Пример #1
 def test_render(self):
   rendered = weatherrenderer.render(w_string)
   expected = ("35F(~33). M: Most cloudy w s-showers, s-showers/rain in "
               "the afternoon. H 39F, wchill 21F. E: Most cloudy w "
               "s-showers, ocast w s-showers. L 23F, wchill 16F.")
   self.assertEqual(expected, rendered)
Пример #2
    def test_render(self):
        rendered = weatherrenderer.render(w_string)
        expected = ("35F(~33). M: Most cloudy w s-showers, s-showers/rain in "
                    "the afternoon. H 39F, wchill 21F. E: Most cloudy w "
                    "s-showers, ocast w s-showers. L 23F, wchill 16F.")

        self.assertEqual(expected, rendered)
Пример #3
    def respond(self, request):
        logging.info("weather responder is looking at the query: " +
        if (request.query.lower().strip() == "w"
                or request.query.lower().strip() == "weather"):
            wunder_response = wundergroundclient.query(request.zip_code)
            j_resp = json.loads(wunder_response)

            temp_f = j_resp["current_observation"]["temp_f"]
            temp_f = int(round(temp_f))
            response = "%dF" % temp_f

            feelslike_f = j_resp["current_observation"]["feelslike_f"]
            response += "(~%s). " % feelslike_f

            forcasts = j_resp["forecast"]["txt_forecast"]["forecastday"]
            morning_forcast_sentences = forcasts[0]["fcttext"].split('.')
            morning_forcast = morning_forcast_sentences[0].strip(
            ) + '. ' + morning_forcast_sentences[1].strip()

            #either the 2nd or 3rd sentence contains the hi or low for the day, we want this
            if (not self.hasHiLoTemp(morning_forcast_sentences[1])):
                morning_forcast += ' ' + morning_forcast_sentences[2].strip(
                ) + '. '
                morning_forcast += '. '

            response = response + 'M: ' + morning_forcast

            evening_forcast_sentences = forcasts[1]["fcttext"].split('.')
            evening_forcast = evening_forcast_sentences[0].strip(
            ) + '. ' + evening_forcast_sentences[1].strip()

            ##either the 2nd or 3rd sentence contains the hi or low for the day, we want this
            if (not self.hasHiLoTemp(evening_forcast_sentences[1])):
                evening_forcast += ' ' + evening_forcast_sentences[2].strip(
                ) + '. '
                evening_forcast += '. '

            response = response + 'E: ' + evening_forcast

            response = weatherrenderer.render(response.strip())
            logging.info("Response from weather responder: " + response)
            return SimpleSmsResponse(response)
Пример #4
  def respond(self, request):
    logging.info("weather responder is looking at the query: " + request.query.lower())
    if (request.query.lower().strip() == "w" or request.query.lower().strip() == "weather"):
      wunder_response = wundergroundclient.query(request.zip_code)
      j_resp = json.loads(wunder_response)
      temp_f = j_resp["current_observation"]["temp_f"]
      temp_f = int(round(temp_f))
      response = "%dF" % temp_f

      feelslike_f = j_resp["current_observation"]["feelslike_f"]
      response += "(~%s). " % feelslike_f

      forcasts = j_resp["forecast"]["txt_forecast"]["forecastday"]
      morning_forcast_sentences = forcasts[0]["fcttext"].split('.')
      morning_forcast = morning_forcast_sentences[0].strip() + '. ' + morning_forcast_sentences[1].strip()

      #either the 2nd or 3rd sentence contains the hi or low for the day, we want this
      if (not self.hasHiLoTemp(morning_forcast_sentences[1])):
        morning_forcast += ' ' + morning_forcast_sentences[2].strip() + '. '
        morning_forcast += '. '

      response = response + 'M: ' + morning_forcast

      evening_forcast_sentences = forcasts[1]["fcttext"].split('.')
      evening_forcast = evening_forcast_sentences[0].strip() + '. ' + evening_forcast_sentences[1].strip()

      ##either the 2nd or 3rd sentence contains the hi or low for the day, we want this
      if (not self.hasHiLoTemp(evening_forcast_sentences[1])):
        evening_forcast += ' ' + evening_forcast_sentences[2].strip() + '. '
        evening_forcast += '. '

      response = response + 'E: ' + evening_forcast

      response = weatherrenderer.render(response.strip())
      logging.info("Response from weather responder: " + response)
      return SimpleSmsResponse(response)