Пример #1
def fpggdbpublications2models():
    db = 'publications'

    con = MySQLdb.connect(SN_DBSERVER, SN_DBUSER, SN_DBPW, SN_DBNAME, use_unicode=True, charset='utf8')
    c = con.cursor()

    #extract project
    c.execute("""SELECT id,title,date FROM fpgg_publication""")
    projects = c.fetchall()
    t = a = ""

    for project in projects:
        i, t, a = project
        #p, created = Instance.objects.using(db).get_or_create(id=i, title=t.encode("utf-8"), abstract=a.encode("utf-8"))
        p, created = Instance.objects.using(db).get_or_create(id=i, title=t, year=a.year)

        # extract concepts
#        if p.abstract:
#            concepts = extract_concepts(p.abstract)
#            create_CI_from_I(p, concepts, db)
        c.execute("""select fpgg_tag_id from fpgg_publication_tag where fpgg_publication_id = %s""", i)
        concept_ids = c.fetchall()
        for concept_id in concept_ids:
            c.execute("""select name from fpgg_tag where id = %s""", concept_id)
            concept_name = c.fetch_row()
            concept, created = Concept.objects.using(db).\
                get_or_create(id=concept_id, name=concept_name)
            if created: logging.debug("Created C: " + concept.__unicode__())
            weight = 1
            pconcept, created = InstanceConcept.objects.using(db).\
                get_or_create(instance=p, concept=concept, weight=weight)
            if created: 
                    logging.debug("Created CI: %s" % pconcept)
        generate_CCp(p, db)

        #extract actors
        c.execute("""select id, fpgg_user_id, fpgg_publication_id from fpgg_user_publication where fpgg_publication_id=%s""", i)
        projectactors = c.fetchall()
        if projectactors:
            weight = 1.0 / len(projectactors)
            f = l = ""
            for projectactor in projectactors:
                c.execute("""select id,first_name,last_name from fpgg_user where id=%s""", projectactor[1])
                actor = c.fetchone()
                i, f, l = actor
#                a, created = Actor.objects.using(db).get_or_create(id=i, name=f.encode("utf-8") + ' ' + l.encode("utf-8"))
                a, created = Actor.objects.using(db).get_or_create(id=i, name=f + ' ' + l)
    #            print "actor %s created" % actor[1]

                pa, created = InstanceActor.objects.using(db).get_or_create(id=projectactor[0], actor=a, instance=p, weight=weight)

                create_AAp_from_I_A(a, p, db)
                create_AC_from_A_I(a, p, db)
                create_CCa_from_A_I(a, p, db)
                create_AAc_from_A_I(a, p, db)

Пример #2
    def create(self, request, db):
        Example JSON as POST body:
            'title':'Enrichment of Affiliation Networks...',
            'abstract':'As a result of the Linking Open Data project...'
            'year': 2010
            409 Conflict/Duplicate
            201 Created
            400 Bad Request
        @TODO: create concepts, create broaders
        if db == 'projects': db = 'default'
        elif db != 'publications':
            resp = rc.BAD_REQUEST
            resp.write(" No database specified")
            return resp
        attrs = self.flatten_dict(request.POST)
        if request.content_type:
                data = request.data
            except AttributeError:
                attrs = data
        if 'id' not in attrs or 'title' not in attrs:
            resp = rc.BAD_REQUEST
            resp.write(" Missing id or title")
            return resp
        elif self.model.objects.using(db).filter(id=attrs['id']):
            return rc.DUPLICATE_ENTRY
                p = self.model(id=int(attrs['id']),
                           year=attrs.get('year', None),
                           abstract=attrs.get('abstract', None))

#            p = self.model(**attrs)
                logging.debug("created I: " + p.__unicode__())
            except IntegrityError:
                return rc.DUPLICATE_ENTRY
                if db == 'default' and p.abstract:
                    concepts = extract_concepts(p.abstract)
                    create_CI_from_I(p, concepts, db)
                    generate_CCp(p, db)

            # search broaders
            # update CCb

                return rc.CREATED
Пример #3
def fpggdb2models():
    db = 'default'

    con = MySQLdb.connect(SN_DBSERVER, SN_DBUSER, SN_DBPW, SN_DBNAME, use_unicode=True, charset='utf8')
    c = con.cursor()

    #extract project
    c.execute("""SELECT id,name,abstract FROM fpgg_project""")
    projects = c.fetchall()
    t = a = ""

    for project in projects:
        i, t, a = project
        #p, created = Instance.objects.using(db).get_or_create(id=i, title=t.encode("utf-8"), abstract=a.encode("utf-8"))
        p, created = Instance.objects.using(db).get_or_create(id=i, title=t, abstract=a)

        # extract concepts
        if p.abstract:
            concepts = extract_concepts(p.abstract)
            create_CI_from_I(p, concepts, db)
            generate_CCp(p, db)

        #extract actors
        c.execute("""select  id,fpgg_user_id, fpgg_project_id from fpgg_project_user where fpgg_project_id=%s""", i)
        projectactors = c.fetchall()
        if projectactors:
            weight = 1.0 / len(projectactors)
            f = l = ""
            for projectactor in projectactors:
                c.execute("""select id,first_name,last_name from fpgg_user where id=%s""", projectactor[1])
                actor = c.fetchone()
                i, f, l = actor
#                a, created = Actor.objects.using(db).get_or_create(id=i, name=f.encode("utf-8") + ' ' + l.encode("utf-8"))
                a, created = Actor.objects.using(db).get_or_create(id=i, name=f + ' ' + l)