Пример #1
 def increaseHeight( self ):
     old_sentinel_l = self._start
     old_sentinel_r = self._start._next
     new_sentinel_l = SkipListNode( self._MIN_VALUE, None, None, old_sentinel_l, None )
     new_sentinel_r = SkipListNode( self._MAX_VALUE, new_sentinel_l, None, old_sentinel_r, None )
     new_sentinel_l._next = new_sentinel_r
     old_sentinel_l._abov = new_sentinel_l
     old_sentinel_r._abov = new_sentinel_r
     self._height += 1
     self._start = new_sentinel_l
Пример #2
 def insertAfterAbove( self, p, q, element ):
     newnode = SkipListNode( element, p, p._next, q, None )
     p._next._prev = newnode
     p._next = newnode
     if not( q is None ):
         q._abov = newnode
     return newnode
Пример #3
    def updateSkipListOnInsert(self, pathname, data, verbose=False):
        Adds a new pathname to the skiplist, with related data. 
        To be called on each insertion.       
        @pathname: the pathname to be inserted in the structure
        @data: its related file content hash.
        raise: SkipListHandlingException if illegal operations are performed.
        if self._isGuard(pathname):
            raise SkipListHandlingException("%s is a guard!" % pathname)

        if pathname in self.pathnames:
            raise SkipListHandlingException("Pathname %s already in set" %
        if data == None:
            raise SkipListHandlingException(
                "Trying to insert a pathname %s with None filehash attached: "
                % pathname)
        newleaf = SkipListNode(pathname, 0, data, filehash=data)
        newplateau = self._buildTower(newleaf)
        self.leaves[pathname] = newleaf
        self.plateaus[pathname] = newplateau
        node = newleaf
        while isinstance(node, SkipListNode):
            node = node.father
        if verbose:
                '(%s) Pathname %s inserted in skip list with %s.' %
                (self.who, pathname, data))
Пример #4
 def increaseHeight(self):
     #on retient les anciennes sentinelles du plus haut niveau
     old_sentinel_l = self._start
     old_sentinel_r = self._start._next
     #on crée deux nouvelles sentinelles pour la nouveau niveau
     new_sentinel_l = SkipListNode(self._MIN_VALUE, None, None,
                                   old_sentinel_l, None)
     new_sentinel_r = SkipListNode(self._MAX_VALUE, new_sentinel_l, None,
                                   old_sentinel_r, None)
     new_sentinel_l._next = new_sentinel_r
     #on relie les pointeurs du dessus des vielles sentinelles aux nouvelles
     old_sentinel_l._abov = new_sentinel_l
     old_sentinel_r._abov = new_sentinel_r
     #on augmente la variable qui indique la hauteur de la skiplist
     self._height += 1
     #on ajuste le début de la skiplist
     self._start = new_sentinel_l
Пример #5
 def _createUpperNode(self, lower_node):
     Creates a father node in a column, given a child node.
     Returns the newly created upper node.
     new_node = SkipListNode(lower_node.pathname, lower_node.height + 1)
     self._linkLowerChild(new_node, lower_node)
     return new_node
Пример #6
 def _comparePathnames(a, b):
     Comparison function:
     - uses alphanumeric ordering
     - +/-INF are lower and greate values possible
     Returns  1 if a is gt b
     Returns -1 if a is lt b
     Returns  0 if a is eq b
     return SkipListNode.comparePathnames(a, b)
Пример #7
 def _comparePathnames(a, b):
     Comparison function:
     - uses alphanumeric ordering
     - +/-INF are lower and greate values possible
     Returns  1 if a is gt b
     Returns -1 if a is lt b
     Returns  0 if a is eq b
     return SkipListNode.comparePathnames(a, b)
Пример #8
    def __init__(self):
        Main fields are initialized at start.
        self.leaves = {}
        self.plateaus = {}
        self.root = None
        self.who = self.__class__.__name__
        self.logger = None  # This is supposed to be set by extending classes

        self.leaves[NEGATIVE_INFINITE] = SkipListNode(
        self.leaves[POSITIVE_INFINITE] = SkipListNode(
        for leaf in self.leaves:
            self.plateaus[leaf] = self._buildTower(self.leaves[leaf])
        self.root = self.plateaus[NEGATIVE_INFINITE]
Пример #9
 def insertAfterAbove(self, p, q, element):
     #p est pour le précédent
     #q est pour celui au-dessous
     #arguments de SkipListNode : element, prev, next, belo, abov
     #abov toujours None car on insère toujours au niveau le plus haut
     #le nouveau noeud a p comme précédent, p._next comme suivant,
     #     q au-dessous et rien au-dessus
     newnode = SkipListNode(element, p, p._next, q, None)
     #on relie le précédent de l'ancien suivant, next._prev, au nouveau noeud
     p._next._prev = newnode
     #on relie le suivant du précédent, p._next, au nouveau noeud
     p._next = newnode
     #s'il y a un noeud en-dessous, q n'est pas à None, on le relie au nouveau noeud
     #which is abov it
     if not (q is None):
         q._abov = newnode
     #on retourne le nouveau noeud
     return newnode
Пример #10
    def _isNodeOnPath(starting_leaf, target_node):
        It searches a node on a path from starting_leaf to the root. 
        Return False if node is never found on such path, True otherwise.

        @param starting_leaf: the leaf from which the path starts from.
        @param target_node: the node to be found

        raise: Exception if a node passed is None.
        if target_node == None or starting_leaf == None: raise Exception("Invalid check: a None-argument was passed.")
        node = starting_leaf
        searching = True
        while searching:            
            if node.__eq__(target_node): return True            
            node = node.father            
            try: still_on_the_right = (SkipListNode.comparePathnames(target_node.pathname, node.pathname) <= 0)
            except: still_on_the_right = False
            searching = (isinstance(node, SkipListNode)) and ( still_on_the_right )
        return False
Пример #11
    def __init__(self, json_serialized):
        self.proofpaths = {}        
        json_decoded = json.loads(json_serialized)        
        proofpaths = json_decoded['proofpaths']        
        self.pathname = json_decoded['pathname']
        self.operation = json_decoded['operation']
        for starting_pathname in proofpaths:
            starting_node = None
            previous = None
            for nodedata in proofpaths[starting_pathname]:
                node = SkipListNode(nodedata['pathname'],nodedata['height'], label = nodedata['label'], filehash = nodedata['filehash'])
                proxy = None                
                if nodedata['proxy']!=None:                    
                    proxydata = nodedata['proxy']
                    proxy = ProxyNode(proxydata['pathname'],proxydata['height'],proxydata['label'])        
                    proxyside = nodedata['proxy_side']
                    if proxyside =='r':  node.right_child = proxy
                    if proxyside =='l':  node.lower_child = proxy
                    proxy.father = node                    

                if starting_node==None: starting_node = node

                    previous.father = node
                    if previous.pathname == node.pathname:   node.lower_child = previous
                    else: node.right_child = previous

                except: pass

                previous = node

            self.proofpaths[starting_pathname] = starting_node
Пример #12
 def __init__(self, _MIN_VALUE=_MIN, _MAX_VALUE=_MAX):
     #valeurs pour les sentinelles, -infini à +infini
     self._MIN_VALUE = _MIN_VALUE
     self._MAX_VALUE = _MAX_VALUE
     #une instance de Coin pour les tours de hauteurs variables
     self._coin = Coin()
     #hauteur de départ
     self._height = 1
     #taille initiale de 0
     self._size = 0
     #les 4 sentinelles et leurs interrelations
     #lr = low-right; ll = low-left; ul = upper-left; ur = upper-right
     sentinel_lr = SkipListNode(self._MAX_VALUE)
     sentinel_ll = SkipListNode(self._MIN_VALUE, None, sentinel_lr, None,
     sentinel_lr._prev = sentinel_ll
     sentinel_ul = SkipListNode(self._MIN_VALUE, None, None, sentinel_ll,
     sentinel_ur = SkipListNode(self._MAX_VALUE, sentinel_ul, None,
                                sentinel_lr, None)
     sentinel_ul._next = sentinel_ur
     sentinel_ll._abov = sentinel_ul
     sentinel_lr._abov = sentinel_ur
     #par convention, le début de la skiplist est la sentinelle _ul
     self._start = sentinel_ul
Пример #13
 def __init__( self, _MIN_VALUE = -999999999, _MAX_VALUE = 999999999 ):
     self._MIN_VALUE = _MIN_VALUE
     self._MAX_VALUE = _MAX_VALUE
     self._coin = Coin()
     self._height = 1
     self._count = 0
     sentinel_lr = SkipListNode( self._MAX_VALUE )
     sentinel_ll = SkipListNode( self._MIN_VALUE, None, sentinel_lr, None, None )
     sentinel_lr._prev = sentinel_ll
     sentinel_ul = SkipListNode( self._MIN_VALUE, None, None, sentinel_ll, None )
     sentinel_ur = SkipListNode( self._MAX_VALUE, sentinel_ul, None, sentinel_lr, None )
     sentinel_ul._next = sentinel_ur
     sentinel_ll._abov = sentinel_ul
     sentinel_lr._abov = sentinel_ur
     self._start = sentinel_ul