Пример #1
    def testA(self):
        """ make some documents and own them"""
        guInt = Interface(self.testInit.couchUrl, self.testInit.couchDbName)

        #create a couple of docs
        couch = Database(self.testInit.couchDbName, self.testInit.couchUrl)
        for x in range(10):
            doc = Document("document%s" % x, {"Test Data": [1,2,3,4] })

        self.assertEqual(len(guInt.documentsOwned(self.owner1.group.name, self.owner1.name)), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(guInt.documentsOwned(self.owner2.group.name, self.owner2.name)), 0)

        guInt.callUpdate("ownthis","document1", group = self.owner1.group.name, user = self.owner1.name)

        self.assertTrue("document1" in guInt.documentsOwned(self.owner1.group.name, self.owner1.name))
        self.assertEqual(len(guInt.documentsOwned(self.owner1.group.name, self.owner1.name)), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(guInt.documentsOwned(self.owner2.group.name, self.owner2.name)), 0)

        guInt.callUpdate("ownthis","document2", group = self.owner2.group.name, user = self.owner2.name)

        self.assertTrue("document2" in guInt.documentsOwned(self.owner2.group.name, self.owner2.name))
        self.assertEqual(len(guInt.documentsOwned(self.owner1.group.name, self.owner1.name)), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(guInt.documentsOwned(self.owner2.group.name, self.owner2.name)), 1)

        guInt.callUpdate("newgroup", "group-DataOps", group = "DataOps")

        self.assertTrue(couch.documentExists("group-DataOps") )

        guInt.callUpdate("newuser", "user-damason", group = "DataOps", user = "******")

        self.assertTrue(couch.documentExists("user-damason") )
Пример #2
    def testA(self):
        """ make some documents and own them"""
        guInt = Interface(self.testInit.couchUrl, self.testInit.couchDbName)

        #create a couple of docs
        couch = Database(self.testInit.couchDbName, self.testInit.couchUrl)
        for x in range(10):
            doc = Document("document%s" % x, {"Test Data": [1,2,3,4] })

        self.assertEqual(len(guInt.documentsOwned(self.owner1.group.name, self.owner1.name)), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(guInt.documentsOwned(self.owner2.group.name, self.owner2.name)), 0)

        guInt.callUpdate("ownthis","document1", group = self.owner1.group.name, user = self.owner1.name)

        self.failUnless("document1" in guInt.documentsOwned(self.owner1.group.name, self.owner1.name))
        self.assertEqual(len(guInt.documentsOwned(self.owner1.group.name, self.owner1.name)), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(guInt.documentsOwned(self.owner2.group.name, self.owner2.name)), 0)

        guInt.callUpdate("ownthis","document2", group = self.owner2.group.name, user = self.owner2.name)

        self.failUnless("document2" in guInt.documentsOwned(self.owner2.group.name, self.owner2.name))
        self.assertEqual(len(guInt.documentsOwned(self.owner1.group.name, self.owner1.name)), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(guInt.documentsOwned(self.owner2.group.name, self.owner2.name)), 1)

        guInt.callUpdate("newgroup", "group-DataOps", group = "DataOps")

        self.failUnless(couch.documentExists("group-DataOps") )

        guInt.callUpdate("newuser", "user-damason", group = "DataOps", user = "******")

        self.failUnless(couch.documentExists("user-damason") )
Пример #3
class RESTSink(object):
    Alert sink for posting alerts to a REST server.
    The class acts as a REST client.

    def __init__(self, config):
        # configuration values:
        #     'uri' attribute (URL of the REST server and resource name)
        #         in case of CouchDB, the resource name is the database name
        #         http://servername:port/databaseName
        self.config = config
        logging.info("Instantiating ...")

        # the class currently relies only on 1 REST server possibility - the
        # CouchDB server. as explained above, .database will be replaced by
        # .connection if both a generic REST server as well as CouchDB are to
        # be talked to
        split = self.config.uri.rfind('/')
        dbName = self.config.uri[split +
                                 1:]  # get last item of URI - database name
        url = self.config.uri[:split]
        # as opposed to CouchSink, here it's assumed the resource (the database name)
        # does exist, fail here otherwise
        # this check / rest of the constructed may be revised for
        #     general REST server
        server = CouchServer(url)
        databases = server.listDatabases()
        # there needs to be this database created upfront and also
        # couchapp associated with it installed, if it's there, fail
        if dbName not in databases:
            raise Exception("REST URI: %s (DB name: %s) does not exist." %
                            (self.config.uri, dbName))
        self._database = Database(dbName, url)

    def send(self, alerts):
        Send a list of alerts to a REST server.

        for a in alerts:
            doc = Document(None, a)
        # two options here: either to call commit on the couch myself
        # or leave the alerts buffered in the Database queue which means
        # the .commit() would be called automatically if size is exceeded
        # 1st option:
        retVal = self._database.commit()
        logging.debug("Stored %s alerts to REST resource, retVals: %s" %
                      (len(alerts), retVal))
        return retVal
Пример #4
def main():
    reader = WMStatsReader("http://dummy.cern.ch:5984", "wmagent_summary")
    wmstats = Database('wmagent_summary', 'http://dummy.cern.ch:5984')
    suspiciousWorkflows = reader.workflowsByStatus(["Processing Done"], stale = False)
    for entry in suspiciousWorkflows:
        requestDoc = wmstats.document(entry)
        statusList = requestDoc['request_status']
        if statusList[-2]['status'] == 'normal-archived':
            statusList = statusList[:-1]
            requestDoc['request_status'] = statusList
Пример #5
class RESTSink(object):
    Alert sink for posting alerts to a REST server.
    The class acts as a REST client.

    def __init__(self, config):
        # configuration values:
        #     'uri' attribute (URL of the REST server and resource name)
        #         in case of CouchDB, the resource name is the database name
        #         http://servername:port/databaseName
        self.config = config
        logging.info("Instantiating ...")

        # the class currently relies only on 1 REST server possibility - the
        # CouchDB server. as explained above, .database will be replaced by
        # .connection if both a generic REST server as well as CouchDB are to
        # be talked to
        split = self.config.uri.rfind('/')
        dbName = self.config.uri[split + 1:] # get last item of URI - database name
        url = self.config.uri[:split]
        # as opposed to CouchSink, here it's assumed the resource (the database name)
        # does exist, fail here otherwise
        # this check / rest of the constructed may be revised for
        #     general REST server
        server = CouchServer(url)
        databases = server.listDatabases()
        # there needs to be this database created upfront and also
        # couchapp associated with it installed, if it's there, fail
        if dbName not in databases:
            raise Exception("REST URI: %s (DB name: %s) does not exist." %
                            (self.config.uri, dbName))
        self._database = Database(dbName, url)

    def send(self, alerts):
        Send a list of alerts to a REST server.

        for a in alerts:
            doc = Document(None, a)
        # two options here: either to call commit on the couch myself
        # or leave the alerts buffered in the Database queue which means
        # the .commit() would be called automatically if size is exceeded
        # 1st option:
        retVal = self._database.commit()
        logging.debug("Stored %s alerts to REST resource, retVals: %s" % (len(alerts), retVal))
        return retVal
Пример #6
def inject(clipboardUrl, clipboardDb, *requests):
    couch = Database(clipboardDb, clipboardUrl)
    knownDocs = couch.loadView("OpsClipboard", "request_ids")
    knownReqs = [x[u"key"] for x in knownDocs["rows"]]
    for req in requests:
        if req[u"RequestName"] in knownReqs:
        doc = makeClipboardDoc(req)
Пример #7
def inject(clipboardUrl, clipboardDb, *requests):
    Query CouchDB to check for overlap of therein already stored requests
    and requests in the input argument requests. Store in CouchDB the
    outstanding ones.
    couch = Database(clipboardDb, clipboardUrl)
    knownDocs = couch.loadView("OpsClipboard", "request_ids")
    knownReqs = [ x[u'key'] for x in knownDocs['rows']]
    for req in requests:
        if req[u'RequestName'] in knownReqs:
        doc = _makeClipboardDoc(req)
def main():
    requestName = sys.argv[1]
    x = Database('workqueue', 'https://cmsweb.cern.ch/couchdb')
    y = x.loadView('WorkQueue', 'elementsByParent', {'include_docs' : True}, [requestName])
    runningElements = []
    for entry in y['rows']:
        doc = entry['doc']
        element = doc['WMCore.WorkQueue.DataStructs.WorkQueueElement.WorkQueueElement']
        if element['Status'] == 'Running':
    print "Found %d elements running, fix them?" % len(runningElements)
    inputData = raw_input("Type y/n: ")
    if inputData != "y":
        print "Aborting operation..."
        return 0
    for doc in runningElements:
        doc['WMCore.WorkQueue.DataStructs.WorkQueueElement.WorkQueueElement']['Status'] = 'Done'
    print "Operation complete!"
    return 0
Пример #9
class database:
    logger = logfactory

    class DatabaseNotFoundException(Exception):
        def __init__(self,  db=''):
            self.db = str(db)
            database.logger.error('Database "%s" was not found.' % (self.db), level='critical')

        def __str__(self):
            return 'Error: Database ',  self.db,  ' was not found.'

    class DatabaseAccessError(Exception):
        def __init__(self,  db=''):
            self.db = str(db)
            database.logger.error('Could not access database "%s".' % (self.db), level='critical')

        def __str__(self):
            return 'Error: Could not access database ',  self.db

    class DocumentNotFoundException(Exception):
        def __init__(self,  name=''):
            self.name = name
            database.logger.error('Document "%s" was not found.' % (self.name))

        def __str__(self):
            return 'Error: Document ',  self.name,  ' was not found.'

    class MapReduceSyntaxError(Exception):
        def __init__(self,  query=''):
            self.query = query
            database.logger.error('Invalid query <%s>' % (self.query))

        def __str__(self):
            return 'Error: Invalid query "' + self.query + '"'

    class InvalidOperatorError(Exception):
        def __init__(self,  op=''):
            self.op = str(op)
        def __str__(self):
            return 'Error: Operator "' + self.op + '" is invalid.'
    class InvalidParameterError(Exception):
        def __init__(self,  param=''):
            self.param = str(param)
        def __str__(self):
            return 'Error: Invalid Parameter: ' + self.param

    cache_dictionary = defaultdict(lambda: None)

    def __init__(self,  db_name='',url=None, cache=False):
        host = os.environ['HOSTNAME'] 
        if url == None:
            url =locator().dbLocation()
        #self.logger.log('I chose the url %s'%(url))
        if not db_name:
            raise self.DatabaseNotFoundException(db_name)
        self.db_name = db_name
        self.cache = cache
        if self.db_name in ['campaigns','chained_campaigns']:
            ## force cache for those.

            self.db = Database(db_name, url=url)
            #            self.db = Database(db_name, url='http://preptest.cern.ch:5984/')
            #            self.db = Database(db_name) # for using private DB @localhost:5984
        except ValueError as ex:
            raise self.DatabaseAccessError(db_name)
        self.allowed_operators = ['<=',  '<',  '>=',  '>',  '==',  '~=']

    def __is_number(self, s):
            return True
        except ValueError:
            return False
    def get(self,  prepid=''):
        if self.cache:
            result = self.__get_from_cache(prepid)
            if result: return result

        self.logger.log('Looking for document "%s" in "%s"...' % (prepid,self.db_name))
            doc = self.db.document(id=prepid)
            if self.cache:
                self.__save_to_cache( prepid, doc)
            return doc
        except Exception as ex:
            self.logger.error('Document "%s" was not found. Reason: %s' % (prepid, ex))
            return {}

    def __save_to_cache(self, key, value):
        from tools.locker import locker
        with locker.lock(key):

    def __get_from_cache(self, key):
        from tools.locker import locker
        with locker.lock(key):
            return self.cache_dictionary[key]

    def __document_exists(self,  doc):
        if not doc:
            self.logger.error('Trying to locate empty string.', level='warning')
            return False
        id = ''
        if 'prepid' not in doc:
            if '_id' not in doc:
                self.logger.error('Document does not have an "_id" parameter.', level='critical')
                return False
            id = doc['_id']
        elif '_id' not in doc:
            if 'prepid' not in doc:
                self.logger.error('Document does not have an "_id" parameter.', level='critical')
                return False
            id = doc['prepid']
        id = doc['_id']
        return self.__id_exists(prepid=id)

    def document_exists(self, prepid=''):
	self.logger.log('Checking existence of document "%s" in "%s"...' % (prepid,self.db_name))
        return self.__id_exists(prepid) 
    def __id_exists(self,  prepid=''):
            if self.cache and self.__get_from_cache(prepid) or self.db.documentExists(id=prepid):
                return True
            self.logger.error('Document "%s" does not exist.' % (prepid))
            return False  
        except CouchError as ex:
            self.logger.error('Document "%s" was not found on CouchError Reason: %s trying a second time with a time out' % (prepid, ex))
            return self.__id_exists(prepid)
        except Exception as ex:
            self.logger.error('Document "%s" was not found. Reason: %s' % (prepid, ex))
            return False
    def delete(self, prepid=''):
        if not prepid:
            return False
        if not self.__id_exists(prepid):
            return False

        self.logger.log('Trying to delete document "%s"...' % (prepid))
            if self.cache:
                self.__save_to_cache(prepid, None)

            return True
        except Exception as ex:
            self.logger.error('Could not delete document: %s . Reason: %s ' % (prepid, ex))
            return False            

    def update(self,  doc={}):
        if '_id' in doc:
            self.logger.log('Updating document "%s" in "%s"' % (doc['_id'],self.db_name))
        if self.__document_exists(doc):
            if self.cache:
                ##JR the revision in the cache is not the one in the DB at this point
                # will be retaken at next get
                self.__save_to_cache(doc['_id'], None)
            return self.save(doc)
        self.logger.error('Failed to update document: %s' % (json.dumps(doc)))         
        return False
    def update_all(self,  docs=[]):
        if not docs:
            return False
        for doc in docs:
            if self.__document_exists(doc):
            return True
        except Exception as ex:
            self.logger.error('Could not commit changes to database. Reason: %s' % (ex))
            return False        
    def get_all(self, page_num=-1): 
            limit, skip = self.__pagify(page_num)
            if limit >= 0 and skip >= 0: 
                result = self.db.loadView(self.db_name, "all", options={'limit':limit,'skip':skip, 'include_docs':True})['rows']
                res = map(lambda r : r['doc'], result)
                return res
            result = self.db.loadView(self.db_name, "all",options={'include_docs':True})['rows']
            res = map(lambda r : r['doc'], result)
            return res
        except Exception as ex:
            self.logger.error('Could not access view. Reason: %s' % (ex))
            return []

    def query(self,  query='', page_num=0):
        if not query:
            result = self.get_all(page_num)
            #res =  map(lambda r : r['doc'], result)
            return result
            result = self.__query(query, page=page_num)
            #res =  map(lambda r : r['doc'], result)
            return result
        except Exception as ex:
            self.logger.error('Could not load view for query: <%s> . Reason: %s' % (query, ex))
            return []

    def unique_res(self,query_result):
        docids = map(lambda doc : doc['_id'] , query_result)
        docids_s = list(set(docids))
        if len(docids) != len(docids_s):
            docids_s = []
            return_dict= copy.deepcopy( query_result )
            for doc in query_result:
                if not doc['_id'] in docids_s:
            return return_dict
        return query_result

    def queries( self, query_list):
        ##page_nume does not matter 
        if not len(query_list):
            return self.get_all(page_num=-1)

            ##make each query separately and retrieve only the doc with counting == len(query_list)
            for (i,query_item) in enumerate(query_list):
                res = self.query(query_item, page_num=-1)
                query_result = self.unique_res( res )
                if i!=0:
                    ## get only the one already in the intersection
                    id_list = map(lambda doc : doc['_id'], results_list)
                    results_list = filter(lambda doc : doc['_id'] in id_list, query_result)
                    results_list= query_result
            return results_list
        except Exception as ex:
            self.logger.error('Could not load view for queris: <%s> . Reason: %s' % ('<br>'.join(query_list), ex))
            return []

    def __extract_operators(self,  query=''):

        if not query:
            self.logger.error('Empty query', level='warning')
            return ()
        clean = []
        tokens = []
        for op in self.allowed_operators:
            if op in query:
                tokens = query.rsplit(op)
                tokens.insert(1,  op)
            for tok in tokens:
                if len(tok) < 1:
            if len(clean) != 3:
                raise self.MapReduceSyntaxError(query)
            #if clean[0] not in self.request and clean[1] not in self.campaign:
            #    raise self.IllegalParameterError(clean[0])
            return clean
        raise self.MapReduceSyntaxError(query)
    def __pagify(self, page_num=0, limit=20):
        if page_num < 0:
            return -1,0
        skip = limit*page_num
        return limit, skip      
    def __execute_query(self, tokenized_query='', page=-1, limit=20):
            tokens = []
                tokens = self.__extract_operators(tokenized_query)
            except Exception as ex:
                self.logger.error('Could not parse query. Reason: %s' % (ex))
                return []
            if tokens:
                view_name, view_opts = self.__build_query(tokens)
                if not view_name or not view_opts:
                    return []
                if page > -1:
                result = self.db.loadView(self.db_name, view_name, options=view_opts)['rows']
                res =  map(lambda r : r['doc'], result)
                return res
                return []
    def raw_query(self,  view_name,  options={}):
        self.logger.error('Executing raw query to the database. Accessed view: %s' % (view_name), level='warning') 
        return self.db.loadView(self.db_name,  view_name,  options)['rows']
    def __get_op(self, oper):
        if oper == '>':
            return lambda x,y: x > y
        elif oper == '>=':
            return lambda x,y: x >= y
        elif oper == '<':
            return lambda x,y: x < y
        elif oper == '<=':
            return lambda x,y: x <= y
        elif oper == '==':
            return lambda x,y: x == y       
            return None     
    def __filter(self, tokenized_query=[], view_results=[]):
        if len(tokenized_query) != 3:
            return view_results
        prn = tokenized_query[0]
        op = tokenized_query[1]
        if self.__is_number(tokenized_query[2]):
            val = float(tokenized_query[2])
            val = tokenized_query[2]
        f = self.__get_op(op)
        return filter(lambda x: f(x[prn],val), view_results)    

    def __query(self, query='', page=0, limit=20):
        t_par = []
        results = []
        #what is that , split for ???
        #if ',' in query:
        #     t_par = query.rsplit(',')
        if not t_par:
             t_par = [query]
        if len(t_par) == 1:          
            return self.__execute_query(t_par[0], page, limit)#[page*limit:page*limit+limit]
        elif len(t_par) == 0:
            return []

        #temp = self.__execute_query(t_par[0])#[page*limit:page*limit+limit]
        res = self.__execute_query(t_par[0])
        #res = map(lambda x: x['value'], temp) 
        if len(res) == 0:
            return []
        for i in range(1,len(t_par)):
            tq = self.__extract_operators(t_par[i])
            res = self.__filter(tq, res)
        #return map(lambda x: {'value':x},res[page*limit:page*limit+20])
        return res[page*limit:page*limit+20]
    def __build_query(self,tokens=[]):
        if not tokens:
            return None,None
        if len(tokens) != 3:
            raise self.MapReduceSyntaxError(tokens)
        param = tokens[0]
        op = tokens[1]     
        kval = tokens[2]
            view_opts = self.__build_options(op, kval)
        except Exception as ex:
            self.logger.error('Value types are not compatible with operator %s value %s Error: %s' % (op, kval, str(ex))) 
            return None,None
        return param, view_opts
    def __build_options(self,op, val):
        def is_number(s):
                return True
            except ValueError:
                return False
        # options dictionary
        opts = {} 
        # default the composite key search
        #if '[' in val and ']' in val:
        if val.startswith('[') and val.endswith(']'):
            if op == '==':
                    opts['key'] = e
                    opts['key'] = val
            return opts
        # handle alphanumeric key ranges
        num_flag = False
        if is_number(val):
            num_flag = True
            kval = float(val)
            kval = val.decode('ascii')
        if '>' in op:
            if '=' in op:
                if num_flag:
            if num_flag:
                opts['endkey']=99999999 # assume its numeric
        elif '<' in op:
            if '=' in op:
                if num_flag:
            if num_flag:
        elif '==' == op:
        elif '~=' == op:
            if kval[-1] == '*':
        return opts
    def save_all(self,  docs=[]):
        if not docs:
            return False
        for doc in docs:
            return True
        except Exception as ex:
            self.logger.error('Could not commit changes to database. Reason: %s' % (ex)) 
            return False

    def save(self, doc={}):
        if not doc:
            self.logger.error('Tried to save empty document.', level='warning')
            return False

	# TODO: Check if an object exists in the database and fail.

        #if '_id' in doc:
        #    self.logger.log('Using user-defined id: %s' % (doc['_id']))
        #if self.__document_exists(doc):
        #    self.logger.error('Failed to update document: %s' % (json.dumps(doc)))
        #    return False

            #self.logger.error('Document is %s %s'%(doc['_id'],doc))
            ## this is a change I just made (23/05/2013 13:31) because of the return value of update should be True/False
            saved = self.db.commitOne(doc)
            if 'error' in saved[0]:
                self.logger.error('Commit One says : %s'%(saved))
                return False
                return True
        except Exception as ex:
            self.logger.error('Could not commit changes to database. Reason: %s' % (ex))
            return False

    def count(self):
            return len(self.db.allDocs()) 
        except Exception as ex:
            self.logger.error('Could not count documents in database. Reason: %s' % (ex))
            return -1 
def main():
    parser = OptionParser()
    parser.add_option("-f", "--input-acdc", dest="acdcList")
    parser.add_option("-m", "--input-mapfile", dest="mapFile")
    parser.add_option("-u", "--url", dest="url")
    parser.add_option("-d", "--dry-run", dest="dryRun",
                      action="store_true", default=False)
    parser.add_option("-l", "--log-file", dest="logFile")

    (options, _) = parser.parse_args()
    handle = open(options.logFile, 'w')
    url = options.url
    database = 'wmagent_acdc'
    acdcDB = Database(database, url)
    handle.write('Opening ACDC database in %s/%s\n' % (url, database))
    inputACDC = readACDCInput(options.acdcList)
    usersMap = readUsersMap(options.mapFile)
    handle.write('Have %d workflows to fix\n' % len(inputACDC))
    for workflow in inputACDC:
        collection_name = workflow['collection_name']
        fileset_name = workflow['fileset_name']
        original_dn = workflow['original_dn']
        handle.write('Original workflow: %s\n' % collection_name)
        handle.write('Original task: %s\n' % fileset_name)
        handle.write('Original owner DN: %s\n' % original_dn)
        if original_dn in usersMap:
            handle.write('This DN maps to %s-%s\n' % (usersMap[original_dn][1], usersMap[original_dn][0]))
            handle.write('The original DN can not be found in the map file, skipping the workflow\n')
        params = {'reduce' : False,
                  'key' : [usersMap[original_dn][1], usersMap[original_dn][0], collection_name, fileset_name]}
        result = acdcDB.loadView('ACDC', 'owner_coll_fileset_docs', params)
        rows = result['rows']
        docIds = map(lambda x : x['id'], rows)
        handle.write('Found %d documents to change\n' % len(rows))
        handle.write('Changing from %s-%s to %s-%s\n' % (usersMap[original_dn][1], usersMap[original_dn][0],
                                                       workflow['group'], workflow['owner']))

        for docId in docIds:
            doc = acdcDB.document(docId)
            doc['owner'] = {'group' : workflow['group'], 'user' : workflow['owner']}
            if not options.dryRun:
        if not options.dryRun:
            response = acdcDB.commit()
            response = 'This is a dry-run no changes were made'
        handle.write('Response to write operation: %s\n'% str(response))
        handle.write('Response length: %d\n' % len(response))
    handle.write('Finished script')