Пример #1
def test_foo(trajf):
    # Create a System object from a LIGGGHTS dump file. They keyword 'Particles' is mandatory, since it instructs
    # System to create an object of type 'Particles' which can be assessed from the instantiated System object.

    Sys = analysis.System(Particles=trajf)

    # Go to last frame
    assert Sys.frame == 30

    # Create a reference to Sys.Particles
    Particles = Sys.Particles

    # Any changes made to Particles is reflected in Sys.Particles. To avoid that, a hard copy of Particles should be
    # created instead:
    Particles = Sys.Particles.copy()

    len_parts = len(Particles)
    assert len_parts > 0

    nparts = 0
    # Looping over Particles yields a Particles class of length 1
    for part in Particles:
        nparts += len(part)

    assert nparts == len_parts

    # Slice Particles into a new class containing the 1st 10 particles
    Slice = Particles[:10]
    assert len(Slice) == 10

    # Slice Particles into a new class containing particles 1, 2, and 10
    Slice = Particles[[1, 2, 10]]
    assert len(Slice) == 3

    # Slice Particles into a new class containing the 1st 10 particles and the last 10 particles
    Slice = Particles[:10] + Particles[-10:]

    # More sophisticated slicing can be done with 1 or boolean expressions. For example:

    # Create a Particles class containing particles smaller than 25% of the mean particle diameter
    SmallParts = Particles[Particles.radius <= Particles.radius.mean() * 0.25]
    assert len(SmallParts) == 0

    # Create a Particles class containing particles in the positive xy plane
    SmallParts = Particles[(Particles.y >= 0) & (Particles.x >= 0)]
    assert len(SmallParts) > 0
Пример #2
def test_foo(trajf):
    # Create a granular object from a LIGGGHTS dump file
    Sys = analysis.System(Particles=trajf, units="si")

    # Go to last frame

    # Switch to micro unit system

    # Compute the radial distribution function
    g, r, _ = Sys.Particles.computeRDF()

    assert r.max() > 4.0

    # Construct a class for nearest neighbor searching
    Neigh = analysis.equilibrium.Neighbors(Sys.Particles)

    # Extract coordination number per particle
    coon = Neigh.coon
Пример #3
import scipy.spatial
from PyGran import analysis
from numpy import arange, array
import os

Gran = analysis.System(Particles='traj.dump')

# Go to last frame

# Create a new class containing particles between  z=0 and z=1e-3
Particles = Gran.Particles
Particles = Particles[Particles.z <= 1e-3 & Particles.z >= 0]

# Set image resolution and size
resol = 1.24e-6  # microns/pixel
size = (512, 512)

for i, z in enumerate(arange(0, Particles.z.max() + resol, resol)):
    zmin, zmax = z, z + resol
    output = 'output/poured{}.bmp'.format(i)
    analysis.imaging.slice(Particles, zmin, zmax, 'z', size, resol, output)
Пример #4
from PyGran import analysis
import matplotlib.pylab as plt

# Create a granular object from a LIGGGHTS dump file
Sys = analysis.System(

# Go to last frame

# Compute the radial distribution function
g, r, _ = Sys.Particles.rdf()

# Plot rdf vs radial distance
plt.plot(r, g)

# Construct a class for nearest neighbor searching
Neigh = analysis.equilibrium.Neighbors(Sys.Particles)

# Extract coordination number per particle
coon = Neigh.coon
Пример #5
# Basics
# ======
# In this tutorial, a general overview of the Particles object in PyGran is presented. Class instantiation, manipulation (slicing, indexing, etc.), and basic propreties are covered.

# Import the analysis module from PyGran
from PyGran import analysis
import sys

# Read particle trajectory input filename
pfname = sys.argv[1]

# Create a System object from a LIGGGHTS dump file. They keyword 'Particles' is mandatory, since it instructs
# System to create an object of type 'Particles' which can be assessed from the instantiated System object.
Sys = analysis.System(Particles=pfname)

# go to last frame

# Particles Class
# ===============
# The code below shows how a Particles class and its dynamic attributes can be accessed.

# Create a reference to Sys.Particles
Particles = Sys.Particles

# Any changes made to Particles is reflected in Sys.Particles. to avoid that, a hard copy of Particles should be
# created instead:
Particles = Sys.Particles.copy()

# The length of Particles is the number of particles contained in this class
print("Number of particles stored = ", len(Particles))
Пример #6
from PyGran import analysis
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from numpy import array

# Create a PyGran System from a dump file (default si units)
System = analysis.System(Particles="traj*.dump")

# Timestep used in simulation (s)
dt = 1e-6

# Skip empty frames

# Extract bed height + timesteps
data = array([[ts * dt, System.Particles.z.max()] for ts in System])

# Plot bed height (mm) vs time (ms)
plt.plot(data[:, 0] * 1e3, data[:, 1] * 1e3, "-o")

plt.xlabel("Time (ms)")
plt.ylabel("Height (mm)")
Пример #7
from PyGran import analysis
import matplotlib.pylab as plt

# Create a granular object from a LIGGGHTS dump file
Sys = analysis.System(Particles="traj*.dump", units="micro")

# Go to last frame

# Compute the radial distribution function
g, r, _ = Sys.Particles.rdf()

# Plot rdf vs radial distance
plt.plot(r, g)

# Construct a class for nearest neighbor searching
Neigh = analysis.equilibrium.Neighbors(Sys.Particles)

# Extract coordination number per particle
coon = Neigh.coon
Пример #8
from PyGran import analysis
from scipy.linalg import norm
from numpy import array, sqrt
import matplotlib.pylab as plt

# Create a mesh trajectory file for the bed inlet, outlet, and internal files
inlet, outlet, inter = "CFD/inlet_*.vtk", "CFD/outlet_*.vtk", "CFD/inter_*.vtk"
inlet_args = {"vtk_type": "poly", "avgCellData": True, "skip": 4}
outlet_args = {"vtk_type": "poly", "avgCellData": True, "skip": 4}
inter_args = {"avgCellData": True, "skip": 4}

Meshes = (inlet, inlet_args), (outlet, outlet_args), (inter, inter_args)
Bed = analysis.System(Particles="DEM/particles_*.dump", Mesh=Meshes)

# Extract the mesh SubSystems from Bed
Inlet, Outlet, Inter = Bed.Mesh

# Compute bed height (along the z-direction)
bed_height = Outlet.Points[:, -1].max() - Inlet.Points[:, -1].min()
# bed_height = array([Bed.Particles.z.max() for ts in Bed])

# Compute the pressure drop as a time series
press_drop = [Inlet.cells.p - Outlet.cells.p for ts in Bed]

# Compute the inlet velocity as a time series
ivel = [norm(Inlet.cells.U) for ts in Bed]

# Compute the fluid velocity
fvel = [norm(Inter.cells.U) for ts in Bed]

# Compute the void fraction as a time series
Пример #9
from PyGran import analysis
import matplotlib.pylab as plt

# Create a granular object from a LIGGGHTS dump file
Sys = analysis.System(Particles='traj*.dump', units='micro')

# Go to last frame

# Compute the radial distribution function
g, r, _ = Sys.Particles.rdf()

# Plot rdf vs radial distance
plt.plot(r, g)

# Construct a class for nearest neighbor searching
Neigh = analysis.equilibrium.Neighbors(Sys.Particles)

# Extract coordination number per particle
coon = Neigh.coon
Пример #10
from PyGran import analysis
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from numpy import array

# Create a PyGran System from a dump file (default si units)
System = analysis.System(Particles='traj*.dump')

# Timestep used in simulation (s)
dt = 1e-6

# Skip empty frames

# Extract bed height + timesteps
data = array([[ts * dt, System.Particles.z.max()] for ts in System])

# Plot bed height (mm) vs time (ms)
plt.plot(data[:, 0] * 1e3, data[:, 1] * 1e3, '-o')

plt.xlabel('Time (ms)')
plt.ylabel('Height (mm)')
Пример #11
from PyGran import analysis
import os

class CoarseParticles(analysis.Particles):
    def __init__(self, **args):

        if 'scale' in args and 'percent' in args:
            self.scale(args['scale'], ('radius', ))
            CG = analysis.equilibrium.Neighbors(self).filter(


if __name__ == '__main__':
    Traj = analysis.System(CoarseParticles='traj.dump',
Пример #12
import scipy.spatial
from PyGran import analysis
from numpy import arange, array
import os

Gran = analysis.System(Particles="traj.dump")

# Go to last frame

# Create a new class containing particles between  z=0 and z=1e-3
Particles = Gran.Particles
Particles = Particles[Particles.z <= 1e-3 & Particles.z >= 0]

# Set image resolution and size
resol = 1.24e-6  # microns/pixel
size = (512, 512)

for i, z in enumerate(arange(0, Particles.z.max() + resol, resol)):
    zmin, zmax = z, z + resol
    output = "output/poured{}.bmp".format(i)
    analysis.imaging.slice(Particles, zmin, zmax, "z", size, resol, output)
Пример #13
from PyGran import analysis
import os

class CoarseParticles(analysis.Particles):
    def __init__(self, **args):

        if "scale" in args and "percent" in args:
            self.scale(args["scale"], ("radius", ))
            CG = analysis.equilibrium.Neighbors(self).filter(


if __name__ == "__main__":
    Traj = analysis.System(CoarseParticles="traj.dump",