Пример #1
  def poll(self, source):
    activities = source.get_activities(group_id=as_source.SELF, fetch_likes=True)
    resps = ndb.get_multi(ndb.Key('Response', util.trim_nulls(a['id']))
                          for a in activities)
    resps = {r.key.id(): r for r in resps if r}

    for activity in activities:
      obj = activity.get('object', {})

      # have we already posted or started on this response?
      resp = resps.get(activity['id'])
      mf2 = microformats2.object_to_json(activity)
      mf2_props = microformats2.first_props(mf2.get('properties', {}))
      type = as_source.object_type(activity)

      if mf2_props.get('in-reply-to'):
        type = 'comment'  # twitter reply
      if type not in TYPES or (resp and resp.status == 'complete'):
      elif resp:
        logging.info('Retrying %s', resp)
        resp = Response.get_or_insert(activity['id'],
        logging.info('Created new Response: %s', resp)

      base_id = source.base_object(activity)['id']
      base = source.get_activities(activity_id=base_id)[0]

      # make micropub call to create post
      # http://indiewebcamp.com/micropub
      # include access token in both header and post body for compatibility
      # with servers that only support one or the other (for whatever reason).
      headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + MICROPUB_ACCESS_TOKEN}
      data = mf2_props
        'access_token': MICROPUB_ACCESS_TOKEN,
        'h': 'entry',
        'category[]': CATEGORIES.get(type),
        'content': self.render(source, activity, base),
        'name': base.get('content') or base.get('object', {}).get('content')
      for prop in 'url', 'author':
        if prop in data:
          del data[prop]

      result = self.urlopen(MICROPUB_ENDPOINT, headers=headers,

      resp.post_url = result.info().get('Location')
      logging.info('Created new post: %s', resp.post_url)
      resp.response_body = result.read()
      logging.info('Response body: %s', resp.response_body)

      resp.status = 'complete'
Пример #2
  def render(source, activity, base):
    obj = activity.get('object') or activity
    content = microformats2.render_content(obj)
    embed = source.embed_post(base)

    type = as_source.object_type(activity)
    content = activity.get('content', '')
    if type == 'share' and not content:
      content = 'retweeted this.'

    rendered = embed + content if type == 'comment' else content + embed

    mf2_class = {'like': 'u-like-of',
                 'share': 'u-repost-of',
                 }.get(type, 'in-reply-to')
    url = base.get('url')
    rendered += '\n<a class="%s" href="%s"></a>' % (mf2_class, url)

    return rendered