Пример #1
def check_euler_angles(inputf):
    file1 = inputf
    grains1 = multigrainOutputParser.parseGrains(file1)
    ngrains1 = len(grains1)
    print "Parsed %s, found %d grains" % (file1, len(grains1))
    unity = numpy.identity(3)
    print "Comparing Euler angles and U matrices. Making sure they match."
    for grain in grains1:
        angles = grain.geteulerangles()
        U = grain.getU()
        cphi1 = math.cos(math.radians(angles[0]))
        sphi1 = math.sin(math.radians(angles[0]))
        cPhi = math.cos(math.radians(angles[1]))
        sPhi = math.sin(math.radians(angles[1]))
        cphi2 = math.cos(math.radians(angles[2]))
        sphi2 = math.sin(math.radians(angles[2]))
        U2 = numpy.matrix([[
            cphi1 * cphi2 - sphi1 * sphi2 * cPhi,
            -cphi1 * sphi2 - sphi1 * cphi2 * cPhi, sphi1 * sPhi
                               sphi1 * cphi2 + cphi1 * sphi2 * cPhi,
                               -sphi1 * sphi2 + cphi1 * cphi2 * cPhi,
                               -cphi1 * sPhi
                           ], [sphi2 * sPhi, cphi2 * sPhi, cPhi]])
        C = U.dot(numpy.linalg.inv(U2))
        if (not numpy.allclose(C, unity)):
            print "Problem with grain %s" % grain.getName()
            print C
    print "Done."
Пример #2
def test():

	# here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
	# logfile = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'TIMEleSS', 'data', 'gve-62-3.log')
	logfile = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, '../data/gve-62-3.log')
	gfffile = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, '../data/fcc_10bckg_.gff')
	print ("Ok, we made it. We loaded the various files")
	print ("\nTest GrainSpotter parsing:")
	grains1 = multigrainOutputParser.parseGrains(logfile)
	print ("Parsed %s, read %d grains" % (logfile, len(grains1)))
	print ("\nTest GFF parsing:")
	grains2 = multigrainOutputParser.parseGrains(gfffile)
	print ("Parsed %s, read %d grains" % (gfffile, len(grains2)))
Пример #3
def extract_euler_angles(inputf, outputf):
    file1 = inputf
    grains1 = multigrainOutputParser.parseGrains(file1)
    ngrains1 = len(grains1)
    print "Parsed %s, found %d grains" % (file1, len(grains1))

    f = open(outputf, "w+")
    for grain in grains1:
        angles = grain.geteulerangles()
        f.write("%.2f %.2f %.2f\n" % (angles[0], angles[1], angles[2]))
    print "Euler angles saved in %s" % (outputf)
Пример #4
def grainSpotterClean(inputfile, outputfile):
	Cleans output from GrainSpotter indexings. 
	In particular, removes grains with no assigned peaks that occur from time to time. 
	Generates a new output file with no such grain.
	  inputfile -  GrainSpotter log file
	  outputfile - name of output file with bogus grains removed

    # Reading list of grains from all files
    grains = multigrainOutputParser.parseGrains(inputfile, False)
    print("Parsed %s, found %d grains" % (inputfile, len(grains)))
    multigrainOutputParser.saveGrainSpotter(outputfile, grains)
    print("Saved %d grains in %s" % (len(grains), outputfile))
Пример #5
def comparaison(file1, file2, crystal_system, cutoff, outputstem, verbose):
	Function designed to compare the orientations of 2 collections of grains.

	Usually used to compare an output file from GrainSpotter and that of a simulation with PolyXSim to make sure
	the indexing makes sense.

	- try to match grains between both
	- maybe more
	crystal_system can be one of the following values  
		1: Triclinic
		2: Monoclinic
		3: Orthorhombic
		4: Tetragonal
		5: Trigonal
		6: Hexagonal
		7: Cubic
	  file1 - file with the first list of grains (used as a reference)
	  file2 - file with the second list of grains
	  crystal_system - see abover
	  outputstem - stem for output file for the grain comparison
	  cutoff - mis-orientation below which the two grains are considered identical, in degrees
	  verbose - save all grain comparison into an output file rather than only matching or non matching grain

    # Prepare output files
    filename1 = "%s-%s" % (outputstem, "log.dat")
    logfile = open(filename1, 'w')
    filename2 = "%s-%s" % (outputstem, "matching-grains.dat")
    logmatching = open(filename2, 'w')
    filename3 = "%s-%s" % (outputstem, "erroneous-grains.dat")
    logerroneous = open(filename3, 'w')
    filename4 = "%s-%s" % (outputstem, "missing-grains.dat")
    logmissing = open(filename4, 'w')
    if (not verbose):
            "4 output files will be generated: \n- %s,\n- %s,\n- %s,\n- %s\n" %
            (filename1, filename2, filename3, filename4))
        filename5 = "%s-%s" % (outputstem, "verbose.dat")
        logverbose = open(filename5, 'w')

    # Counting number of grains
    grains1 = multigrainOutputParser.parseGrains(file1)
    grains2 = multigrainOutputParser.parseGrains(file2)
    ngrains1 = len(grains1)
    ngrains2 = len(grains2)
    logit(logfile, "Parsed %s, found %d grains" % (file1, len(grains1)))
    logit(logfile, "Parsed %s, found %d grains" % (file2, len(grains2)))

        "\nMisorientation below which the two grains are considered identical, in degrees: %.1f\n"
        % cutoff)

    # Check for doubles in list 1
    logit(logfile, "Check for doubles in %s" % file1)
    grains1clean = removeDoubleGrains(grains1, crystal_system, cutoff, logfile)
    logit(logfile, "")

    # Check for doubles in list 2
    logit(logfile, "Check for doubles in %s" % file2)
    grains2clean = removeDoubleGrains(grains2, crystal_system, cutoff, logfile)
    logit(logfile, "")

    # Loop in unique grains in list 1, trying to find pairs in list 2
    goodGrains = []  # grains in list 2 that exist in list 1
    erroneousGrains = []  # grains in list 2 that do not exist in list 1
    grains1cleanFound = numpy.full((len(grains1clean), 1), False, dtype=bool)
    logit(logfile, "Trying to match grains between the 2 collections...")
    for i in range(0, len(grains2clean)):
        grainMatched = []
        grain2 = grains2clean[i]
        U2 = grain2.getU()
        for j in range(0, len(grains1clean)):
            grain1 = grains1clean[j]
            U1 = grain1.getU()
            if (verbose):  # We provide an output file all comparisons
                angle = minMisorientation(U1, U2, crystal_system)
                logverbose.write("Grain %s of %s\n" %
                                 (grain1.getName(), file1))
                logverbose.write("\tcompared with grain %s of %s\n" %
                                 (grain2.getName(), file2))
                logverbose.write("\tmisorientation: %.2f°\n" % (angle))
                logverbose.write("U grain 1: \n" + numpy.array2string(U1) +
                logverbose.write("U grain 2: \n" + numpy.array2string(U2) +
            if (matchGrains(U1, U2, crystal_system, cutoff)):
                grains1cleanFound[j] = True
        if len(grainMatched) > 1:
                "- Found more than 1 pair for grain %d. Something is wrong" %
        elif len(grainMatched) > 0:
            grain1 = grains1clean[grainMatched[0]]
            U1 = grain1.getU()
            angle = minMisorientation(U1, U2, crystal_system)
                "- Grain %s of %s matches %s of %s with a misorientation of %.2f°"
                % (grain1.getName(), file1, grain2.getName(), file2, angle))
            logmatching.write("Grain %s of %s\n" % (grain1.getName(), file1))
            logmatching.write("\tmatches grain %s of %s\n" %
                              (grain2.getName(), file2))
            logmatching.write("\tmisorientation: %.2f°\n" % (angle))
            logmatching.write("U grain 1: \n" + numpy.array2string(U1) + "\n")
            logmatching.write("U grain 2: \n" + numpy.array2string(U2) + "\n")
                  "- Grain %s of %s has no match" % (grain2.getName(), file2))
            logerroneous.write("\nGrain %s of %s: no match\n" %
                               (grain2.getName(), file2))
            for j in range(0, len(grains1clean)):
                grain1 = grains1clean[j]
                U1 = grain1.getU()
                angle = minMisorientation(U1, U2, crystal_system)
                logerroneous.write("- Min angle with grain %s: %.2f°\n" %
                                   (grain1.getName(), angle))
    logit(logfile, "End of run\n")

    for i in range(0, len(grains1clean)):
        if (not grains1cleanFound[i]):
            grain1 = grains1clean[i]
            logmissing.write("Grain %s of %s has no match\n" %
                             (grain1.getName(), file1))

    logit(logfile, "N. of grains in %s: %d" % (file1, ngrains1))
          "N. of unique grains in %s: %d" % (file1, len(grains1clean)))
    logit(logfile, "N. of grains in %s: %d" % (file2, ngrains2))
          "N. of unique grains in %s: %d" % (file2, len(grains2clean)))
        logfile, "N. of unique grains found in both %s and %s: %d" %
        (file1, file2, len(goodGrains)))
        logfile, "N. of unique grains found only in %s: %d" %
        (file2, len(erroneousGrains)))
        logfile, "N. of unique grains found in %s but not in %s: %d" %
        (file1, file2, len(grains1clean) - len(goodGrains)))
    logit(logfile, "\nIndexing capability")
        logfile, "- %.1f pc of %s grains indexed" %
        (100. * len(goodGrains) / len(grains1clean), file1))
        logfile, "- %.1f pc of %s grains not indexed" %
        (100. - 100. * len(goodGrains) / len(grains1clean), file1))
        logfile, "- %.1f pc of erroneous grains in %s" %
        (100. * len(erroneousGrains) / len(grains2clean), file2))

    if (verbose):
            "\n5 output files were generated: \n- %s,\n- %s with the matching grains,\n- %s with erroneous grains,\n- %s with missing grains,\n- %s with verbose grain comparison \n"
            % (filename1, filename2, filename3, filename4, filename5))
            "\n4 output files were generated: \n- %s,\n- %s with the matching grains,\n- %s with erroneous grains,\n- %s with missing grains\n"
            % (filename1, filename2, filename3, filename4))

    if (verbose):
Пример #6
def grainSpotterMerge(files, crystal_system, cutoff, outputstem):
	Function designed to merge output from multiple GrainSpotter indexing

	crystal_system can be one of the following values  
		1: Triclinic
		2: Monoclinic
		3: Orthorhombic
		4: Tetragonal
		5: Trigonal
		6: Hexagonal
		7: Cubic
	  files - list of GrainSpotter log files
	  crystal_system - see above
	  outputstem - stem for output file for the grain comparison
	  cutoff - mis-orientation below which the two grains are considered identical, in degrees
	filename1 = "%s-%s" % (outputstem , "log.dat")
	logfile = open(filename1,'w')
	# Reading list of grains from all files
	grainLists = []
	for filename in files:
		grains = multigrainOutputParser.parseGrains(filename)
		logit(logfile, "Parsed %s, found %d grains" % (filename, len(grains)))
	logit(logfile, "\nMisorientation below which the two grains are considered identical, in degrees: %.1f\n" % cutoff)
	# Looking for unique grains
	mergeGrains = []
	for grains in grainLists:
		mergeGrains += grains
	logit(logfile, "Looking for unique grains")
	grainsUnique = grainComparison.removeDoubleGrains(mergeGrains, crystal_system, cutoff, logfile)
	logit(logfile, "")
	# Getting some stats for each for those grains
	logit(logfile, "Indexing statistics")
	nIndexed = []
	for i in range(0,len(grainsUnique)):
		grain1 = grainsUnique[i]
		n = 0
		for grain2 in mergeGrains:
			U1 = (grain1).getU()
			U2 = (grain2).getU()
			if (grainComparison.matchGrains(U1,U2,crystal_system,cutoff)):
				# We have a match. Keep the grain with the largest number of peaks
				n += 1
				if (grain2.getNPeaks() > grain1.getNPeaks()):
					grainsUnique[i] = grain2
	nn = grainComparison.unique(nIndexed)
	for i in nn:
		nGnTimes = sum(1 for j in nIndexed if i == j)
		logit(logfile,"- %d grains were indexed %d times" % (nGnTimes,i))
	# Saving new files (in GrainSpotter format), based on the number of time each grain was indexed
	logit(logfile, "\nSaving unique grains")
	filename = ("%s-grains.log" % (outputstem))
	logit(logfile,"- all %d unique grains saved in %s" % (len(grainsUnique), filename))
	for i in nn:
		filename = ("%s-grains-%d.log" % (outputstem, i))
		# Looking for grains that have been index i times
		indexlist = [j for j,x in enumerate(nIndexed) if x==i]
		# Save them
		tosave = []
		for j in range(0,len(indexlist)):
		logit(logfile,"- %d grains indexed %d times saved in %s" % (len(tosave),i, filename))
Пример #7
def gs_indexing_statistics(logfile, gve, gsinputfile, wavelength):
	Checks a grainspotter indexing performance
	Send the final GrainSpotter log, the list of g-vectors, the GS input file (with the loosest conditions), and the wavelength
    nphases = len(logfile)
    grains = []
    ngrains = []
    gsinput = []
    nindexed = []
    totalngrains = 0
    totalindexedpeaks = 0

    i = 0
    # Parsing grain spotter output in input files
    # Extracting grain information
    for thislog in logfile:
        print("Parsed %s, found %d grains" % (thislog, len(grains[i])))
        print("Parsing grain spotter input file %s." % (gsinputfile[i]))
        # Load the grain spotter input file
        print("\nGrainSpotter results for phase %d" % i)
        print("\t%d grains indexed" % (len(grains[i])))
        totalngrains += len(grains[i])
        for grain in grains[i]:
            nindexed[i] += grain.getNPeaks()
        print("\t%d g-vectors indexed" % (nindexed[i]))
        totalindexedpeaks += nindexed[i]
        tt = 1.0 * nindexed[i] / ngrains[i]
        print("\t%.1f g-vectors per grain in average" % (tt))
        i = i + 1

    print("Done parsing grain files.\n")

    # Extract peak list and ds ranges in which to look for peak
    # For each phase, the list of peaks is on top of the gve file
    # Then, need keep a record of the ds tolerance for the peak (which could different for each phase)
    peakssample = []
    peaksgve = [None] * nphases
    idlist = [None] * nphases
    for i in range(0, nphases):
        [peaksgve[i], idlist[i],
         header] = multigrainOutputParser.parseGVE(gve[i])
            "Parsing header from GVE files %s to extract predicted sample peaks for phase %i"
            % (gve[i], i))
        tttol = gsinput[i]["sigma_tth"] * gsinput[i]["nsigmas"]
        recordpeaks = False
        for line in header.split("\n"):
            if ((line.strip() ==
                 "#  gx  gy  gz  xc  yc  ds  eta  omega  spot3d_id  xl  yl  zl"
                recordpeaks = False
                # We reached the end of the header...
            if recordpeaks:
                    tt = line.split()
                    ds = float(tt[0])
                    h = int(tt[1])
                    k = int(tt[2])
                    l = int(tt[3])
                    tt = 2. * numpy.degrees(numpy.arcsin(wavelength * ds / 2.))
                    dsmin = 2. * numpy.sin(numpy.radians(
                        (tt - tttol) / 2.)) / (wavelength)
                    dsmax = 2. * numpy.sin(numpy.radians(
                        (tt + tttol) / 2.)) / (wavelength)
                except ValueError:
                        "Conversion error when reading predicted sample peaks from %s."
                        % (gve[i]))
                    print("Was trying to convert %s to ds, h, k, and l" %
                peakssample.append([ds, h, k, l, tt, dsmin, dsmax, tttol])
            if ((line.strip() == "# ds h k l")):
                recordpeaks = True
        "\nRead theoretical peak positions in 2theta for all phases.\nI have a list of %d potential peaks for all %d phases.\n"
        % (len(peakssample), nphases))

    # Merging peaks from GVE files, removing doubles
    allgves = peaksgve[0]
    allPeakIds = idlist[0]
    for i in range(1, nphases):
        missinggveID = set(idlist[i]).symmetric_difference(set(allPeakIds))
        for peakid in missinggveID:
            ID_idlist = (idlist[i]).index(peakid)

        "Merged unique g-vectors of all %d gve files. I now have %d experimental g-vectors."
        % (nphases, len(allgves)))

    # Loop on all experimental g-vectors
    # Are they in one of the 2 theta, omega, and eta ranges defined in grain spotter?
    # Need to check for all phases

    ds = []
    eta = []
    omega = []
    keepPeak = [False] * len(allgves)

    for i in range(1, nphases):  # Loop on phase
        gsinput[i]["dsranges"] = []
        for tthrange in gsinput[i][
                "tthranges"]:  # Convert 2theta range to ds range for easier comparison
            ds0 = 2. * numpy.sin(numpy.radians(
                tthrange[0] / 2.)) / (wavelength)
            ds1 = 2. * numpy.sin(numpy.radians(
                tthrange[1] / 2.)) / (wavelength)
            (gsinput[i]["dsranges"]).append([ds0, ds1])
        # Loop on peaks. If the peak is within the range, we keep it for later
        for j in range(0, len(allgves)):
            peak = allgves[j]
            thisds = float(peak['ds'])
            thiseta = normalizedAngle360(float(
                peak['eta']))  # In GrainSpotter, eta is in [0;360]
            thisomega = normalizedAngle180(float(
                peak['omega']))  # In GrainSpotter, omega is in [-180;180]
            test1 = 0
            test2 = 0
            test3 = 0
            for dsrange in gsinput[i]["dsranges"]:
                if ((thisds >= dsrange[0]) and (thisds <= dsrange[1])):
                    test1 = 1
            for etarange in gsinput[i]["etaranges"]:
                if ((thiseta >= etarange[0]) and (thiseta <= etarange[1])):
                    test2 = 1
                #	print "Not for eta %.1f < %.1f < %.1f" % (etarange[0],thiseta,etarange[1])
            for omegarange in gsinput[i]["omegaranges"]:
                if ((thisomega >= omegarange[0])
                        and (thisomega <= omegarange[1])):
                    test3 = 1
                #	print "Not for omega %.1f < %.1f < %.1f" % (omegarange[0],thisomega,omegarange[1])
            if (
                    test1 * test2 * test3 == 1
            ):  # The peak is within the range of ttheta, eta, and omega for phase i. It could have been indexed.
                keepPeak[j] = True

    for j in range(0, len(allgves)):
        if (keepPeak[j]):
            peak = allgves[j]

        "%d g-vectors within eta, omega, and 2theta ranges and could have been indexed."
        % (len(ds)))

    # Counting peak, within 2 theta range, and that can be assigned to the sample

    nassigned = 0
    for thisds in ds:
        append = 0
        for i in range(0, len(peakssample)):
            if ((thisds <= peakssample[i][6])
                    and (thisds >= peakssample[i][5])):
                append = 1
        nassigned += append
        "%d g-vectors assigned to one of the sample peaks within these ranges."
        % (nassigned))

    print("\nGlobal indexing performance")
        "\tOut of %d possible g-vectors, %d have been assigned to %d grains" %
        (nassigned, totalindexedpeaks, totalngrains))
    tt = nassigned - totalindexedpeaks
    print("\t%d remaining g-vectors" % (tt))
    tt = 100. * totalindexedpeaks / nassigned
    print("\t%.1f percents of g-vectors indexed" % (tt))

Пример #8
def test_grains(grainfile,gvefile,wavelength):
	Check a GrainSpotter log file against a GVE file
	This can be used to make sure that this exact GVE file was actually used to index the grains
	grains = multigrainOutputParser.parseGrains(grainfile)
	print ("Parsed %s, found %d grains" % (grainfile, len(grains)))
	# Load .gve file from ImageD11 :
	[peaksgve,idlist,header] = multigrainOutputParser.parseGVE(gvefile) 
	# Try to see if all peaks in the indexed grains are in the gve
	print ("Making sure all indexed peak ID's are in the GVE file...")
	npeakstotal = 0
	npeakserror = 0
	for grain in grains : 
		peaks = grain.peaks
		for indexedPeak in peaks : 
			npeakstotal += 1
				ID_grains = indexedPeak.getPeakID()
				ID_idlist = idlist.index(ID_grains)
				ID_gve = peaksgve[ID_idlist]
			except ValueError:
				print ("Peak %d of grain %s not found" % (ID_grains, grain.getName() ))
				npeakserror += 1
				if (npeakserror > 10):
					print ("Too many errors, I stop here")
	print ("I was looking for %d peaks from %d grains and got %d errors" % (npeakstotal, len(grains), npeakserror))
	if (npeakserror > 0):
		print ("%s and %s do not seem to match" % (grainfile, gvefile))
	print ("All peaks in the grain file are in the GVE file. Now, looking for 2theta, eta, omega to see if they match...")
	for grain in grains : 
		peaks = grain.peaks
		for indexedPeak in peaks : 
			npeakstotal += 1
			ID_grains = indexedPeak.getPeakID()
			omegaG = normalizedAngle(indexedPeak.getOmegaMeasured())
			etaG = normalizedAngle(indexedPeak.getEtaMeasured())
			tthetaG = indexedPeak.getTThetaMeasured()
			dsG = 2.*numpy.sin(numpy.radians(tthetaG/2.))/(wavelength)
			ID_idlist = idlist.index(ID_grains)
			#print peaksgve[ID_idlist]
			dsPeak = float(peaksgve[ID_idlist]['ds'])
			etaPeak = normalizedAngle(float(peaksgve[ID_idlist]['eta']))
			omegaPeak = normalizedAngle(float(peaksgve[ID_idlist]['omega']))
			if ((abs(etaG-etaPeak) > 0.01) or (abs(omegaPeak-omegaG) > 0.01) or (abs(dsG-dsPeak) > 0.001)):
				print ("Problem with peak %d of grain %s not found" % (ID_grains, grain.getName() ))
				print ("Expected: eta = %.2f , omega = %.2f, ds = %.4f" % (etaG, omegaG, dsG))
				print ("Found: eta = %.2f , omega = %.2f, ds = %.4f" % (etaPeak, omegaPeak, dsPeak))
				print ("Differences: eta = %.4f , omega = %.4f, ds = %.6f" % (abs(etaPeak-etaG), abs(omegaPeak-omegaG), abs(dsG-dsPeak)))
				npeakserror += 1
				if (npeakserror > 10):
					print ("Too many errors, I stop here")

	if (npeakserror > 0):
		print ("%s and %s do not seem to match" % (grainfile, gvefile))
	print ("All peaks in the grain file are in the GVE file and angles fully match.")
def gs_indexing_statistics(logfile, gve, gsinput, wavelength):
	Checks a grainspotter indexing performance
	Send the final GrainSpotter log, the list of g-vectors, the GS input file (with the loosest conditions), and the wavelength
	grains = multigrainOutputParser.parseGrains(logfile)
	print "Parsed %s, found %d grains" % (logfile, len(grains))
	# Load .gve file from ImageD11 :
	[peaksgve,idlist,header] = multigrainOutputParser.parseGVE(gve) 
	# Extracting list of g-vectors from the header
	peakssample = []
	recordpeaks = False
	#print header
	for line in header.split("\n"):
		if ((line.strip() == "#  gx  gy  gz  xc  yc  ds  eta  omega  spot3d_id  xl  yl  zl")):
			recordpeaks = False
		if recordpeaks:
			tt = line.split()
			ds = float(tt[0])
			h = int(tt[1])
			k = int(tt[2])
			l = int(tt[3])
			#print h, k, l
		if ((line.strip() == "# ds h k l")):
			recordpeaks = True
	# Load the grain spotter input file
	gsinput =  multigrainOutputParser.parseGSInput(gsinput) 
	# Try to see if all g-vectors in the indexed grains are in the gve
	nindexed = 0
	ngrains = len(grains)
	for grain in grains : 
		nindexed += grain.getNPeaks()
	print "\nGrainSpotter results"
	print "\t%d grains indexed" % (len(grains))
	print "\t%d g-vectors indexed" % (nindexed)
	tt = 1.0*nindexed/ngrains
	print "\t%.1f g-vectors per grain in average" % (tt)
	# Matching conditions in angle ranges
	ds = []
	eta = []
	omega = []
	gsinput["dsranges"] = []
	for tthrange in gsinput["tthranges"]:
		ds0 = 2.*numpy.sin(numpy.radians(tthrange[0]/2.))/(wavelength)
		ds1 = 2.*numpy.sin(numpy.radians(tthrange[1]/2.))/(wavelength)
	#print gsinput
	for peak in peaksgve:
		thisds = float(peak['ds'])
		thiseta = normalizedAngle360(float(peak['eta'])) # In GrainSpotter, eta is in [0;360]
		thisomega = normalizedAngle180(float(peak['omega'])) # In GrainSpotter, omega is in [-180;180]
		test1 = 0
		test2 = 0
		test3 = 0
		for dsrange in gsinput["dsranges"]:
			if ((thisds >= dsrange[0]) and (thisds <= dsrange[1])):
				test1 = 1
		for etarange in gsinput["etaranges"]:
			if ((thiseta >= etarange[0]) and (thiseta <= etarange[1])):
				test2 = 1
			#	print "Not for eta %.1f < %.1f < %.1f" % (etarange[0],thiseta,etarange[1])
		for omegarange in gsinput["omegaranges"]:
			if ((thisomega >= omegarange[0]) and (thisomega <= omegarange[1])):
				test3 = 1
			#	print "Not for omega %.1f < %.1f < %.1f" % (omegarange[0],thisomega,omegarange[1])
		if (test1*test2*test3 == 1):
	print "\nPeaks"
	print "\t%d g-vectors in GVE file" % (len(peaksgve))
	print "\t%d g-vectors within eta, omega, and 2theta ranges" % (len(ds))

	# Counting peak, within 2 theta range, and that can be assigned to the sample
	tttol = gsinput["sigma_tth"]*gsinput["nsigmas"]
	dsmin = []
	dsmax = []
	#print tttol
	for samplepeak in peakssample:
		thisds = samplepeak[0]
		#print thisds
		tt = 2.*numpy.degrees(numpy.arcsin(wavelength*thisds/2.))
		#print 2.*numpy.sin(numpy.radians((tt-tttol)/2.))/(wavelength)
		#print 2.*numpy.sin(numpy.radians((tt+tttol)/2.))/(wavelength)
	nassigned = 0
	for thisds in ds:
		append = 0
		for i in range(0,len(dsmin)):
			if ((thisds <= dsmax[i]) and (thisds >= dsmin[i])):
				append = 1
		nassigned += append
	print "\t%d g-vectors assigned to sample within these ranges" % (nassigned)
	print "\nIndexing performance"
	print "\tOut of %d possible g-vectors, %d have been assigned to %d grains" % (nassigned, nindexed, len(grains))
	tt = nassigned-nindexed
	print "\t%d remaining g-vectors" % (tt)
	tt = 100.*nindexed/nassigned
	print "\t%.1f percents of g-vectors indexed" % (tt)
Пример #10
def comparaison(file1, file2, crystal_system, cutoff, outputstem):
	Function designed to compare the orientations of 2 collections of grains.

	Usually used to compare an output file from GrainSpotter and that of a simulation with PolyXSim to make sure
	the indexing makes sense.

	- try to match grains between both
	- maybe more
	crystal_system can be one of the following values  
		1: Triclinic
		2: Monoclinic
		3: Orthorhombic
		4: Tetragonal
		5: Trigonal
		6: Hexagonal
		7: Cubic
	  file1 - file with the first list of grains (used as a reference)
	  file2 - file with the second list of grains
	  crystal_system - see abover
	  outputstem - stem for output file for the grain comparison
	  cutoff - mis-orientation below which the two grains are considered identical, in degrees

    # Prepare output files
    filename1 = "%s-%s" % (outputstem, "log.dat")
    logfile = open(filename1, 'w')
    print("1 output files will be generated: \n- %s\n" % (filename1))

    # Counting number of grains
    grains1 = multigrainOutputParser.parseGrains(file1)
    grains2 = multigrainOutputParser.parseGrains(file2)
    ngrains1 = len(grains1)
    ngrains2 = len(grains2)
    logit(logfile, "Parsed %s, found %d grains" % (file1, len(grains1)))
    logit(logfile, "Parsed %s, found %d grains" % (file2, len(grains2)))

        "\nMisorientation below which the two grains are considered identical, in degrees: %.1f\n"
        % cutoff)

    # Check for doubles in list 1
    logit(logfile, "Check for doubles in %s" % file1)
    grains1clean = removeDoubleGrains(grains1, crystal_system, cutoff, logfile)
    logit(logfile, "")

    # Check for doubles in list 2
    logit(logfile, "Check for doubles in %s" % file2)
    grains2clean = removeDoubleGrains(grains2, crystal_system, cutoff, logfile)
    logit(logfile, "")

    # Will hold grains that match a peak
    peaksInGrains = {}

    # Loop in unique grains in list 1, trying to grains in list 2 that share the same peaks
    for i in range(0, len(grains1clean)):
        grain1 = grains1clean[i]
        grains1GVEID = grain1.getPeaksGVEID()
        for j in range(0, len(grains2clean)):
            grain2 = grains2clean[j]
            grains2GVEID = grain2.getPeaksGVEID()
            matches = set(grains1GVEID).intersection(grains2GVEID)
            if (len(matches) > 0):
                    logfile, "- Grain %s of %s shares %d peaks with %s of %s" %
                    (grain1.getName(), file1, len(matches), grain2.getName(),
                      "Matching peaks (GVE ID): " + str(list(matches)))
                for peak in matches:
                        grains = peaksInGrains[peak]
                        grains.append(grain1.getName() + " in " + file1)
                        grains.append(grain2.getName() + " in " + file2)
                        peaksInGrains[peak] = grains
                    except KeyError:
                        # Key is not present
                        peaksInGrains[peak] = [
                            grain1.getName() + " in " + file1,
                            grain2.getName() + " in " + file2

    logit(logfile, "\nPeaks information\n")
    for peak in peaksInGrains:
            logfile, "- peak %s is seen in %d grains: " %
            (peak, len(peaksInGrains[peak])) + str(peaksInGrains[peak]))
