def compute_combined(self):
     dim = 0
     matrices = self.matrices.values()
     new = None
     if matrices and len(set(m.dim for m in matrices)) != 1:
         # Do dimensions match
         self.error(0, "Matrices are of different dimensions.")
     elif matrices:
         dim = matrices[0].dim
         method = self.METHODS[self.selected_method][1]
         new = Orange.misc.SymMatrix(dim)
         milestones = progress_bar_milestones(100, dim*(dim + 1) / 2)
         iter = 0
         for i in range(dim):
             for j in range(i, dim):
                 vals = [m[i, j] for m in matrices]
                 new[i, j] = method(vals)
         items = [getattr(m, "items") for m in matrices]
         items = filter(None, items)
         if items:
             new.setattr("items", items[0])
     self.send("Combined Matrix", new)
Пример #2
def distance_matrix(data, distance_constructor=Euclidean, progress_callback=None):
    """ A helper function that computes an :obj:`Orange.misc.SymMatrix` of all
    pairwise distances between instances in `data`.
    :param data: A data table
    :type data: :obj:``
    :param distance_constructor: An DistanceConstructor instance (defaults to :obj:`Euclidean`).
    :type distance_constructor: :obj:`Orange.distances.DistanceConstructor`

    :param progress_callback: A function (taking one argument) to use for
        reporting the on the progress.
    :type progress_callback: function
    :rtype: :class:`Orange.misc.SymMatrix`
    matrix = Orange.misc.SymMatrix(len(data))
    dist = distance_constructor(data)

    iter_count = matrix.dim * (matrix.dim - 1) / 2
    milestones = progress_bar_milestones(iter_count, 100)
    for count, ((i, ex1), (j, ex2)) in enumerate(_pairs(enumerate(data))):
        matrix[i, j] = dist(ex1, ex2)
        if progress_callback and count in milestones:
            progress_callback(100.0 * count / iter_count)
    return matrix 
Пример #3
def distance_matrix(data,
    """ A helper function that computes an :obj:`Orange.misc.SymMatrix` of all
    pairwise distances between instances in `data`.
    :param data: A data table
    :type data: :obj:``
    :param distance_constructor: An DistanceConstructor instance (defaults to :obj:`Euclidean`).
    :type distance_constructor: :obj:`Orange.distances.DistanceConstructor`

    :param progress_callback: A function (taking one argument) to use for
        reporting the on the progress.
    :type progress_callback: function
    :rtype: :class:`Orange.misc.SymMatrix`
    matrix = Orange.misc.SymMatrix(len(data))
    dist = distance_constructor(data)

    iter_count = matrix.dim * (matrix.dim - 1) / 2
    milestones = progress_bar_milestones(iter_count, 100)

    for count, ((i, ex1), (j, ex2)) in enumerate(_pairs(enumerate(data))):
        matrix[i, j] = dist(ex1, ex2)
        if progress_callback and count in milestones:
            progress_callback(100.0 * count / iter_count)

    return matrix