Пример #1
    def insertAllSEs(self,

        Insert all SEs into WMBS ResourceControl
        This uses the Services.SiteDB to insert all SEs under a common
        CE.  It is meant to be used with WMS submission.

        Sites will be named siteName_SEName

        It expects a taskList of the following form:

        [{'taskType': taskType, 'priority': priority, 'maxSlots': maxSlots, 'pendingSlots' : pendingSlots}]

        for each entry in the taskList, a threshold is inserted into the database
        for EVERY SE

        from WMCore.Services.SiteDB.SiteDB import SiteDBJSON
        siteDB = SiteDBJSON()

        cmsNames = siteDB.getAllCMSNames()
        for cmsName in cmsNames:
            seNames = siteDB.cmsNametoSE(cmsName)
            for SE in seNames:
                sName = '%s_%s' % (siteName, SE)
                for task in taskList:
                    if not task.has_key('maxSlots') or not task.has_key('taskType') \
                           or not task.has_key('priority'):
                        msg = "Incomplete task in taskList for ResourceControl.insertAllSEs\n"
                        msg += task
                        raise ResourceControlException(msg)

Пример #2
    def insertAllSEs(self, siteName, pendingSlots = 0, runningSlots = 0,
                     ceName = None, plugin = None,
                     taskList = []):

        Insert all SEs into WMBS ResourceControl
        This uses the Services.SiteDB to insert all SEs under a common
        CE.  It is meant to be used with WMS submission.

        Sites will be named siteName_SEName

        It expects a taskList of the following form:

        [{'taskType': taskType, 'priority': priority, 'maxSlots': maxSlots}]

        for each entry in the taskList, a threshold is inserted into the database
        for EVERY SE

        from WMCore.Services.SiteDB.SiteDB import SiteDBJSON
        siteDB = SiteDBJSON()

        cmsNames = siteDB.getAllCMSNames()
        for cmsName in cmsNames:
            seNames = siteDB.cmsNametoSE(cmsName)
            for SE in seNames:
                sName = '%s_%s' % (siteName, SE)
                self.insertSite(siteName = sName, pendingSlots = pendingSlots,
                                seName = SE, runningSlots = runningSlots,
                                ceName = ceName, cmsName = cmsName, plugin = plugin)
                for task in taskList:
                    if not task.has_key('maxSlots') or not task.has_key('taskType') \
                           or not task.has_key('priority'):
                        msg =  "Incomplete task in taskList for ResourceControl.insertAllSEs\n"
                        msg += task
                        raise ResourceControlException(msg)
                    self.insertThreshold(siteName = sName, taskType = task['taskType'],
                                         maxSlots = task['maxSlots'], priority = task['priority'])

Пример #3
class SiteDBTest(unittest.TestCase):
    Unit tests for SiteScreening module

    def setUp(self):
        Setup for unit tests
        self.mySiteDB = SiteDBJSON()

    def testCmsNametoPhEDExNode(self):
        Tests CmsNametoSE
        target = ['T1_US_FNAL_MSS','T1_US_FNAL_Buffer']
        results = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoPhEDExNode("T1_US_FNAL")
        self.failUnless(sorted(results) == sorted(target))

    def testPhEDExNodetocmsName(self):
        Tests PhEDExNodetocmsName
        result = self.mySiteDB.phEDExNodetocmsName('T1_US_FNAL_MSS')
        self.failUnless(result == 'T1_US_FNAL')
        result = self.mySiteDB.phEDExNodetocmsName('T1_US_FNAL_Buffer')
        self.failUnless(result == 'T1_US_FNAL')
        result = self.mySiteDB.phEDExNodetocmsName('T2_UK_London_IC')
        self.failUnless(result == 'T2_UK_London_IC')
        # don't check this anymore, see comment in phEDExNodetocmsName function
        #self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.mySiteDB.phEDExNodetocmsName,
        #                  'T9_DOESNT_EXIST_Buffer')

    def testCmsNametoSE(self):
        Tests CmsNametoSE
        target = ['srm-cms.gridpp.rl.ac.uk']
        results = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoSE("T1_UK_RAL")
        self.failUnless(sorted(results) == sorted(target))

    def testSEtoCmsName(self):
        Tests CmsNametoSE
        target = 'T1_US_FNAL'
        results = self.mySiteDB.seToCMSName("cmssrm.fnal.gov")
        self.failUnless(results == target)

    def testCmsNametoCE(self):
        Tests CmsNametoCE
        target = ['lcgce06.gridpp.rl.ac.uk', 'lcgce07.gridpp.rl.ac.uk', 'lcgce09.gridpp.rl.ac.uk']
        results = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoCE("T1_UK_RAL")
        self.failUnless(sorted(results) == target)

    def testJSONParser(self):
        Tests the JSON parser directly
        cmsName = "cmsgrid02.hep.wisc.edu"
        results = self.mySiteDB.getJSON("CEtoCMSName",
        self.failUnless(results['0']['name'] == "T2_US_Wisconsin")

    def testDNUserName(self):
        Tests DN to Username lookup
        testDn = "/C=UK/O=eScience/OU=Bristol/L=IS/CN=simon metson"
        testUserName = "******"
        userName = self.mySiteDB.dnUserName(dn=testDn)
        self.failUnless(testUserName == userName)

    def testDNWithApostrophe(self):
        Tests a DN with an apostrophy in - will fail till SiteDB2 appears
        testDn = "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=liviof/CN=472739/CN=Livio Fano'"
        testUserName = "******"
        userName = self.mySiteDB.dnUserName(dn=testDn)
        self.failUnless(testUserName == userName)
    def testParsingJsonWithApostrophe(self):
        Tests parsing a DN json with an apostrophe in
        json = """{"dn": "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=liviof/CN=472739/CN=Livio Fano'", "user": "******"}"""
        d = self.mySiteDB.parser.dictParser(json)
        self.assertEquals("/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=liviof/CN=472739/CN=Livio Fano'", d['dn'])

    def testParsingInvalidJsonWithApostrophe(self):
        Tests parsing a DN invalid json (from sitedb v1) with an apostrophe in
        json = """{'dn': '/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=liviof/CN=472739/CN=Livio' Fano', 'user': '******'}"""
        d = self.mySiteDB.parser.dictParser(json)
        self.assertEquals("/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=liviof/CN=472739/CN=Livio' Fano", d['dn'])
        json = """{'dn': '/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=liviof/CN=472739/CN=Livio Fano'', 'user': '******'}"""
        d = self.mySiteDB.parser.dictParser(json)
        self.assertEquals("/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=liviof/CN=472739/CN=Livio Fano'", d['dn'])
def getFiles(datasetName, runBlacklist, runWhitelist, blockBlacklist,
             blockWhitelist, dbsUrl, fakeLocation=False):

    Get the full information of a dataset including files, blocks, runs and lumis.
    Filter it using run and block white/black lists.

    It can receive and optional DBSUrl.
    dbsReader = DBSReader(endpoint = dbsUrl)
    phedexReader = PhEDEx()
    siteDB = SiteDBJSON()

    files = {}
    outputDatasetParts = datasetName.split("/")
    print "dataset",datasetName,"parts",outputDatasetParts   
        #retrieve list of blocks from dataset
        blockNames = dbsReader.listFileBlocks(datasetName)
        raise RuntimeError("Dataset %s doesn't exist in given DBS instance" % datasetName)
    has_parent = False
        parents = dbsReader.listDatasetParents( datasetName )
        if parents: has_parent=True
        print "Dataset with no parent"

    #traverse each block
    for blockName in blockNames:
        #deal with white and black list.
        if blockBlacklist and blockName in blockBlacklist:
        if blockWhitelist and blockName not in blockWhitelist:
        #existing blocks in phedex
        replicaInfo = phedexReader.getReplicaInfoForBlocks(block = blockName,
                                                           subscribed = 'y')
        blockFiles = dbsReader.listFilesInBlock(blockName, lumis=True)
        #has_parent = dbsReader.listBlockParents(blockName)
        if has_parent:
                blockFileParents = dbsReader.listFilesInBlockWithParents(blockName)
                print blockName,"does not appear to have a parent, even though it should. Very suspicious"
                blockFileParents = dbsReader.listFilesInBlock(blockName)
            blockFileParents = dbsReader.listFilesInBlock(blockName)

        blockLocations = set()
        #load block locations
        if len(replicaInfo["phedex"]["block"]) > 0:
            for replica in replicaInfo["phedex"]["block"][0]["replica"]:
                node = replica["node"]
                cmsSites = siteDB.PNNtoPSN(node)
                if type(cmsSites) != list:
                    cmsSites = [cmsSites]
                for cmsName in cmsSites:
                    se = siteDB.cmsNametoSE(cmsName)
                    logging.debug("cmsName %s mapped to se %s", cmsName, se)
                logging.debug("PhEDEx node %s, cmsSites %s, blockLocations %s", node, cmsSites, blockLocations)

        # We cannot upload docs without location, so force it in case it's empty
        if not blockLocations:
            if fakeLocation:
                logging.info("\t\t %s\tno location", blockName)
                blockLocations.update([u'cmssrmdisk.fnal.gov', u'srm-eoscms.cern.ch'])
            elif not has_parent: ## this should be the source
                logging.info("Blockname: %s\tno location, ABORT", blockName)
        logging.info("Blockname: %s\tLocations: %s", blockName, blockLocations)
        #for each file on the block
        for blockFile in blockFiles:
            parentLFNs = []
            #populate parent information
            if blockFileParents and "ParentList" in blockFileParents[0]:
                for fileParent in blockFileParents[0]["ParentList"]:
            ## remove when https://github.com/dmwm/WMCore/issues/7128 gets fixed
            #elif not 'RAW' in blockName:
            #    print "no parent info"
            runInfo = {}
            #Lumis not included in file
            for lumiSection in blockFile["LumiList"]:
                if runBlacklist and lumiSection["RunNumber"] in runBlacklist:
                if runWhitelist and lumiSection["RunNumber"] not in runWhitelist:

                if lumiSection["RunNumber"] not in runInfo.keys():
                    runInfo[lumiSection["RunNumber"]] = []

            if len(runInfo.keys()) > 0:
                files[blockFile["LogicalFileName"]] = {"runs": runInfo,
                                                       "events": blockFile["NumberOfEvents"],
                                                       "size": blockFile["FileSize"],
                                                       "locations": list(blockLocations),
                                                       "parents": parentLFNs}
    return files
Пример #5
def getFiles(datasetName, runBlacklist, runWhitelist, blockBlacklist,
             blockWhitelist, dbsUrl):

    Get the full information of a dataset including files, blocks, runs and lumis.
    Filter it using run and block white/black lists.

    It can receive and optional DBSUrl.
    dbsReader = DBSReader(endpoint = dbsUrl)
    phedexReader = PhEDEx()
    siteDB = SiteDBJSON()

    files = {}
    outputDatasetParts = datasetName.split("/")
    datasets = dbsReader.matchProcessedDatasets(outputDatasetParts[1],

    if len(datasets) == 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Dataset %s doesn't exist in given DBS instance" % datasetName)

    blockNames = dbsReader.listFileBlocks(datasetName)
    for blockName in blockNames:
        if blockBlacklist and blockName in blockBlacklist:
        if blockWhitelist and blockName not in blockWhitelist:

        replicaInfo = phedexReader.getReplicaInfoForBlocks(block = blockName,
                                                           subscribed = 'y')
        block = dbsReader.listFilesInBlockWithParents(blockName)
        blockLocations = set()
        if len(replicaInfo["phedex"]["block"]) > 0:
            for replica in replicaInfo["phedex"]["block"][0]["replica"]:
                node = replica["node"]
                cmsSites = siteDB.phEDExNodetocmsName(node)
                if type(cmsSites) != list:
                    cmsSites = [cmsSites]
                for cmsName in cmsSites:
        for blockFile in block:
            parentLFNs = []
            for fileParent in blockFile["ParentList"]:
            runInfo = {}
            for lumiSection in blockFile["LumiList"]:
                if runBlacklist and lumiSection["RunNumber"] in runBlacklist:
                if runWhitelist and lumiSection["RunNumber"] not in runWhitelist:

                if lumiSection["RunNumber"] not in runInfo.keys():
                    runInfo[lumiSection["RunNumber"]] = []

            if len(runInfo.keys()) > 0:
                files[blockFile["LogicalFileName"]] = {"runs": runInfo,
                                                       "events": blockFile["NumberOfEvents"],
                                                       "size": blockFile["FileSize"],
                                                       "locations": list(blockLocations),
                                                       "parents": parentLFNs}
    return files
Пример #6
class SiteDBTest(unittest.TestCase):
    Unit tests for SiteScreening module

    def setUp(self):
        Setup for unit tests
        self.mySiteDB = SiteDBJSON()

    def testCmsNametoPhEDExNode(self):
        Tests CmsNametoSE
        target = ['T1_US_FNAL_MSS','T1_US_FNAL_Buffer']
        results = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoPhEDExNode("T1_US_FNAL")
        self.failUnless(sorted(results) == sorted(target))
        target = ['T1_US_FNAL_Disk']
        results = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoPhEDExNode("T1_US_FNAL_Disk")
        self.failUnless(sorted(results) == sorted(target))

    def testCmsNametoSE(self):
        Tests CmsNametoSE
        target = [u'srm-cms-disk.gridpp.rl.ac.uk', u'srm-cms.gridpp.rl.ac.uk']
        results = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoSE("T1_UK_RAL")
        self.failUnless(sorted(results) == sorted(target))

    def testCmsNamePatterntoSE(self):
        Tests CmsNamePatterntoSE
        target = [u'srm-eoscms.cern.ch', u'srm-eoscms.cern.ch', u'storage01.lcg.cscs.ch', u'eoscmsftp.cern.ch']
        results = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoSE("%T2_CH")
        self.failUnless(sorted(results) == sorted(target))

    def testSEtoCmsName(self):
        Tests CmsNametoSE
        target = [u'T1_US_FNAL']
        results = self.mySiteDB.seToCMSName("cmssrm.fnal.gov")
        self.failUnless(results == target)
        target = sorted([u'T2_CH_CERN', u'T2_CH_CERN_HLT'])
        results = sorted(self.mySiteDB.seToCMSName("srm-eoscms.cern.ch"))
        self.failUnless(sorted(results) == sorted(target))
        target = sorted([u'T0_CH_CERN', u'T1_CH_CERN'])
        results = sorted(self.mySiteDB.seToCMSName("srm-cms.cern.ch"))
        self.failUnless(sorted(results) == sorted(target))
        target = sorted([u'T2_CH_CERN_AI'])
        results = sorted(self.mySiteDB.seToCMSName("eoscmsftp.cern.ch"))
        self.failUnless(sorted(results) == sorted(target))

    def testDNUserName(self):
        Tests DN to Username lookup
        testDn = "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=gutsche/CN=582680/CN=Oliver Gutsche"
        testUserName = "******"
        userName = self.mySiteDB.dnUserName(dn=testDn)
        self.failUnless(testUserName == userName)

    def testDNWithApostrophe(self):
        Tests a DN with an apostrophy in - will fail till SiteDB2 appears
        testDn = "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=liviof/CN=472739/CN=Livio Fano'"
        testUserName = "******"
        userName = self.mySiteDB.dnUserName(dn=testDn)
        self.failUnless(testUserName == userName)

    def testSEFinder(self):

        See if we can retrieve seNames from all sites

        seNames = self.mySiteDB.getAllSENames()
        self.assertTrue(len(seNames) > 1)
        self.assertTrue('cmssrm.fnal.gov' in seNames)

    def testPNNtoPSN(self):

        Test converting PhEDEx Node Name to Processing Site Name

        result = self.mySiteDB.PNNtoPSN('T1_US_FNAL_Disk')
        self.failUnless(result == ['T1_US_FNAL'])
        result = self.mySiteDB.PNNtoPSN('T1_US_FNAL_Tape')
        self.failUnless(result == [])
        result = self.mySiteDB.PNNtoPSN('T2_UK_London_IC')
        self.failUnless(result == ['T2_UK_London_IC'])
    def testCMSNametoList(self):
        result = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoList("T1_US*", "SE")
        self.failUnless(result == [u'cmssrm.fnal.gov', u'cmssrmdisk.fnal.gov'])
Пример #7
def getFiles(datasetName, runBlacklist, runWhitelist, blockBlacklist,
             blockWhitelist, dbsUrl):

    Get the full information of a dataset including files, blocks, runs and lumis.
    Filter it using run and block white/black lists.

    It can receive and optional DBSUrl.
    dbsReader = DBSReader(endpoint=dbsUrl)
    phedexReader = PhEDEx()
    siteDB = SiteDBJSON()

    files = {}
    outputDatasetParts = datasetName.split("/")
    print "dataset", datasetName, "parts", outputDatasetParts
        #retrieve list of blocks from dataset
        blockNames = dbsReader.listFileBlocks(datasetName)
        raise RuntimeError("Dataset %s doesn't exist in given DBS instance" %

    #traverse each block
    for blockName in blockNames:
        #deal with white and black list.
        if blockBlacklist and blockName in blockBlacklist:
        if blockWhitelist and blockName not in blockWhitelist:

        #existing blocks in phedex
        replicaInfo = phedexReader.getReplicaInfoForBlocks(block=blockName,
        blockFiles = dbsReader.listFilesInBlock(blockName, lumis=True)

        blockLocations = set()
        #load block locations
        if len(replicaInfo["phedex"]["block"]) > 0:
            for replica in replicaInfo["phedex"]["block"][0]["replica"]:
                node = replica["node"]
                cmsSites = siteDB.phEDExNodetocmsName(node)
                if type(cmsSites) != list:
                    cmsSites = [cmsSites]
                for cmsName in cmsSites:
        #for each file on the block
        for blockFile in blockFiles:
            parentLFNs = []
            #get parent information about file
            blockFileParents = dbsReader.listFilesInBlockWithParents(blockName)
            #populate parent information
            if blockFileParents and "ParentList" in blockFileParents[0]:
                for fileParent in blockFileParents[0]["ParentList"]:
            runInfo = {}
            #Lumis not included in file
            for lumiSection in blockFile["LumiList"]:
                if runBlacklist and lumiSection["RunNumber"] in runBlacklist:
                if runWhitelist and lumiSection[
                        "RunNumber"] not in runWhitelist:

                if lumiSection["RunNumber"] not in runInfo.keys():
                    runInfo[lumiSection["RunNumber"]] = []

            if len(runInfo.keys()) > 0:
                files[blockFile["LogicalFileName"]] = {
                    "runs": runInfo,
                    "events": blockFile["NumberOfEvents"],
                    "size": blockFile["FileSize"],
                    "locations": list(blockLocations),
                    "parents": parentLFNs
    return files
Пример #8
class SiteDBTest(unittest.TestCase):
    Unit tests for SiteScreening module

    def setUp(self):
        Setup for unit tests
        EmulatorHelper.setEmulators(siteDB = True)
        self.mySiteDB = SiteDBJSON()

    def tearDown(self):

    def testCmsNametoPhEDExNode(self):
        Tests CmsNametoSE
        target = ['T1_US_FNAL_MSS','T1_US_FNAL_Buffer']
        results = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoPhEDExNode("T1_US_FNAL")
        self.failUnless(sorted(results) == sorted(target))

    def testPhEDExNodetocmsName(self):
        Tests PhEDExNodetocmsName
        result = self.mySiteDB.phEDExNodetocmsName('T1_US_FNAL_MSS')
        self.failUnless(result == 'T1_US_FNAL')
        result = self.mySiteDB.phEDExNodetocmsName('T1_US_FNAL_Buffer')
        self.failUnless(result == 'T1_US_FNAL')
        result = self.mySiteDB.phEDExNodetocmsName('T2_UK_London_IC')
        self.failUnless(result == 'T2_UK_London_IC')
        # don't check this anymore, see comment in phEDExNodetocmsName function
        #self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.mySiteDB.phEDExNodetocmsName,
        #                  'T9_DOESNT_EXIST_Buffer')

    def testCmsNametoSE(self):
        Tests CmsNametoSE
        target = ['srm-cms.gridpp.rl.ac.uk']
        results = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoSE("T1_UK_RAL")
        self.failUnless(sorted(results) == sorted(target))

    def testSEtoCmsName(self):
        Tests CmsNametoSE
        target = ['T1_US_FNAL']
        results = self.mySiteDB.seToCMSName("cmssrm.fnal.gov")
        self.failUnless(results == target)
        target = sorted(['T2_CH_CERN', 'T2_CH_CERN_HLT'])
        results = sorted(self.mySiteDB.seToCMSName("srm-eoscms.cern.ch"))
        self.failUnless(results == target)

    def testCmsNametoCE(self):
        Tests CmsNametoCE
        target = ['lcgce11.gridpp.rl.ac.uk', 'lcgce10.gridpp.rl.ac.uk',
        results = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoCE("T1_UK_RAL")
        self.failUnless(sorted(results) == sorted(target))

    def testDNUserName(self):
        Tests DN to Username lookup
        testDn = "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=gutsche/CN=582680/CN=Oliver Gutsche"
        testUserName = "******"
        userName = self.mySiteDB.dnUserName(dn=testDn)
        self.failUnless(testUserName == userName)

    def testDNWithApostrophe(self):
        Tests a DN with an apostrophy in - will fail till SiteDB2 appears
        testDn = "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=liviof/CN=472739/CN=Livio Fano'"
        testUserName = "******"
        userName = self.mySiteDB.dnUserName(dn=testDn)
        self.failUnless(testUserName == userName)

    def testSEFinder(self):

        See if we can retrieve seNames from all sites

        seNames = self.mySiteDB.getAllSENames()
        self.assertTrue(len(seNames) > 1)
        self.assertTrue('cmssrm.fnal.gov' in seNames)
Пример #9
class SiteDBTest(unittest.TestCase):
    Unit tests for SiteScreening module
    def setUp(self):
        Setup for unit tests
        self.mySiteDB = SiteDBJSON()

    def testCmsNametoPhEDExNode(self):
        Tests CmsNametoSE
        target = ['T1_US_FNAL_MSS', 'T1_US_FNAL_Buffer']
        results = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoPhEDExNode("T1_US_FNAL")
        self.failUnless(sorted(results) == sorted(target))

    def testPhEDExNodetocmsName(self):
        Tests PhEDExNodetocmsName
        result = self.mySiteDB.phEDExNodetocmsName('T1_US_FNAL_MSS')
        self.failUnless(result == 'T1_US_FNAL')
        result = self.mySiteDB.phEDExNodetocmsName('T1_US_FNAL_Buffer')
        self.failUnless(result == 'T1_US_FNAL')
        result = self.mySiteDB.phEDExNodetocmsName('T2_UK_London_IC')
        self.failUnless(result == 'T2_UK_London_IC')
        # don't check this anymore, see comment in phEDExNodetocmsName function
        #self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.mySiteDB.phEDExNodetocmsName,
        #                  'T9_DOESNT_EXIST_Buffer')

    def testCmsNametoSE(self):
        Tests CmsNametoSE
        target = ['srm-cms.gridpp.rl.ac.uk', 'srm-cms-disk.gridpp.rl.ac.uk']
        results = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoSE("T1_UK_RAL")
        self.failUnless(sorted(results) == sorted(target))

    def testSEtoCmsName(self):
        Tests CmsNametoSE
        target = 'T1_US_FNAL'
        results = self.mySiteDB.seToCMSName("cmssrm.fnal.gov")
        self.failUnless(results == target)

    def testCmsNametoCE(self):
        Tests CmsNametoCE
        target = [
            'lcgce09.gridpp.rl.ac.uk', 'lcgce06.gridpp.rl.ac.uk',
            'lcgce07.gridpp.rl.ac.uk', 'lcgce07.gridpp.rl.ac.uk'
        results = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoCE("T1_UK_RAL")
        self.failUnless(sorted(results) == sorted(target))

    def testJSONParser(self):
        Tests the JSON parser directly
        cmsName = "cmsgrid02.hep.wisc.edu"
        results = self.mySiteDB.getJSON("CEtoCMSName",
        self.failUnless(results['0']['name'] == "T2_US_Wisconsin")

    def testDNUserName(self):
        Tests DN to Username lookup
        testDn = "/C=UK/O=eScience/OU=Bristol/L=IS/CN=simon metson"
        testUserName = "******"
        userName = self.mySiteDB.dnUserName(dn=testDn)
        self.failUnless(testUserName == userName)

    def testDNWithApostrophe(self):
        Tests a DN with an apostrophy in - will fail till SiteDB2 appears
        testDn = "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=liviof/CN=472739/CN=Livio Fano'"
        testUserName = "******"
        userName = self.mySiteDB.dnUserName(dn=testDn)
        self.failUnless(testUserName == userName)

    def testSEFinder(self):

        See if we can retrieve seNames from all sites

        ceNames = self.mySiteDB.getAllSENames()
        self.assertTrue(len(ceNames) > 1)
        self.assertTrue('cmssrm.fnal.gov' in ceNames)

    def testParsingJsonWithApostrophe(self):
        Tests parsing a DN json with an apostrophe in
        json = """{"dn": "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=liviof/CN=472739/CN=Livio Fano'", "user": "******"}"""
        d = self.mySiteDB.parser.dictParser(json)
            "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=liviof/CN=472739/CN=Livio Fano'",

    def testParsingInvalidJsonWithApostrophe(self):
        Tests parsing a DN invalid json (from sitedb v1) with an apostrophe in
        json = """{'dn': '/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=liviof/CN=472739/CN=Livio' Fano', 'user': '******'}"""
        d = self.mySiteDB.parser.dictParser(json)
            "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=liviof/CN=472739/CN=Livio' Fano",
        json = """{'dn': '/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=liviof/CN=472739/CN=Livio Fano'', 'user': '******'}"""
        d = self.mySiteDB.parser.dictParser(json)
            "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=liviof/CN=472739/CN=Livio Fano'",
Пример #10
def getFiles(datasetName, runBlacklist, runWhitelist, blockBlacklist,
             blockWhitelist, dbsUrl):

    Get the full information of a dataset including files, blocks, runs and lumis.
    Filter it using run and block white/black lists.

    It can receive and optional DBSUrl.
    dbsReader = DBSReader(endpoint = dbsUrl)
    phedexReader = PhEDEx()
    siteDB = SiteDBJSON()

    files = {}
    outputDatasetParts = datasetName.split("/")
    print "dataset",datasetName,"parts",outputDatasetParts   
        #retrieve list of blocks from dataset
        blockNames = dbsReader.listFileBlocks(datasetName)
        raise RuntimeError("Dataset %s doesn't exist in given DBS instance" % datasetName)
    #traverse each block
    for blockName in blockNames:
        #deal with white and black list.
        if blockBlacklist and blockName in blockBlacklist:
        if blockWhitelist and blockName not in blockWhitelist:
        #existing blocks in phedex
        replicaInfo = phedexReader.getReplicaInfoForBlocks(block = blockName,
                                                           subscribed = 'y')
        blockFiles = dbsReader.listFilesInBlock(blockName, lumis=True)

        blockLocations = set()
        #load block locations
        if len(replicaInfo["phedex"]["block"]) > 0:
            for replica in replicaInfo["phedex"]["block"][0]["replica"]:
                node = replica["node"]
                cmsSites = siteDB.phEDExNodetocmsName(node)
                if type(cmsSites) != list:
                    cmsSites = [cmsSites]
                for cmsName in cmsSites:
        #for each file on the block
        for blockFile in blockFiles:
            parentLFNs = []
            #get parent information about file
            blockFileParents = dbsReader.listFilesInBlockWithParents(blockName)
            #populate parent information
            if blockFileParents and "ParentList" in blockFileParents[0]:
                for fileParent in blockFileParents[0]["ParentList"]:
            runInfo = {}
            #Lumis not included in file
            for lumiSection in blockFile["LumiList"]:
                if runBlacklist and lumiSection["RunNumber"] in runBlacklist:
                if runWhitelist and lumiSection["RunNumber"] not in runWhitelist:

                if lumiSection["RunNumber"] not in runInfo.keys():
                    runInfo[lumiSection["RunNumber"]] = []

            if len(runInfo.keys()) > 0:
                files[blockFile["LogicalFileName"]] = {"runs": runInfo,
                                                       "events": blockFile["NumberOfEvents"],
                                                       "size": blockFile["FileSize"],
                                                       "locations": list(blockLocations),
                                                       "parents": parentLFNs}
    return files
Пример #11
def getFiles(datasetName, runBlacklist, runWhitelist, blockBlacklist,
             blockWhitelist, dbsUrl):

    Get the full information of a dataset including files, blocks, runs and lumis.
    Filter it using run and block white/black lists.

    It can receive and optional DBSUrl.
    dbsReader = DBSReader(endpoint = dbsUrl)
    phedexReader = PhEDEx()
    siteDB = SiteDBJSON()

    files = {}
    outputDatasetParts = datasetName.split("/")
    datasets = dbsReader.matchProcessedDatasets(outputDatasetParts[1],

    if len(datasets) == 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Dataset %s doesn't exist in given DBS instance" % datasetName)

    blockNames = dbsReader.listFileBlocks(datasetName)
    for blockName in blockNames:
        if blockBlacklist and blockName in blockBlacklist:
        if blockWhitelist and blockName not in blockWhitelist:

        replicaInfo = phedexReader.getReplicaInfoForBlocks(block = blockName,
                                                           subscribed = 'y')
        block = dbsReader.listFilesInBlockWithParents(blockName)
        blockLocations = set()
        if len(replicaInfo["phedex"]["block"]) > 0:
            for replica in replicaInfo["phedex"]["block"][0]["replica"]:
                node = replica["node"]
                cmsSites = siteDB.phEDExNodetocmsName(node)
                if type(cmsSites) != list:
                    cmsSites = [cmsSites]
                for cmsName in cmsSites:
        for blockFile in block:
            parentLFNs = []
            for fileParent in blockFile["ParentList"]:
            runInfo = {}
            for lumiSection in blockFile["LumiList"]:
                if runBlacklist and lumiSection["RunNumber"] in runBlacklist:
                if runWhitelist and lumiSection["RunNumber"] not in runWhitelist:

                if lumiSection["RunNumber"] not in runInfo.keys():
                    runInfo[lumiSection["RunNumber"]] = []

            if len(runInfo.keys()) > 0:
                files[blockFile["LogicalFileName"]] = {"runs": runInfo,
                                                       "events": blockFile["NumberOfEvents"],
                                                       "size": blockFile["FileSize"],
                                                       "locations": list(blockLocations),
                                                       "parents": parentLFNs}
    return files
Пример #12
class SiteDBTest(unittest.TestCase):
    Unit tests for SiteScreening module

    def setUp(self):
        Setup for unit tests
        EmulatorHelper.setEmulators(siteDB = True)
        self.mySiteDB = SiteDBJSON()

    def tearDown(self):

    def testCmsNametoPhEDExNode(self):
        Tests CmsNametoSE
        target = ['T1_US_FNAL_MSS','T1_US_FNAL_Buffer']
        results = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoPhEDExNode("T1_US_FNAL")
        self.failUnless(sorted(results) == sorted(target))

    def testPhEDExNodetocmsName(self):
        Tests PhEDExNodetocmsName
        result = self.mySiteDB.phEDExNodetocmsName('T1_US_FNAL_MSS')
        self.failUnless(result == 'T1_US_FNAL')
        result = self.mySiteDB.phEDExNodetocmsName('T1_US_FNAL_Buffer')
        self.failUnless(result == 'T1_US_FNAL')
        result = self.mySiteDB.phEDExNodetocmsName('T2_UK_London_IC')
        self.failUnless(result == 'T2_UK_London_IC')
        # don't check this anymore, see comment in phEDExNodetocmsName function
        #self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.mySiteDB.phEDExNodetocmsName,
        #                  'T9_DOESNT_EXIST_Buffer')

    def testCmsNametoSE(self):
        Tests CmsNametoSE
        target = ['srm-cms.gridpp.rl.ac.uk']
        results = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoSE("T1_UK_RAL")
        self.failUnless(sorted(results) == sorted(target))

    def testCmsNamePatterntoSE(self):
        Tests CmsNamePatterntoSE
        target = ['T2_XX_SiteA', 'T2_XX_SiteB', 'T2_XX_SiteC']
        results = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoSE("%T2_XX")
        self.failUnless(sorted(results) == sorted(target))

    def testSEtoCmsName(self):
        Tests CmsNametoSE
        target = ['T1_US_FNAL']
        results = self.mySiteDB.seToCMSName("cmssrm.fnal.gov")
        self.failUnless(results == target)
        target = sorted(['T2_CH_CERN', 'T2_CH_CERN_HLT'])
        results = sorted(self.mySiteDB.seToCMSName("srm-eoscms.cern.ch"))
        self.failUnless(results == target)

    def testCmsNametoCE(self):
        Tests CmsNametoCE
        target = ['lcgce11.gridpp.rl.ac.uk', 'lcgce10.gridpp.rl.ac.uk',
        results = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoCE("T1_UK_RAL")
        self.failUnless(sorted(results) == sorted(target))

    def testCmsNamePatterntoCE(self):
        Tests CmsNamePatterntoCE
        target = ['T2_XX_SiteA', 'T2_XX_SiteB', 'T2_XX_SiteC']
        results = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoCE("%T2_XX")
        self.failUnless(sorted(results) == sorted(target))

    def testDNUserName(self):
        Tests DN to Username lookup
        testDn = "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=gutsche/CN=582680/CN=Oliver Gutsche"
        testUserName = "******"
        userName = self.mySiteDB.dnUserName(dn=testDn)
        self.failUnless(testUserName == userName)

    def testDNWithApostrophe(self):
        Tests a DN with an apostrophy in - will fail till SiteDB2 appears
        testDn = "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=liviof/CN=472739/CN=Livio Fano'"
        testUserName = "******"
        userName = self.mySiteDB.dnUserName(dn=testDn)
        self.failUnless(testUserName == userName)

    def testSEFinder(self):

        See if we can retrieve seNames from all sites

        seNames = self.mySiteDB.getAllSENames()
        self.assertTrue(len(seNames) > 1)
        self.assertTrue('cmssrm.fnal.gov' in seNames)