def test_syntax_error_for_scenarios_with_no_name(): ("Trying to parse features with unnamed " "scenarios will cause a syntax error") with pytest.raises(AloeSyntaxError) as error: Feature.from_string(FEATURE20) assert str(error.value) == ("Syntax error at: None\n" "3:5 Scenario must have a name")
def test_syntax_error_for_scenarios_with_no_name(): ("Trying to parse features with unnamed " "scenarios will cause a syntax error") with assert_raises(AloeSyntaxError) as error: Feature.from_string(FEATURE20) assert_equal(error.exception.msg, "Syntax error at: None\n" "3:5 Scenario must have a name")
def test_syntax_error_for_scenarios_with_no_name(): ("Trying to parse features with unnamed " "scenarios will cause a syntax error") with assert_raises(LettuceSyntaxError) as error: Feature.from_string(FEATURE20) assert error.exception.msg == \ 'Syntax error at: None\n' \ '3:5 Scenario must have a name'
def test_feature_max_length_on_scenario_outline_keys(): """ The max length of a feature considering when the table keys of the scenario oulines are longer than the remaining things """ feature1 = Feature.from_string(FEATURE8) feature2 = Feature.from_string(FEATURE9) assert_equal(feature1.max_length, 68) assert_equal(feature2.max_length, 68)
def test_syntax_error_malformed_feature(): """Parsing a malformed feature causes a syntax error.""" with assert_raises(AloeSyntaxError) as error: Feature.from_string(""" PARSE ERROR """) # pylint:disable=line-too-long assert_equal(error.exception.msg, '\n'.join(( "Syntax error at: None", "Parser errors:", "(2:1): expected: #EOF, #Language, #TagLine, #FeatureLine, #Comment, #Empty, got 'PARSE ERROR'", )))
def test_syntax_error_malformed_feature(): """Parsing a malformed feature causes a syntax error.""" with pytest.raises(AloeSyntaxError) as error: Feature.from_string(""" PARSE ERROR """) # pylint:disable=line-too-long assert str(error.value) == "\n".join(( "Syntax error at: None", "Parser errors:", "(2:1): expected: #EOF, #Language, #TagLine, #FeatureLine, #Comment, #Empty, got 'PARSE ERROR'", ))
def test_outline_steps(): """Test steps that are part of an outline.""" feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE6) # Steps that are a part of an outline have a reference back to the outline for outline, steps in feature.scenarios[0].evaluated: for step in steps: assert_equal(step.outline, outline) feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE1) # Steps that are not a part of an outline don't have the outline reference for outline, steps in feature.scenarios[0].evaluated: for step in steps: assert_equal(step, outline, None)
def from_file(cls, file_): """ Construct a test class from a feature file. """ feature = Feature.from_file( file_, parser_class=TestGherkin, ) background = cls.make_background(feature.background) scenarios = [ cls.make_scenario(scenario, i + 1) for i, scenario in enumerate(feature.scenarios) ] before_feature, after_feature = \ CALLBACK_REGISTRY.before_after('feature') members = { 'feature': feature, 'background': background, 'before_feature': staticmethod(before_feature), 'after_feature': staticmethod(after_feature), } members.update({ scenario.__name__: scenario for scenario in scenarios }) class_name = always_str( return type(class_name, (cls,), members)
def from_file(cls, file_): """ Construct a test class from a feature file. """ feature = Feature.from_file( file_, parser_class=TestGherkin, ) background = cls.make_background(feature.background) scenarios = [ cls.make_scenario(scenario, i + 1) for i, scenario in enumerate(feature.scenarios) ] before_feature, after_feature = \ CALLBACK_REGISTRY.before_after('feature') members = { 'feature': feature, 'background': background, 'before_feature': staticmethod(before_feature), 'after_feature': staticmethod(after_feature), } members.update({scenario.__name__: scenario for scenario in scenarios}) class_name = always_str( return type(class_name, (cls, ), members)
def test_feature_ptbr_from_string(): """ Language: PT-BR -> Feature.from_string """ feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE, language="pt-br") assert == "Pesquisar alunos com matrícula vencida" assert feature.description == ( "Como gerente financeiro\n" "Eu quero pesquisar alunos com matrícula vencida\n" "Para propor um financiamento") (scenario, ) = feature.scenarios assert == "Pesquisar por nome do curso" assert scenario.steps[-1].hashes == ( { "nome": "João", "valor devido": "R$ 512,66" }, { "nome": "Maria", "valor devido": "R$ 998,41" }, { "nome": "Ana", "valor devido": "R$ 231,00" }, )
def test_background_parsing_without_mmf(): """Test background parsing without description.""" feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE17) assert feature.description == "" assert isinstance(feature.background, Background) assert feature.background.steps assert len(feature.background.steps) == 2 step1, step2 = feature.background.steps assert step1.sentence == "Given I have the following movies in my database:" assert step1.hashes == ( { "Available": "6", "Rating": "4 stars", "Name": "Matrix Revolutions", "New": "no", }, { "Available": "11", "Rating": "5 stars", "Name": "Iron Man 2", "New": "yes" }, ) assert step1.table == ( ("Name", "Rating", "New", "Available"), ("Matrix Revolutions", "4 stars", "no", "6"), ("Iron Man 2", "5 stars", "yes", "11"), ) assert step2.sentence == "And the following clients:" assert step2.hashes == ({"Name": "John Doe"}, {"Name": "Foo Bar"}) assert step2.table == (("Name", ), ("John Doe", ), ("Foo Bar", ))
def test_background_parsing_with_mmf(): """Test background parsing with description.""" feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE16) assert (feature.description == "As a rental store owner\n" "I want to keep track of my clients\n" "So that I can manage my business better") assert isinstance(feature.background, Background) assert feature.background.steps assert len(feature.background.steps) == 2 step1, step2 = feature.background.steps assert step1.sentence == "Given I have the following movies in my database:" assert step1.hashes == ( { "Available": "6", "Rating": "4 stars", "Name": "Matrix Revolutions", "New": "no", }, { "Available": "11", "Rating": "5 stars", "Name": "Iron Man 2", "New": "yes" }, ) assert step2.sentence == "And the following clients:" assert step2.hashes == ({"Name": "John Doe"}, {"Name": "Foo Bar"})
def test_scenario_outlines_within_feature(): """ Solving scenario outlines within a feature """ feature = Feature.from_string(OUTLINED_FEATURE) scenario = feature.scenarios[0] solved = solved_steps(scenario) assert len(solved) == 12 expected_sentences = [ "Given I have entered 20 into the calculator", "And I have entered 30 into the calculator", "When I press add", "Then the result should be 50 on the screen", "Given I have entered 2 into the calculator", "And I have entered 5 into the calculator", "When I press add", "Then the result should be 7 on the screen", "Given I have entered 0 into the calculator", "And I have entered 40 into the calculator", "When I press add", "Then the result should be 40 on the screen", ] for step, expected in zip(solved, expected_sentences): assert type(step) == Step assert step.sentence == expected
def test_scenarios_with_special_characters(): "Make sure that regex special characters in the scenario names are ignored" feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE19) assert feature.scenarios[0].tags == ['runme1'] assert feature.scenarios[1].tags == ['runme2']
def test_feature_ptbr_from_string(): """ Language: PT-BR -> Feature.from_string """ feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE, language='pt-br') assert_equal(, u'Pesquisar alunos com matrícula vencida') assert_equal( feature.description, u"Como gerente financeiro\n" u"Eu quero pesquisar alunos com matrícula vencida\n" u"Para propor um financiamento") (scenario, ) = feature.scenarios assert_equal(, 'Pesquisar por nome do curso') assert_equal(scenario.steps[-1].hashes, ( { 'nome': u'João', u'valor devido': 'R$ 512,66' }, { 'nome': u'Maria', u'valor devido': 'R$ 998,41' }, { 'nome': u'Ana', u'valor devido': 'R$ 231,00' }, ))
def test_feature_first_scenario_tags_extraction(): ("A feature object should be able to find the tags " "belonging to the first scenario") feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE23) assert feature.scenarios[0].tags == \ ['onetag', 'another', '$%^&even-weird_chars']
def test_feature_first_scenario_tags_extraction(): ("A feature object should be able to find the tags " "belonging to the first scenario") feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE23) assert feature.scenarios[0].tags == \ ('onetag', 'another', '$%^&even-weird_chars')
def test_feature_ru_from_string(): """ Language: RU -> Feature.from_string """ feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE, language='ru') assert_equal(, u'Деление чисел' ) assert_equal( feature.description, u"Поскольку деление сложный процесс и люди часто допускают ошибки\n" u"Нужно дать им возможность делить на калькуляторе" ) (scenario, ) = feature.scenarios assert_equal(, u'Целочисленное деление' ) assert_equal( scenario.steps[-1].hashes, ( {u'делимое': '100', u'делитель': '2', u'частное': '50'}, {u'делимое': '28', u'делитель': '7', u'частное': '4'}, {u'делимое': '0', u'делитель': '5', u'частное': '0'}, ) )
def test_feature_fr_from_string2(): """ Language: FR -> Feature.from_string, alternate name """ lang = Language("fr") feature = Feature.from_string(OUTLINED_FEATURE2, language=lang) assert_equal(, "Faire plusieur choses en même temps") assert_equal( feature.description, "De façon à automatiser les tests\n" "En tant que fainéant\n" "J'utilise les plans de scénario", ) (scenario,) = feature.scenarios assert_equal(, "Ajouter 2 nombres") assert_equal( scenario.outlines, [ {"input_1": "20", "input_2": "30", "bouton": "add", "output": "50"}, {"input_1": "2", "input_2": "5", "bouton": "add", "output": "7"}, {"input_1": "0", "input_2": "40", "bouton": "add", "output": "40"}, ], )
def test_can_parse_feature_description(): """ A feature object should have a description """ feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE2) assert_equal( feature.description, "In order to avoid silly mistakes\n" "Cashiers must be able to calculate a fraction" ) expected_scenario_names = ["Regular numbers"] got_scenario_names = [ for s in feature.scenarios] assert_equal(expected_scenario_names, got_scenario_names) assert_equal(len(feature.scenarios[0].steps), 4) step1, step2, step3, step4 = feature.scenarios[0].steps assert_equal(step1.sentence, 'Given I have entered 3 into the calculator') assert_equal(step2.sentence, 'And I have entered 2 into the calculator') assert_equal(step3.sentence, 'When I press divide') assert_equal(step4.sentence, 'Then the result should be 1.5 on the screen')
def test_scenarios_parsed_by_feature_has_feature(): "Scenarios parsed by features has feature" feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE2) for scenario in feature.scenarios: assert_equal(scenario.feature, feature)
def test_scenario_outlines_within_feature(): """ Solving scenario outlines within a feature """ feature = Feature.from_string(OUTLINED_FEATURE) scenario = feature.scenarios[0] solved = solved_steps(scenario) assert_equal(len(solved), 12) expected_sentences = [ 'Given I have entered 20 into the calculator', 'And I have entered 30 into the calculator', 'When I press add', 'Then the result should be 50 on the screen', 'Given I have entered 2 into the calculator', 'And I have entered 5 into the calculator', 'When I press add', 'Then the result should be 7 on the screen', 'Given I have entered 0 into the calculator', 'And I have entered 40 into the calculator', 'When I press add', 'Then the result should be 40 on the screen', ] for step, expected in zip(solved, expected_sentences): assert_equal(type(step), Step) assert_equal(step.sentence, expected)
def test_feature_ptbr_from_string(): """ Language: PT-BR -> Feature.from_string """ ptbr = Language('pt-br') feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE, language=ptbr) assert_equal(, u'Pesquisar alunos com matrícula vencida' ) assert_equal( feature.description, u"Como gerente financeiro\n" u"Eu quero pesquisar alunos com matrícula vencida\n" u"Para propor um financiamento" ) (scenario, ) = feature.scenarios assert_equal(, 'Pesquisar por nome do curso' ) assert_equal( scenario.steps[-1].hashes, [ {'nome': u'João', u'valor devido': 'R$ 512,66'}, {'nome': u'Maria', u'valor devido': 'R$ 998,41'}, {'nome': u'Ana', u'valor devido': 'R$ 231,00'}, ] )
def test_scenarios_with_special_characters(): "Make sure that regex special characters in the scenario names are ignored" feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE19) assert feature.scenarios[0].tags == ('runme1',) assert feature.scenarios[1].tags == ('runme2',)
def test_feature_max_length_on_feature_name(): """ The max length of a feature considering when the name of the feature is longer than the remaining things """ feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE3) assert_equal(feature.max_length, 78)
def test_feature_max_length_on_feature_description(): """ The max length of a feature considering when one of the description lines of the feature is longer than the remaining things """ feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE2) assert_equal(feature.max_length, 47)
def test_feature_max_length_on_scenario(): """ The max length of a feature considering when the scenario is longer than the remaining things """ feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE1) assert_equal(feature.max_length, 76)
def test_feature_max_length_on_scenario_outline(): """ The max length of a feature considering when the table of some of the scenario oulines is longer than the remaining things """ feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE6) assert_equal(feature.max_length, 79)
def test_description_on_long_named_feature(): "Can parse the description on long named features" feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE3) assert_equal( feature.description, "In order to describe my features\n" "I want to add description on them", )
def test_feature_max_length_on_step_with_table(): """ The max length of a feature considering when the table of some of the steps is longer than the remaining things """ feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE5) assert feature.max_length == 83
def test_comments(): """ It should ignore lines that start with #, despite white spaces """ feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE10) assert_equal(feature.max_length, 55)
def test_feature_max_length_on_step_with_table_keys(): """ The max length of a feature considering when the table keys of some of the steps are longer than the remaining things """ feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE7) assert_equal(feature.max_length, 74)
def test_single_scenario_single_scenario(): "Features should have at least the first scenario parsed with tags" feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE11) first_scenario = feature.scenarios[0] assert_equal(first_scenario.tags, ('many', 'other', 'basic', 'tags', 'here', ':)'))
def test_feature_max_length_on_step_sentence(): """ The max length of a feature considering when the some of the step sentences is longer than the remaining things """ feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE4) assert_equal(feature.max_length, 55)
def test_single_scenario_single_scenario(): "Features should have at least the first scenario parsed with tags" feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE11) first_scenario = feature.scenarios[0] assert first_scenario.tags == ("many", "other", "basic", "tags", "here", ":)")
def parse_scenario(string, language=None): """Parse a scenario, prefixing it with a feature header.""" feature = u""" Функция: parse_scenario """ feature += string feature = Feature.from_string(feature, language=language) return feature.scenarios[0]
def test_syntax_error_malformed_feature_from_file(): """Parsing a malformed feature in a filecauses a syntax error.""" with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as feature_file: feature_file.write(b""" PARSE ERROR """) feature_file.flush() with assert_raises(AloeSyntaxError) as error: Feature.from_file( # pylint:disable=line-too-long assert_equal(error.exception.msg, '\n'.join(( "Syntax error at: {filename}", "Parser errors:", "(2:1): expected: #EOF, #Language, #TagLine, #FeatureLine, #Comment, #Empty, got 'PARSE ERROR'", )).format(
def test_description_on_big_sentenced_steps(): "Can parse the description on long sentenced steps" feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE4) assert_equal( feature.description, "As a clever guy\n" "I want to describe this Feature\n" "So that I can take care of my Scenario", )
def test_single_feature_single_tag(): "All scenarios within a feature inherit the feature's tags" feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE18) assert feature.scenarios[0].tags == ['runme1', 'feature_runme'] assert feature.scenarios[1].tags == ['runme2', 'feature_runme'] assert feature.scenarios[2].tags == ['runme3', 'feature_runme']
def parse_scenario(string, language=None): """Parse a scenario, prefixing it with a feature header.""" feature_str = u""" Функция: parse_scenario """ feature_str += string feature = Feature.from_string(feature_str, language=language) return feature.scenarios[0]
def test_single_scenario_single_scenario(): "Features should have at least the first scenario parsed with tags" feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE11) first_scenario = feature.scenarios[0] assert_equal(first_scenario.tags, ( 'many', 'other', 'basic', 'tags', 'here', ':)' ))
def test_single_feature_single_tag(): "All scenarios within a feature inherit the feature's tags" feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE18) assert feature.scenarios[0].tags == ('runme1', 'feature_runme') assert feature.scenarios[1].tags == ('runme2', 'feature_runme') assert feature.scenarios[2].tags == ('runme3', 'feature_runme')
def parse_steps(step): """Parse a step, prefixing it with a feature and a scenario header.""" feature = """ Feature: parse a step Scenario: parse a single step """ feature += step return Feature.from_string(feature).scenarios[0].steps
def parse_scenario(string, language=None): """Parse a scenario, prefixing it with a feature header.""" feature = """ Funcionalidade: parse_scenario """ feature += string feature = Feature.from_string(feature, language=language) return feature.scenarios[0]
def test_scenario_has_name(): """ It should extract the name string from the scenario """ feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE1) assert isinstance(feature, Feature) assert == "Rent movies"
def test_scenario_post_email(): ("Having a scenario which the body has an email address; " "Then the following scenario should have no " "tags related to the email") feature = Feature.from_string(FEATURE21) scenario1, scenario2 = feature.scenarios assert scenario1.tags == () assert scenario2.tags == ('tag',)