Пример #1
 def core_render_test2 (self, i, j, ray_dir_norm, ray_dir):
     This method plainly displays some camera rays intersections with any polygon in the scene. No optimisation here, just brute force approach.
     if j%10 == 0 and i%10 == 0: # display to screen every 10 lines 10 pixels apart.
         tmp_isect_param = self.intersectRayTriangles (self.__world_origin, ray_dir_norm)
         if tmp_isect_param == None:
             self.__image.setPixel (i, j, qRgb (0, 0, 0))
             self.__image.setPixel (i, j, qRgb (255, 255, 0))
             # position = self.__world_origin, orientation = ray_dir_norm
             # fire inters_created signal : payload -> position in space, color
             intersections_pos = [self.__world_origin[0] + ray_dir_norm[0]*tmp_isect_param,
                                  self.__world_origin[1] + ray_dir_norm[1]*tmp_isect_param,
                                  self.__world_origin[2] + ray_dir_norm[2]*tmp_isect_param]
             # fire line_created signal : payload -> line origin in space, line direction, line type
             self.emit (self.__SIGNAL_LineCreated,   self.__world_origin, intersections_pos, QString('p'))
             self.emit (self.__SIGNAL_IntersCreated, intersections_pos, [0,0,255])
             # fire vector_created signal : payload -> vector's origin in space, vector direction, vector's type (o:outwards, i:inwards)
             self.emit (self.__SIGNAL_VectorCreated, intersections_pos, ray_dir_norm, QString('i'))
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, parent, width=300, height=200 ):
	QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
	self.image = QImage( width, height , QImage.Format_Mono )
	self.image.setColor( 0, qRgb(0,0,0) )
	self.image.setColor( 1, qRgb(255,255,255) )
	self.scribble = 0
Пример #3
    def core_render_test2(self, i, j, ray_dir_norm, ray_dir):
        This method plainly displays some camera rays intersections with any polygon in the scene. No optimisation here, just brute force approach.
        if j % 10 == 0 and i % 10 == 0:  # display to screen every 10 lines 10 pixels apart.

            tmp_isect_param = self.intersectRayTriangles(
                self.__world_origin, ray_dir_norm)
            if tmp_isect_param == None:
                self.__image.setPixel(i, j, qRgb(0, 0, 0))
                self.__image.setPixel(i, j, qRgb(255, 255, 0))

                # position = self.__world_origin, orientation = ray_dir_norm

                # fire inters_created signal : payload -> position in space, color
                intersections_pos = [
                    self.__world_origin[0] + ray_dir_norm[0] * tmp_isect_param,
                    self.__world_origin[1] + ray_dir_norm[1] * tmp_isect_param,
                    self.__world_origin[2] + ray_dir_norm[2] * tmp_isect_param

                # fire line_created signal : payload -> line origin in space, line direction, line type
                self.emit(self.__SIGNAL_LineCreated, self.__world_origin,
                          intersections_pos, QString('p'))

                self.emit(self.__SIGNAL_IntersCreated, intersections_pos,
                          [0, 0, 255])

                # fire vector_created signal : payload -> vector's origin in space, vector direction, vector's type (o:outwards, i:inwards)
                self.emit(self.__SIGNAL_VectorCreated, intersections_pos,
                          ray_dir_norm, QString('i'))
Пример #4
    def update_properties(self):
        ## Mostly copied from OWScatterPlotGraph
        if not self.plot():

        if not self.rect:
            x, y = self.axes()
            self.rect = self.plot().data_rect_for_axes(x, y)
        s = self.graph_transform().mapRect(self.rect).size().toSize()
        if not s.isValid():
        rx = s.width()
        ry = s.height()

        rx -= rx % self.granularity
        ry -= ry % self.granularity

        p = self.graph_transform().map(QPointF(
            0, 0)) - self.graph_transform().map(self.rect.topLeft())
        p = p.toPoint()

        ox = p.x()
        oy = -p.y()

        if self.classifier.classVar.is_continuous:
            imagebmp = orangeom.potentialsBitmap(self.classifier, rx, ry, ox,
                                                 oy, self.granularity,
            palette = [
                qRgb(255. * i / 255., 255. * i / 255., 255 - (255. * i / 255.))
                for i in range(255)
            ] + [qRgb(255, 255, 255)]
            imagebmp, nShades = orangeom.potentialsBitmap(
                self.classifier, rx, ry, ox, oy, self.granularity, self.scale,
            palette = []
            sortedClasses = get_variable_values_sorted(
            for cls in self.classifier.classVar.values:
                color = self.plot().discPalette.getRGB(
                towhite = [255 - c for c in color]
                for s in range(nShades):
                    si = 1 - float(s) / nShades
                            [color[i] + towhite[i] * si for i in (0, 1, 2)])))
                [qRgb(255, 255, 255) for i in range(256 - len(palette))])

        self.potentialsImage = QImage(imagebmp, rx, ry, QImage.Format_Indexed8)
                                          ) if qVersion() < "4.5" else palette)
Пример #5
    def core_render_test1(self, i, j, ray_dir_norm, ray_dir):
        This method just "renders" plain vector directions from the center of the camera.
        No fancy user controls. Just a sweep.
        ff = 255
        a = 1
        h = 0.5

        intersections_pos = [
            self.__world_origin[0] + ray_dir[0],
            self.__world_origin[1] + ray_dir[1],
            self.__world_origin[2] + ray_dir[2]

            i, j,
            qRgb((ff * (a + ray_dir[0]) * h), (ff * (a + ray_dir[1]) * h), 0))

        if j % 100 == 0 and i % 100 == 0:  # display to screen every 10 lines 10 pixels apart.
            # fire line_created signal : payload -> line origin in space, line direction, line type
            # position = self.__world_origin, orientation = world_ray
            self.emit(self.__SIGNAL_LineCreated, self.__world_origin, ray_dir,
            # fire vector_created signal : payload -> vector's origin in space, vector direction, vector's type (o:outwards, i:inwards)
            self.emit(self.__SIGNAL_VectorCreated, self.__world_origin,
                      ray_dir, QString('o'))
            # fire inters_created signal : payload -> position in space, color
            self.emit(self.__SIGNAL_IntersectCreated, intersections_pos,
                      [0, 0, ff])
Пример #6
def save(output_filename, labels, palette, dpi, options):
    '''Save the label/palette pair out as an indexed PNG image.  This
optionally saturates the pallete by mapping the smallest color
component to zero and the largest one to 255, and also optionally sets
the background color to pure white.


    if not options.quiet:
        print('  saving {}...'.format(output_filename))

    if options.saturate:
        palette = palette.astype(np.float32)
        pmin = palette.min()
        pmax = palette.max()
        palette = 255 * (palette - pmin) / (pmax - pmin)
        palette = palette.astype(np.uint8)

    if options.white_bg:
        palette = palette.copy()
        palette[0] = (255, 255, 255)

    #output_img = Image.fromarray(labels, 'P')    #QImage.fromData(QByteArray, Format)
    #output_img.save(output_filename, dpi=dpi)

    QtImage = q2n.gray2qimage(labels, False)

    nestedColorMap = palette
    colors = []
    for color in nestedColorMap:
        r, g, b = color
        colors.append(qRgb(r, g, b))
Пример #7
def updateMask(control_image_path, rendered_image_path, mask_image_path):
    control_image = imageFromPath(control_image_path)
    if not control_image:
        error('Could not read control image {}'.format(control_image_path))

    rendered_image = imageFromPath(rendered_image_path)
    if not rendered_image:
        error('Could not read rendered image {}'.format(rendered_image_path))
    if not rendered_image.width() == control_image.width(
    ) or not rendered_image.height() == control_image.height():
            'Size mismatch - control image is {}x{}, rendered image is {}x{}'.
            format(control_image.width(), control_image.height(),
                   rendered_image.width(), rendered_image.height()))

    max_width = min(rendered_image.width(), control_image.width())
    max_height = min(rendered_image.height(), control_image.height())

    #read current mask, if it exist
    mask_image = imageFromPath(mask_image_path)
    if mask_image.isNull():
        print 'Mask image does not exist, creating {}'.format(mask_image_path)
        mask_image = QImage(control_image.width(), control_image.height(),
        mask_image.fill(QColor(0, 0, 0))

    #loop through pixels in rendered image and compare
    mismatch_count = 0
    linebytes = max_width * 4
    for y in xrange(max_height):
        control_scanline = control_image.constScanLine(y).asstring(linebytes)
        rendered_scanline = rendered_image.constScanLine(y).asstring(linebytes)
        mask_scanline = mask_image.scanLine(y).asstring(linebytes)

        for x in xrange(max_width):
            currentTolerance = qRed(
                struct.unpack('I', mask_scanline[x * 4:x * 4 + 4])[0])

            if currentTolerance == 255:
                #ignore pixel

            expected_rgb = struct.unpack('I',
                                         control_scanline[x * 4:x * 4 + 4])[0]
            rendered_rgb = struct.unpack('I',
                                         rendered_scanline[x * 4:x * 4 + 4])[0]
            difference = colorDiff(expected_rgb, rendered_rgb)

            if difference > currentTolerance:
                #update mask image
                mask_image.setPixel(x, y,
                                    qRgb(difference, difference, difference))
                mismatch_count += 1

    if mismatch_count:
        #update mask
        mask_image.save(mask_image_path, "png")
        print 'Updated {} pixels in {}'.format(mismatch_count, mask_image_path)
        print 'No mismatches in {}'.format(mask_image_path)
Пример #8
    def update_properties(self):
        ## Mostly copied from OWScatterPlotGraph
        if not self.plot():

        if not self.rect:
            x, y = self.axes()
            self.rect = self.plot().data_rect_for_axes(x, y)
        s = self.graph_transform().mapRect(self.rect).size().toSize()
        if not s.isValid():
        rx = s.width()
        ry = s.height()

        rx -= rx % self.granularity
        ry -= ry % self.granularity

        p = self.graph_transform().map(QPointF(0, 0)) - self.graph_transform().map(self.rect.topLeft())
        p = p.toPoint()

        ox = p.x()
        oy = -p.y()

        if isinstance(self.classifier.classVar, ContinuousVariable):
            imagebmp = orangeom.potentialsBitmap(self.classifier, rx, ry, ox, oy, self.granularity, self.scale)
            palette = [qRgb(255.0 * i / 255.0, 255.0 * i / 255.0, 255 - (255.0 * i / 255.0)) for i in range(255)] + [
                qRgb(255, 255, 255)
            imagebmp, nShades = orangeom.potentialsBitmap(
                self.classifier, rx, ry, ox, oy, self.granularity, self.scale, self.spacing
            palette = []
            sortedClasses = get_variable_values_sorted(self.classifier.domain.classVar)
            for cls in self.classifier.classVar.values:
                color = self.plot().discPalette.getRGB(sortedClasses.index(cls))
                towhite = [255 - c for c in color]
                for s in range(nShades):
                    si = 1 - float(s) / nShades
                    palette.append(qRgb(*tuple([color[i] + towhite[i] * si for i in (0, 1, 2)])))
            palette.extend([qRgb(255, 255, 255) for i in range(256 - len(palette))])

        self.potentialsImage = QImage(imagebmp, rx, ry, QImage.Format_Indexed8)
        self.potentialsImage.setColorTable(ColorPaletteDlg.signedPalette(palette) if qVersion() < "4.5" else palette)
Пример #9
 def __init__(self):
     self.d_hue1 = 0
     self.d_hue2 = 359
     self.d_saturation = 150
     self.d_value = 200
     self.d_rgbMin = qRgb()
     self.d_rgbMax = 0
Пример #10
def updateMask(control_image_path, rendered_image_path, mask_image_path):
    control_image = imageFromPath(control_image_path)
    if not control_image:
        error('Could not read control image {}'.format(control_image_path))

    rendered_image = imageFromPath(rendered_image_path)
    if not rendered_image:
        error('Could not read rendered image {}'.format(rendered_image_path))
    if not rendered_image.width() == control_image.width() or not rendered_image.height() == control_image.height():
        print ('Size mismatch - control image is {}x{}, rendered image is {}x{}'.format(control_image.width(),

    max_width = min(rendered_image.width(), control_image.width())
    max_height = min(rendered_image.height(), control_image.height())

    #read current mask, if it exist
    mask_image = imageFromPath(mask_image_path)
    if mask_image.isNull():
        print 'Mask image does not exist, creating {}'.format(mask_image_path)
        mask_image = QImage(control_image.width(), control_image.height(), QImage.Format_ARGB32)
        mask_image.fill(QColor(0, 0, 0))

    #loop through pixels in rendered image and compare
    mismatch_count = 0
    linebytes = max_width * 4
    for y in xrange(max_height):
        control_scanline = control_image.constScanLine(y).asstring(linebytes)
        rendered_scanline = rendered_image.constScanLine(y).asstring(linebytes)
        mask_scanline = mask_image.scanLine(y).asstring(linebytes)

        for x in xrange(max_width):
            currentTolerance = qRed(struct.unpack('I', mask_scanline[x * 4:x * 4 + 4])[0])

            if currentTolerance == 255:
                #ignore pixel

            expected_rgb = struct.unpack('I', control_scanline[x * 4:x * 4 + 4])[0]
            rendered_rgb = struct.unpack('I', rendered_scanline[x * 4:x * 4 + 4])[0]
            difference = colorDiff(expected_rgb, rendered_rgb)

            if difference > currentTolerance:
                #update mask image
                mask_image.setPixel(x, y, qRgb(difference, difference, difference))
                mismatch_count += 1

    if mismatch_count:
        #update mask
        mask_image.save(mask_image_path, "png")
        print 'Updated {} pixels in {}'.format(mismatch_count, mask_image_path)
        print 'No mismatches in {}'.format(mask_image_path)
Пример #11
def grayscale_pixmap(pixmap):
    from PyQt4.QtGui import qGray, qRgb
    image = pixmap.toImage()
    width = pixmap.width()
    height = pixmap.height()
    for i in range(0, width):
        for j in range(0, height):
            col = image.pixel(i, j)
            gray = qGray(col)
            image.setPixel(i, j, qRgb(gray, gray, gray))
    pixmap = pixmap.fromImage(image)
    return pixmap
Пример #12
def read(fp):
    colorTable = colorTable256([])
    for i in xrange(255, -1, -1):
        chars = fp.read(3)
        assert isinstance(
            str), "file object passd for 'act.read' must be 'binary mode'"
        if len(chars) < 3:
        r, g, b = map(ord, chars)
        colorTable[i] = qRgb(r, g, b)
    return colorTable
Пример #13
def grayscale_pixmap(pixmap):
    from PyQt4.QtGui import qGray, qRgb
    image = pixmap.toImage()
    width = pixmap.width()
    height = pixmap.height()
    for i in range(0, width):
        for j in range(0, height):
            col = image.pixel(i, j)
            gray = qGray(col)
            image.setPixel(i, j, qRgb(gray, gray, gray))
    pixmap = pixmap.fromImage(image)
    return pixmap
Пример #14
    def _create_icon(self, color_map_name, image, values):
        :type color_map_name: str
        :type image: QImage
        :type values: np.ndarray

        color_map = ScalarMappable(cmap=color_map_name)
        rgba = color_map.to_rgba(values, bytes=True)

        color_table = [qRgb(c[0], c[1], c[2]) for c in rgba]

        return QPixmap.fromImage(image).scaledToWidth(128)
Пример #15
 def _column1():
     if role == Qt.DecorationRole:
         continuous_palette = ContinuousPaletteGenerator(*var.colors)
         line = continuous_palette.getRGB(np.arange(0, 1, 1 / 256))
         data = np.arange(0, 256, dtype=np.int8). \
             reshape((1, 256)). \
             repeat(16, 0)
         img = QImage(data, 256, 16, QImage.Format_Indexed8)
         img.setColorTable([qRgb(*x) for x in line])
         img.data = data
         return img
     if role == Qt.ToolTipRole:
         return "{} - {}".format(self._encode_color(var.colors[0]),
     if role == ColorRole:
         return var.colors
Пример #16
 def __init__(self, vncclient=None, parent=None):
     super(VNCViewer, self).__init__(parent)
     self.client = vncclient or parent.client
     self.client.passwordRequested.connect(self._SH_PasswordRequested, Qt.BlockingQueuedConnection)
     self.colors_8bit = [qRgb((i&0x07) << 5, (i&0x38) << 2, i&0xc0) for i in range(256)]
     self.scale = False
     self.view_only = False
     self._client_active = False
     self._has_mouse_over = False
     self._active_keys = ActiveKeys()
Пример #17
 def _column1():
     if role == Qt.DecorationRole:
         continuous_palette = ContinuousPaletteGenerator(*var.colors)
         line = continuous_palette.getRGB(np.arange(0, 1, 1 / 256))
         data = np.arange(0, 256, dtype=np.int8). \
             reshape((1, 256)). \
             repeat(16, 0)
         img = QImage(data, 256, 16, QImage.Format_Indexed8)
         img.setColorTable([qRgb(*x) for x in line])
         img.data = data
         return img
     if role == Qt.ToolTipRole:
         return "{} - {}".format(self._encode_color(var.colors[0]),
     if role == ColorRole:
         return var.colors
Пример #18
def openText(filename):
    colorTable = colorTable256([])
    with io.open(filename, "r") as fp:
        strs = re.split(r",|(?<!,)\s*\n", fp.read(), 256 * 3)
        from iterutils import grouper
        for i, rgb in enumerate(grouper(3, strs)):
            if i >= 256:

            rgb = list(rgb)
            for k, s in enumerate(rgb):
                if s is None:
                    rgb[k] = 0
                    s = s.strip()
                    if not s:
                        rgb[k] = 0
                        rgb[k] = int(s)
            colorTable[i] = qRgb(*rgb)
    return colorTable
Пример #19
 def core_render_test1 (self, i, j, ray_dir_norm, ray_dir):
     This method just "renders" plain vector directions from the center of the camera.
     No fancy user controls. Just a sweep.
     ff = 255;   a = 1;  h = 0.5;
     intersections_pos = [self.__world_origin[0] + ray_dir[0],
                          self.__world_origin[1] + ray_dir[1],
                          self.__world_origin[2] + ray_dir[2]]
     self.__image.setPixel (i, j, qRgb ((ff * (a + ray_dir[0]) * h), (ff * (a + ray_dir[1]) * h), 0))
     if j%100 == 0 and i%100 == 0: # display to screen every 10 lines 10 pixels apart.
         # fire line_created signal : payload -> line origin in space, line direction, line type
         # position = self.__world_origin, orientation = world_ray
         self.emit (self.__SIGNAL_LineCreated,   self.__world_origin, ray_dir, QString('o'))
         # fire vector_created signal : payload -> vector's origin in space, vector direction, vector's type (o:outwards, i:inwards)
         self.emit (self.__SIGNAL_VectorCreated, self.__world_origin, ray_dir, QString('o'))
         # fire inters_created signal : payload -> position in space, color
         self.emit (self.__SIGNAL_IntersectCreated, intersections_pos, [0,0,ff])
Пример #20
 def __init__(self, vncclient=None, parent=None):
     super(VNCViewer, self).__init__(parent)
     self.client = vncclient or parent.client
     self.colors_8bit = [
         qRgb((i & 0x07) << 5, (i & 0x38) << 2, i & 0xc0)
         for i in range(256)
     self.scale = False
     self.view_only = False
     self._client_active = False
     self._has_mouse_over = False
     self._active_keys = ActiveKeys()
Пример #21
 def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
     row, col = index.row(), index.column()
     if col == 0:
         return ColorTableModel.data(self, index, role)
     if col > 1:
     var = self.variables[row]
     if role == Qt.DecorationRole:
         continuous_palette = ContinuousPaletteGenerator(*var.colors)
         line = continuous_palette.getRGB(np.arange(0, 1, 1 / 256))
         data = np.arange(0, 256, dtype=np.int8).\
             reshape((1, 256)).\
             repeat(16, 0)
         img = QImage(data, 256, 16, QImage.Format_Indexed8)
         img.setColorTable([qRgb(*x) for x in line])
         img.data = data
         return img
     if role == Qt.ToolTipRole:
         return "{} - {}".format(self._encode_color(var.colors[0]),
     if role == ColorRole:
         return var.colors
Пример #22
def np_to_qimage(np_img, copy=False):
    gray_color_table = [qRgb(i, i, i) for i in range(256)]
    if np_img is None:
        return QImage()

    if np_img.dtype != np.uint8:
        print np_img.dtype
        np.clip(np_img, 0, 255, out=np_img)
        np_img = np_img.astype('uint8')

    if len(np_img.shape) == 2:
        qimg = QImage(np_img.data, np_img.shape[1], np_img.shape[0], np_img.strides[0], QImage.Format_Indexed8)
        return qimg.copy() if copy else qimg
    elif len(np_img.shape) == 3:
        if np_img.shape[2] == 3:
            qimg = QImage(np_img.data, np_img.shape[1], np_img.shape[0], np_img.strides[0], QImage.Format_RGB888)
            return qimg.copy() if copy else qimg
        elif np_img.shape[2] == 4:
            qimg = QImage(np_img.data, np_img.shape[1], np_img.shape[0], np_img.strides[0], QImage.Format_ARGB32)
            return qimg.copy() if copy else qimg

    raise NotImplementedError
Пример #23
 def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
     row, col = index.row(), index.column()
     if col == 0:
         return ColorTableModel.data(self, index, role)
     if col > 1:
     var = self.variables[row]
     if role == Qt.DecorationRole:
         continuous_palette = ContinuousPaletteGenerator(*var.colors)
         line = continuous_palette.getRGB(np.arange(0, 1, 1 / 256))
         data = np.arange(0, 256, dtype=np.int8).\
             reshape((1, 256)).\
             repeat(16, 0)
         img = QImage(data, 256, 16, QImage.Format_Indexed8)
         img.setColorTable([qRgb(*x) for x in line])
         img.data = data
         return img
     if role == Qt.ToolTipRole:
         return "{} - {}".format(self._encode_color(var.colors[0]),
     if role == ColorRole:
         return var.colors
Пример #24
def create_preview(input_filename, height, options):
    Create a preview using the given parameters of param "options".
    :param input_filename: valid Filename (String)   Note: This will not be checked
    :param options: Namespace object like from args.parse()
    :return: QImage-Object
    #print("Loading Preview for:", input_filename, height, options)
    img, dpi = load(input_filename, height)

    samples = sample_pixels(img, options)
    palette = get_palette(samples, options)

    labels = apply_palette(img, palette, options)

    if options.saturate:
        palette = palette.astype(np.float32)
        pmin = palette.min()
        pmax = palette.max()
        palette = 255 * (palette - pmin) / (pmax - pmin)
        palette = palette.astype(np.uint8)

    if options.white_bg:
        palette = palette.copy()
        palette[0] = (255, 255, 255)

    QtImage = q2n.gray2qimage(labels, False)

    nestedColorMap = palette
    colors = []
    for color in nestedColorMap:
        r, g, b = color
        colors.append(qRgb(r, g, b))

    return QtImage
Пример #25
from sloth.core.exceptions import NotImplementedException
from PyQt4.QtGui import QImage, qRgb
import numpy as np
import random
import colorsys

gray_color_table = [qRgb(i, i, i) for i in range(256)]
def toQImage(im, copy=False):
    if im is None:
        return QImage()

    if im.dtype == np.uint8:
        if len(im.shape) == 2:
            qim = QImage(im.data, im.shape[1], im.shape[0], im.strides[0], QImage.Format_Indexed8)
            return qim.copy() if copy else qim

        elif len(im.shape) == 3:
            if im.shape[2] == 3:
                qim = QImage(im.data, im.shape[1], im.shape[0], im.strides[0], QImage.Format_RGB888);
                return qim.copy() if copy else qim
            elif im.shape[2] == 4:
                qim = QImage(im.data, im.shape[1], im.shape[0], im.strides[0], QImage.Format_ARGB32);
                return qim.copy() if copy else qim
    raise NotImplementedException('no conversion to QImage implemented for given image type (depth: %s, shape: %s)' % (im.dtype, im.shape))

def gen_colors(s=0.99, v=0.99, h=None, color_space='rgb', _golden_ratio_conjugate=0.618033988749895):
    """A generator for random colors such that adjacent colors are as distinct as possible.

Пример #26
import numpy as np
import random
import colorsys
from PyQt4.QtGui import QImage, qRgb
from sloth.core.exceptions import NotImplementedException

gray_color_table = [qRgb(i, i, i) for i in range(256)]

def toQImage(im, copy=False):
    if im is None:
        return QImage()

    if im.dtype == np.uint8:
        if len(im.shape) == 2:
            qim = QImage(im.data, im.shape[1], im.shape[0], im.strides[0],
            return qim.copy() if copy else qim

        elif len(im.shape) == 3:
            if im.shape[2] == 3:
                qim = QImage(im.data, im.shape[1], im.shape[0], im.strides[0],
                return qim.copy() if copy else qim
            elif im.shape[2] == 4:
                qim = QImage(im.data, im.shape[1], im.shape[0], im.strides[0],
                return qim.copy() if copy else qim
    raise NotImplementedException(
        'no conversion to QImage implemented for given image type (depth: %s, shape: %s)'
Пример #27
def rgb(r, g, b):
    # use qRgb to pack the colors, and then turn the resulting long
    # into a negative integer with the same bitpattern.
    return (qRgb(r, g, b) & 0xffffff) - 0x1000000
Пример #28
def rgb(r, g, b):
    # use qRgb to pack the colors, and then turn the resulting long
    # into a negative integer with the same bitpattern.
    return (qRgb(r, g, b) & 0xffffff) - 0x1000000
Пример #29
__version__ = '0.1'
__date__ = '2015.04'

import os
import sys
import ctypes

from PyQt4.QtGui import (QImage, qRgb)

LIBPATH = "/usr/local/lib64/"
LIBPATH_W = r'win32'

(L_INSERT, L_COPY, L_CLONE, L_COPY_CLONE) = map(ctypes.c_int, xrange(4))

# B&W Color Table.
_bwCT = [qRgb(255, 255, 255), qRgb(0, 0, 0)]

#Grayscale Color Table.
_grayscaleCT = [qRgb(i, i, i) for i in range(256)]

class BOX(ctypes.Structure):
    """ Leptonica box structure
    _fields_ = [("x", ctypes.c_int32), ("y", ctypes.c_int32),
                ("w", ctypes.c_int32), ("h", ctypes.c_int32),
                ("refcount", ctypes.c_uint32)]

Пример #30
import sys
from PyQt4.QtCore import QRect, Qt, QPoint
from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication, QMainWindow, QLabel, qRgb, QImage, QPixmap, QFileDialog, QInputDialog
from ui_mainwindow import Ui_MainWindow
import numpy as np
import pyopencl as cl
from PIL import Image
from timeit import default_timer as timer

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# http://www.swharden.com/blog/2013-06-03-realtime-image-pixelmap-from-numpy-array-data-in-qt/

GREY_PALETTE = [qRgb(i, i, i) for i in range(256)]

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class NLMeans:
    def __init__(self, ctx):
        self.ctx = ctx
        self.queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
        self.prg = None
        self.mask = None

        self.ax = 4
        self.sx = 2
        self.a = 1.0
        self.h = 1.0

Пример #31
def rgb(r, g, b):
    if PYQT_VERSION <= 263172:
        return (qRgb(r, g, b) & 0xffffff) - 0x1000000
    return qRgb(r, g, b)
Пример #32
 def clear_image(self):
     self.image.fill(qRgb(0, 0, 0))
Пример #33

render = QgsMapRenderer()

iwidth = args.width
iheight = int(iwidth * (extent.height() / extent.width()))

print("Image size: %dx%d" % (iwidth, iheight))

dpi = args.dpi

img = QImage(iwidth, iheight, QImage.Format_RGB32)
img.setDotsPerMeterX(dpi / 25.4 * 1000)
img.setDotsPerMeterY(dpi / 25.4 * 1000)
img.fill(qRgb(255, 255, 255))

dpi = img.logicalDpiX()
print("Image DPI: %d" % dpi)

render.setOutputSize(QSize(img.width(), img.height()), dpi)


print("Scale: %f" % render.scale())

painter = QPainter(img)
Пример #34
 def clear_image(self):
     self.image.fill(qRgb(0, 0, 0))
Пример #35

import os
import sys
import ctypes

from PyQt4.QtGui import (QImage, qRgb)

LIBPATH = "/usr/local/lib64/"
LIBPATH_W = r'win32'

(L_INSERT, L_COPY, L_CLONE, L_COPY_CLONE) = map(ctypes.c_int, xrange(4))

# B&W Color Table.
_bwCT = [qRgb(255, 255, 255), qRgb(0, 0, 0)]

#Grayscale Color Table.
_grayscaleCT = [qRgb(i, i, i) for i in range(256)]

class BOX(ctypes.Structure):
    """ Leptonica box structure
    _fields_ = [
        ("x", ctypes.c_int32),
        ("y", ctypes.c_int32),
        ("w", ctypes.c_int32),
        ("h", ctypes.c_int32),
        ("refcount", ctypes.c_uint32)
Пример #36
    def render(self, image, depth, viewport_scale, stroke_colour):

        # Sort the edges of the polygon by their minimum projected y
        # coordinates, discarding horizontal edges.
        width = image.width()
        height = image.height()
        z_max = 1 << 16

        edges = []
        l = len(self.points)

        for i in range(l):

            pxa, pya = self.projected[i]
            pxa = width / 2 + (pxa * viewport_scale)
            pya = height / 2 - (pya * viewport_scale)
            za = -self.points[i].z

            j = (i + 1) % l
            pxb, pyb = self.projected[j]
            pxb = width / 2 + (pxb * viewport_scale)
            pyb = height / 2 - (pyb * viewport_scale)
            zb = -self.points[j].z

            # Append the starting and finishing y coordinates, the starting
            # x coordinate, the dx/dy gradient of the edge, the starting
            # z coordinate and the dz/dy gradient of the edge.

            if int(pya) < int(pyb):
                edges.append((pya, pyb, pxa, (pxb - pxa) / (pyb - pya), za,
                              (zb - za) / (pyb - pya)))
            elif int(pya) > int(pyb):
                edges.append((pyb, pya, pxb, (pxa - pxb) / (pya - pyb), zb,
                              (za - zb) / (pya - pyb)))

        if not edges:

        end_py = edges[-1][1]

        if end_py < 0:

        py1, end_py1, px1, dx1, z1, dz1 = edges.pop(0)

        if py1 >= height:

        py2, end_py2, px2, dx2, z2, dz2 = edges.pop(0)

        py = int(py1)
        if py < py1 or py < py2:
            py += 1

        while py <= end_py and py < height:

            # Retrieve new edges as required.

            if py >= end_py1:
                if not edges:
                py1, end_py1, px1, dx1, z1, dz1 = edges.pop(0)

            if py >= end_py2:
                if not edges:
                py2, end_py2, px2, dx2, z2, dz2 = edges.pop(0)

            if py < 0:
                py += 1

            # Calculate the starting and finishing x coordinates of the span
            # at the current y coordinate.

            sx1 = px1 + dx1 * (py - py1)
            sx2 = px2 + dx2 * (py - py2)

            # Calculate the starting and finishing z coordinates of the span
            # at the current y coordinate.

            sz1 = z1 + dz1 * (py - py1)
            sz2 = z2 + dz2 * (py - py2)

            # Do not render the span if it lies outside the image or has
            # values that cannot be stored in the depth buffer.
            # Truncate the span if it lies partially within the image.

            if sx1 > sx2:
                sx1, sx2 = sx2, sx1
                sz1, sz2 = sz2, sz1

            # Only calculate a depth gradient for the span if it is more than
            # one pixel wide.
            if sx1 != sx2:
                dz = (sz2 - sz1) / (sx2 - sx1)
                dz = 0.0

            if sz1 <= 0 and sz2 <= 0:
                py += 1
            elif sz1 >= z_max and sz2 >= z_max:
                py += 1

            sx, end_sx = int(sx1), int(sx2)
            if sx < sx1:
                sx += 1

            if sx >= width:
                py += 1
            elif end_sx < 0:
                py += 1

            if sx < 0:
                sx = 0

            if end_sx >= width:
                end_sx = width - 1

            # Draw the span.

            while sx <= end_sx:

                sz = sz1 + dz * (sx - sx1)

                if 0 < sz <= depth[int(sx)][int(py)]:

                    if self.alpha < 1.0:

                        pixel = image.pixel(sx, py)
                        dr = qRed(pixel)
                        dg = qGreen(pixel)
                        db = qBlue(pixel)
                        r = (1 - self.alpha) * dr + self.alpha * self.red
                        g = (1 - self.alpha) * dg + self.alpha * self.green
                        b = (1 - self.alpha) * db + self.alpha * self.blue
                        image.setPixel(sx, py, qRgb(r, g, b))

                        depth[int(sx)][int(py)] = sz
                        image.setPixel(sx, py, self.rgba)

                sx += 1

            if stroke_colour:

                if 0 <= sx1 < width and 0 < sz1 <= depth[int(sx1)][int(py)]:
                    image.setPixel(sx1, py, stroke_colour)

                if 0 <= sx2 < width and 0 < sz2 <= depth[int(sx2)][int(py)]:
                    image.setPixel(sx2, py, stroke_colour)

            py += 1
 def __init__(self, parent):
     super(ImageWidget, self).__init__()
     self.gray_color_table = [qRgb(i, i, i) for i in range(256)]
Пример #38
import sys
from PyQt4.QtCore import QRect, Qt, QPoint
from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication, QMainWindow, QLabel, qRgb, QImage, QPixmap, QFileDialog, QInputDialog
from ui_mainwindow import Ui_MainWindow
import numpy as np
import pyopencl as cl
from PIL import Image
from timeit import default_timer as timer

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# http://www.swharden.com/blog/2013-06-03-realtime-image-pixelmap-from-numpy-array-data-in-qt/

GREY_PALETTE = [qRgb(i, i, i) for i in range(256)]

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class NLMeans:
    def __init__(self, ctx):
        self.ctx = ctx
        self.queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
        self.prg = None
        self.mask = None

        self.ax = 4
        self.sx = 2
        self.a = 1.0
        self.h = 1.0
