.MUnumber, self.unit)

        ## String indicating whther a Hill model is used or not. For now, it can be *No*.
        self.hillModel = conf.parameterSet('hillModel', pool, 0)
        if self.hillModel == 'No':
            self.Muscle = MuscleNoHill(self.conf, self.pool, self.MUnumber,
                                       MUnumber_S, self.unit)
            self.Muscle = MuscleHill(self.conf, self.pool, self.MUnumber,
                                     MUnumber_S, self.unit)

        #print 'Motor Unit Pool ' + pool + ' built'

        # MPI
        self.comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
        self.size = self.comm.Get_size()
        self.rank = self.comm.Get_rank()
        self.procSize = self.MUnumber / self.size
        self.unitSlice = []

        print 'size ' + str(self.size)
        print 'rank ' + str(self.rank)
        print 'procSize ' + str(self.procSize)

    def atualizeMotorUnitPool(self, t):
        Update all parts of the Motor Unit pool. It consists
        to update all motor units, the activation signal and
        the muscle force.

        - Inputs:
            + **t**: current instant, in ms.
        #### Primeira tentativa a falhar
        #self.unitSlice = copy.deepcopy(self.unit[self.rank * self.procSize:(self.rank + 1) * self.procSize])
        #for i in self.unitSlice: i.atualizeMotorUnit(t)
        #self.aux = self.comm.allgather (self.unitSlice)
        #self.unit = copy.deepcopy(list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(self.aux)))

        # Forma original de se atualizar as unidades
        # Forma original
        #for i in self.unit: i.atualizeMotorUnit(t)
        # Forma levemente alterada
        #for i in xrange(self.rank * self.procSize,(self.rank + 1) * self.procSize):
        #    self.unit[i].atualizeMotorUnit(t)

        #### Alteracoes principais
        # Cada processo usa um pedaco de self.unit
        unittest = []
        for i in xrange(self.rank * self.procSize,
                        (self.rank + 1) * self.procSize):
        for i in self.unitSlice:
        # Fazer atualize MotorUnit normalmente e entao usar allgather reproduz
        # o erro
        aux = self.comm.allgather(self.unitSlice)
        # Flattening, pois allgather retorna lista de listas
        for i in xrange(len(aux)):
            for j in xrange(len(aux[i])):
        # alternativa ao metodo acima

        # Para checar se sao iguais
        #if self.rank==0:
        #    print self.unittest[0]==self.unit[0]
        #    print vars(self.unittest[0])
        #    print vars(self.unit[0])

        # Retornando valores para self.unit
        self.unit = []
        for i in xrange(len(unittest)):
            #self.unit.append(copy.copy(self.unittest[i])) # alternativa

        # Checando os objetos synapses
        #if self.rank==0:
        #    print vars(self.unit[0].transmitSpikesThroughSynapses[0]), '1'
        #    print vars(self.unit[0].transmitSpikesThroughSynapses[1]), '2'

        self.unitSlice = []
        ## O valor dessa variavel e sempre zero qnd o erro ocorre
        #print self.unit[0].iIonic

        self.Activation.atualizeActivationSignal(t, self.unit)

    def listSpikes(self):
        List the spikes that occurred in the soma and in
        the terminal of the different motor units.
        for i in xrange(0, self.MUnumber):
            if i == 0:
                somaSpikeTrain = np.array(self.unit[i].somaSpikeTrain)
                terminalSpikeTrain = np.array(self.unit[i].terminalSpikeTrain)
                somaSpikeTrain = np.append(
                    somaSpikeTrain, np.array(self.unit[i].somaSpikeTrain))
                terminalSpikeTrain = np.append(
        self.poolSomaSpikes = somaSpikeTrain
        self.poolTerminalSpikes = terminalSpikeTrain

        self.poolSomaSpikes = np.reshape(self.poolSomaSpikes, (-1, 2))
        self.poolTerminalSpikes = np.reshape(self.poolTerminalSpikes, (-1, 2))
Пример #8
class MotorUnitPool(object):
    Class that implements a motor unit pool. Encompasses a set of motor
    units that controls a single  muscle.

    def __init__(self, conf, pool):

        - Inputs:
            + **conf**: Configuration object with the simulation parameters.

            + **pool**: string with Motor unit pool to which the motor unit belongs.

        ## Indicates that is Motor Unit pool.
        self.kind = 'MU'

        ## Configuration object with the simulation parameters.
        self.conf = conf
        ## String with Motor unit pool to which the motor unit belongs.
        self.pool = pool
        MUnumber_S = int(conf.parameterSet('MUnumber_S_' + pool, pool, 0))
        MUnumber_FR = int(conf.parameterSet('MUnumber_FR_' + pool, pool, 0))
        MUnumber_FF = int(conf.parameterSet('MUnumber_FF_' + pool, pool, 0))
        ## Number of motor units.
        self.MUnumber = MUnumber_S + MUnumber_FR + MUnumber_FF
        ## List of MotorUnit objects.
        self.unit = []
        for i in xrange(0, self.MUnumber): 
            if i < MUnumber_S:
                self.unit.append(MotorUnit(conf, pool, i, 'S'))
            elif i < MUnumber_S + MUnumber_FR:
                self.unit.append(MotorUnit(conf, pool, i, 'FR'))
                self.unit.append(MotorUnit(conf, pool, i, 'FF'))

        ## Vector with the instants of spikes in the soma compartment, in ms.            
        self.poolSomaSpikes = np.array([])    
        ## Vector with the instants of spikes in the terminal, in ms.
        self.poolTerminalSpikes = np.array([])
        #activation signal
        self.Activation = MuscularActivation(self.conf,self.pool, self.MUnumber,self.unit)
        ## String indicating whther a Hill model is used or not. For now, it can be *No*.
        self.hillModel = conf.parameterSet('hillModel',pool, 0)
        if self.hillModel == 'No': 
            self.Muscle = MuscleNoHill(self.conf, self.pool, self.MUnumber, MUnumber_S, self.unit)
            self.Muscle = MuscleHill(self.conf, self.pool, self.MUnumber, MUnumber_S, self.unit)
        print 'Motor Unit Pool ' + pool + ' built'
    def atualizeMotorUnitPool(self, t):
        Update all parts of the Motor Unit pool. It consists
        to update all motor units, the activation signal and
        the muscle force.

        - Inputs:
            + **t**: current instant, in ms.
        for i in self.unit: i.atualizeMotorUnit(t)
        self.Activation.atualizeActivationSignal(t, self.unit)

    def listSpikes(self):
        List the spikes that occurred in the soma and in
        the terminal of the different motor units.
        for i in xrange(0,self.MUnumber):
            if i == 0:
                somaSpikeTrain = np.array(self.unit[i].somaSpikeTrain)
                terminalSpikeTrain = np.array(self.unit[i].terminalSpikeTrain)
                somaSpikeTrain = np.append(somaSpikeTrain, np.array(self.unit[i].somaSpikeTrain))
                terminalSpikeTrain = np.append(terminalSpikeTrain, np.array(self.unit[i].terminalSpikeTrain))
        self.poolSomaSpikes = somaSpikeTrain
        self.poolTerminalSpikes = terminalSpikeTrain
        self.poolSomaSpikes = np.reshape(self.poolSomaSpikes, (-1, 2))
        self.poolTerminalSpikes = np.reshape(self.poolTerminalSpikes, (-1, 2))