Пример #1
    def init_agents(self):
        Initialise the n_agents_arrival agents

        The simulation starts with two agents (with a total population of 40 individuals) settling in proximity to
            Anakena Beach in the North part of the island in the year t_0 = 800 A.D., following [Bahn2017].
        We assume, they erect a settlement nearby within radius moving_radius_arrival
        for i in range(self.n_agents_arrival):
            # Arrival point is at Anakena Beach
            x, y = self.map.midpoints_map[self.map.anakena_ind_map]
            # Create an agent, x,y are at Anakena Beach, population p is the initial population over the initial agents
            ag = Agent(self, x, y, int(self.p_arrival / self.n_agents_arrival))
            ag.cell = self.map.anakena_ind_map
            ag.cell_all = self.map.anakena_ind

            # For storage purposes:
            # Increase agent number in the cell of Anakena Beach by 1
            # self.map.agNr_c[ag.cell] += 1
            # Increase population size in the cell of Anakena Beach by the agent's population p
            self.map.pop_cell[ag.cell] += ag.p

            # increase the running agent indices (including dead agents)
            self.max_agent_index += 1

            # Move the agent to a new location, within the radius specified by moving_radius_arrival around anakena

            # Update tree preference and consequently resource requirements

            # Add agent to schedule (list of agents)
Пример #2
 def _play(self, agent: Agent) -> str:
     move = agent.move(self._field)
     result = self._field.move(*move, agent)
     return result