Пример #1
	def visitCall(self, node):
		func = tools.singleCall(node)
		if func is not None:
			result = ast.DirectCall(func, node.expr, node.args, node.kwds, node.vargs, node.kargs)
			result.annotation = node.annotation
			return self(result)

		return node
Пример #2
    def visitCall(self, node):
        func = tools.singleCall(node)
        if func is not None:
            result = ast.DirectCall(func, node.expr, node.args, node.kwds,
                                    node.vargs, node.kargs)
            result.annotation = node.annotation
            return self(result)

        return node
Пример #3
	def visitMethodCall(self, node):
		func = tools.singleCall(node)
		if func is not None:
			funcobj = self.getMethodFunction(node.expr, node.name)

			# TODO deal with single call / multiple function object case?
			if not funcobj: return node

			newargs = [node.expr]
			result = ast.DirectCall(func, funcobj, newargs, node.kwds, node.vargs, node.kargs)
			result.annotation = node.annotation
			return self(result)
		return node
Пример #4
    def visitMethodCall(self, node):
        func = tools.singleCall(node)
        if func is not None:
            funcobj = self.getMethodFunction(node.expr, node.name)

            # TODO deal with single call / multiple function object case?
            if not funcobj: return node

            newargs = [node.expr]
            result = ast.DirectCall(func, funcobj, newargs, node.kwds,
                                    node.vargs, node.kargs)
            result.annotation = node.annotation
            return self(result)
        return node
Пример #5
	def visitDirectCall(self, node):
		tempresult = self.default(node)

		invokes = tempresult.annotation.invokes
		assert invokes is not None, "All invocations must be resolved to clone."

		if invokes[0]:
			# We do this computation after transfer, as it can reduce the number of invocations.
			func = tools.singleCall(tempresult)
			if not func:
				names = tuple(set([code.name for code, context in invokes[0]]))
				raise Exception, "Cannot clone the direct call in %r, as it has multiple targets. %r" % (self.code, names)
			# This op is never actually executed, so we can't determine the target.
			# Set the target to "None", as the op should be subsequently eliminated.
			func = None

		result = ast.DirectCall(func, *tempresult.children()[1:])
		self.transferAnalysisData(node, result)

		return result
Пример #6
    def visitDirectCall(self, node):
        tempresult = self.default(node)

        invokes = tempresult.annotation.invokes
        assert invokes is not None, "All invocations must be resolved to clone."

        if invokes[0]:
            # We do this computation after transfer, as it can reduce the number of invocations.
            func = tools.singleCall(tempresult)
            if not func:
                names = tuple(set([code.name for code, context in invokes[0]]))
                raise Exception, "Cannot clone the direct call in %r, as it has multiple targets. %r" % (
                    self.code, names)
            # This op is never actually executed, so we can't determine the target.
            # Set the target to "None", as the op should be subsequently eliminated.
            func = None

        result = ast.DirectCall(func, *tempresult.children()[1:])
        self.transferAnalysisData(node, result)

        return result